Instructions for Authors

1. Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies (GWS) is published biannually in May and November as a peer-reviewed international electronic journal.

2. Authors of articles published in Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies retain the copyright of their article(s) and are free to reproduce and disseminate their work. For further details please see Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

3. All articles in the Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women's Studies are published free of charge via the Dergipark system.

4. During the publication process, no fee is requested from the authors for the articles submitted to the Mediterranean Journal of Women's Studies and Gender.

5. Applications which are made for being published in Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies are to be done by the way of filling up “Copyright Form” (For detailed information, please see : Corresponding author undertakes that all the responsibilities as the corresponding author, and Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies, journal editors and broadcasting board have no responsibility for the demands for rights or cases to be opened by the third parties due to the violation of right. Besides, the author should undertake that there is not any crime element or any statement against law in the article, any kind of method or material which is against law is not used during the research process, and take all necessary legal permissions and behave in accordance with the ethical rules about the work.

6. The sending process of the articles to Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies can only be done via Dergipark System. See: Makale Gönder). Authors or those concerned can contact the journal secretariat about all the other subjects. For the video about the process of sending articles, please click for sample submission process.

7. Please check out the following items before you submit your article.
• Manuscripts to be submitted to Mediterranean Journal of GWS should not have been published earlier, scheduled for publication, or at the evaluation process in another journal.

• Authors should denote references for visual and written copyrighted works which they use in their manuscripts.

• Scientific and legal responsibility of the works published in the journal belongs to their authors.

• Republishing of full articles that have already been published in the journal is liable to Mediterranean Journal of GWS's permission.

• Authors are required to send their manuscripts with abstracts (100-150 words) which are to be in Turkish and English. 3 or 5 keywords should be included below the abstracts.

• Manuscripts should be in 12-point Times New Roman font, 1.5 spaced on MS Word and consist of a maximum of 10000 words and minimum of 5000 words.

• In-text citations and references of all manuscripts to be published in Mediterranean Journal of GWS should be appropriate to the APA Style. Please click on the link below for the journal’s format of referencing.

• The names and affiliations of authors should not be mentioned in the manuscripts including footnotes and alike.

8. Our journal reviewers are expected to evaluate manuscripts considering the following points included in the chart below. Therefore, it will be useful for authors to revise their manuscripts within this context before sending them.
• Is the subject of the article appropriate for publication in Mediterranean Journal of GWS?
• Are the title and the contents of the article compatible?
• Have the aim and the scope of the article been stated clearly?
• Has the existing literature been accessed?
• Are the references satisfactory?
• Has the link between the theoretical framework and the subject of the article been established adequately?
• Is the methodology of the study relevant to its aim?
• Have the data obtained from the study been analysed in sufficient detail?
• Is the text appropriate in terms of grammar and spelling rules?
• Is the article appropriate for the reference system of the journal?
• Does the article have specific values and contribute to the discipline?

9.Authors who apply to the Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women's Studies may withdraw their studies "without giving any reason" during the pre-control phase.

10. After the pre-control, manuscripts meeting the requirements are sent to related referees according to their expertise as soon as possible. Referee evaluation is carried out by double-blind review by two researchers that are determined by the relevant editors. The referees send the work back to the related editorial board, making the necessary evaluations for the article. In the case that there is a disagreement between two referees, a third referee opinion can be asked for. Upon completion of the referee process, the editorial board contacts the author for any corrections or the necessary processes. With the completion of the text content, getting the final approval of the editorial board, the manuscript enters in the process of publication.

Last Update Time: 9/16/20, 11:08:14 AM

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