Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 10/25/22

Year: 2022

The Universal Journal of History and Culture (UJHC) is an internationally refereed academic journal, published twice a year in April and October. The journal aims to provide a national and international academic platform to meet the professional interests of researchers in different disciplines in the field of social sciences. The target audience of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, and related professional and academic institutions and organizations.

The Universal Journal of History and Culture (UJHC) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes essays, reviews and translations covering original research in the social sciences. At the same time, various articles such as history, literature, sociology, ethnicity, book, criticism and evaluation are also included.
The Universal Journal of History and Culture (UJHC) applies at least two peer-review processes. The referees and editors in the submitted articles should have the corrections made within 20 days and the final version of the manuscript should be uploaded to the journal system. The content and format of the manuscripts submitted to the journal may be rejected by the editorial board unless deemed appropriate.

The following points should be considered when submitting articles:

The article must be sent through the Editorial Manager System by logining with an e-mail address and password. During the review process, you can keep track of the status of your manuscript by accessing the Editorial Manager System. In order for the articles sent for evaluation to be accepted, it is required that they have not been published anywhere before. The articles submitted to the journal are first reviewed by the editorial board members. If the content and format of the articles are not deemed appropriate, the journal may reject them by the editorial board. All articles rewievs by at least two anonymous reviewers. If necessary, the article may be sent to a third reviewer for further assessment or more. The publication of an article depends upon the approval of these reviewers. Authors must provide the necessary corrections demanded by reviewers.

Title: Title must compatible with the content, expresses the subject best and must be written in 12 font sizes and bold letters. Only the first letter of each word in the title must be capitalized. If the article is written in Turkish, it should also have a title in English. Articles written in English may not have Turkish titles and abstracts.

Author name(s) and address: Only the names of the authors should be written under the title of the article. Information about the authors and responsible author information must be given as footnotes. Address information, e-mail address, and ORCID number of the authors must be included in the footnote.

Abstract: The abstract should be written under the title of the language in which it is written. The abstract should state the subject of the paper briefly and concisely. The number of words in the language in which the abstract is written should be written in a maximum of 250 words and 10 points. Research articles written in Turkish should have Turkish and English abstracts (no word count is required in the also English abstract as it is a translation from Turkish). Research articles written in English should have an English abstract (It is recommended to have an abstract in Turkish. Word count is not searched.) The number of words is not required in the translated abstract.

Keywords: Keywords should be written under the abstract written in both languages. Keywords should be no more than 7 and should be listed alphabetically.

Main Text: It should be written in MS Word program with Times New Roman font, 12 points and 1.5 line spacing. Maximum number of pages of article is 35. The text should be arranged with a margin of 2 cm from the right-left, and 2.25 cm from the bottom-top. In the text of the article, a paragraph should be made in each paragraph. All information in the footnote should be written in 9 font sizes, with single line spacing.

Section Headings
: Sub-headings, and sub-headings can be used in the article to provide a regular information transfer.
Chapter I Titles should be centered, bold and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. Section titles should be numbered. Example: 1. Primary Title Layout

II. Subheadings should be left-aligned, bold, and numbered if necessary, and the first letters of each word should be capitalized. (Example: 1. Primary Title Layout, 1.1. Secondary Title; 1.1.1. Third Title Layout)

Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and titles. Tables should be where they should be in the text. Figure numbers and names should be centered just below the figure.

Pictures: When naming pictures, the rules in figures and tables should be followed.

The bibliography title is in the same format as the other titles and should not be numbered. Please click for references and references in the text.

➢ 1. Original Article

It should consists of “Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results” and “Discussion”. The conclusion may be written as a last paragraph of discussion, there is no need to add a separate section for conclusion. The whole length of text should be maximum 5 000 words (except abstract, acknowledgements and references). The numbers of references should be maximum 50. Also, scientific names should be spelled in italics throughout the text.

➢ 2. Systematic Review

It is included in the research article. It is formed by scanning the studies published in the related field in a systematic and comprehensive manner, determining which studies will be included in the review within the framework of various objective acceptance and rejection criteria and synthesizing the information in the relevant subject. Authors should use standard checklists for systematic review and meta-analysis when submitting their drafts, indicating that they comply with the PRISMA (http://www.prisma-statement.org/) statement. . It should be up-to-date to include the latest medical literature. It is preferable that the author has published articles on that subject.

➢ 3. Metanalysis

A type of statistical literature developed by combining the findings of at least two studies to show the effect of a particular situation with a single estimator. By combining the findings of multiple studies, the validity and reliability of the results will be strengthened.

4. Invited Review

The journal sends invitations to the selected authors who have extensive experience and publications on the review subjects to write reviews that will guide future studies.

Journal attaches the importance that the authors of reviews must be a scientific authority for the topic of the manuscript, they must document their relevant own experience for the area by listing their own publications in the cover letter. Manuscript submissions that fail to list relevant own publications in the cover letter will be returned to authors.

The word count of the whole text must be 6,000 words maximum except for abstract and references with a page number upper limit of 20. The abstract should be as one paragraph and written without a section. The numbers of references should be maximum 100.

➢ 5. Case Report

The word count must be 1,500 words maximum excluding abstract, acknowledgement and references. Case reports should consist of abstract, keywords, introduction, case report and discussion sections. The number of references and pages should be limited to 10. Figures or Tables should follow the main text in separate pages.

➢ 6. Letter to Editor

It should consist of 1 000 words maximum except for abstract and references. One tables or figures are included. If it is written referring to another article, the number and the date should also be added. The name(s), affiliation(s) and address(es) of author(s) should appear at the end of the text. The number of references and pages should be limited to five.

7. Book Reviews

Book Reviews is an article in which the contents of the books published in the last 5 years are evaluated and introduced.

Ethical Principles

Scientific Research Ethics

- Scientific methods are used in obtaining, analyzing, interpreting and reaching the data. Non-scientific results cannot be used as research results.

- Author(s) must adhere to the national and international agreements during research period and must obtain permission from the competent authorities.

- The data obtained in the studies must be used in the manner/form permitted by the authorities. It is essential that data, which must not be shared, remain confidential.

- Researchers are obliged to inform the relevant persons and institutions about the problems that may occur after research done. Each researcher has the right not to participate in research due to these unintended consequences.

Publication Ethics

    UJHC has an evaluation period of 8-12 weeks with double-blind peer reviewers . 

- Persons who do not contribute to the study during scientific research and writing should not be cited as authors.

- The author(s) must avoid situations such as irresponsible authorship, plagiarism, junk science, multicasting, segmentally publications, biased source, biased publication, and human-animal ethics.

- The author(s) must follow the citation system stated in the journal during the writing phase of the manuscript.

- Unpublished or un-presented works should not be cited in the manuscripts.

- All or part of any work cannot be published without permission or citation (plagiarism is not allowed).

- The author(s), if any, must state the financial sources of the study.

Click for detailed information about the Editorial Policy.

Creative Commons

The articles in the Journal of "UJHC" are open access articles licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.

Author is free to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as author follows the license terms under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Reader, user, author(s) must distribute the articles under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.


It is authors' responsibility to ensure that the submitted article is of a quality that contributes to the academic field.
The works must be original and based on research. It should be made sure that other individuals shown as co-authors, have contributed to the research. It is contrary to the scientific ethics to add some, who are not academic contributors to the article, as co-authors or to put in order co-authors with non-academic criteria such as title, age, and gender regardless of the order of contribution
Although the plagiarism scan will be carried out by AID, authors are responsible for academic consequences of plagiarism.
The articles should not be sent to different journals at the same time. Also, the articles must be unsent to the other journals before.
It is assumed that authors who submit articles to the journal read and accept the publishing and writing principles of the journal and the writers are deemed to have committed themselves to these principles.
Citations and bibliography should be complete and realistic.


Referees should act with the awareness that they are the most basic determinant of the academic quality of the article to be published in the journal and should evaluate it with a view increasing the academic quality.
Referees should only accept the articles that they have the expertise necessary to make an appropriate appraisal. Also, they should only accept the articles that they can adhere to the double-blind peer-review secrecy and they should keep the details of the article in every way confidential.
Any information about the article examined in the review process should not be shared with anyone in any way.
Referees should only evaluate the correctness of the content of the articles and the appropriateness of the academic criteria. The opinions put forth in the article by authors may differ from those of the referees. The differences should not affect the evaluation.
Referee reports should be objective and moderate. Defamatory, derogatory and accusatory statements must be avoided.
Referees should avoid superficial and ambiguous expressions in evaluation reports. For the evaluations that resulted negative, the missing points and imperfections of the article must be shown clearly and concretely.
Referees must evaluate the articles within the time-frame granted to them. If they will not evaluate the article, they must notify the journal within a reasonable time.

Editorial Board

Editors should accept the articles that may contribute to the relevant areas expressed in the scope of the Journal to the evaluation process.
Editors should not be in any conflict of interest with the accepted or rejected articles nor take advantage from them.
Editors have all the responsibility and authority to accept or reject a submission.
It is the responsibility of editors to keep the names of referees and authors confidential.
Editors should take the necessary effort to ensure that the articles submitted for publication will be scanned to prevent plagiarism that is an academic dishonesty.
It is the responsibility of editors to complete the review, refereeing, editing and publishing processes of the submitted articles in a timely and healthy manner.
Editors should give priority to academic concerns and criteria when accepting the articles to the journal.
Editors should not list the names of those who do not contribute the journal, as a member of editorial board or assistant editor.

This journal; article submission and process operation are free. No fee is charged for any of the processes.

Creative Commons License
The published articles in UJHC are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.