Research Article
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Effects of Age and Sex of The Foal on The Gestation Length of Thoroughbred Mares

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 5, 1386 - 1392, 31.10.2020


The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of age and sex of the foal on the gestation length of thoroughbred mares. The study covered six stallions (of average age of 10.25 years) and 34 mares (of average age of 10.51 years) with descent records (pedigree), English Thoroughbred horses raised and actively used for breeding at a study farm called Ljubičevo, located in Serbia. The following average morphological body measures were established: body weight (473.10 kg), withers height (159.55 cm), body length (160.54 cm), chest circumference (188.00 cm), and tibia circumference (19.21 cm) were found to be within the scope of standard measures for this breed and particular ages e.g. 9 to 15. The average gestation length, regardless of the sex of the foal, was 336.57 days. The gestation of mares carrying male foals was somewhat longer (337.70 days) than of mares carrying female foals (335.80 days). The difference (1.90 days) in gestation length was not statistically significant (P>0.05). A weak positive correlation (rp=0.321) was observed between the age of the mare and the gestation length (regardless of foal sex). Additionally, a medium correlation (rp=0.444) was observed between the mare's age and the gestation length in the case of male foals, and a very weak correlation (rp=0.210) in the case of female foals.


  • Aoki T, Yamakawa K, Ishii M 2013. Factors affecting gestation length in heavy draft mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 33(6): 437-440.
  • Bayram D, Öztürk Y, Küçük M 2005. Van yöresinde yetiştirilen atlarda fenotipik özellikler. YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1):85-88.
  • Bene S, Benedek Z, Nagy S, Szabó F, Polgár P 2014. Some effects on gestation length of traditional horse breeds in Hungary. Journal of Central European Agriculture 15(1): 1-10.
  • Bene S, Giczi A, Nagy Z, Benedek Z, Szabo F, Polgar P 2013. Live weight and body measurement of Hungarian thoroughbred broodmares. Journal of Central European Agriculture 14 (3): 99-109
  • Bilal T, Meral Y 2000. Determination of the association between heart diameter and myocardial thickness with body weights in English racing horses by m-mode echocardiography. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 24(2000):571-576.
  • Bucsy L 1992. Reproduction of Horse. In: Bodó, I., Hecker, W. (Eds.) Horse Breeders Handbook. Mezőgazda Publisher, Budapest, Hungary. 224-225. [in Hungarian]
  • Cilek S 2009. The survey of reproductive success in Arabian horse breeding from 1976-2007 at Anadolu state farm in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(2): 389-396.
  • Davies-Morel DMC, Newcombe Jr, Holland SJ 2002. Factors affecting gestation length in the Thoroughbred mare. Animal Reproduction Science 74(3-4):175-185.
  • Đermanović V, Mitrović S, Đorđević N, Novaković M 2010. Some significant exterior and reproductive properties of the English thoroughbred horse population from the study farm "Ljubicevo"-Serbia. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 26(1-2): 75-82.
  • Duru S, Baycan SC, Özhelvacı H, Gündoğan B, Akgün H 2017. Estimation of variance components and genetic parameters for the various body measurements in Turkish Arabian horse. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 27(3): 378-386.
  • FAOSTAT 2018. FAO statistical database. Last accessed 28th November 2018.
  • Ferreira JRM, Meirelles MG, Guimarães CF, Alonso MA, Nichi M, Fernandes CB 2016. Factors affecting gestational length in the Mangalarga Paulista breed. Animal Reproduction Belo Horizonte 13(2):117-121.
  • Galvin NP, Corley KTT 2010. Causes of disease and death from birth to 12 months of age in the Thoroughbred horse in Ireland. Irish Veterinary Journal 63(1):37-43.
  • Hevia ML, Quiles AJ, Fuentes F, Gonzalo C 1994. Reproductive performance of thoroughbred mares in Spain. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 14(2): 89-92.
  • Hrasnica F, Ilančić D, Milosavljević S, Pavlović S, Rako A, Šmalcelj I 1964. Specijalno stočarstvo (drugo izdanje). Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Socijalističke Republike Srbije, Beograd, p. 19-23.
  • Jainudeen Mr, Hafez ESE 2000. Gestation, prenatal physiology and parturition. In: Hafez ESE, Hafez B, editors, Reproduction in farm animals. Boston: Lippincott. Wiliams and Wikins; p. 140-155.
  • Kaygısız A, Orhan H, Vanlı Y, Güler A, Gökdere MA 2011. Sultansuyu tarım işletmesinde yetiştirilen Türkiye Arap atlarının vücut ölçülerine ait fenotipik ve genetik parametre tahminleri. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 1(1): 69-74.
  • Kawareti PK, Nandeshwar NC, Banubakode SB, Gedam PM, Ganguly S 2017. Morphometrical measurments of thoroughbred horses (Equus caballus). International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 5(3): 37-39.
  • Kurtz FF, Deprá NM, Alda JL, Castro IN, De La Corte FD, Silva JHS, Silva CAM 1997. Duração da gestação em relação à idade de éguas da raça Puro Sangue de Corrida, aos pesos do potro e da placenta, e ao horário do parto. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 34(1):37-40.
  • Mccue PM, Ferris RA 2012. Parturition, dystocia and foal survival: a retrospective study of 1047 births. Equine Veterinary Journal Supplements 44(41): 22-25.
  • Mitrović S, Grubić G 2003. Odgajivanje i ishrana konja. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, p. 153-158.
  • Pérez CC, Rodríguez I, Mota J, Dorado J, Hidalgo M, Felipe M, Sanz J 2003. Gestation length in Carthusian Spanish bred mares. Livestock Production Science 82(2-3): 181-187.
  • Pergament E, Fidder M, Cho N, Jonhson D, Holmgren WJ 1994. Sexual differentiation and preimplantation cell growth. Human Reproduction 9(9):1730-1732.
  • Rezac P, Pospisilova D, Slama P, Havlicek Z 2013. Different effects of month of conception and birth on gestation length in mares. Journal Animal and Veterinary Advances 12(6): 731-735.
  • Satué K, Felipe M, Mota J, Muñoz A 2011a. Factors influencing gestation length in mares: A review. Livestock Science 136(2): 287-294.
  • Satué K, Felipe M, Mota J, Muñoz A 2011b. Gestational length in Carthusian broodmares: Effects of breeding season, foal gender, age of mare, year of parturition, parity and sire. Polish Journal of Veterinary Science 14(2):173-180.
  • Tavčar A 1946. Biometrika u poljoprivredi. Poljoprivredni nakladni zavod, Zagreb.
  • Trailović D, Petrujkić T, Marijana V, Trailović R, Katrinić Z 2007. Savremeni trendovi u uzgoju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti konja. Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet veterinarske medicine i Ministarstvo za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i vodoprivredu Republike Srbije, Uprava za veterinu, Beograd.
  • Valente M, Unanian MM, Villarroel ABS, Gomes FFF 2006. Duração da gestação e do parto em éguas Puro Sangue Árabe. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 58(4): 668-671.
  • Valera M, Blesa F, Dos Santos R, Molina A 2006. Genetic study of gestation length in Andalusian and Arabian mares. Animal Reproduction Science 95(1-2): 75-96.

Yavruların Yaşı ve Cinsiyetinin Safkan Kısrakların Gebelik Uzunluğu Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2020, Volume: 23 Issue: 5, 1386 - 1392, 31.10.2020


Bu çalışmanın amacı, kısrak yaşı ve tay cinsiyetinin safkan kısrakların gebelik süreleri üzerine etkilerini saptamaktır. Çalışma, Sırbistan'da bulunan Ljubičevo adlı bir damızlık çiftliğinde yetiştirilen ve aktif olarak kullanılan safkan atlar içerisinde pedigri kayıtı bulunan altı aygır (ortalama 10.25 yaş) ve 34 kısrak (ortalama 10.51 yaş) ile yürütülmüştür. Morfolojik beden ölçüleri canlı ağırlık 473.10 kg), omuz yüksekliği (159.55 cm), beden uzunluğu (160.54 cm), göğüs çevresi (188.00 cm) ve tibia çevresi (19.21 cm) olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ortalama gebelik süresi 336.57 gün olarak bulunmuş olup erkek tay taşıyan kısrakların gebelik süresi (337.70 gün), dişi tay taşıyan kısraklara (335.80 gün) göre biraz daha uzun saptanmıştır. Kısrak yaşı ile gebelik süresi arasında zayıf pozitif korelasyon (rp = 0.321) gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca erkek taylar sözkonusu olduğunda, kısrak yaşı ile gebelik uzunluğu arasında orta bir korelasyon (rp = 0.444); dişi taylar söz konusu olduğunda ise çok zayıf bir korelasyon (rp = 0.210) gözlenmiştir. 


  • Aoki T, Yamakawa K, Ishii M 2013. Factors affecting gestation length in heavy draft mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 33(6): 437-440.
  • Bayram D, Öztürk Y, Küçük M 2005. Van yöresinde yetiştirilen atlarda fenotipik özellikler. YYÜ Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(1):85-88.
  • Bene S, Benedek Z, Nagy S, Szabó F, Polgár P 2014. Some effects on gestation length of traditional horse breeds in Hungary. Journal of Central European Agriculture 15(1): 1-10.
  • Bene S, Giczi A, Nagy Z, Benedek Z, Szabo F, Polgar P 2013. Live weight and body measurement of Hungarian thoroughbred broodmares. Journal of Central European Agriculture 14 (3): 99-109
  • Bilal T, Meral Y 2000. Determination of the association between heart diameter and myocardial thickness with body weights in English racing horses by m-mode echocardiography. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 24(2000):571-576.
  • Bucsy L 1992. Reproduction of Horse. In: Bodó, I., Hecker, W. (Eds.) Horse Breeders Handbook. Mezőgazda Publisher, Budapest, Hungary. 224-225. [in Hungarian]
  • Cilek S 2009. The survey of reproductive success in Arabian horse breeding from 1976-2007 at Anadolu state farm in Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8(2): 389-396.
  • Davies-Morel DMC, Newcombe Jr, Holland SJ 2002. Factors affecting gestation length in the Thoroughbred mare. Animal Reproduction Science 74(3-4):175-185.
  • Đermanović V, Mitrović S, Đorđević N, Novaković M 2010. Some significant exterior and reproductive properties of the English thoroughbred horse population from the study farm "Ljubicevo"-Serbia. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry 26(1-2): 75-82.
  • Duru S, Baycan SC, Özhelvacı H, Gündoğan B, Akgün H 2017. Estimation of variance components and genetic parameters for the various body measurements in Turkish Arabian horse. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 27(3): 378-386.
  • FAOSTAT 2018. FAO statistical database. Last accessed 28th November 2018.
  • Ferreira JRM, Meirelles MG, Guimarães CF, Alonso MA, Nichi M, Fernandes CB 2016. Factors affecting gestational length in the Mangalarga Paulista breed. Animal Reproduction Belo Horizonte 13(2):117-121.
  • Galvin NP, Corley KTT 2010. Causes of disease and death from birth to 12 months of age in the Thoroughbred horse in Ireland. Irish Veterinary Journal 63(1):37-43.
  • Hevia ML, Quiles AJ, Fuentes F, Gonzalo C 1994. Reproductive performance of thoroughbred mares in Spain. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 14(2): 89-92.
  • Hrasnica F, Ilančić D, Milosavljević S, Pavlović S, Rako A, Šmalcelj I 1964. Specijalno stočarstvo (drugo izdanje). Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Socijalističke Republike Srbije, Beograd, p. 19-23.
  • Jainudeen Mr, Hafez ESE 2000. Gestation, prenatal physiology and parturition. In: Hafez ESE, Hafez B, editors, Reproduction in farm animals. Boston: Lippincott. Wiliams and Wikins; p. 140-155.
  • Kaygısız A, Orhan H, Vanlı Y, Güler A, Gökdere MA 2011. Sultansuyu tarım işletmesinde yetiştirilen Türkiye Arap atlarının vücut ölçülerine ait fenotipik ve genetik parametre tahminleri. Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 1(1): 69-74.
  • Kawareti PK, Nandeshwar NC, Banubakode SB, Gedam PM, Ganguly S 2017. Morphometrical measurments of thoroughbred horses (Equus caballus). International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience 5(3): 37-39.
  • Kurtz FF, Deprá NM, Alda JL, Castro IN, De La Corte FD, Silva JHS, Silva CAM 1997. Duração da gestação em relação à idade de éguas da raça Puro Sangue de Corrida, aos pesos do potro e da placenta, e ao horário do parto. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science 34(1):37-40.
  • Mccue PM, Ferris RA 2012. Parturition, dystocia and foal survival: a retrospective study of 1047 births. Equine Veterinary Journal Supplements 44(41): 22-25.
  • Mitrović S, Grubić G 2003. Odgajivanje i ishrana konja. Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, p. 153-158.
  • Pérez CC, Rodríguez I, Mota J, Dorado J, Hidalgo M, Felipe M, Sanz J 2003. Gestation length in Carthusian Spanish bred mares. Livestock Production Science 82(2-3): 181-187.
  • Pergament E, Fidder M, Cho N, Jonhson D, Holmgren WJ 1994. Sexual differentiation and preimplantation cell growth. Human Reproduction 9(9):1730-1732.
  • Rezac P, Pospisilova D, Slama P, Havlicek Z 2013. Different effects of month of conception and birth on gestation length in mares. Journal Animal and Veterinary Advances 12(6): 731-735.
  • Satué K, Felipe M, Mota J, Muñoz A 2011a. Factors influencing gestation length in mares: A review. Livestock Science 136(2): 287-294.
  • Satué K, Felipe M, Mota J, Muñoz A 2011b. Gestational length in Carthusian broodmares: Effects of breeding season, foal gender, age of mare, year of parturition, parity and sire. Polish Journal of Veterinary Science 14(2):173-180.
  • Tavčar A 1946. Biometrika u poljoprivredi. Poljoprivredni nakladni zavod, Zagreb.
  • Trailović D, Petrujkić T, Marijana V, Trailović R, Katrinić Z 2007. Savremeni trendovi u uzgoju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti konja. Univerzitet u Beogradu – Fakultet veterinarske medicine i Ministarstvo za poljoprivredu, šumarstvo i vodoprivredu Republike Srbije, Uprava za veterinu, Beograd.
  • Valente M, Unanian MM, Villarroel ABS, Gomes FFF 2006. Duração da gestação e do parto em éguas Puro Sangue Árabe. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia 58(4): 668-671.
  • Valera M, Blesa F, Dos Santos R, Molina A 2006. Genetic study of gestation length in Andalusian and Arabian mares. Animal Reproduction Science 95(1-2): 75-96.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences

Milena Milojevic 0000-0001-6997-1532

Mitrovic Streten 0000-0002-1453-5626

Tugay Ayaşan 0000-0001-7397-6483

Tatjana Zdralic 0000-0001-6737-5155

Vladan Djermanovic 0000-0001-6748-5442

Publication Date October 31, 2020
Submission Date February 22, 2020
Acceptance Date April 17, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020Volume: 23 Issue: 5


APA Milojevic, M., Streten, M., Ayaşan, T., Zdralic, T., et al. (2020). Effects of Age and Sex of The Foal on The Gestation Length of Thoroughbred Mares. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Tarım Ve Doğa Dergisi, 23(5), 1386-1392.

International Peer Reviewed Journal
Free submission and publication
Published 6 times a year


KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature

e-ISSN: 2619-9149