Volume: 65 Issue: 1, 1/20/22

Year: 2022


The Geological Bulletin of Turkey (Geol. Bull. Turkey) is one of the oldest and best-known journals in Turkey, published since 1947. It is published by the Chamber of Geological Engineers (CGE) with three issues every year. The journal accepts articles about earth science topics apart from engineering geology. Primary topics include geology, tectonics, structural geology, geochronology, geochemistry, sedimentology, biostratigraphy, paleontology, mineralogy, magmatic and metamorphic petrology, mineral deposits, geophysics and geomorphology, in addition to environmental and urban geology along with economic geology. Articles are accepted in both Turkish and English at current scientific levels in relation to these topics. Articles include primarily Turkey and surroundings, eastern Mediterranean, Middle East, Balkans, Black Sea and Caspian Sea areas, along with ranked articles from all other critical regions of the world. Articles including results with high scientific level from research completed within this scope are published without any fee. The journal is open access. The target audience for the journal is all earth scientists interested in these topics and this scope. The journal includes mainly original research articles and lower numbers of reviews and publications with other scientific qualities. Select sessions at the Geological Congress of Turkey and other national and international meetings may later be published as special issues after reviewed publication processes.





Preparation of Manuscripts

The language of the GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF TURKEY is both Turkish and English. For manuscripts submitted in English ‘’Genişletilmiş Özet’’, for manuscripts submitted in Turkish “Extended Summary” should be given. If the author(s) are residents of a non-Turkish speaking country, titles, abstracts and captions of figures and tables are translated into Turkish by the Editors. It is strongly recommended that authors whose native language is not English, should ask a person whose native language is English to check the grammar and style of manuscript before submission. Paper should be original and comprise previously unpublished research, interpretations, or synthesis of two, or technical notes. Submission implies that the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.


Submission Process and Ethical Statement

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Internet to the Geological Bulletin of Turkey through the online system DergiPark at http://dergipark.gov.tr/tjb. There are no page charges. Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been published and are not going to be considered for publication elsewhere. Authors should certify that neither the manuscript nor its main contents have already been published or submitted for publication in another journal. The copyright release form, which can be found at http://dergipark.gov.tr/tjb, or www.jmo.org.tr must be signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors and must accompany all papers submitted. After a manuscript has been submitted, it is not possible for authors to be added or removed or for the order of authors to be changed. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review by the editor-in-chief if they do not comply with the instructions for authors or if they are beyond the scope of the journal. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, i.e. after referee-recommended revisions are complete, the author will not be permitted to make changes that constitute departures from the manuscript that was accepted by the editor. Before publication, the galley proofs are always sent to the authors for corrections. The use of someone else’s ideas or words in their original form or changed without a proper citation is considered plagiarism and will not be tolerated.


Manuscripts should generally be structured as follows:

(a) Title (English and Turkish)

(b) Names of authors (bold and in capital), their affiliations (italic and lower-case) and the name and e-mail address of the corresponding author.

(c) Abstract (English and Turkish)

(d) Key words (English and Turkish)

(e) Introduction (aim, content and methodology)

(f) Main text (methods, material stuied, descriptions, analyses etc.)

(g) Results and Discussion or Conclusions and Recommendations

(h) Extended Summary / Genişletilmiş Özet

(i) Acknowledgements (if necessary)

(j) References

(k) Tables

(l) List of figure captions

(m) Figures

(n) Plates (if any)


The various levels of headings used in the manuscript should be clearly differentiated. All headings should be in left-aligned. Major headings should be bold capitals. Secondary headings should be considered as sub-headings. Primary- and secondary-subheadings should be given in lower-case and tertiary headings in italics. Headings should not be preceded by numerals or letters. Manuscripts (abstract, main text, acknowledgements, references, appendices and figure captions) should be typed on one side of the paper (A4 size: 29.7 cm x 21 cm) with wide margins (at least 2.5 cm) and 1.5 line-spaced throughout, at a font size of 12 point (Times New Roman) and with all pages numbered.


Examples for headings:





Primary Sub-Heading

Secondary Sub-Heading

Tertiary Sub-Heading






Cover Page

A cover page, separate from the main manuscript, must include the followings:

a. Title of the paper

b. Name(s) of author(s) (full forenames should be given)

c. Full postal and e-mail addresses of all authors (the corresponding author should be indicated). Phone number for the corresponding author should also be provided.


Title and Authors

The title of the paper should unambiguously reflect its content. If the paper is written in Turkish, the Turkish title (in bold-face type and first letter of the words capital) should be followed by the English title (italic and first letter of the words capital). If the paper is in English, the English title should appear before the Turkish title in the style mentioned above. Authors should provide their Orcid ID which can be obtained from orcid.org website.


The information related with authors should be given as follow:


Ahmet Ahmetoğlu                             Ankara University, Engineering Faculty, Geological Engineering Department Tandoğan 06100 Ankara


A. Hüsnü Hüsnüoğlu                         MTA Genel Müdürlüğü, Jeolojik Etüdler Dairesi, 06520 Ankara (e-posta: husnu56@mta.gov.tr)



The abstract not exceeding 300 words should be informative (aim of the study and main conclusive remarks). It should not contain references. The Abstract should be given in both Turkish and English. If the paper is written in Turkish, an English abstract (in italics) should follow the Turkish abstract, while a Turkish abstract (in italics) should appear after the English abstract in papers written in English.



The abstract should include minimum 2, and not more than 7 keywords which reflect the entries the authors would like to see in an index. Keywords should be given in both Turkish and English. Keywords should be written in lower-case letters, separated by commas, and given in alphabetical order. For Technical Notes and Discussions, keywords should not be provided.



The extended abstract should not exceed 2500 words. But it must be more bulky than abstract. The new figure or table should not be given. But reference can be given to figures and tables present in main text.



Acknowledgements should be brief and confined to persons and organizations that have made significant contributions. Please use full names without titles and indicate name(s) of the organization(s) of the person(s) acknowledged.



All references cited in the text, and in captionsof figures and tables should be presented in a list of references under a heading of ‘’REFERENCES’’ following the text of the manuscript.


(a)   Journals:

Author(s), Date. Title of paper. Full Name of Journal, Vol. (No), pages.

Hoek, E. and David, M., 1990. Estimating Mohr-Coulomb friction and cohesion values from Hoek-Brown failure criterion. International Journal of Rock Mechanics, 27(3), 220-229.


(b)   Proceedings and Abstracts:

Author(s), Date. Title of paper. Title of Symposium or Congress, Name of Editor(s), Name and Location of Publisher, Vol. (if any), pages.

Ünal, E., Özkan, İ. Ve Ulusay, R., 1992. Characterization of weak, strafied and clay bearing rock masses. ISRM Symposium: Eurock’92 – Rock Characterization, Chester, UK., 14-17 September 1992, J. A. Hudson (ed.), British Geotechnical Society, London, 330-335.


(c)   Books:

Author(s), Date. Name of Book. Name and Location of Publisher.

Goodman, R.E., 1998. Introduction to Rock Mechanics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 562 s.

Ketin, İ. Ve Canıtez, N., 1972. Yapısal Jeoloji. İTÜ Matbaası, Gümüşsuyu, Sayı 869, 520 s.


(d)   Unpublished Reports and Thesis:

Author(s), Date. Title of report. Name of Organization, Report No., Name of City (unpublished).

Demirok, Y., 1978. Muğla-Yatağan linyit sahaları jeoloji ve rezerv ön raporu. MTA Derleme No:6234, Ankara (Unpublished).


Author, Date. Title of thesis. Type of Thesis (MSc or PhD), Name of University or Institution, City, Country (unpublished).

Sönmez, H., 1996. TKİ. ELİ Soma Linyitleri açık işletmelerinde eklemli kaya kütlesi içindeki şevlerin duraylılığının değerlendirilmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü., Ankara, Yüksek Mühendislik Tezi, 99 s (Unpublished).


(e)   Personal Communications:

Sözbilir, H., 2005. Personal communication. Geological Engineering Department of Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Turkey.


(f)    Information Downloaded from the Internet

Name of the Organization, Date. Web address, date of access to website.

ERD (Earthquake Research Department of Turkey), 2005. http://www.gov.tr 3 April 2005.

Turkish references can also be given directly in Turkish. For such references please use Turkish characters.


Mathematical Expressions

Mathematical symbols and formulae should be typed. Equation numbers should appear in parentheses at the right-hand side of the equations and be numbered consecutively. For Greek or other non-Roman letters, identify the symbol in words in the left-hand margin just below the equation the first time it is used. In addition, the meaning of symbols used in equations should be given below the equations.


‘’Where is the shear strength, c is cohesion, is normal stress and, is internal friction angle.’’ Subscripts and superscripts should be given clearly and written in smaller character (e.g. Id, x2). Instead of square-root symbol, an indice of 0.5 sholud be used (e.g. y=5x 0.5). For the of multiplication sign do not use any symbol, however if necessary, the symbol ‘’*’’ can be preferred (e.g. y=5*10-3). Please use ‘’/’’ for division instead of a horizontal line between numerator and denominator. In the expression of chemical reactions, ions should be given as Ca2+ and CO32- (Ca++ and CO3--). In the text, equations should be referred to as equation(1). Computer program listings, if appropriate, must be very clear in an Appendix.



Tables with their titles should not exceed the printed area of the page (15.8 cm (wide) x 22.5 cm (deep)) and be numbered consecutively. Both Turkish and English titles should appearat the top of a table (do not print table captions on a separate sheet). If the manuscript is written in Turkish, English title in italics should follow the Turkish title. For manuscripts in English, a Turkish title should appear below the English title in italics. They should begin ‘’Table 1.’’ etc. Tables should be referred to as Table 1 or Tables 1and 2 (if more than one table is referred to). Tables can be written in a font size smaller than that of the text (10 or 11 point). Tables should be arranged to fit single column (7.3 cm wide) or double column (15.8 cm wide). No vertical rules should be used. Horizontal rules should only be used at the top and bottom of the tables, and to separate headings and numbers listed in the tables (Please check the previous issues of the Journal). Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in manuscript (e.g. in graphs). Each table should be separately printed and appear after the text (after references). All abbreviations and symbols must be identified with smaller character underneath the tables (e.g. c: uniaxial compressive strength, etc).



All illustrations, whether diagrams, charts and photographs, should be of high quality, referred to as ‘’Figures’’ and be numbered consecutively as they appear in the text. They must be originals. The number of the figure should be given at top on the right-hand side of the paper. Illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. Figure captions should be supplied on a separate sheet and should begin “Figure 1.’’ etc. As with the rules given for tables, figure captions should also be given both in Turkish and English. All illustrations should be given with a list of figure captions. The maximum printed size of illustrations is 15.8 cm (wide) x 22.5 cm (deep) together with figure captions. It is recommended that all illustrations should be designed with the Journal’s single-column or two-column layout in mind, and where possible, illustrations should be designed for a single column. Illustrations, particularly maps, field sketches and photographs should have a metric bar scale rather than magnification factors. All maps should have a north mark. Regional maps may include National Grid or latitude/longitude number where appropriate. Map keys should be given on the figure, not in the figure caption.

Photographs, line drawings, or combinations may be grouped as figure parts (a), (b), etc. It is preferred that these are mounted. Letters or numerals should not be less than 1 mm after reduction. Avoid fine shading and tones, particularly from computer graphics packages. Shading should be distinct. Photographs must be black and white and sharp, and exhibit good contrast.

All illustrations must be numbered in the order in which they are referred to and discussed in the text as Figure 1 or Figure 1 and 2 (if more than one figures is referred to). Illustrations consisting of a set of fossil photographs should be given as ‘’Plates’’ and mounted in the desired layout. The number of plates should be kept to a minimum. Explanations of plates should be given in both Turkish and English on the same page.



Papers should be submitted electronically through web site DergiPark Academics (dergipark.gov.tr/tjb)



Prof. Dr. Erdinç YİĞİTBAŞ

Tel: 286 2180018-2130

 e-mail: eyigitbas@comu.edu.tr



In cases where authors’ articles are admitted to publication, authors should copy on CD and send revised final copies of their articles including original printouts (texts, charts and tables) to Editor. Sheets should be printed of high quality. Texts, charts and illustrations should not be sent electronically (via internet). Articles should be issued in WORD. Authors’ names, name and version of software program used, title of article and file name should be indicated on disk. All images, except for sheets, should be issued in Corel Draw. Besides, images should be sent in JPG format files provided to be not less than 300 DPI.



Proofing of articles are sent to Reference Author to check for typographical errors and misspelling. Revisions in proofing are limited to misspelling and any amendments and revisions by authors that may alter article in a way different than its final version are not acceptable. Proofing should be sent to editor within at latest three days after receipt by authors. Delayed revisions cannot be guaranteed for printing and therefore, authors are strictly recommended to precisely inspect proofing prior to sending.



Fifteen reprints and a copy of the issue are supplied free of charge. They are sent to the corresponding author. Additional reprints must not be ordered.



The author or corresponding author on behalf of all authors (for papers with multiple authors) must sign the ‘’Copyright Transfer’’ agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables the Chamber of Geological Engineers to protect the copyrighted material for the authors, but does not relinquish the authors’ proprietary rights. The Copyright Transfer form should be sent to the Editor as soon as possible. Manuscripts accepted for publication will not be sent to print until this form is received by the Editor.

The publisher and users (chief editor, editors, field editors, authors, reviewers, readers, etc.) of the Geological Bulletin of Turkey (Geol. Bull. Turkey) must abide by the ethical rules and responsibilities determined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

Journal Policy:
Open Access Policy: The Geol. Bull. Turkey is a peer-reviewed journal. It publishes in print and online in the electronic environment and has an open-access system. Journal issues are published three times per year in the months of January, April and August. Publication processes ensure sharing of information produced freely and objectively with the scientific method. The review process for articles applies a blind review system. All issues of the Geol. Bull. Turkey published since 1947 are archived as both print and electronic versions by the publishing organization, the Chamber of Geological Engineers (CGE), and as electronic versions by TUBITAK – DergiPark.

Price Policy: The publishing organization of the Geol. Bull. Turkey is the CGE. The CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey do not demand any fee or subscription costs for printed and electronic versions of the journal or any publishing costs or similar from authors.

Copyright Transfer: The CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey receive written permission from authors to obtain the copyrights of articles that will be published. The relevant authors, as writer/owner in their own name and the name of other authors, transfer copyright of the article offered to the journal to the CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey. It is mandatory to complete the Copyright Transfer Form and upload it to the journal system when submitting the manuscript. The responsible author must guarantee that this manuscript has not been published in similar form in other places, that the manuscript is original and that it will not be sent for publication elsewhere. All authors of the submitted manuscript must sign and transfer all rights and all copyright for the article to the CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey. The CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey receive the right to use all or part of the relevant article in future works like lessons/lesson notes, reports and textbooks/printed books without any payment and to copy the relevant manuscript for their own use. The CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey reserve all rights apart from copyright, such as patent rights, except for commercial purposes.

Article submission: The authors of articles submitted for assessment by Geol. Bull. Turkey must first be members of DergiPark. The corresponding author must submit the study (original article, review, etc.) to Geol. Bull. Turkey through the DergiPark system.

Plagiarism Policy: In addition to the corresponding author submitting the article to the journal, they must upload a similarity report using “iThenticate Plagiarism Detection Software” or “Turnitin” or equivalent plagiarism program, along with the signed Copyright Transfer Form and the Ethics Report Form to the DergiPark system. The similarity index rate for articles must be below 20%, excluding the reference list.

Author Contribution Statement and Conflict / Conflict of Interest Statement: Each of the authors need to have made significant scientific contributions to each article, so every author is accepted as carrying equal ethical responsibility. All authors of an article are obliged to recall or make corrections in situations involving mistakes.
The authors must clearly state all types of conflict/conflict of interest in relation to topics such as other researchers studying similar topics and potential reviewers. In situations where no conflict/conflict of interest is considered to exist, this must be clearly stated.

Blind review: Geol. Bull. Turkey applies a blind review system with the aim of ensuring objective assessment of all scientific publications. In the stage of assigning reviewers for an article, care is taken that there is no conflict/conflict of interest between reviewers and author(s). With this aim, care is taken that between reviewers and author(s) a) there are no thesis advisor/student relationships, b) no common research or publications between author(s) and reviewers in the recent past (last 2 years), c) they are not employed in the same organization, d) they have not contributed to the manuscript submitted to the journal in terms of form or content, e) author(s) and reviewer have no disputes that were referred to judiciary or ethical committees, f) there is no kinship between reviewer and author(s), g) no publicly stated prejudice of the reviewer toward the author(s), h) no commercial relationship between reviewer and author(s), etc. In case of situations missed by the journal editors, the reviewers must warn the editors of such a situation. Additionally, reviewers are requested;
• To only assess articles that are within their field of expertise,
• To perform assessments unbiased, objectively and confidentially,
• To avoid bias in assessments due to reasons such as nationality, sex, religious beliefs, political leanings, commercial concerns, etc.,
• To provide opinions and recommendations within academic etiquette, with constructive and academic language, avoiding language which will create personal polemic,
• To avoid delaying assessments in a way which lengthens the publication process without reason.

Evaluation Process: 
Preliminary Check (before reviewer assessment): Firstly, manuscripts submitted to Geol. Bull. Turkey are reviewed by the chief editor for suitability in terms of the aims and scope of the journal. If manuscripts do not abide by the aim and scope of the journal, they are rejected within 15 days maximum and information is sent to the author. Manuscripts which are suitable for the aim and scope are first investigated for spelling, language and expression and study plan before reviewer assessment. Authors of manuscripts which are inadequate in this regard will be requested to revise the manuscript. During assessment, authors are responsible for responding to the opinions, recommendations and criticisms of the editor and reviewers. The authors must respond to questions asked based on reviewer opinions, assess opinions and recommendations, and provide positive or negative responses to criticisms with evidence in a detailed letter to the editor. Academic etiquette must be used in the letter, personal discussions should be avoided. If a corrected copy of manuscripts with revision requested in line with reviewer opinions is not received without a valid reason within 30 days, the editor reserves the right to reject the manuscript when it is re-submitted. After revisions, the revised manuscript may be sent by the editor for reviewer assessment again or may be directly accepted or rejected by the editor. 

Peer Review Process: Manuscripts found suitable for peer review after investigating the content of all sections will be sent to the reviewers. However, articles that are not suitable for peer review for any reason will be rejected with the editor’s assessment report. Information will be given to the authors within 15 days. Manuscripts sent for reviewer assessment will be sent to at least three reviewers by the editor from within or outside the journal pool according to content and area of expertise. Care will be taken about elements within the scope of conflict/conflict of interest mentioned above when determining reviewers for manuscripts. Reviewers must guarantee that they will not share any information or documents related to the review process with anyone. The duration for the review process is 30 days. Revision recommendations from the reviewers or editor must be completed by the authors within 30 days. Reviewers will investigate corrections on the article and decide on suitability or if necessary, request more revisions. The review result and opinions of reviewers will be investigated by the editor within maximum 15 days. As a result of the investigation, the editor will communicate the final decision about the manuscript to the author. Rejected manuscripts will be archived.

Article Withdrawal: Author(s) who wish to withdraw their manuscript during assessment must communicate a memo related to the topic with wet signature to the publication board via the journal email address tjbdergi@gmail.com. The Publication Board will investigate the withdrawal request and respond within maximum 15 days. Author(s) of manuscripts with request denied by the Publication Board will not be able to send their manuscript to another journal. If the author(s) become aware of any mistakes or errors related to the study after publication, in the early submission or review stages, they are obliged to cooperate with the journal editor. The author(s) must have the right to use any data which does not belong to themselves and must have documents showing necessary permissions related to the research/analysis.
The editors carefully manage processes to ensure development of the journal and increase the quality of published studies. In situations with suspicions raised about copyright or plagiarism for any manuscript in the publication stage, review stage or as unpublished manuscripts, the Publication Board of Geol. Bull. Turkey will begin an investigation related to the manuscript. If the investigation identifies copyright and plagiarism suspicions related to the manuscript, the Publication Board will withdraw the manuscript in the review stage making a detailed explanation and report to the author(s) within 15 days.

Confidentiality: All personal information in the Geol. Bull. Turkey system is used for scientific purposes and will not be shared with third parties.

Disclaimer: The chief editor and Publication Board members are not responsible for the opinions of authors or manuscript content. The authors are responsible for the ethical originality and possible errors in their manuscripts. The authors are responsible for all errors before final reading (proofreading) and that may occur when formatting pages. Errors occurring after final proofreading are the responsibility of the journal authorities.

The publishing organization of the Geol. Bull. Turkey is the CGE. The CGE and/or Geol. Bull. Turkey do not demand any fee or subscription costs for printed and electronic versions of the journal or any publishing costs or similar from authors.

Instructions for Authors: http://www.jmo.org.tr/yayinlar/tjb_yazim_kurallari.php
Ethical Statement and Copyrighy Form:  https://www.jmo.org.tr/yayinlar/tjb_telif_etik_formlar.php