Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 125 - 152, 31.12.2023


Bu çalışma, 19. Yüzyıldan sonra Mısır’ın ekonomi politiğini Alexander Gerschenkron’un “Geç Endüstrileşen Ülkeler Tezi” çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Mısır’ın kapitalizme eklemlenme sürecinde Mısır’ın sanayileşme serüveni tarihsel sosyoloji metodu kullanılarak incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Mısır’ın endüstrileşme sürecinin, kapitalizme geç bütünleşen diğer çevre ülkeler ile paralellikler gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Devletin ekonomide uyguladığı devletçi politikaların, endüstrileşmede belli bir olgunlaşmaya ulaşamadan sona erdirilmiştir. Bu durum, Mısır’ın geç endüstrileşen ülkeler arasında, endüstrileşmede sıçrama yapamadan fırsatı kaçıran ülkeler arasında yer almasının en önemli nedenlerden biridir. Bir diğer neden endüstrileşmeyi finanse edecek yatırım bankalarının yokluğu ya da Mısır Bankası’nın bu işlevi yerine getirememesi olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu nedenle, Mısır’ın sermaye bağımlılığı hiçbir dönemde kırılamamıştır. Bağımlı kapitalist kalkınmanın getirdiği adaletsizlikler Mısır’da hem siyasi istikrarı tesis etmeyi hem de endüstrileşme hedeflerini zora sokmuştur.


  • Abul-Magd, Z. (2010). Rebellion in the Time of Cholera: Failed Empire, Unfinished Nation in Egypt, 1840–1920. Journal of World History 21. (4): 691–719.
  • Aglan, S. (2003). Industrial Development: Progress and Challenges in the Future. In Egypt in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges for Development. edited by Mohamad R. el-Ghonemy. 160–80. London: Routledge.
  • Alissa, S. (2007). The Political Economy of Reform in Egypt: Understanding the Role of Institutions. Carnegie Papers 5. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Amin, G. (2011). Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak. 1981–2011. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Aybudak, U. (2021). Kapitalizme Entegrasyon Biçimleri ve İslamcılık. İstanbul: Dün Bugün Yarın Yayınları.
  • Badrawi, M. (2000). Political Violence in Egypt, 1910–1924: Secret Societies. Plots and Assassinations. Richmond: Curzon.
  • Baer, G. (1962). A History of Landownership in Modern Egypt, 1800–1950. London: Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Barakat, A. (1977). Tatawwur al-Milkiyya al-Zira‘iyya fi Misr, 1813–1914, wa-Atharuhu ‘ala l-Haraka al-Siyasiyya. Cairo: Dar al-Thaqafa al-Jadida.
  • Behçet, M. (2019). İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Mısır Siyasi Tarihi Üzerinden Arap Baharı’nın İncelenmesi. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Cilt 21 Ek Sayı (303-321).
  • Beinin, J. (2001). Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Botman, S. (1991). Egypt from Independence to Revolution, 1919–1952. Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press.
  • Bush, R. (2007). Politics, Power and Poverty: Twenty Years of Agricultural Reform and Market Liberalisation in Egypt. Third World Quarterly. 28 (8): 1599–1615.
  • Crecelius, D. (2008). Egypt in the Eighteenth Century. M. W. Daly (ed.). The Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 59-87.
  • Davis, E. (1983). Challenging Colonialism: Bank Miṣr and Egyptian Industrialization, 1920–1941. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
  • Dean, B. and Mohieldin, M. (2001). On the Formulation and Enforcement of Competition Law in Emerging Economies: The Case of Egypt. Working Paper 60. Cairo: Egyptian Center for Economic Studies.
  • Dessouki, H. (1996). External Factors and Development in Egypt. in DanTschirgi (ed.) Development in the Age of Liberalization: Egypt and Mexico. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press., s. 164-166.
  • Dykstra, D. (2008). The French occupation of Egypt 1798-1801. M. W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 113-139.
  • Eşiyok, A. (2010). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Dünya Ekonomisine Eklemlenmesinde Bir Dönüm Noktası: 1838 Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması. Mülkiye Dergisi. 34/266. s:67-108.
  • EzzelArab, AbdelAziz. (2002). European Control and Egypt’s Traditional Elites: A Case Study in Elite Economic Nationalism. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Fahmy, K. (2008). The Era of Mohammad’ Ali pasha, 1805-1848. M.W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History of egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 139-180.
  • Farah, N. (2009). Egypt’s Political Economy: Power Relations in Development. American University in Cairo Press. Findlay, R. (1978). Relative backwardness, direct foreign investment, and the transfer of technology: a simple dynamic model. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92(1), 1-16.
  • Gerschenkron, A. (1962), Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
  • Goldschmidt, A. (2013). Historical Dictionary of Egypt. 4th ed. Historical Dictionaries of Africa. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • Gregory, P. R. (1974a). A Note on Relative Backwardness and Industrial Structure. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 520-527.
  • Harrison, F. V. (1995). The persistent power of" race" in the cultural and political economy of racism. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24(1), 47-74.
  • Harley, K. C. (1991). Substitution for Prerequisites: Endogenous Institutions and Comparative Economic History. Patterns European Industrialization, (ed.) Richard Sylla - Gianni Toniolo, Routledge, London, pp. 29-44.
  • Hathaway, J. (2008). Egypt in the Seventeenth Century. M. W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History Of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 34-59.
  • Hershlag, Z. Y. (1964). Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East. Leiden: E. J.Brill.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1984). Egypt under the Khedives, 1805–1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Univ. Press.
  • Kaymakçı, O. (2012). Arap Baharı Öncesinde Kalkınma Sürecinde Seçilmiş Ülkeler Bazında Orta Doğu Ekonomileri ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri –II-. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 8(2). 223-253.
  • Keyder, Ç. (2016). Toplumsal Tarih Çalışmaları. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Korany, B. and Mahdi, R. (2012). Arab Spring in Egypt: Revolution and Beyond. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Landau, J. (1953). Parliaments and Parties in Egypt. Tel Aviv: Israel Publishing House.
  • Maghraoui, A. (2006). Liberalism without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922–1936. Durham: Duke Univ. Press.
  • Mommsen, W. (1961). Imperialismus in Agypten: Der Aufstieg der agyptischen nationalen Bewegung 1805–1956. München: Oldenbourg.
  • Özkoç, Ö. (2020). Otoriter Rejimin İnşası ve Sürekliliği: Mısır Ordusunun Siyasal Hayattaki Rolü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations. cilt.51. ss.91-114. Prados de la Escosura, L. (2005). Gerschenkron revisited. European patterns of development in historical perspective. Universidad Carlos III Working Papers. 01-43.
  • Rivlin, H. A. B. (1961). The Agricultural Policy of Muhammad Ali in Egypt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Sander, O. (2011). Siyasi Tarih İlkçağlardan 1918’e. İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Sawi, A., Shuman, M. and Mikawy. N. (2002). Institutional Impediments to Economic Legislation. In Institutional Reform and Economic Development in Egypt. edited by Noha el-Mikawy and Heba Handoussa, 37–48. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Sayyid, M. (1990). Privatization: The Egyptian Debate. Cairo Papers in Social Science. 13: 4.
  • Springborg, Robert. (1979). Patrimonialism and Policy Making in Egypt: Nasser and Sadat and the Tenure Policy for Reclaimed Lands. Middle Eastern Studies. 15 (1): 49–69.
  • Stanford J. (1962). Financial and Administrative Organization and Development of Ottoman Egypt 1517-1798. s.1316. Princeton University Press.
  • Tarouty, Safinaz el. (2015). Businessmen, Clientelism, and Authoritarianism in Egypt. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Thornhill, Michael T. (2010). Informal Empire, Independent Egypt and the Accession of King Farouk. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 38 (2): 279–302.
  • Tignor, Robert. (1976). The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: New Directions in the Egyptian Economy. Middle Eastern Studies 12 (3): 41–67.
  • Tiryakioğlu, (2011). Teknoloji Transferi, Teknoloji Yoksulluğu Mu? Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 66(2), 169-199.
  • Tür, Ö. (2009). Mısır'da ekonomik kalkınma çabaları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 0(41), 183- 194.
  • Vercoutter, Jean. (2001). Eski Mısır. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Weipert-Fenner, I. (2020). The autocratic parliament: power and legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011. Syracuse University Press.
  • Winter, M. (2008). Ottoman Egypt, 1525-1609, Daly, Martin W. (ed.), Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, s.4.
  • Youssef, Hassan. (1983). The Democratic Experience in Egypt, 1923–1952. In Democracy in Egypt: Problems and Prospects. 2nd ed., edited by Ali Dessouki, 27–34. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
Year 2023, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 125 - 152, 31.12.2023



  • Abul-Magd, Z. (2010). Rebellion in the Time of Cholera: Failed Empire, Unfinished Nation in Egypt, 1840–1920. Journal of World History 21. (4): 691–719.
  • Aglan, S. (2003). Industrial Development: Progress and Challenges in the Future. In Egypt in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges for Development. edited by Mohamad R. el-Ghonemy. 160–80. London: Routledge.
  • Alissa, S. (2007). The Political Economy of Reform in Egypt: Understanding the Role of Institutions. Carnegie Papers 5. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
  • Amin, G. (2011). Egypt in the Era of Hosni Mubarak. 1981–2011. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Aybudak, U. (2021). Kapitalizme Entegrasyon Biçimleri ve İslamcılık. İstanbul: Dün Bugün Yarın Yayınları.
  • Badrawi, M. (2000). Political Violence in Egypt, 1910–1924: Secret Societies. Plots and Assassinations. Richmond: Curzon.
  • Baer, G. (1962). A History of Landownership in Modern Egypt, 1800–1950. London: Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Barakat, A. (1977). Tatawwur al-Milkiyya al-Zira‘iyya fi Misr, 1813–1914, wa-Atharuhu ‘ala l-Haraka al-Siyasiyya. Cairo: Dar al-Thaqafa al-Jadida.
  • Behçet, M. (2019). İkinci Dünya Savaşı Sonrası Mısır Siyasi Tarihi Üzerinden Arap Baharı’nın İncelenmesi. Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Cilt 21 Ek Sayı (303-321).
  • Beinin, J. (2001). Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Botman, S. (1991). Egypt from Independence to Revolution, 1919–1952. Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press.
  • Bush, R. (2007). Politics, Power and Poverty: Twenty Years of Agricultural Reform and Market Liberalisation in Egypt. Third World Quarterly. 28 (8): 1599–1615.
  • Crecelius, D. (2008). Egypt in the Eighteenth Century. M. W. Daly (ed.). The Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 59-87.
  • Davis, E. (1983). Challenging Colonialism: Bank Miṣr and Egyptian Industrialization, 1920–1941. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
  • Dean, B. and Mohieldin, M. (2001). On the Formulation and Enforcement of Competition Law in Emerging Economies: The Case of Egypt. Working Paper 60. Cairo: Egyptian Center for Economic Studies.
  • Dessouki, H. (1996). External Factors and Development in Egypt. in DanTschirgi (ed.) Development in the Age of Liberalization: Egypt and Mexico. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press., s. 164-166.
  • Dykstra, D. (2008). The French occupation of Egypt 1798-1801. M. W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 113-139.
  • Eşiyok, A. (2010). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Dünya Ekonomisine Eklemlenmesinde Bir Dönüm Noktası: 1838 Serbest Ticaret Anlaşması. Mülkiye Dergisi. 34/266. s:67-108.
  • EzzelArab, AbdelAziz. (2002). European Control and Egypt’s Traditional Elites: A Case Study in Elite Economic Nationalism. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Fahmy, K. (2008). The Era of Mohammad’ Ali pasha, 1805-1848. M.W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History of egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 139-180.
  • Farah, N. (2009). Egypt’s Political Economy: Power Relations in Development. American University in Cairo Press. Findlay, R. (1978). Relative backwardness, direct foreign investment, and the transfer of technology: a simple dynamic model. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 92(1), 1-16.
  • Gerschenkron, A. (1962), Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective. Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
  • Goldschmidt, A. (2013). Historical Dictionary of Egypt. 4th ed. Historical Dictionaries of Africa. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • Gregory, P. R. (1974a). A Note on Relative Backwardness and Industrial Structure. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 520-527.
  • Harrison, F. V. (1995). The persistent power of" race" in the cultural and political economy of racism. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24(1), 47-74.
  • Harley, K. C. (1991). Substitution for Prerequisites: Endogenous Institutions and Comparative Economic History. Patterns European Industrialization, (ed.) Richard Sylla - Gianni Toniolo, Routledge, London, pp. 29-44.
  • Hathaway, J. (2008). Egypt in the Seventeenth Century. M. W. Daly (ed.) The Cambridge History Of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, s. 34-59.
  • Hershlag, Z. Y. (1964). Introduction to the Modern Economic History of the Middle East. Leiden: E. J.Brill.
  • Hunter, F. R. (1984). Egypt under the Khedives, 1805–1879: From Household Government to Modern Bureaucracy. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Univ. Press.
  • Kaymakçı, O. (2012). Arap Baharı Öncesinde Kalkınma Sürecinde Seçilmiş Ülkeler Bazında Orta Doğu Ekonomileri ve Türkiye ile Ticari İlişkileri –II-. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. 8(2). 223-253.
  • Keyder, Ç. (2016). Toplumsal Tarih Çalışmaları. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • Korany, B. and Mahdi, R. (2012). Arab Spring in Egypt: Revolution and Beyond. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Landau, J. (1953). Parliaments and Parties in Egypt. Tel Aviv: Israel Publishing House.
  • Maghraoui, A. (2006). Liberalism without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922–1936. Durham: Duke Univ. Press.
  • Mommsen, W. (1961). Imperialismus in Agypten: Der Aufstieg der agyptischen nationalen Bewegung 1805–1956. München: Oldenbourg.
  • Özkoç, Ö. (2020). Otoriter Rejimin İnşası ve Sürekliliği: Mısır Ordusunun Siyasal Hayattaki Rolü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. The Turkish Yearbook of International Relations. cilt.51. ss.91-114. Prados de la Escosura, L. (2005). Gerschenkron revisited. European patterns of development in historical perspective. Universidad Carlos III Working Papers. 01-43.
  • Rivlin, H. A. B. (1961). The Agricultural Policy of Muhammad Ali in Egypt. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Sander, O. (2011). Siyasi Tarih İlkçağlardan 1918’e. İmge Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Sawi, A., Shuman, M. and Mikawy. N. (2002). Institutional Impediments to Economic Legislation. In Institutional Reform and Economic Development in Egypt. edited by Noha el-Mikawy and Heba Handoussa, 37–48. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
  • Sayyid, M. (1990). Privatization: The Egyptian Debate. Cairo Papers in Social Science. 13: 4.
  • Springborg, Robert. (1979). Patrimonialism and Policy Making in Egypt: Nasser and Sadat and the Tenure Policy for Reclaimed Lands. Middle Eastern Studies. 15 (1): 49–69.
  • Stanford J. (1962). Financial and Administrative Organization and Development of Ottoman Egypt 1517-1798. s.1316. Princeton University Press.
  • Tarouty, Safinaz el. (2015). Businessmen, Clientelism, and Authoritarianism in Egypt. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Thornhill, Michael T. (2010). Informal Empire, Independent Egypt and the Accession of King Farouk. Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 38 (2): 279–302.
  • Tignor, Robert. (1976). The Egyptian Revolution of 1919: New Directions in the Egyptian Economy. Middle Eastern Studies 12 (3): 41–67.
  • Tiryakioğlu, (2011). Teknoloji Transferi, Teknoloji Yoksulluğu Mu? Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 66(2), 169-199.
  • Tür, Ö. (2009). Mısır'da ekonomik kalkınma çabaları. İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi. 0(41), 183- 194.
  • Vercoutter, Jean. (2001). Eski Mısır. İletişim Yayınları.
  • Weipert-Fenner, I. (2020). The autocratic parliament: power and legitimacy in Egypt, 1866-2011. Syracuse University Press.
  • Winter, M. (2008). Ottoman Egypt, 1525-1609, Daly, Martin W. (ed.), Cambridge History of Egypt. Cambridge University Press, Great Britain, s.4.
  • Youssef, Hassan. (1983). The Democratic Experience in Egypt, 1923–1952. In Democracy in Egypt: Problems and Prospects. 2nd ed., edited by Ali Dessouki, 27–34. Cairo: American Univ. in Cairo Press.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Başak Turna 0000-0002-0414-420X

Ferihan Polat 0000-0002-8832-0847

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date December 7, 2023
Acceptance Date December 28, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Turna, B., & Polat, F. (2023). GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, 10(2), 125-152.
AMA Turna B, Polat F. GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. pjess. December 2023;10(2):125-152. doi:10.34232/pjess.1400337
Chicago Turna, Başak, and Ferihan Polat. “GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 10, no. 2 (December 2023): 125-52.
EndNote Turna B, Polat F (December 1, 2023) GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 10 2 125–152.
IEEE B. Turna and F. Polat, “GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”, pjess, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 125–152, 2023, doi: 10.34232/pjess.1400337.
ISNAD Turna, Başak - Polat, Ferihan. “GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies 10/2 (December 2023), 125-152.
MLA Turna, Başak and Ferihan Polat. “GERSCHENKRON’UN ANALİZİ ÇERÇEVESİNDE MISIR’IN ENDÜSTRİLEŞMESİNİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ”. Pamukkale Journal of Eurasian Socioeconomic Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, 2023, pp. 125-52, doi:10.34232/pjess.1400337.