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Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 103 - 110, 27.06.2019


pond has developed strongly in the field of wastewater treatment for irrigation
in rural areas and small communities. Their association allows, in some cases,
to increase the hydraulic capacity while maintaining the highest level of

The present
work is devoted to the treatment of domestic wastewater under climatic
conditions of Algeria (semi-arid) through a system using two tanks planted with
Salvinia natans.

The performance study and
treatment efficiency of the system overall shows that the latter provides a
significant removal of nitrogen pollution: total Kjeldahl nitrogen NTK (85.2%),
Ammonium NH4+-N (79%), Nitrite NO2--N
(40%) also, a major meaningful reduction of biochemical oxygen demand BOD5
was observed at the output of the system (96.9 %). As BOD5, the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal was higher than 95 % at the exit of the
two tanks. A moderately low yield of phosphate-phosphorus (PO43-P)
was achieved with values not exceeding 37 %. In general, the quality of treated
effluent meets the Algerian standard of discharge and which allows us to select
a suitable species in constructed wetland treatment systems under semi-arid


  • [1]. H. Brix, Do macrophytes play a role in constructed treatment wetlands? Water Science and Technology, 35 (5), 11–17, 1997[2]. S. R. Jing, Y. F. Lin, D. Y. Lee, T. W. Wang, Using constructed wetland systems to remove solids from highly polluted river water. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 1(1), 89-96, 2001.[3]. J. Josimov-Dunđerski, A. Belić, M. Jarak, L. Nicolić, M. Rajić, A. Bezdan, Constructed Wetland – The Serbian Experience. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7, 2, 101–110, 2012.[4]. I. Galfati, E. Bilal, A. Beji Sassi, H. Abdallah, A. Zaier, Accumulation of heavy metals in native plants growing near the phosphate treatment industry, Tunisia. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6, 2, 85–100, 2011.[5]. I.U. Khan, N.U. Khan, M.Q. Khan, M.J. Khan, M.J. Khan, H.U. Rahman, Phyto-Extraction Of Municipal Wastewater’s And Applied Solution Of Copper, Lead And Zinc, Using High Bio-Mass Crops, Zea Mays And Brassica Napus. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9, 1, 107–116, 2014.[6]. Y. Zimmels, F. Krizhner, A. Malkovskaja, Application and features of cascade aquatic plants systems for sewage treatment. Ecological Engineering, 34, 147–161, 2008.[7]. R.D. Sooknah, A.C. Wilkie, Nutrient remo val by floating aquatic macrophytes cultured in anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 22, 27–42 (2004).[8]. K.R. Reddy, K.L. Campell , D.A. Graetz, K.M. Portier, Use of biological filters for treating agricultural drainage effluents. Journal of Environmental Quality, 11, 591–595, 1982.[9]. A. Jampeetong, H. Brix,. Nitrogen nutrition of Salvinia natans: Effects of inorganic nitrogen form on growth, morphology, nitrate reductase activity and uptake kinetics of ammonium and nitrate. Aquatic Botany, 90, 67–73, 2009a.[10]. J. Vymazal, Horizontal sub-surface flow and hybrid constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 25(5), 478–90, 2005.[11]. AFNOR. Qualité de l’eau—Recueil, normes et réglementation. In: Edition DRSIPHC628.161/QUA, editor, 2008. [12]. Y.F. Lin, S.R. Jing, T.W. Wang, D.Y. Lee, 2002. Effects of macrophytes and external carbon sources on nitrate removal from groundwater in constructed wetlands. Environmental Pollution, 119, 420–423, 2002.[13]. J. Coleman, K. Hench, K. Garbutt, A. Sexstone, G. Bissonnette, J. Skousen, Treatment of domestic wastewater by three plant species in constructed wetlands. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 128, 283–295, 2001.[14]. R.H. Kadlec, R.L. Knight, Treatment Wetlands. Lewis. Boca Raton, p. 893, 1996.[15]. K.R. Reddy, D.L. Sutton, Water hyacinths for water quality improvement and biomass production. Journal of Environmental Quality, 13, 1–8, 1984.[16]. A. Jampeetong, H. Brix, Effects of NH4+ concentration on growth, morphology and NH4+ uptake kinetics of Salvinia natans. Ecological Engineering, 35, 695–702, 2009b.[17]. Y.Y. Fang, O. Babourina, Z. Rengel, X.E. Yang, P.M. Pu, Ammonium and nitrate uptake by the floating plant Landoltia punctata. Annals of Botany, 99, 365–370, 2007.[18]. M. Abissy, L., Mandi, Comparative study of wastewater purification efficiencies of two emergent helophytes: Typha latifolia and Juncus subulatus under arid climate. Water Science and Technology, 39 (10–11), 123–126, 1999.[19]. H.M. Zhang, X.L. Wang, J.N. Xiao, F.L. Yang, J. Zhang, Enhanced biological nutrient removal using MUCT-MBR system. Bioresource Technology, 100, 1048-1054, 2009.[20]. F.E. Matheson, M.L. Nguyen, A.B. Cooper , T.P. Burt, D.C. Bull, Fate of 15N-nitrate in unplanted, planted and harvested riparian wetland soil microcosms. Ecological Engineering, 19, 249–264, 2002.[21]. S.P. Faulkner, C.J. Richardson, Physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater wetland soils. In: Hammer, D.A. (Ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Waste Water Treatment. Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural. Lewis Publishers Inc., Chelsea, MI, 1989.[22]. P. Kuschk, A. Wiebner, U. Kappelmeyer, E. Weißbrodt, M. Kästner, U. Stottmeister, Annual cycle of nitrogen removal by a pilot-scale subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland under moderate climate. Water Research, 37, 4236-4242, 2003.[23]. G. Shalla, K. John, R. Paul, M. Angus, The nutrient assimilative capacity of maerl as a substrate in constructed wetland systems for waste treatment. Water Research, 34, 2183–2190, 2000.[24]. R-Y. Wang, N. Korboulewsky, P. Prudent, V. Baldy, G. Bonin, Can verticalflow wetland systems treat high concentrated sludge from a food industry? A mesocosm experiment testing three plant species. Ecological Engineering, 35,230–237, 2009.[25]. G. Maltais-Landry, F. Chazarenc, Y. Comeau, S. J. Brisson, Effects of artificial aeration, macrophyte species and loading rate on removal efficiency in constructed wetland mesocosms treating fish farm wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6, 409–414, 2007.[26]. J. García,, E. Ojeda, E. Sales, F. Chico, T. Piriz, P. Aguirre, R. Mujeriego, Spatial variations of temperature, redox potential, and contaminants in horizontal flow reed beds. Ecological Engineering, 21, 129–142, 2003.[27]. E.J. Olguín, D. Rodríguez, G. Sánchez, E. Hernández, M.E. Ramírez, Productivity, protein content and nutrient removal from anaerobic effluents of coffee wastewater in Salvinia minima ponds, under subtropical conditions. Acta Biotechnologica, 23, 259–270, 2003. [28]. G.S. Mishra, A. Mitra, R. Banerjee, M.M. Ghangrekar, Comparative pretreatment method for efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of Salvinia cucullata and sewage treatment in ponds containing this biomass. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 16, 1787-1794 (2013)[29]. O. Urbanc-Berčič, A. Gaberščik, The relationship of the processes in the rhizosphere of common reed Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel to water fluctuation. International Review of Hydrobiology, 89, 500–507, 2004.[30]. S.C. Reed, R.W. Crites, E.J. Middlebrooks, Natural Systems for Waste Management and Treatment. Second ed. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York (1995)[31]. K.R. Reddy, W.F. DeBusk, Nutrient storage capabilities of aquatic and wetland plants.In: Reddy K.R. and W.H. Smith, editors.Aquatic plants for water treatment and resource recovery.Orlando, Florida: Magnolia Publishing. p. 337–353, 1987.[32]. M.P. Ciria, M.L., Solano, P. Soriano, Role of macrophyte Typha latifolia in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and assessment of its potential as a biomass fuel. Biosystems Engineer-ing, 92(4), 535-544 (2005)[33]. M. Kumari, B.D. Tripathi, Effect of aeration and mixed culture of Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia natans on removal of wastewater pollutants. Ecological Engineering, 62, 48– 53, 2014.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 103 - 110, 27.06.2019



  • [1]. H. Brix, Do macrophytes play a role in constructed treatment wetlands? Water Science and Technology, 35 (5), 11–17, 1997[2]. S. R. Jing, Y. F. Lin, D. Y. Lee, T. W. Wang, Using constructed wetland systems to remove solids from highly polluted river water. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 1(1), 89-96, 2001.[3]. J. Josimov-Dunđerski, A. Belić, M. Jarak, L. Nicolić, M. Rajić, A. Bezdan, Constructed Wetland – The Serbian Experience. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 7, 2, 101–110, 2012.[4]. I. Galfati, E. Bilal, A. Beji Sassi, H. Abdallah, A. Zaier, Accumulation of heavy metals in native plants growing near the phosphate treatment industry, Tunisia. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6, 2, 85–100, 2011.[5]. I.U. Khan, N.U. Khan, M.Q. Khan, M.J. Khan, M.J. Khan, H.U. Rahman, Phyto-Extraction Of Municipal Wastewater’s And Applied Solution Of Copper, Lead And Zinc, Using High Bio-Mass Crops, Zea Mays And Brassica Napus. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 9, 1, 107–116, 2014.[6]. Y. Zimmels, F. Krizhner, A. Malkovskaja, Application and features of cascade aquatic plants systems for sewage treatment. Ecological Engineering, 34, 147–161, 2008.[7]. R.D. Sooknah, A.C. Wilkie, Nutrient remo val by floating aquatic macrophytes cultured in anaerobically digested flushed dairy manure wastewater. Ecological Engineering, 22, 27–42 (2004).[8]. K.R. Reddy, K.L. Campell , D.A. Graetz, K.M. Portier, Use of biological filters for treating agricultural drainage effluents. Journal of Environmental Quality, 11, 591–595, 1982.[9]. A. Jampeetong, H. Brix,. Nitrogen nutrition of Salvinia natans: Effects of inorganic nitrogen form on growth, morphology, nitrate reductase activity and uptake kinetics of ammonium and nitrate. Aquatic Botany, 90, 67–73, 2009a.[10]. J. Vymazal, Horizontal sub-surface flow and hybrid constructed wetlands systems for wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 25(5), 478–90, 2005.[11]. AFNOR. Qualité de l’eau—Recueil, normes et réglementation. In: Edition DRSIPHC628.161/QUA, editor, 2008. [12]. Y.F. Lin, S.R. Jing, T.W. Wang, D.Y. Lee, 2002. Effects of macrophytes and external carbon sources on nitrate removal from groundwater in constructed wetlands. Environmental Pollution, 119, 420–423, 2002.[13]. J. Coleman, K. Hench, K. Garbutt, A. Sexstone, G. Bissonnette, J. Skousen, Treatment of domestic wastewater by three plant species in constructed wetlands. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 128, 283–295, 2001.[14]. R.H. Kadlec, R.L. Knight, Treatment Wetlands. Lewis. Boca Raton, p. 893, 1996.[15]. K.R. Reddy, D.L. Sutton, Water hyacinths for water quality improvement and biomass production. Journal of Environmental Quality, 13, 1–8, 1984.[16]. A. Jampeetong, H. Brix, Effects of NH4+ concentration on growth, morphology and NH4+ uptake kinetics of Salvinia natans. Ecological Engineering, 35, 695–702, 2009b.[17]. Y.Y. Fang, O. Babourina, Z. Rengel, X.E. Yang, P.M. Pu, Ammonium and nitrate uptake by the floating plant Landoltia punctata. Annals of Botany, 99, 365–370, 2007.[18]. M. Abissy, L., Mandi, Comparative study of wastewater purification efficiencies of two emergent helophytes: Typha latifolia and Juncus subulatus under arid climate. Water Science and Technology, 39 (10–11), 123–126, 1999.[19]. H.M. Zhang, X.L. Wang, J.N. Xiao, F.L. Yang, J. Zhang, Enhanced biological nutrient removal using MUCT-MBR system. Bioresource Technology, 100, 1048-1054, 2009.[20]. F.E. Matheson, M.L. Nguyen, A.B. Cooper , T.P. Burt, D.C. Bull, Fate of 15N-nitrate in unplanted, planted and harvested riparian wetland soil microcosms. Ecological Engineering, 19, 249–264, 2002.[21]. S.P. Faulkner, C.J. Richardson, Physical and chemical characteristics of freshwater wetland soils. In: Hammer, D.A. (Ed.), Constructed Wetlands for Waste Water Treatment. Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural. Lewis Publishers Inc., Chelsea, MI, 1989.[22]. P. Kuschk, A. Wiebner, U. Kappelmeyer, E. Weißbrodt, M. Kästner, U. Stottmeister, Annual cycle of nitrogen removal by a pilot-scale subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland under moderate climate. Water Research, 37, 4236-4242, 2003.[23]. G. Shalla, K. John, R. Paul, M. Angus, The nutrient assimilative capacity of maerl as a substrate in constructed wetland systems for waste treatment. Water Research, 34, 2183–2190, 2000.[24]. R-Y. Wang, N. Korboulewsky, P. Prudent, V. Baldy, G. Bonin, Can verticalflow wetland systems treat high concentrated sludge from a food industry? A mesocosm experiment testing three plant species. Ecological Engineering, 35,230–237, 2009.[25]. G. Maltais-Landry, F. Chazarenc, Y. Comeau, S. J. Brisson, Effects of artificial aeration, macrophyte species and loading rate on removal efficiency in constructed wetland mesocosms treating fish farm wastewater. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6, 409–414, 2007.[26]. J. García,, E. Ojeda, E. Sales, F. Chico, T. Piriz, P. Aguirre, R. Mujeriego, Spatial variations of temperature, redox potential, and contaminants in horizontal flow reed beds. Ecological Engineering, 21, 129–142, 2003.[27]. E.J. Olguín, D. Rodríguez, G. Sánchez, E. Hernández, M.E. Ramírez, Productivity, protein content and nutrient removal from anaerobic effluents of coffee wastewater in Salvinia minima ponds, under subtropical conditions. Acta Biotechnologica, 23, 259–270, 2003. [28]. G.S. Mishra, A. Mitra, R. Banerjee, M.M. Ghangrekar, Comparative pretreatment method for efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of Salvinia cucullata and sewage treatment in ponds containing this biomass. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 16, 1787-1794 (2013)[29]. O. Urbanc-Berčič, A. Gaberščik, The relationship of the processes in the rhizosphere of common reed Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steudel to water fluctuation. International Review of Hydrobiology, 89, 500–507, 2004.[30]. S.C. Reed, R.W. Crites, E.J. Middlebrooks, Natural Systems for Waste Management and Treatment. Second ed. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York (1995)[31]. K.R. Reddy, W.F. DeBusk, Nutrient storage capabilities of aquatic and wetland plants.In: Reddy K.R. and W.H. Smith, editors.Aquatic plants for water treatment and resource recovery.Orlando, Florida: Magnolia Publishing. p. 337–353, 1987.[32]. M.P. Ciria, M.L., Solano, P. Soriano, Role of macrophyte Typha latifolia in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and assessment of its potential as a biomass fuel. Biosystems Engineer-ing, 92(4), 535-544 (2005)[33]. M. Kumari, B.D. Tripathi, Effect of aeration and mixed culture of Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia natans on removal of wastewater pollutants. Ecological Engineering, 62, 48– 53, 2014.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Laabassi Ayache

Boudehane Asma Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Haziran 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayache, L., & Asma, B. (2019). Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 3(1), 103-110.
AMA Ayache L, Asma B. Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Haziran 2019;3(1):103-110.
Chicago Ayache, Laabassi, ve Boudehane Asma. “Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate”. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 3, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 103-10.
EndNote Ayache L, Asma B (01 Haziran 2019) Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 3 1 103–110.
IEEE L. Ayache ve B. Asma, “Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate”, European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 103–110, 2019.
ISNAD Ayache, Laabassi - Asma, Boudehane. “Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate”. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 3/1 (Haziran 2019), 103-110.
JAMA Ayache L, Asma B. Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences. 2019;3:103–110.
MLA Ayache, Laabassi ve Boudehane Asma. “Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate”. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, c. 3, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 103-10.
Vancouver Ayache L, Asma B. Wastewater Treatment by Floating Macrophytes (Salvinia Natans) Under Algerian Semi-Arid Climate. European Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences. 2019;3(1):103-10.