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International Responsibility Debates in Chinese International Relations Academy

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 75 - 88, 15.01.2018


In this study, it is discussed that Chinese International
Relations’ scholars views on the concept of international responsibility.
International responsibility is one of the cornerstones of Xi Jinping’s
strategy of strive for achievement. But the discussion of responsibility
in the Academy came first with the speech of Robert Zoellick in 2005.
The main problematic of the academic debate whether international
responsibility must serve the national interest or the international
public interest. In this regard, the ideas in the Academy are considered
in two categories as the perspectives of nationalism and
internationalism. The one belt one road initiative is evaluated within the scope of international responsibility as it is thought to play a
constructive role in the economic development of countries involved in
this initiative. However, while nationalists considers that this initiative
should serve China’s national interest, the internationalists regards
international public interest as significant. Because this project is a
matter of status and prestige for China in the international field.


  • CHEN Zhimin (2009). International responsibility and China’s foreign policy, Masafumi Lida (Ed.) China’s shift: global strategy of the rising power, National Institute for Defense Studies.
  • FENG Huiyun, HE, Kai (2016), Why Chinese IR scholars matter: understanding the rise of China through the eyes of Chinese IR scholars, Griffith–Tsinghua Conference, 11–12 Aralık, Pekin.
  • MA, Zhengang (2007), China’s responsibility and the China responsibility theory, China International Studies, Sayı 7, Sayfa: 5-12.
  • MAO, Weizhun (2017), Debating China’s international responsibility, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 10(2), Sayfa: 173-210.
  • PU, Xiaoyu (2016), One belt and one road: visions and challenges of China’s geoeconomic strategy, Mainland China Studies, 59(3), Sayfa: 111-126.
  • QİN, Yaqing (2003), Ulusal kimlik, stratejik kültür ve güvenlik çıkarları: Çin ve uluslararası toplum ilişkisi üzerine üç hipotez/ Guojia shenfen, zhanlue wenhua he anguan liyi: guanyu zhongguo yu guoji shehui guanxi de sange jiashe, Dünya Ekonomisi ve Politikası/世界经济与政治, Sayı 1, Sayfa: 10-15.
  • QİN, Yaqing (2014), Continuity through change: background knowledge and China’s international strategy, Chinese Journal of International Politics, 7(3), Sayfa: 285-314.
  • SHİ, Yinhong (2011, July), The roles China ought to play in the world, Stockholm China Forum Paper Series.
  • SHİ, Yinhong (2016), Prudence crucial for the one belt one road initiative, Shao Binhong (Ed.) Looking for a road China debates its and the world’s future, BRILL Publishing, Sayfa: 203-210.
  • WANG, Jin (2016), The US withdrawal and one belt one road: Chinese concerns and challenges in Afghanistan, Strategic Assessment, 19(3), Sayfa: 69-79.
  • WANG, Yizhou (2017), Creative involvement: a new direction in China’s diplomacy, Routledge.
  • YAN, Xuetong (2011b), International leadership and norm evolution, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 4 (3), Sayfa: 233-264.
  • ZHANG, Yunling (2015), One belt, one road: a Chinese view, Global Asia, 10(3), Sayfa: 8-12.
  • ZHENG, Chen (2016), China debates the non-interference principle, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 9(1), Sayfa: 349-374.
  • ZHU, Liqun (2010), China’s foreign policy debates, Institute for Security Studies, Chaillot Papers.
  • ZOELLICK, Robert (2005), Whither China: from membership to responsibility? , NBR Analysis, 16(4), Sayfa: 5-14. ELEKTRONİK KAYNAKLAR
  • CCICED, (2013, October 30), Important Speech of Xi Jinping at Peripheral Diplomacy Work Conference, /cciceden/NEWSCENTER/LatestEnvironmentalandDevelopm entNews/201310/t20131030_82626.html (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • CONG, W., NA, M. (2017, May 13), Xinhua Insights: Xi’s Belt and Road Vision Points Way to Global Prosperity, Xinhuanet, htm (Erişim: 09.01.2018)
  • NOESSELT, Nele (2016, October 20), One Belt, One Road: A New Roadmap for a Sinocentric World? , The Asan Forum,şim: 13.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2011a, April 1), How Assertive China Should a Great Power Be? , New York Times, 04/01/opinion/01ihtedyan01.html (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2012, February 8), China’s Veto on Syria: A View From China, Carneige-Tsinghua Center, http://carnegietsinghua. org/2012 /02/08/china-s-veto-onsyria-view-from-china-pub-47217 (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2014), China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict But Convergence of Interests, Huffington Post, https://www. huffington (Erişim: 12.11.2017)
  • WANG, Yizhou (2012, March 5), New Direction for China’s Diplomacy, Bjrreview, content_ 439626.htm (Erişim: 13.12.2017)


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 75 - 88, 15.01.2018


Bu çalışmada Çinli Uluslararası İlişkiler akademisyenlerinin
uluslararası sorumluluk kavramı ile ilgili görüşleri ele alınmıştır.
Uluslararası sorumluluk Xi Jinping’in ‘başarı için mücadele’ stratejinin
temel taşlarından biridir. Fakat akademideki sorumluluk tartışması ilk
olarak Robert Zoellick’in 2005 yılındaki konuşmasıyla birlikte
gündeme gelmiştir. Akademik tartışmanın temel problematiği
uluslararası sorumluluğun ulusal çıkara mı yoksa uluslararası kamu
yararına mı hizmet etmesi gerektiğidir. Bu bağlamda, akademideki
fikirler milliyetçilik ve uluslararasıcılık perspektifleri olarak iki
kategoride ele alınmıştır. Bir Kuşak Bir Yol İnisiyatifi, inisiyatifte yer
alacak ülkelerin ekonomik kalkınmasında yapıcı rol oynayacağı
düşünüldüğü için Çin’in uluslararası sorumluluğu kapsamında
değerlendirilmektedir. Fakat milliyetçiler bu girişimin Çin’in ulusal
çıkarına hizmet etmesi gerektiğini düşünürken, uluslararasıcılık
taraftarları uluslararası kamu yararını daha önemli görmektedir.
Çünkü bu proje Çin için uluslararası alanda hem statü hem de bir
prestij meselesidir. 


  • CHEN Zhimin (2009). International responsibility and China’s foreign policy, Masafumi Lida (Ed.) China’s shift: global strategy of the rising power, National Institute for Defense Studies.
  • FENG Huiyun, HE, Kai (2016), Why Chinese IR scholars matter: understanding the rise of China through the eyes of Chinese IR scholars, Griffith–Tsinghua Conference, 11–12 Aralık, Pekin.
  • MA, Zhengang (2007), China’s responsibility and the China responsibility theory, China International Studies, Sayı 7, Sayfa: 5-12.
  • MAO, Weizhun (2017), Debating China’s international responsibility, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 10(2), Sayfa: 173-210.
  • PU, Xiaoyu (2016), One belt and one road: visions and challenges of China’s geoeconomic strategy, Mainland China Studies, 59(3), Sayfa: 111-126.
  • QİN, Yaqing (2003), Ulusal kimlik, stratejik kültür ve güvenlik çıkarları: Çin ve uluslararası toplum ilişkisi üzerine üç hipotez/ Guojia shenfen, zhanlue wenhua he anguan liyi: guanyu zhongguo yu guoji shehui guanxi de sange jiashe, Dünya Ekonomisi ve Politikası/世界经济与政治, Sayı 1, Sayfa: 10-15.
  • QİN, Yaqing (2014), Continuity through change: background knowledge and China’s international strategy, Chinese Journal of International Politics, 7(3), Sayfa: 285-314.
  • SHİ, Yinhong (2011, July), The roles China ought to play in the world, Stockholm China Forum Paper Series.
  • SHİ, Yinhong (2016), Prudence crucial for the one belt one road initiative, Shao Binhong (Ed.) Looking for a road China debates its and the world’s future, BRILL Publishing, Sayfa: 203-210.
  • WANG, Jin (2016), The US withdrawal and one belt one road: Chinese concerns and challenges in Afghanistan, Strategic Assessment, 19(3), Sayfa: 69-79.
  • WANG, Yizhou (2017), Creative involvement: a new direction in China’s diplomacy, Routledge.
  • YAN, Xuetong (2011b), International leadership and norm evolution, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 4 (3), Sayfa: 233-264.
  • ZHANG, Yunling (2015), One belt, one road: a Chinese view, Global Asia, 10(3), Sayfa: 8-12.
  • ZHENG, Chen (2016), China debates the non-interference principle, The Chinese Journal of International Politics, 9(1), Sayfa: 349-374.
  • ZHU, Liqun (2010), China’s foreign policy debates, Institute for Security Studies, Chaillot Papers.
  • ZOELLICK, Robert (2005), Whither China: from membership to responsibility? , NBR Analysis, 16(4), Sayfa: 5-14. ELEKTRONİK KAYNAKLAR
  • CCICED, (2013, October 30), Important Speech of Xi Jinping at Peripheral Diplomacy Work Conference, /cciceden/NEWSCENTER/LatestEnvironmentalandDevelopm entNews/201310/t20131030_82626.html (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • CONG, W., NA, M. (2017, May 13), Xinhua Insights: Xi’s Belt and Road Vision Points Way to Global Prosperity, Xinhuanet, htm (Erişim: 09.01.2018)
  • NOESSELT, Nele (2016, October 20), One Belt, One Road: A New Roadmap for a Sinocentric World? , The Asan Forum,şim: 13.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2011a, April 1), How Assertive China Should a Great Power Be? , New York Times, 04/01/opinion/01ihtedyan01.html (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2012, February 8), China’s Veto on Syria: A View From China, Carneige-Tsinghua Center, http://carnegietsinghua. org/2012 /02/08/china-s-veto-onsyria-view-from-china-pub-47217 (Erişim: 11.12.2017)
  • YAN, Xuetong (2014), China’s New Foreign Policy: Not Conflict But Convergence of Interests, Huffington Post, https://www. huffington (Erişim: 12.11.2017)
  • WANG, Yizhou (2012, March 5), New Direction for China’s Diplomacy, Bjrreview, content_ 439626.htm (Erişim: 13.12.2017)
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ocak 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

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