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Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Fruit Quality and Biochemical Content of ‘0900 Ziraat’ Sweet Cherry Cultivar

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 82 - 89, 01.09.2013


This study was carried out in Tokat ecological conditions to determine the effect of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) and aminoethoxyvinylglicine (AVG),  applied 3 weeks before anticipated harvest date, on fruit quality and biochemical content of ‘0900 Ziraat’ sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) grafted on Gisela 5 rootstock. In the study 100 and 200 mg LZ 1 AVG doses, and 2240 mg LZ1 MeJA dose were used. Compared to control treatment, the fruit weight significantly  increased with 100 mg LZ1 AVG and MeJA treatment. Geometric diameter significantly increased with only MeJA treatment, whereas, flesh firmness significantly decreased with only MeJA treatment. The flesh / stone ratio increased with 100 mg LZ1 AVG and MeJA treatment. L* and hue angle with 200 mg LZ1 L AVG, chroma value with 100 mg LZ1 AVG, and a* value with both AVG treatment significantly increased. The soluble solids concentration and pH  value significantly decreased with MeJA treatment, whereas, the titratable acidity increased with MeJA. Total phenolic compounds and total anthocyanin significantly decreased with100 mg LZ1 AVG and MeJA treatment.The total antioxidant capacity significantly decreased with only MeJA treatment.


  • Amarante,! C.! V.! T.,! Drehmer,! A.! M.! F.,! Souza,! F.,! Francescatto,! P.,! 2005. Preharvest! spraying! with! gibberellic! acid! (GA3)! and! aminoethoxyvinilglycine! (AVG)!delays!fruit!maturity!and!reduces!fruit!losses! on!peaches.!Revista!Brasileira!de!Fruticultura 27(1):! 1Z5.
  • Crisosto,! C.H.,! Crisosto,! G.M.,! Ritenour,! M.A.,! 2001.! Testing!the!reliability!of!skin!color!as!an!indicator!of! quality! for! early! season! ‘Brooks’! (Prunus! avium! L.)! cherry.! Postharvest! Biology! and! Technology! 24(2):! 147Z154.
  • Çetinbaş, M., Butar, S., Koyuncu, F., 2012. Aminoetoksi-vinilglisin (AVG) uygulamalarının 0900-Ziraat kiraz çeşidinde meyve kalitesine etkileri. Ege!Üniversitesi!Ziraat!Fakültesi!Dergisi! 49! (1):!103Z106.
  • Estia,!M.,!Cinquantaa,!L.,!Sinesiob,!F.,!Monetab,!E.,!Di! Matteoc,! M., 2002.! Physicochemical! and! sensory! fruit! characteristics! of! two! sweet! cherry! cultivars! after!cool!storage.!Food!Chemistry!76:!399Z405.
  • FAO,! 2011.!! FAO! Statistics Division ( Erişim, 1 Şubat 2013).
  • Giusti,! M.M.,! RodriguezZSaona,! L.E.,! Wrolstad,! R.E.,! 1999.! Spectral! characteristics,! molar! absorptivity! and! color! of! pelargonidin! derivatives.! Journal! of! Agricultural!and!Food!Chemistry!47:!4631Z4637.
  • Gong,!Y.,!Fan, X., Mattheıs, J.P., 2002.!Responses!of! 'Bing'! and! 'Rainier'! sweet! cherries! to! ethylene! and! 1ZMethylcyclopropene.! Journal! of Amerıcan Society!of!Horticulture!Science!127(5):!831Z835.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! 2002.! Preharvest! drop! control! and! maturity! of! ‘Delicious’! apples! as! effected! by! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (AVG).! Journal! of! Tree! Fruit!Production!3!(1):!1Z10.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! Schupp,! J.R.,! 2004.! Effect! of! aminoethoxyvinylglycine!(AVG)!on!preharvest!drop,! fruit! quality,! and! maturation! of! ‘McIntosh’! apples.! II.! Effect! of! timing! and! concentration! relationships! and!spray!volume.!HortScience!39:!1036Z1041.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! 2006.! An! update! on! preharvest! drop! kontrol! of! apples! with! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (ReTain).!Acta!Horticulturae!727:!311Z319.
  • Heredia,! J.B.,! CisnerosZZevallos,! L.,! 2009.! The! effects! of! exogenous! ethylene! and! methyl! jasmonate! on! the! accumulation! of! phenolic! antioxidants! in! selected! whole! and! wounded! fresh! produce.! Food! Chemistry!115:!1500Z1508.
  • Janoudi,! A.,! Flore,! J.A.,! 2003.! Effects! of! multiple! applications!of!methyl!jasmonate!on! fruit! ripening,! leaf! gas! exchange! and! vegetative! growth! in! fruit! trees.! Journal! of! Horticultural! Science! and! Biotechnology!78(6):!793Z797.
  • Jobling,!J.,!Pradhan,!R.,!Moris,!S.,!Mitchell,!L.,!Rath,!A.,! 2003.! The! effect! of! ReTain! plant! growth! regulator! on! the! postharvest! storage! life! of! ‘Tegan! Blue’! plums.! Australian! Journal! of! Experimental! Agriculture,!43:!515–519.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Tsukada,! N.,! Seto,! H.,! 2000.! Changes! of! endogenous!jasmonic!acid!and!methyl!jasmonate!in! apples! and! sweet! cherries! during! fruit! development.! Journal! of! the! American! Society! for! Horticultural!Science!125: 282Z287.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Tsukada,! N.,! Niimi! Y.,! Seto,! H.,! 2001.! Interactions! between! jasmonates! and! abscisic! acid! in!apple! fruit,!and!stimulative!effect!of!jasmonates! on! anthocyanin! accumulation.! Journal! of! the! Japanese!Society! for!Horticultural!Science! 70:! 546Z 552.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Motoyama,! M.,! Michiyama,! H.,! Kim,! M.,! 2002.!!Roles!of!jasmonic!acid!in!the!development!of! sweet! cherries! as! measured! from! fruit! or! disc! samples.!Plant!Growth!Regulation!37:!37Z44.
  • Lata,! B.,! 2007.! Relationship! between! apple! peel! and! the! whole! fruit! antioxidant! content:! Year! and! cultivar! variation.! Journal! of! Agricultural! Food! Chemistry!55:!66Z671.
  • McGuire,! 1992.! Reporting! of! objective! color! measurements.!HortScience!27:!1254Z1255.
  • Meashami,! P.,! 2011.! RainZinduced! fruit! cracking! in! sweet! cherry! (Prunus! avium! L.).! School! of! Agricultural! Science,! University! of! Tasmania.! Doctoral!thesis!p.!170.
  • Mohsenin,! N.N.,! 1970.! Physical! properties! of! plant! and! animal! materials.! New! York:! Gordon! and! Breach!Science!Publishers.
  • Mozetiç,!B.,!Trebse,!P.,!Hribar, J.,!2002.!Determination! and! quantitation! of! anthocyanins! and! hydroxycinnamic! acids! in! different! cultivars! of! sweet!cherries! (Prunus!avium!L.)! from!Nova!Gorica! region! (Slovenia).! Food! Technology! and! Biotechnology!40(3):!207Z212.
  • Olmstead,! J.W.,! Iezzoni,! A.F.,! Whiting,! M.D.,! 2007.! Genotypic! differences! in! sweet! cherry! (Prunus! avium! L.)! fruit! size! are! primarily! a! function! of! cell! number.! Journal! of! the! American! Society! for! Horticultural!Science!132:697Z703.
  • Ozgen,! M.,! Reese,! R.N.,! Tulio,! A.Z.,! Miller,! A.R., Scheerens,! J.C.,! 2006.! Modified! 2,2ZazinoZbisZ3Z ethylbenzothiazolineZ6Zsulfonic!acid!(ABTS)!method! to! measure! antioxidant! capacity! of! selected! small! fruits!and!comparison!to!ferric!reducing!antioxidant! power! (FRAP)! and! 2,2ZdiphenylZ1Zpicrylhydrazyl! (DPPH) methods.! Journal! of! Agricultural! and! Food! Chemistry!54:!1151Z1157.
  • Ozkan,! Y.,! Altuntas,! E.,! Öztürk,! B., Yıldız, K., Saracoglu, O., 2012. The! effect! of! NAA! (1Z naphthalene! acetic! acid)! and! AVG! (aminoethoxyvinylglycine)! on! physical,! chemical,! colour! and! mechanical! properties! of! Braeburn! apple.!International! Journal!of!Food!Engineering!8:! 3!(DOI:!10.1515/1556Z3758.2524).
  • Percival,! D.,! MacKenzie,! J.L.,! 2007.! Use! of! plant! growth! regulators! to! increase! polyphenolic! compounds!in!the!wild!blueberry.!Canadian!Journal! of!Plant!Science!87:!333Z336.
  • Rath,! A.C.,! Prentice,! A.J.,! 2004.! Yield! increase! and! higher! flesh! firmness! of! ‘Arctic! Snow’! nectaries! both! at! harvest! in! Australia! and! after! export! to! Taiwan! following preZharvest! application! of! retain! plant! growth! regulator! (aminoethoxyvinylglycine,! AVG).! Australian! Journal! of! Experimental! Agriculture!44:!343Z351.
  • Remon,! S.,! Venturini,!M.E.,! LopezZBuesa,! P.,!Oria,! R.,! 2003.! Burlat! cherry! quality! after! long! range! transport:! optimisation! of! packaging! conditions.! Innovative! Food! Science! and! Emerging! Technologies!4:!425Z434.
  • Rohwer,! C.L.,! Erwin,! J.E.,! 2008.! Horticultural! applications!of!jasmonates:!A!review.!The!Journal!of! Horticultural!Science!and!Biotechnology!83(3):!283Z 304.
  • Rudell! D.R.,! Fellmann,! J.K.,! Mattheis,! J.P.,! 2005.! Preharvest!application!of!methyl!jasmonate!to!‘Fuji’! apples! enhances! red! coloration! and! affects! fruit! size,! splitting,!and!bitter!pit!incidence.!HortScience! 40:!1760Z1762.
  • RuizZGarcia,! Y.,! Romero! Cascales,! I.,! GilZMuñoz,! R.,! FernandezZFernandez,! J.I.,! LopezZRoca,! J.M.,! GómezZPlaza,! E.,! 2012.! Improving! grape! phenolic! content!and!wine!chromatic!characteristics!through! the!use!of!two!different!elicitors:!Methyl!Jasmonate! versus!Benzothiadiazole.!Journal!of!Agricultural!and! Food!Chemistry!60:!1283Z1290.
  • Shafiq,! M.,! Singh,! Z.,! Khan,! A.S.,! 2011.! PreZharvest! spray! application! of! methyl! jasmonate! improves! red! blush! and! flavonoid! content! in! ‘Cripps! Pink’! apple.! The! Journal! of! Horticultural! Science! and! Biotechnology!86:!422Z430.
  • Shafiq,! M.;! Singh,! Z.;! Khan,! A.S.! Time! of! methyl! jasmonate! application! influences! the! development! of! ‘Cripps! Pink’! apple! fruit! colour.! Journal! of! the! Science!of!Food!and!Agriculture!93:!611Z618!
  • Singh,!Z.,!Kennison,!K.,!Agrez,!V.,!2003.!Regulation!of! fruit! frimness,! maturity! and! quality! of! later! maturing! cultivars! of! peach! with! preharvest! application! of! ReTain.! Acta! Horticulture! 628:! 277Z 283.
  • Singleton,! V.L.,! Rossi,! J.L.,! 1965.! Colorimetry! of! total! phenolics!with!phosphomolybdic– phosphotungstic! acid! reagents.! American! Journal! of! Enology! and! Viticulture!16:!144Z158.
  • Sloulin,!W.,!1990.!Cherry!quality!surveyZstatus!report.! Proc.! Washington! State! Horticultural! Association! 86:!226Z227.
  • Stern,! R.A.,! Applebaum,! S.,! Flaishman,! M.,! BenZArie,! R.,! 2007.! Effect! of! synthetic! auxins! on! fruit! development!of!‘Bing’!cherry.!Scientia!Horticulturae! 114:!275Z280.
  • Wang,!S.Y.,!Zheng,!W.,!2005.!Preharvest!application!of! methyl! jasmonate! increases! fruit! quality! and! antioxidant! capacity! in! raspberries.! International Journal! of! Food! Science! and! Technology! 40:! 187Z 195.
  • Webster,!A.D.,!Spencer,! J.E.,!Dover,!C.,!Atkinson,!C.J.,! 2006.! The! influence! of! sprays! of! gibberellic! acid! (GA3)! and! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (AVG)! on! fruit! abscission,! fruit! ripening! and! quality! of! two! sweet! cherry!cultivars.!Acta!Horticulturae!727:!467Z472.
  • Zhang,!C.,!Whiting,!M.D.,! 2011.!Improving!‘Bing’! sweet! cherry! fruit! quality! with! plant! growth! regulators.! Scientia!Horticulturae!127:!341Z346

‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3, 82 - 89, 01.09.2013


Bu çalışma, Gisela 5 anacı üzerine aşılı ‘0900 Ziraat’ kiraz çeşidinin (Prunus avium L.) meyve kalitesi ve biyokimyasal içeriği üzerine hasattan 3 hafta önce uygulanan metil jasmonat  (MeJA) ve aminoe toksivin ilglisinin (AVG)  etkisini  belirlemek amacıyla Tokat ekolojik koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, 100 ve 200 mg LZ1 AVG ile 2240 mg LZ1 MeJA dozu kullanılmıştır. Kontrol ile karşılaştırıldığında, meyve ağırlığı hem 100 mg LZ1 AVG dozu hem de MeJA uygulaması, geometrik çap yalnızca MeJA uygulaması ile önemli düzeyde artmıştır. Hâlbuki et sertliği, yalnızca MeJA  uygulaması ile önemli düzeyde azalmıştır. Et çekirdek oranı hem 100 mg LZ1 AVG dozu hem de MeJA uygulaması ile artmıştır. L* ve hue açısı 200 mg LZ1 AVG uygulaması, kroma değeri 100 mg LZ1 AVG uygulaması ve a*değeri her iki AVG uygulaması ile önemli düzeyde artmıştır. MeJA uygulaması, SÇKM ve pH değerini önemli düzeyde azaltmış, aksine TA değerini artırmıştır. Toplam fenolik bileşikler ve toplam antosiyanin, 100 mg LZ1 AVG ve MeJA uygulaması ile toplam antioksidant kapasitesi ise yalnızca MeJA uygulaması ile önemli düzeyde azalmıştır.


  • Amarante,! C.! V.! T.,! Drehmer,! A.! M.! F.,! Souza,! F.,! Francescatto,! P.,! 2005. Preharvest! spraying! with! gibberellic! acid! (GA3)! and! aminoethoxyvinilglycine! (AVG)!delays!fruit!maturity!and!reduces!fruit!losses! on!peaches.!Revista!Brasileira!de!Fruticultura 27(1):! 1Z5.
  • Crisosto,! C.H.,! Crisosto,! G.M.,! Ritenour,! M.A.,! 2001.! Testing!the!reliability!of!skin!color!as!an!indicator!of! quality! for! early! season! ‘Brooks’! (Prunus! avium! L.)! cherry.! Postharvest! Biology! and! Technology! 24(2):! 147Z154.
  • Çetinbaş, M., Butar, S., Koyuncu, F., 2012. Aminoetoksi-vinilglisin (AVG) uygulamalarının 0900-Ziraat kiraz çeşidinde meyve kalitesine etkileri. Ege!Üniversitesi!Ziraat!Fakültesi!Dergisi! 49! (1):!103Z106.
  • Estia,!M.,!Cinquantaa,!L.,!Sinesiob,!F.,!Monetab,!E.,!Di! Matteoc,! M., 2002.! Physicochemical! and! sensory! fruit! characteristics! of! two! sweet! cherry! cultivars! after!cool!storage.!Food!Chemistry!76:!399Z405.
  • FAO,! 2011.!! FAO! Statistics Division ( Erişim, 1 Şubat 2013).
  • Giusti,! M.M.,! RodriguezZSaona,! L.E.,! Wrolstad,! R.E.,! 1999.! Spectral! characteristics,! molar! absorptivity! and! color! of! pelargonidin! derivatives.! Journal! of! Agricultural!and!Food!Chemistry!47:!4631Z4637.
  • Gong,!Y.,!Fan, X., Mattheıs, J.P., 2002.!Responses!of! 'Bing'! and! 'Rainier'! sweet! cherries! to! ethylene! and! 1ZMethylcyclopropene.! Journal! of Amerıcan Society!of!Horticulture!Science!127(5):!831Z835.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! 2002.! Preharvest! drop! control! and! maturity! of! ‘Delicious’! apples! as! effected! by! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (AVG).! Journal! of! Tree! Fruit!Production!3!(1):!1Z10.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! Schupp,! J.R.,! 2004.! Effect! of! aminoethoxyvinylglycine!(AVG)!on!preharvest!drop,! fruit! quality,! and! maturation! of! ‘McIntosh’! apples.! II.! Effect! of! timing! and! concentration! relationships! and!spray!volume.!HortScience!39:!1036Z1041.
  • Greene,! D.W.,! 2006.! An! update! on! preharvest! drop! kontrol! of! apples! with! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (ReTain).!Acta!Horticulturae!727:!311Z319.
  • Heredia,! J.B.,! CisnerosZZevallos,! L.,! 2009.! The! effects! of! exogenous! ethylene! and! methyl! jasmonate! on! the! accumulation! of! phenolic! antioxidants! in! selected! whole! and! wounded! fresh! produce.! Food! Chemistry!115:!1500Z1508.
  • Janoudi,! A.,! Flore,! J.A.,! 2003.! Effects! of! multiple! applications!of!methyl!jasmonate!on! fruit! ripening,! leaf! gas! exchange! and! vegetative! growth! in! fruit! trees.! Journal! of! Horticultural! Science! and! Biotechnology!78(6):!793Z797.
  • Jobling,!J.,!Pradhan,!R.,!Moris,!S.,!Mitchell,!L.,!Rath,!A.,! 2003.! The! effect! of! ReTain! plant! growth! regulator! on! the! postharvest! storage! life! of! ‘Tegan! Blue’! plums.! Australian! Journal! of! Experimental! Agriculture,!43:!515–519.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Tsukada,! N.,! Seto,! H.,! 2000.! Changes! of! endogenous!jasmonic!acid!and!methyl!jasmonate!in! apples! and! sweet! cherries! during! fruit! development.! Journal! of! the! American! Society! for! Horticultural!Science!125: 282Z287.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Tsukada,! N.,! Niimi! Y.,! Seto,! H.,! 2001.! Interactions! between! jasmonates! and! abscisic! acid! in!apple! fruit,!and!stimulative!effect!of!jasmonates! on! anthocyanin! accumulation.! Journal! of! the! Japanese!Society! for!Horticultural!Science! 70:! 546Z 552.
  • Kondo,! S.,! Motoyama,! M.,! Michiyama,! H.,! Kim,! M.,! 2002.!!Roles!of!jasmonic!acid!in!the!development!of! sweet! cherries! as! measured! from! fruit! or! disc! samples.!Plant!Growth!Regulation!37:!37Z44.
  • Lata,! B.,! 2007.! Relationship! between! apple! peel! and! the! whole! fruit! antioxidant! content:! Year! and! cultivar! variation.! Journal! of! Agricultural! Food! Chemistry!55:!66Z671.
  • McGuire,! 1992.! Reporting! of! objective! color! measurements.!HortScience!27:!1254Z1255.
  • Meashami,! P.,! 2011.! RainZinduced! fruit! cracking! in! sweet! cherry! (Prunus! avium! L.).! School! of! Agricultural! Science,! University! of! Tasmania.! Doctoral!thesis!p.!170.
  • Mohsenin,! N.N.,! 1970.! Physical! properties! of! plant! and! animal! materials.! New! York:! Gordon! and! Breach!Science!Publishers.
  • Mozetiç,!B.,!Trebse,!P.,!Hribar, J.,!2002.!Determination! and! quantitation! of! anthocyanins! and! hydroxycinnamic! acids! in! different! cultivars! of! sweet!cherries! (Prunus!avium!L.)! from!Nova!Gorica! region! (Slovenia).! Food! Technology! and! Biotechnology!40(3):!207Z212.
  • Olmstead,! J.W.,! Iezzoni,! A.F.,! Whiting,! M.D.,! 2007.! Genotypic! differences! in! sweet! cherry! (Prunus! avium! L.)! fruit! size! are! primarily! a! function! of! cell! number.! Journal! of! the! American! Society! for! Horticultural!Science!132:697Z703.
  • Ozgen,! M.,! Reese,! R.N.,! Tulio,! A.Z.,! Miller,! A.R., Scheerens,! J.C.,! 2006.! Modified! 2,2ZazinoZbisZ3Z ethylbenzothiazolineZ6Zsulfonic!acid!(ABTS)!method! to! measure! antioxidant! capacity! of! selected! small! fruits!and!comparison!to!ferric!reducing!antioxidant! power! (FRAP)! and! 2,2ZdiphenylZ1Zpicrylhydrazyl! (DPPH) methods.! Journal! of! Agricultural! and! Food! Chemistry!54:!1151Z1157.
  • Ozkan,! Y.,! Altuntas,! E.,! Öztürk,! B., Yıldız, K., Saracoglu, O., 2012. The! effect! of! NAA! (1Z naphthalene! acetic! acid)! and! AVG! (aminoethoxyvinylglycine)! on! physical,! chemical,! colour! and! mechanical! properties! of! Braeburn! apple.!International! Journal!of!Food!Engineering!8:! 3!(DOI:!10.1515/1556Z3758.2524).
  • Percival,! D.,! MacKenzie,! J.L.,! 2007.! Use! of! plant! growth! regulators! to! increase! polyphenolic! compounds!in!the!wild!blueberry.!Canadian!Journal! of!Plant!Science!87:!333Z336.
  • Rath,! A.C.,! Prentice,! A.J.,! 2004.! Yield! increase! and! higher! flesh! firmness! of! ‘Arctic! Snow’! nectaries! both! at! harvest! in! Australia! and! after! export! to! Taiwan! following preZharvest! application! of! retain! plant! growth! regulator! (aminoethoxyvinylglycine,! AVG).! Australian! Journal! of! Experimental! Agriculture!44:!343Z351.
  • Remon,! S.,! Venturini,!M.E.,! LopezZBuesa,! P.,!Oria,! R.,! 2003.! Burlat! cherry! quality! after! long! range! transport:! optimisation! of! packaging! conditions.! Innovative! Food! Science! and! Emerging! Technologies!4:!425Z434.
  • Rohwer,! C.L.,! Erwin,! J.E.,! 2008.! Horticultural! applications!of!jasmonates:!A!review.!The!Journal!of! Horticultural!Science!and!Biotechnology!83(3):!283Z 304.
  • Rudell! D.R.,! Fellmann,! J.K.,! Mattheis,! J.P.,! 2005.! Preharvest!application!of!methyl!jasmonate!to!‘Fuji’! apples! enhances! red! coloration! and! affects! fruit! size,! splitting,!and!bitter!pit!incidence.!HortScience! 40:!1760Z1762.
  • RuizZGarcia,! Y.,! Romero! Cascales,! I.,! GilZMuñoz,! R.,! FernandezZFernandez,! J.I.,! LopezZRoca,! J.M.,! GómezZPlaza,! E.,! 2012.! Improving! grape! phenolic! content!and!wine!chromatic!characteristics!through! the!use!of!two!different!elicitors:!Methyl!Jasmonate! versus!Benzothiadiazole.!Journal!of!Agricultural!and! Food!Chemistry!60:!1283Z1290.
  • Shafiq,! M.,! Singh,! Z.,! Khan,! A.S.,! 2011.! PreZharvest! spray! application! of! methyl! jasmonate! improves! red! blush! and! flavonoid! content! in! ‘Cripps! Pink’! apple.! The! Journal! of! Horticultural! Science! and! Biotechnology!86:!422Z430.
  • Shafiq,! M.;! Singh,! Z.;! Khan,! A.S.! Time! of! methyl! jasmonate! application! influences! the! development! of! ‘Cripps! Pink’! apple! fruit! colour.! Journal! of! the! Science!of!Food!and!Agriculture!93:!611Z618!
  • Singh,!Z.,!Kennison,!K.,!Agrez,!V.,!2003.!Regulation!of! fruit! frimness,! maturity! and! quality! of! later! maturing! cultivars! of! peach! with! preharvest! application! of! ReTain.! Acta! Horticulture! 628:! 277Z 283.
  • Singleton,! V.L.,! Rossi,! J.L.,! 1965.! Colorimetry! of! total! phenolics!with!phosphomolybdic– phosphotungstic! acid! reagents.! American! Journal! of! Enology! and! Viticulture!16:!144Z158.
  • Sloulin,!W.,!1990.!Cherry!quality!surveyZstatus!report.! Proc.! Washington! State! Horticultural! Association! 86:!226Z227.
  • Stern,! R.A.,! Applebaum,! S.,! Flaishman,! M.,! BenZArie,! R.,! 2007.! Effect! of! synthetic! auxins! on! fruit! development!of!‘Bing’!cherry.!Scientia!Horticulturae! 114:!275Z280.
  • Wang,!S.Y.,!Zheng,!W.,!2005.!Preharvest!application!of! methyl! jasmonate! increases! fruit! quality! and! antioxidant! capacity! in! raspberries.! International Journal! of! Food! Science! and! Technology! 40:! 187Z 195.
  • Webster,!A.D.,!Spencer,! J.E.,!Dover,!C.,!Atkinson,!C.J.,! 2006.! The! influence! of! sprays! of! gibberellic! acid! (GA3)! and! aminoethoxyvinylglycine! (AVG)! on! fruit! abscission,! fruit! ripening! and! quality! of! two! sweet! cherry!cultivars.!Acta!Horticulturae!727:!467Z472.
  • Zhang,!C.,!Whiting,!M.D.,! 2011.!Improving!‘Bing’! sweet! cherry! fruit! quality! with! plant! growth! regulators.! Scientia!Horticulturae!127:!341Z346
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

B. Öztürk Bu kişi benim

E. Küçüker Bu kişi benim

O. Saraçoğlu Bu kişi benim

K. Yıldız Bu kişi benim

Y. Özkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Kasım 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, B., Küçüker, E., Saraçoğlu, O., Yıldız, K., vd. (2013). ‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 10(3), 82-89.
AMA Öztürk B, Küçüker E, Saraçoğlu O, Yıldız K, Özkan Y. ‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi. JOTAF. Eylül 2013;10(3):82-89.
Chicago Öztürk, B., E. Küçüker, O. Saraçoğlu, K. Yıldız, ve Y. Özkan. “‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10, sy. 3 (Eylül 2013): 82-89.
EndNote Öztürk B, Küçüker E, Saraçoğlu O, Yıldız K, Özkan Y (01 Eylül 2013) ‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10 3 82–89.
IEEE B. Öztürk, E. Küçüker, O. Saraçoğlu, K. Yıldız, ve Y. Özkan, “‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi”, JOTAF, c. 10, sy. 3, ss. 82–89, 2013.
ISNAD Öztürk, B. vd. “‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 10/3 (Eylül 2013), 82-89.
JAMA Öztürk B, Küçüker E, Saraçoğlu O, Yıldız K, Özkan Y. ‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi. JOTAF. 2013;10:82–89.
MLA Öztürk, B. vd. “‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi”. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 3, 2013, ss. 82-89.
Vancouver Öztürk B, Küçüker E, Saraçoğlu O, Yıldız K, Özkan Y. ‘0900 Ziraat’ Kiraz Çeşidinin Meyve Kalitesi Ve Biyokimyasal İçeriği Üzerine Büyümeyi Düzenleyici Maddelerin Etkisi. JOTAF. 2013;10(3):82-9.