Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 4/28/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles

Case Report

Abant Medical Journal publishes clinical and experimental research articles, case reports, review articles, technical notes and letters to the editor prepared in accordance with all ethical guidelines in health sciences.

Abant Medical Journal is the official journal of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Medicine. It is published electronically in 3 issues per year (April, August, December). The official publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

Our journal is published in accordance with the 'Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing' (doaj.org/bestpractice).

The editorial and publication processes of the journal have been shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (CSE) Editors) (EASE) and the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). 

All publishing rights of the published articles belong to Abantmedj and cannot be partially or completely printed, reproduced or transferred to electronic media without the permission of the publisher. The editorial board is responsible for the publication of the articles.


The publication languages of the Abant Medical Journal are Turkish and English.

Preparing the Manuscript

Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with ICME Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Everyone listed as an author must meet the authorship criteria recommended by the ICMJE.

APA 6 Guidelines for Citing References, Creating Tables and Figures in Scientific Publications. 

Parts of the Article
It is recommended to write the manuscript preferably in Times New Romans font, 12 points and double-spaced. Articles should be written in clear, short and fluent Turkish or English, and spelling rules should be followed.

Title page : The title page must contain the authors' names, academic titles and the corresponding author's full address, telephone, fax numbers, ORCID and e-mail address.

Full text file: The main text file to which the article is sent, Turkish title, keywords, English title, English keywords, texts of the article, references, tables with one table per page, and subtitles of figures (if any) on the last page should be included. Main text file should not include the names of the authors, information about the institutions of authors, figures and pictures used in the article. Title page : The title page must contain the authors' names, academic titles and the corresponding author's full address, telephone, fax numbers, ORCID and e-mail address.

Abstract and Keywords
Turkish and English abstracts should be given with the title of the article. Abstracts should be divided into Objectives (Amaç), Materials and Methods (Gereç ve Yöntemler ), Results (Bulgular) and Conclusion (Sonuç) sections and should not exceed 250 words. Structured abstracts are not required for reviews and case reports and invited reviews. Sections should contain as follows: Objectives: the main purpose of the post; Material and Methods: data sources, study framework, patients or study participants, interview/assessments, and baseline measures; Results: main findings; Conclusion: conclusions should be clearly stated. Because abstracts are the most prominent part of an article in many electronic databases, authors should ensure that the abstract accurately reflects the content of the article. The summary should provide information about the background of the study and include the purpose of the study, basic procedures (selection of subjects or laboratory animals, observational and analytical methods), main findings (giving specific effect sizes and statistical significance where possible), and main conclusions. New and important aspects of the study or observations should be noted. 

Turkish and English keywords (3-5) for the article should be given after the abstracts. The use of abbreviations in abstracts should be avoided as much as possible. When it is absolutely necessary to use abbreviations, they should be used after they are defined in parentheses in the first place. English keywords should be given in accordance with "Medical Subject Headings (MESH; http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html)". Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with Turkish Science Terms (TBT; http://www.bilimterimleri.com).

In the introduction, the importance of the study subject, the history and the studies carried out to date, the hypothesis and the purpose of the study should be mentioned. Both main and secondary objectives should be clearly stated. Only genuinely relevant sources should be cited.

Materials and Methods
In the Material and Methods section, data sources, patients or study participants, scales, interviews/evaluations and basic measurements, procedures and statistical methods should be included. The method section should contain only the information known at the time of writing the study plan or protocol, all information obtained during the study should be given in the results section.

Selection and Identification of Cases: Selection of participants (patients, animals, controls) in the observational or experimental study, population, inclusion and exclusion criteria should be clearly defined. Since the relationship of variables such as age and gender to the purpose of the study is not always clear, authors should explain their use in the study report, for example, why authors should explain why only a certain age group was included or why women were excluded from the study. It should be clearly stated why and how the work was done. When authors use variables such as ethnicity or race, they should explain how they measure and validate these variables.

Technical Information: In order for other researchers to repeat the results, the method and tools used (manufacturer company and address in parentheses) should be specified in detail. For previously used known methods (including statistical methods), reference should be given, for a published but not well known method, the source should be given and the method explained. Likewise, new or significantly modified methods should be defined and the reasons for their use should be stated and their limitations should be evaluated. All drugs and chemicals used should be correctly identified and their generic names, doses and usage patterns should be stated.

Authors submitting a review should specify their methods of finding, selecting, separating, and synthesizing data. These methods should also be included in the abstract.

Statistics: The statistical method should be specified in such detail that a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data can confirm the reported results. Where possible, findings should be quantified and measures of error (such as confidence intervals) should be presented. Statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols should be defined. The computer program used should be specified.

The main findings should be given completely, supported by statistical data, and these findings should also be indicated visually with appropriate tables, graphs and figures. Findings should be presented in a logical order in the text, tables and figures, with the most important results first. All the data in tables and figures should not be given in the text, only the important points should be emphasized. Extra material and technical information should be given in the appendix to ensure that the flow of the text is not disturbed, alternatively, they should only be included in the electronic version. Only figures and tables that support the idea in the article should be included. It should try to use graphs instead of very large tables, and not repeat the same data in graphs and tables.

In the discussion section, within the scope of the hypothesis of that study, the findings and results of the study should be examined and these findings and results should be compared with similar studies in the literature, and if there are differences, they should be explained. New and important aspects of the study and its conclusions should be emphasized. The information and data given in the introduction or results section should not be repeated.

For experimental studies, it is helpful to begin the discussion by briefly summarizing the results, then to examine possible mechanisms or explanations and compare the findings with previous studies, summarize the limitations of the study, and indicate applications for future studies and clinical practice. The conclusions reached should be compared with the purpose of the study, but inferences that are not adequately supported by the findings should be avoided. If the data obtained by the authors do not contain economic data and analysis, comments regarding economic interests or benefits should be specifically avoided. When necessary, new hypotheses should be put forward, but it should be noted that these are new hypotheses.

This section should clearly explain the main conclusions of the article, highlighting its importance and relevance.

Tables, Graphs and Figures
Graphics, figures and tables in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

Tables: Tables present information effectively and also ensure that information is given at all desired levels of detail. Presenting information in tables rather than text often shortens the length of the text.
Each table should be presented in a single column or double column on a separate page. Tables should be numbered according to their order in the text and a short title should be given to each.
Other vertical and horizontal lines should not be used inside the table, except for the header line and the top and bottom lines of the table. Each column should be given a title. Authors should make explanations in footnotes, not in the title. All non-standard abbreviations should be explained in footnotes. The following symbols should be used for footnotes, respectively: (*,†,‡,§,||,¶,**,††,‡‡).
Statistical measures of variation, such as standard deviation or standard error, should be specified.
It should be ensured that every table is referenced in the text.
If data from any other published or unpublished source is used, permission should be obtained and they should be fully informed.

Figures: Figures must either be professionally drawn and photographed or sent digitally in photographic quality.
In addition to the printable versions of the figures, the authors should send electronic files (such as JPEG or GIF) in high resolution image formats for electronic versions and check the image quality of these files on the computer screen before sending.

X-ray, CT, MRI and other diagnostic imaging and pathological photomicrographic preparations and specimens should be submitted for high quality printing, usually in single or double column sizes. Therefore, the letters, numbers and symbols on the figures should be clear and equal throughout the article and of legible size even when reduced for publication.

Figures should be as self-explanatory as possible. Photomicrographic pathology preparations should contain internal scales.
Symbols, arrows or letters should contrast with the background.
If a human photograph is to be used, either these persons should not be recognized from the photograph or written permission must be obtained (see Ethics section).
Figures should be numbered according to their order in the text.
If a previously published figure is to be used, permission must be obtained from the individual holding the copyright.

Footnotes of Figures: Beginning on a separate page, write the titles and footnotes for the figures, single-spaced and indicating which figure they correspond to with Arabic numerals. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the figure, each should be clearly identified in footnotes. Internal scale and staining technique should be explained in photomicrographic pathology preparations.

Other Topics
Units of Measurement: Units of length, weight, and volume should be reported in the metric (meter, kilogram, liter) system and their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius, blood pressure in millimeters of mercury. Both local and International System of Units (SI) should be used in measurement units. Drug concentrations are given in either SI or mass units, alternatively in parentheses.

Abbreviations and Symbols: Use only standard abbreviations, non-standard abbreviations can be very confusing for the reader. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title. Unless there is a standard unit of measurement, the long version of the abbreviations should be given in parentheses when first used.

Acknowledgment(s) / Acknowledgment(s):
At the end of the article, it is given before the sources. This section includes expressions of thanks to be made for reasons such as personal, technical and material assistance.

General Issues Regarding References
Although reviews are a tool that makes it easier for readers to access references on a topic, they do not always accurately reflect the original research. Therefore, as much as possible, authors should cite original research. On the other hand, citing too many original research on a subject can waste space. Citing a few key original research often works the same as long lists. In addition, nowadays, links can be added and / or added to the references in electronic versions, and readers can easily access publications through electronic literature searches.

Abstracts should not be cited as a references. References to accepted but unpublished articles should be "in press" or "to be published"; Authors must obtain written permission to cite these articles and must be able to prove that the articles are in print. Articles submitted but not accepted for publication should be cited as "unpublished observations" and used with written permission from the references.

Reference should not be made to "personal communications" unless it is a fundamental subject that cannot be obtained from a general source. If reference is made, the name of the contact person and the date of the communication should be indicated in parentheses. For scientific articles, authors should obtain written permission from this source and a document showing the accuracy of the communication.
References should be cited with numbers in parentheses at the end of the relevant sentence and in the order in which they appear in the text. For example; …… (1). or …… (1,2). or …… (3-5). like.

Uniform guidelines adopted an ANSI standard style, which was mainly adapted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). For examples of source citation, the author(s) may refer to http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html.
Journal names should be abbreviated as in MEDLINE. The List of Journals Indexed for MEDLINE, which is published annually as a separate publication and is included as a list in the January issue of MEDLINE, can be consulted. The list can also be obtained from http://www.nlm.nih.gov.
References should be numbered and listed according to the order of occurrence in the text under the heading References at the end of the article.

The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the references. All sources should be cited in the text. Personal experiences, unpublished publications should not be cited as sources. References should be cited as in the examples below.
For the writing of the references, it is necessary to look at the examples and pay special attention to the punctuation marks!
1. Examples for articles in journals:
For the journal article in MEDLINE and abbreviated according to MEDLINE: The surnames and first letters of the authors should be entered without a period, followed by a comma, and a period should be placed after the first name of the last author without going to the title. Then the title of the article should be entered and a period should be placed at the end. Then, a space is left after the short name of the journal in MEDLINE is written without a period at the end. Then, the publication date, semicolon, volume number, issue number in parentheses, colon, starting number of the published pages, hyphen, last page of the published pages (numbers on the first page are not repeated on the last page), and period are placed respectively. 

Karabekmez FE, Irgın C, Sağlam İ, Görgü M. Facial Distraction Osteogenesis Applications. Abant Med J 2012; 01(01):1-7.

2. For the additional issue: For the journal article in MEDLINE and abbreviated according to MEDLINE:
McIntyre RS, Yoon J. Efficacy of antimanic treatments in mixed states. Bipolar Discord. 2012;14 (Suppl 2):S22-36

3. For the article in print:
Karabekmez FE, Irgın C, Sağlam İ, Görgü M. Facial Distraction Osteogenesis Applications. Abant Med J doi:1111./1111 (in press)

4. For the books:
Uzun O. Schizophrenia: A Pharmacological Treatment Manual, Istanbul, Turkish Association for Psychopharmacology, 2008.
McNab S. Lacrimal surgery. In Practical Ophthalmic Surgery (Ed H Willshaw):191-211.. NewYork, Churchill Livingstone, 1992.
BG Katzung: Special Aspects of Geriatric Pharmacology, In: Bertram G. Katzung, Susan B. Masters, Anthony J. Trevor (Eds): Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. 10th edition, Lange, Mc Graw Hill, USA 2007:983-90.
Diener HC, Wilkinson M (editors). Drug-induced headache. In Headache. 1st ed., New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988, p. 45-67.
Milkman HB, Sederer LI. Treatment Options in Alcoholism and Substance Addiction (Translated by Eds Y Doğan, A Özden, M İzmir). Ankara, Ankara University Press, 1994.

5. For the thesis:
Koç F. Distribution of clinical findings in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (thesis). Adana, Çukurova University, 1999.

6. For congress papers:
Felek S, Kılıç SS, Akbulut A, Yıldız M. A case of phigellosis with visual hallucinations. XXVI. Turkish Microbiology Congress Abstract Book, 22-27 September 2000, Antalya, Mars Press, 1994, p.53-6.

7. For corporate data files:
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies: Treatment Episode Data Set: Admissions (TEDS-A), 2008 (data file ICPSR27241-v2). AnnArbor, Mich, Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, March 31, 2010 (doi:10.3886/ICPSR27241)

8. For newspapers:
New York Times: Comparing Schizophrenia Drugs (editorial). New York Times, Sept. 21, 2005

9. For internet resources:
Stern M. Radial nerve entrapment. http://www.edicine.com/orthoped/topic549.htm (accessed Dec 2005).

Conflict of Interest
If the authors have any conflict of interest, this should be disclosed.
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number
Each published article is assigned a digital object identifier number (DOI).
Submitting the Article to the Journal
Submission of articles to Abant Medical Journal is done completely online. For this purpose, it is necessary to register at http://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/abantmedj and submit an article.
What you need to submit an article.
There should be a cover letter accompanying the articles and containing the following information.
The cover letter should include the article title, the full name of the corresponding author, and type of article (original article, case report, review article, letter to editor etc.). The cover letter should also include a statement declaring the absence or presence of a conflict of interest (please refer to the ICMJE Conflict of Interest form page for details). Furthermore, there should be a statement that the manuscript has not already been published, accepted, or under simultaneous review for publication elsewhere. Abant Medical Journal does not accept multiple submissions and duplicate submissions even though the previous one was published in a different language. Please refer to the editorial (ICMJE recommendations (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html) on this subject for more details. For manuscripts that have been presented Orally or as a poster, this must be stated on the title page with the date and the place of the presentation.

There should be a statement stating that the article has been read and accepted by all authors, that the authorship criteria have been met as previously stated, and that each author believes the article reflects honest work. The letter should include all other information that may be helpful to the editor. If the article has been previously submitted to another journal, it is useful to post comments from the previous editor and reviewers and the authors' responses to them. The editor requests that previous correspondences be sent as it may speed up the referee process and thus the publication process of the manuscript.

After the Copyright Transfer Form is signed by all authors, it should be uploaded to the system together with the article.

Final Checklist

Presentation page to the editor
Category of the article
Information that it has not been sent to another journal
Relationship with a sponsor or a commercial company (if any)
Statistics check (for research articles)
Copyright transfer form
Permission certificate if previously printed material (text-picture-table) is used
In the "materials and methods" section of studies with humans, statement about compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, ethical committee approval and "informed consent (consent)" was obtained from the patients.
If an animal is used, stating its compliance with the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" principles in the "materials and methods" section
Turkish title of the article
English title of the article
Title Page containing the names, titles and affiliations of the authors (city and country information should be included after the university and faculty information), e-mail addresses, ORCID and Corresponding Author's open correspondence address, business phone, mobile phone, fax number must be submitted.
Abstracts (250 words) (Turkish)
Keywords: Between 3-5 words (Turkish)
Abstracts (250 words) (English)
Keywords: Between 3-5 words (English)
Tables, Pictures, Figures (Explanations must be written.)

Abant Tıp Dergisi, Türkçe ve İngilizce yazılmış makaleleri kabul eden, hakemli genel tıp dergisidir. Dergi, tüm klinik alanlarda bilimsel araştırmaları, derlemeleri, editöre mektup ve ilginç olgu bildirilerini yayımlar. Yılda 3 sayı halinde (Nisan, Ağustos, Aralık) elektronik ortamda yayınlanır.

Yayın Kurulu, yayın koşullarına uymayan yazıları; düzeltmek, kısaltmak, biçimce düzenlemek veya düzeltmek üzere yazarına geri vermek ya da yayınlamamak yetkisine sahiptir.

Yazılar sadece on-line olarak http://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/abantmedj sitesine kayıt yapılarak gönderilmeli ve takip edilmelidir. Farklı kanallarla gönderilen yazılar değerlendirmeye alınmaz.

Abant Tıp Dergisi 'ne yayınlanma talebi ile gönderilen makalelerde aranan ilk koşul, dergi "Yazım Kurallarına uygunluktur. Yazım kurallarına uygun olmayan makaleler için danışman değerlendirme süreci başlatılamamaktadır.

Bu dergide yayımlanmak için gönderilen makaleler, daha önce başka bir yerde yayımlanmamış veya yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olması şartı ile kabul edilir. Bu dergide yayımlanmak için gönderilen makaleler, benzerlik programlarından (Ithenticate, Turnitin vb.) taranmalıdır. Makalelerin benzerlik oranı en fazla %25 olmalıdır.

Dergide yayınlanmak üzere gönderilen yazıların başka yerde yayınlanmamış veya yayınlanmak üzere gönderilmemiş olması ve bu durumun tüm yazarların imzaları ile “TELİF HAKKI DEVİR FORMU” belgesinde belirtilmesi gerekir (Form http://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/abantmedj sitesinde mevcuttur). Yayınlanmak üzere gönderdikleri yazıları gecikme veya başka bir nedenle dergiden çekmek isteyenlerin bir yazı ile başvurmaları gerekir. Dergide yayınlanan yazılar için telif hakkı ödenmez. Yazıların sorumluluğu yazarlara aittir.

Bilimsel Sorumluluk

Makalelerin bilimsel ve etik kurallara uygunluğu yazarların sorumluluğundadır.

Gönderilen makalede tüm yazarların akademik ve bilimsel olarak doğrudan katkısı olmalıdır, bu bağlamda “yazar” yayınlanan bir araştırmanın kavramsallaştırılmasına, verilerin elde edilmesine, analizine ya da yorumlanmasına belirgin katkı yapan, yazının yazılması ya da bunun içerik açısından eleştirel biçimde gözden geçirilmesinde görev yapan birisi olarak görülür. Yazar olabilmenin diğer koşulları ise, makaledeki çalışmayı planlamak veya icra etmek ve / veya revize etmektir. Fon sağlanması, veri toplanması ya da araştırma grubunun genel süpervizyonu tek başına yazarlık hakkı kazandırmaz. Yazar olarak gösterilen tüm bireyler sayılan tüm ölçütleri karşılamalıdır ve yukarıdaki ölçütleri karşılayan her birey yazar olarak gösterilebilir.

Çok merkezli çalışmalarda grubun tüm üyelerinin yukarıda belirtilen şartları karşılaması gereklidir. Yazarların isim sıralaması ortak verilen bir karar olmalıdır. Tüm yazarlar yazar sıralamasını Telif Hakkı Devri Formu imzalı olarak belirtmek zorundadırlar. Yazarların tümünün ismi yazının başlığının altındaki bölümde yer almalıdır.

Yazarlık için yeterli ölçütleri karşılamayan ancak çalışmaya katkısı olan tüm bireyler “teşekkür / bilgiler” kısmında sıralanmalıdır. Bunlara örnek olarak ise sadece teknik destek sağlayan, yazıma yardımcı olan ya da sadece genel bir destek sağlayan kişiler verilebilir. Finansal ve materyal destekleri de belirtilmelidir.

Yazıya materyal olarak destek veren ancak yazarlık için gerekli ölçütleri karşılamayan kişiler “klinik araştırıcılar” ya da “yardımcı araştırıcılar” gibi başlıklar altında toplanmalı ve bunların işlevleri ya da katılımları “bilimsel danışmanlık yaptı” “çalışma önerisini gözden geçirdi” “veri topladı” ya da “çalışma hastalarının bakımını üstlendi” şeklinde belirtilmelidir. Teşekkür (acknowledgement) kısmında belirtilecek bu bireylerden de yazılı izin alınması gerekmektedir.

Etik Sorumluluk

Abant Tıp Dergisi, 1975 Helsinki Deklarasyonu’nun 2000 yılında revize edilen İnsan Deneyleri Komitesi’nin (www.wma.netle/policy/b3.htm) etik standartlarına uymayı ilke edinmiştir. Hayvanlar üzerinde yürütülmüş olan çalışmaların da biyomedikal araştırmalarda deney hayvanlarının kullanımı ile ilgili yönergeye uyması gereklidir  (Wma Statement On Anımal Use In Bıomedıcal Research). Bu yüzden Abant Tıp Dergisi'ne yayınlanmak üzere gönderilen yazılarda, klinik deneylere katılan denekler ile ilgili olarak belirtilen komitenin etik standartlarına uyulduğunun mutlaka belirtilmesi gerekmektedir.

Gerektiğinde yazarlardan deneyin türüne göre gerekli olan yerel veya ulusal etik komitelerden alınan onay yazıları editör tarafından istenebilir. Bununla birlikte deneye katılan kişi/ hasta’lardan, hastalar eğer temyiz kudretine sahip değilse vâsilerinden yazılı bilgilendirilmiş onam alındığını belirten bir yazı ile beraber tüm yazarlar tarafından imzalanmış bir belgenin editöre gönderilmesi gerekmektedir.

Bu tip çalışmaların varlığında yazarlar, makalenin YÖNTEM (LER) bölümünde bu prensiplere uygun olarak çalışmayı yaptıklarını, kurumlarının etik kurullarından ve çalışmaya katılmış insanlardan "bilgilendirilmiş olur (rıza)" aldıklarını belirtmek zorundadırlar. Olgu sunumlarında da hastalardan "bilgilendirilmiş olur (rıza)" alınmalıdır.

Çalışmada "hayvan" kullanılmış ise yazarlar, makalenin YÖNTEM (LER) bölümünde “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” prensipleri doğrultusunda çalışmalarında hayvan haklarını koruduklarını ve kurumlarının etik kurullarından onay aldıklarını belirtmek zorundadırlar. Hayvan deneyleri rapor edilirken yazarlar, laboratuvar hayvanlarının bakımı ve kullanımı ile ilgili kurumsal ve ulusal rehberlere uyup uymadıklarını yazılı olarak bildirmek zorundadırlar.

Makalelerin etik kurallara uygunluğu yazarların sorumluluğundadır. Abant Tıp Dergisi, yayınladığı makalelerde ticarî kaygılardan uzak ve konu ile ilgili en iyi etik ve bilimsel standartlarda olması şartını gözetmektedir.

Editör ve yayıncı, reklâm amacı ile dergide yayınlanan ticari ürünlerin özellikleri ve açıklamaları konusunda hiçbir garanti vermemekte ve sorumluluk kabul etmemektedir. Eğer makalede doğrudan veya dolaylı ticarî bağlantı veya çalışma için maddî destek veren kurum mevcut ise yazarlar; kaynak sayfasında, kullanılan ticarî ürün, ilaç, ilaç firması v.b. ile ticari hiçbir ilişkisinin olmadığını veya varsa nasıl bir ilişkisinin olduğunu (konsültan, diğer anlaşmalar) bildirmek zorundadır.

Hastalar ve Çalışmaya Katılanların Gizlilik ve Mahremiyeti

Hastaların ismi, isimlerinin baş harfleri ya da hastane numaraları gibi tanımlayıcı bilgiler, fotoğraflar ve soy ağacı bilgileri v.b. bilimsel amaçlar açısından çok gerekli olmadıkça ve hasta (ya da anne-baba, ya da vasisi) yazılı bilgilendirilmiş olur (rıza) vermedikçe basılmazlar.

Özellikle olgu bildirimlerinde, çok gerekli olmadıkça hasta ile ilgili tanımlayıcı ayrıntılar çıkarılmalıdır. Örneğin, fotoğraflarda göz bölgesinin maskelenmesi kimliğin gizlenmesi için yeterli değildir. Eğer veriler kimliğin gizlenmesi için değiştirildiyse yazarlar bu değişikliklerin bilimsel anlamı etkilemediği konusunda güvence vermelidirler. Bilgilendirilmiş olur (rıza) alındığı da makalede belirtilmelidir.

Editör, Yazar(lar) ve Hakemlerle İlişkiler

Editör makalelerle ilgili bilgileri (makalenin alınması, içeriği, gözden geçirme sürecinin durumu, hakemlerin eleştirileri ya da varılan sonuç) yazarlar ya da hakemler dışında kimseyle paylaşmaz.

Editör hakemlere gözden geçirme için gönderilen makalelerin, yazarların özel mülkü olduğunu ve bunun imtiyazlı bir iletişim olduğunu açıkça belirtir. Hakemler ve yayın kurulu üyeleri topluma açık bir şekilde makaleleri tartışamazlar. Hakemlerin kendileri için makalelerin kopyalarını çıkarmalarına izin verilmez ve editörün izni olmadan makaleleri başkasına veremezler. Hakemler gözden geçirmelerini bitirdikten sonra makalenin kopyalarını yok etmeli ya da editöre göndermelidirler. Dergimiz editörü de reddedilen ya da geri verilen makalelerin kopyalarını imha etmelidir.

Yazarın ve editörün izni olmadan hakemlerin gözden geçirmeleri basılamaz ve açıklanamaz. Hakemlerin kimliğinin gizli kalmasına özen gösterilmelidir. Bazı durumlarda editörün kararıyla, ilgili hakemlerin makaleye ait yorumları aynı makaleyi yorumlayan diğer hakemlere gönderilerek hakemlerin bu süreçte aydınlatılması sağlanabilir.

Dergimizin editöryel ve yayın süreçleri International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) ve National Information Standards Organization (NISO) organizasyonlarının kılavuzlarına uygun olarak biçimlendirilmiştir. Derginin editöryal ve yayın süreçleri, Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (doaj.org/bestpractice) ilkelerine uygun olarak yürütülmektedir.

Yayın Kurulu, dergimize gönderilen çalışmalar hakkındaki intihal, atıf manipülasyonu ve veri sahteciliği iddia ve şüpheleri karsısında COPE kurallarına uygun olarak hareket edecektir.

Eğer makalede daha önce yayınlanan makalelerden alıntı varsa, makalenin yazarı yayın hakkı sahibi ve yazarlarından yazılı onay almak ve bunu makalesinde belirtmek zorundadır. Alınan onay belgesi makaleyle beraber editörlüğümüze gönderilmelidir. Hakemlerin, mükerrer yayın, intihal vb gibi olası araştırma ve yayın etiği ihlalleri konusunda yorumda bulunmaları beklenir.

Abant Tıp Dergisi'nde makale gönderim/süreç işletimi ücretsizdir.