Odak ve Kapsam

JCER is an open access journal that publishes high-quality articles, in English and Turkish, in all areas of education. All articles published in JCER will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

JCER is a refereed international journal published to scientifically focus on the experiences of the computer and education world in the field of education. The journal accepts articles which examine the problems belonging to the computer and education world regarding preschool, elementary school, secondary school, high school, undergraduate and postgraduate subjects; which provide solutions to these problems; which include professional development/renovations; and which contribute to the professional field.

JCER provides universal science with guidance, support researchers and publish the results of experimental and theoretical studies in the field.

JCER accepts quantitative and qualitative studies from all the fields of educational sciences and field education; meta-analysis studies evaluating the related literature comprehensively; suggested models; and other similar original texts. In addition, special priority is given to up-to-date studies employing advanced research/statistical methods and techniques. Besides the methodological efficacy of studies, original and new contributions to the field are also among the primary criteria for the publication of a study.

Adult Education
Art Education
Biology Education
Chemistry Education
Democracy Education
Democratic Citizenship And Human Rights Education
Distance Education
Education and Culture
Education Management and Planning
Education Psychology
Education Technology
Environmental Education
First Literacy Education
Foreign Language Education
Geography Education
Health Education
History Education
Instructional Design
Lifelong Learning
Mathematics Education
Multicultural Education
Music Education
Philosophy Education
Physical and Sports Education
Physics Education
Program, Learning and Teaching İn Higher Education
Program, Learning and Teaching İn Preschool Education
Program, Learning and Teaching İn Primary Education
Program, Learning and Teaching İn Secondary Education
Psychological Advice and Guidance
Psychology Education
Quantification and Consideration
Science Education
Social Studies Education
Sociology Education
Special Education
Teacher Training
Thinking Education
Turkish Education
Vocational Technical Education

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 23.05.2023 13:03:40

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Bu eser Creative Commons Atıf 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

Değerli Yazarlar,

JCER dergisi 2018 yılından itibaren yayımlanacak sayılarda yazarlarından ORCID bilgilerini isteyecektir. Bu konuda hassasiyet göstermeniz önemle rica olunur.

Önemli: "Yazar adından yapılan yayın/atıf taramalarında isim benzerlikleri, soyadı değişikliği, Türkçe harf içeren isimler, farklı yazımlar, kurum değişiklikleri gibi durumlar sorun oluşturabilmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmacıların tanımlayıcı kimlik/numara (ID) edinmeleri önem taşımaktadır. ULAKBİM TR Dizin sistemlerinde tanımlayıcı ID bilgilerine yer verilecektir.

Standardizasyonun sağlanabilmesi ve YÖK ile birlikte yürütülecek ortak çalışmalarda ORCID kullanılacağı için, TR Dizin’de yer alan veya yer almak üzere başvuran dergilerin, yazarlardan ORCID bilgilerini talep etmeleri ve dergide/makalelerde bu bilgiye yer vermeleri tavsiye edilmektedir. ORCID, Open Researcher ve Contributor ID'nin kısaltmasıdır.  ORCID, Uluslararası Standart Ad Tanımlayıcı (ISNI) olarak da bilinen ISO Standardı (ISO 27729) ile uyumlu 16 haneli bir numaralı bir URI'dir. http://orcid.org adresinden bireysel ORCID için ücretsiz kayıt oluşturabilirsiniz. "