Yazım Kuralları

A) General Information

1.The publication language of SUJE is English. 

2. SUJE is published online triannually in April, August and December. Only “Original Research Articles” are published in SUJE. 

B) Information to authors

1. Manuscripts have to be sent to our journal through DergiPark with creating an account from DergiPark. There is a template file for manuscripts to be submitted to SUJE located bottom of this page. Submitted candidate manuscripts should be prepared according to APA7 rules. Apart from this, the paper size of the candidate manuscripts should be standard A4 and 2 cm margins from all edges. The font should be "Cambria", line spacing should be 1,15, and paragraph spacing should be "0 nk" before and "8 nk" after the paragraph. The title of the article should be written at the very beginning of the candidate article in 12 pt, only first letter of all words capitalized, left-aligned and bold. Abstract and keywords should be given after the title of the article. The abstract should be maximum 300 and minimum 150 words. At least 3 and at most 5 English keywords should be written under the abstract. The bibliography should be written according to APA7 style. All other rules are specified in the template.

2. There should not be any information about the author(s) in the manuscripts submitted to SUJE journal. If there should be any description about the submission, it should be stated in the section of “Note to the Editor”. There is no need to upload a similarity report (plagiarism). The report will be received by our journal during the preliminary review phase. Details can be found on the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" page on our website.

3. The length of the manuscript should be in the range of 5000-10000 words, including appendices and bibliography.

4. TRDİZİN stated that the date of the meeting where the ethics committee permission was obtained and the issue number of the relevant article should be stated in the method section of the article in studies that require ethics committee approval. This information will be added to the home page and last page of the article by the typesetting manager after the article is accepted for publication. Ethics committee reports should be uploaded to the journal with wet signature or electronic signature, and additional documents should be provided if requested by the journal officer.

5. In accordance with TRDizin criteria and SAU Journal Commission decisions, the information in the "Copyright Agreement and Author Acceptance Form" below must be filled in and signed by all authors of the article in the article application. In the author contribution section on the title page, percentages should not be written, and statements such as "all authors contributed equally" should not be stated. The contributions of the authors should be clearly written.

C) Template
Please use the template below while submitting your manuscript for double-blind review (Author information or information identifying the authors should not be included in the article file.)

* Please Click for Template of Copyright Agreement and Author Acceptance Form

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 27.06.2024 11:20:47