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Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 145 - 150, 28.09.2018



  • 1. Dinca M, Fries W, Luisetto G et al. Evolution of osteopenia in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:1292-7
  • 2. Aydıngöz Ö. Sırt ve Göğüs Bölgeleri Biyomekaniği. İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı Mezuniyet Sonrası TıpEğitimi Etkinlikleri 1. Sırt ve Göğüs Ağrıları Sempozyumu Program ve Özet Kitabı. İstanbul, 2001; 13-18
  • 3. Bernstein CN, Blanchard JF, Leslie W, et al.. The incidence of fracture among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A population-based cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133:795–799
  • 4. Bayraktar M. Epidemiyoloji ve Klinik. Yılmaz C (Ed). Tüm Yönleriyle Osteoporoz. Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, Ankara, 1997; 51-66
  • 5. Robinson RJ, al Azzawi F, Iqbal SJ, et al. Osteoporosis and determinants of bone density in patients with Crohn's disease. Dig Dis Sci. 1998;43:2500–6
  • 6. Delmas PD. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Lancet 2002; 359 (9322):2018-2026
  • 7. Cravo M, Guerreiro CS, dos Santos PM, et al. Risk factors for metabolic bone disease in Crohn's disease patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010;16:2117–2124.
  • 8. Schoon EJ, Blok BM, Geerling BJ, et al. Bone mineral density in patients with recently diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology. 2000;119:1203–1208
  • 9. Dequeker J, Nijs J, Verstraeten A, et al. Genetic determinants of bone mineral content at the spine and radius: a twin study.Bone 1987; 8 (4): 207-209
  • 10. Sakellariou GT, Moschos J, Berberidis C, et al. Bone density in young males with recently diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease. Joint Bone Spine. 2006;73:725–728.
  • 11. Mundy GR. Osteoporosis and Inflammation. Nutr Rev. 2007;65:147–151
  • 12. Ford AC, Moayyedi P, Hanauer SB. Ulcerative colitis. BMJ. 2013;346-432
  • 13. Goodhand JR, Kamperidis N, Nguyen H, et al. Application of the WHO fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) to predict need for DEXA scanning and treatment in patients with inflammatory bowel disease at risk of osteoporosis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011;33:551–558
  • 14. Targownik LE, Bernstein CN, Leslie WD. Inflammatory bowel disease and the risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Maturitas. 2013;76:315–319
  • 15- Khan N, Abbas AM, Almukhtar RM, et al. Prevalence and predictors of low bone mineral density in males with ulcerative colitis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:2368–2375
  • 16. Ulivieri FM, Piodi LP, Taioli E, et al. Bone mineral density and body composition in ulcerative colitis: a six-year follow-up. Osteoporos Int. 2001;12:343–348.
  • 17. Targownik LE, Bernstein CN, Leslie WD. Risk factors and management of osteoporosis in inflammatory bowel disease. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2014;30:168–174.
  • 18. Ghishan FK, Kiela PR. Advances in the understanding of mineral and bone metabolism in inflammatory bowel diseases. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2011;300:G191–G201
  • 19. van Staa TP. The pathogenesis, epidemiology and management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006;79:129–137
  • 20. van Staa TP, Leufkens HG, Cooper C. The epidemiology of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis: a meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int. 2002;13:777–787
  • 21. Süleymanlar İ. İnflamatuvar barsak hastalıklarında ekstraintestinal tutulum. İnflamatuvar Barsak Hastalıkları el kitabı. İBH Derneği 2006:194-195 129
  • 22. Jahnsen J, Falch JA, Aadland E, et al. Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn’s disease but not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population based study. GUT 1997;40;313-319
  • 23. Ghosh S, Cowen S, Hannan WJ, et al. Low bone mineral density in Crohn's disease, but not in ulcerative colitis, at diagnosis. Gastroenterology 1994;107:1031-9
  • 24. Shirazi KM, Somi MH, Rezaeifar P, et al.Bone density and bone metabolism in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jul-Aug;18(4):241-7
  • 25. Reid IR, Evans MC, Stapleton J. Lateral Spine densitometry is a more sensitive indicator of glucocorticoid –induced bone loss. J Bone Miner Res 1992 ;7:1221-5
  • 26. Bjarnason J, Macpherson A, Buxton TM, et al. High prevelance of osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and low lifetime intake of corticosteroids (abstract). Gastroenterology 1993;105:A541
  • 27. Compston J. Osteoporosis in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut 2003;52:63-4
  • 28. Frei P, Fried M, Hungerbuhler V. Analysis of risk factors for low bone mineral density in inflammatory bowel disease.Digestion 2006 ;73(1):40-6
  • 29. Lima CA, Lyra AC, Mendes CMC, et al. Bone mineral density and inflammatory bowel disease severity. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2017 Oct
  • 30. Reffitt DM, Meenan J, Sanderson JD, et al. Bone density improves with disease remission in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003;15:1267−73.

Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 145 - 150, 28.09.2018


Giriş:  İnflamatuvar barsak hastalığı(İBH) olan hastalarda kemik mineral
kaybı(KMK) normal popülasyon ile karşılaştırıldığında daha yüksek (%32 -77)
görülmektedir. İBH‘lı hastalarda düşük kemik yoğunluğu hem erkek hem kadınlarda
görülmekte ve erken yaşlarda ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Ayrıca kortikosteroid
kullanımı KMK nedeni olabilmektedir.

Amaç: Ülseratif Kolitli(ÜK) hastalarda
osteopeni ve osteoporoz sıklığını, hastalık yaşı, hastalık tutulum yeri,
hastalık aktivitesi, cinsiyet ve steroid kullanımı ile osteopeni ve osteoporoz
arasında ilişki olup olmadığını tesbit etmeyi amaçladık.

Materyel ve Metod: Çalışmamıza Ocak 2014 ile şubat 2018
tarihleri arasında Manisa Celal Bayar üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Gastroenteroloji Kliniğine başvuran ve tarafımızdan takip edilen  15’i erkek, 21’i kadın toplam 36 ÜK hastası
alındı. Bu hastaların Kemik mineral yoğunluğu(KMY) DEXA cihazı ile ölçüldü,
retrospektif olarak kayıtları incelendi.

 Hastalık tanısı klinik bulgular, kolonoskopi
ve histopatoloji ile konuldu.

ile APspine(vertebra) ve femur boynu kemik mineral dansitometre ölçümü yapıldı.
T skor değerleri >-1 normal, -1>T>-2.5 osteopeni, T<-2,5 değerler
osteoporoz olarak değerlendirildi.

Hastalar; klinik
aktivite, tutulum yeri, cinsiyet, steroid kullanımı, hastalık yaşı açısından
değerlendirildi. Tüm hastaların KMY ölçülerek 
bu parametreler ile ilişkileri araştırıldı.

Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan erkek hastaların yaş
ortalamaları :46.66,  kadın hastaların
yaş ortalaması :46.52 idı. Erkeklerin 7’sinde(%46.6), kadınların 10’unda(%47.6)
osteopeni tesbit edildi. Ayrıca 1 erkek hastada(%3) ve 2 kadın hastada(%9.5)
osteoporoz saptandı, hiçbir hastada kemik kırığı yoktu.

tanısı konulan 3 hastanın 1’inde( %33) Pankolit, 2’sinde (%66) proktitis
mevcuttu. Osteopeni tesbit edilen 17 hastanın  6’sında(%35,3) pankolit, 10’unda(%58.8)
proktit mevcuttu.

Aktif  ÜK  olan 33 hastanın 20’sinde(%60.6 KMK (17’si
osteopeni, 3’ü osteoporoz) tesbit edildi, 13’ünde(%39.4) ise KMK yoktu. İnaktif
koliti olan 3 hastanın  birinde KMK
tesbit edildi,

Sonuç: Kadınlarda aktif ÜK de  KMK daha fazlaydı. Ayrıca Aktif ÜK’i olan
hastaların %55.55’sında kemik mineral bozukluğu mevcut olup hastalık aktivitesi
ile KMK arasında pozitif ilişki tesbit edilmedi. Kolon tutulum yeri ile KMK
arasında fark yoktu . Ayrıca Kortikosteroid kullanımı ile KMK arasında ise pozitif
bir ilişki bulunamadı.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Ülseratif
Kolit, Osteoporoz, osteopeni, kemik mineral dansitesi


Does Ulcerative Colitis
Affect Bone Mineral Density?


Aim: The aim of this study was to
determine the frequency of osteopenia and osteoporosis in ulcerative colitis
(UC) patients and the relationship between disease age, disease incidence,
disease activity, sex and steroid use, osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Materials and Methods: 36 patients (15 men and 21 women
with ulcerative colitis) who were admitted to the Gastroenterology Clinic of
Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine between January 2014 and
February 2018 and whose bone mineral density was measured (DEXA) were included
in the study. retrospectively reviewed their records.

Clinical activity was assessed in terms of location, sex, steroid use, and age
of the disease. Bone mineral density of all patients was measured and their
relationship with these parameters was investigated.

Findings: A total of 36 patients with
ulcerative colitis who were measured bone mineral density were included in the
study. 15 of these patients were male (mean age: 46.66) and 21 were female
(mean age: 46.52). Osteopenia was detected in 7 (46.6%) of the males and 10
(47.6%) of the females. In addition, osteoporosis was detected in 1 male
patient (3%) and 2 female patients (9.5%) and no bone fracture was observed in
any patient.

Bone mineral
deficiency (17% osteopenia, 3 osteoporosis) was detected in 20 of 33 patients
with active ulcerative colitis (60.6%) and bone mineral loss (BMD) was absent
in 13 patients (39.4%). bone mineral loss was detected in one, not in two.

Conclusion: Female ulcerative colitis bone
mineral loss was greater in women. In addition, bone mineral deficiency was
found in 55.55% of patients with active ulcerative colitis and there wasn’t a
positive relationship between disease activity and BMD. There was also no
positive correlation between corticosteroid use and BMD.

Keywords: Ulcerative colitis, Osteoporosis,
osteopenia, bone mineral density


  • 1. Dinca M, Fries W, Luisetto G et al. Evolution of osteopenia in inflammatory bowel disease. Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:1292-7
  • 2. Aydıngöz Ö. Sırt ve Göğüs Bölgeleri Biyomekaniği. İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı Mezuniyet Sonrası TıpEğitimi Etkinlikleri 1. Sırt ve Göğüs Ağrıları Sempozyumu Program ve Özet Kitabı. İstanbul, 2001; 13-18
  • 3. Bernstein CN, Blanchard JF, Leslie W, et al.. The incidence of fracture among patients with inflammatory bowel disease. A population-based cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2000;133:795–799
  • 4. Bayraktar M. Epidemiyoloji ve Klinik. Yılmaz C (Ed). Tüm Yönleriyle Osteoporoz. Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, Ankara, 1997; 51-66
  • 5. Robinson RJ, al Azzawi F, Iqbal SJ, et al. Osteoporosis and determinants of bone density in patients with Crohn's disease. Dig Dis Sci. 1998;43:2500–6
  • 6. Delmas PD. Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Lancet 2002; 359 (9322):2018-2026
  • 7. Cravo M, Guerreiro CS, dos Santos PM, et al. Risk factors for metabolic bone disease in Crohn's disease patients. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2010;16:2117–2124.
  • 8. Schoon EJ, Blok BM, Geerling BJ, et al. Bone mineral density in patients with recently diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology. 2000;119:1203–1208
  • 9. Dequeker J, Nijs J, Verstraeten A, et al. Genetic determinants of bone mineral content at the spine and radius: a twin study.Bone 1987; 8 (4): 207-209
  • 10. Sakellariou GT, Moschos J, Berberidis C, et al. Bone density in young males with recently diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease. Joint Bone Spine. 2006;73:725–728.
  • 11. Mundy GR. Osteoporosis and Inflammation. Nutr Rev. 2007;65:147–151
  • 12. Ford AC, Moayyedi P, Hanauer SB. Ulcerative colitis. BMJ. 2013;346-432
  • 13. Goodhand JR, Kamperidis N, Nguyen H, et al. Application of the WHO fracture risk assessment tool (FRAX) to predict need for DEXA scanning and treatment in patients with inflammatory bowel disease at risk of osteoporosis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011;33:551–558
  • 14. Targownik LE, Bernstein CN, Leslie WD. Inflammatory bowel disease and the risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Maturitas. 2013;76:315–319
  • 15- Khan N, Abbas AM, Almukhtar RM, et al. Prevalence and predictors of low bone mineral density in males with ulcerative colitis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98:2368–2375
  • 16. Ulivieri FM, Piodi LP, Taioli E, et al. Bone mineral density and body composition in ulcerative colitis: a six-year follow-up. Osteoporos Int. 2001;12:343–348.
  • 17. Targownik LE, Bernstein CN, Leslie WD. Risk factors and management of osteoporosis in inflammatory bowel disease. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2014;30:168–174.
  • 18. Ghishan FK, Kiela PR. Advances in the understanding of mineral and bone metabolism in inflammatory bowel diseases. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2011;300:G191–G201
  • 19. van Staa TP. The pathogenesis, epidemiology and management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006;79:129–137
  • 20. van Staa TP, Leufkens HG, Cooper C. The epidemiology of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis: a meta-analysis. Osteoporos Int. 2002;13:777–787
  • 21. Süleymanlar İ. İnflamatuvar barsak hastalıklarında ekstraintestinal tutulum. İnflamatuvar Barsak Hastalıkları el kitabı. İBH Derneği 2006:194-195 129
  • 22. Jahnsen J, Falch JA, Aadland E, et al. Bone mineral density is reduced in patients with Crohn’s disease but not in patients with ulcerative colitis: a population based study. GUT 1997;40;313-319
  • 23. Ghosh S, Cowen S, Hannan WJ, et al. Low bone mineral density in Crohn's disease, but not in ulcerative colitis, at diagnosis. Gastroenterology 1994;107:1031-9
  • 24. Shirazi KM, Somi MH, Rezaeifar P, et al.Bone density and bone metabolism in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jul-Aug;18(4):241-7
  • 25. Reid IR, Evans MC, Stapleton J. Lateral Spine densitometry is a more sensitive indicator of glucocorticoid –induced bone loss. J Bone Miner Res 1992 ;7:1221-5
  • 26. Bjarnason J, Macpherson A, Buxton TM, et al. High prevelance of osteoporosis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and low lifetime intake of corticosteroids (abstract). Gastroenterology 1993;105:A541
  • 27. Compston J. Osteoporosis in inflammatory bowel disease. Gut 2003;52:63-4
  • 28. Frei P, Fried M, Hungerbuhler V. Analysis of risk factors for low bone mineral density in inflammatory bowel disease.Digestion 2006 ;73(1):40-6
  • 29. Lima CA, Lyra AC, Mendes CMC, et al. Bone mineral density and inflammatory bowel disease severity. Braz J Med Biol Res. 2017 Oct
  • 30. Reffitt DM, Meenan J, Sanderson JD, et al. Bone density improves with disease remission in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003;15:1267−73.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Tahir Buran

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Buran, T. (2018). Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(3), 145-150.
AMA Buran T. Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?. CBU-SBED. Eylül 2018;5(3):145-150.
Chicago Buran, Tahir. “Ülseratif Kolit hastalığı Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunu Etkiler Mi?”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5, sy. 3 (Eylül 2018): 145-50.
EndNote Buran T (01 Eylül 2018) Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 3 145–150.
IEEE T. Buran, “Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?”, CBU-SBED, c. 5, sy. 3, ss. 145–150, 2018.
ISNAD Buran, Tahir. “Ülseratif Kolit hastalığı Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunu Etkiler Mi?”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 5/3 (Eylül 2018), 145-150.
JAMA Buran T. Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?. CBU-SBED. 2018;5:145–150.
MLA Buran, Tahir. “Ülseratif Kolit hastalığı Kemik Mineral yoğunluğunu Etkiler Mi?”. Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 3, 2018, ss. 145-50.
Vancouver Buran T. Ülseratif kolit hastalığı kemik mineral yoğunluğunu etkiler mi?. CBU-SBED. 2018;5(3):145-50.