Publishing Ethics

Publishing Ethics

Scope of the Journal

The Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (TC& TC) is published the papers electronically 2 times a year by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (DergiPark) and accepts the orginial articles in English-language. This journal is open to researchers of all nationalities

The Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry journal deal with the original reports in the computational and theoretical chemistry from the structural problems to reaction mechanism in all chemistry fields as well as the interdisciplinary science including medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, bioorganic chemistry. Especially, this journal encourages the papers concerned with the contemporary developments in theory and methodology, addition to the computational applications of an existing one: ab initio, semiempirical quantum mechanics, molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, cheminformatics, molecular design, molecular structure prediction simulations, etc. However, this journal does not consider the reports only including the diffraction techniques and spectral characterization if they don’t include the meaningful discussion and elucidation by computational tools.


Manuscript Types

Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Journal deals with the research, review articles and research notes/short communications. Editor can suggest/ change the article type after the submission.


Publication Policy

Open Access and Free Submission Statement

The Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry is open access journal- all original articles published in this journal is freely online available and there is no submission charge or subscription, which allows for the reproduction of articles charge-off for everyone as long as the citations are stated in the References depicted in author guidelines. Thus, all authors publishing in TC& TC accept these as terms of the publication.


Submission and Evaluation Process

1. Online Submission: All articles must be submitted to journal through the online submission system at Articles will be accepted for evaluation based on that:

a.     Articles they have not been published or being considered simultaneously elsewhere

b.     Authors should be ensure that the article has not been published in another journal, full or partly.

c.      Submission files: All contributions should be submitted to the Editorial Office by using the online manuscript submission system of this journal. Following materials must be submitted to editorial office during the submission of the manuscript:

                              I.     Cover Letter: it must clearly emphasize the importance and contributions of the obtained results on the scientific area.

                           II.     Graphical Abstract: it should be submitted to journal as a separate file. Also, it should be prepared at size 5 x 12 cm (max) with the screen shout resolution of 96 dpi.

                         III.     Highlights: they give the core points of the paper with 3- 5 items.

                         IV.     Manuscript: there is no page limitation. It should be prepared according to the journal format given below.

                            V.     Supplementary Material: it is not mandatory for this journal. But, if there is, it must be rigorously prepared by using the MS office.

                         VI.     Copyright Transfer Agreement (License agreement): it should be signed by author(s) (corresponding and all co-author(s))


2. Technical Control

a.     Aim and Scope check: The articles’ content will be checked whether they fit the aim and scope of this journal.

a.     Preliminary language, grammar, spelling check and technical control: The articles must be prepared according to the journal format in English. Author(s) should be send the Copyright Transfer Form provided on the Journal’s website during the manuscript submission process. Also, similarity check will be applied to article and similarity report will be investigated in detail. But the submissions over 25-30% score are generally returned to authors to check the manuscript.


3. Scientific Evaluation

a. Editor-in-chief: The chief editor will assign a section-editor according to the content of the article after checking the compliance of the submitted article with the aim and scope of the journal.

b. Section Editor: He will assign at least two indeğendent referees to evaluate paper with respect to content, originality and contribution to the scientific area, e.g. According to the referee reports, editor will a decision on accept or reject of the article.

c. Referee: hey will be selected from the valuable and specialized scientist in their field and will evaluate the article and, send the report of the article to editör via online system of this journal. 


4. Publication: A proof of the paper after the revision(s) including the technical, language and scientific correction will be sent to authors to final check. The paper will be published after the author(s) confirm the proof file.


Manuscript Preparation:

1.     Manuscript must be prepared by using MS Office software,

2.     The margins should be 3 cm from each side and manuscript should be written with 1.5 space.

3.     All pages must be numbered from starting to ending.

4.     Author(s) must write in a size of 12 point as a standard font with Times New Romans.

5.     All measurements and data should be given in SI units.

6.     Standard American English should be used in manuscript.

7.     Citation in text should be given in squared bracket.

8.     Manuscript should include the sections as follow:

a.     Manuscript Title, Author(s) Name, affiliations and email addresses

b.     Mobile Number, e-mail and Fax Number of Corresponding Author(s)

c.     Abstract (Not to exceed 400 words)

d.     Keywords: provide the words from 3 to 6

e.     Introduction

f.      Computational or Theoretical Approaches/Method (Equations must be written with the MathType program)

g.     Results and Discussions (including embedded Figures, Figure Captions, and Table)

h.     Conclusion

i.      Acknowledgment

j.      References

·  Reference to a book: (F. Jensen, Introduction to Computational Chemistry, second ed., John Wiley & Sons Ltd., England, 2007, pages).

·  Reference to a journal publication: (K. Sayin, D. Karakas, Quantum chemical studies on the some inorganic corrosion inhibitors, Corrosion Science 77 (2013) 37–45.)

·  Reference to a chapter in an edited book: (G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing, Inc. New York, 2009, 281–304.)

·  Reference to a website: (, October 2016, Accessed:27.02.2017)

9.     If necessary, supporting Information: submitted as separate files and not repeated in the manuscript.

10. If author desire, graphical abstract and highlights can be sent as separate files and not repeated in the manuscript. The image should be readable at a size of 5 × 13 cm using a regular screen resolution of 96 dpi and highlight include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point).


Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. If these references are included in the reference list, they should follow the standard reference style of the journal and should include a substitution of the publication date with either 'Unpublished results' or 'Personal communication'. Citation of a reference as 'in press' implies that the item has been accepted for publication.


Author responsibilities: Authors should provide the information’s (if there is) of the acknowledgments, funding and conflict interest just before the reference section of the manuscript. Also, they should ensure that the manuscript has not been submitted to another journal at the same time.


Reviewer responsibilities: This journal applies the single blind-peer review process after the editor's decision whether manuscript is appropriate to the aim and scope of the journal. Each contribution will be evaluated by at least two independent expert referees. Peer review helps to editor who makes a decision on the submitted paper as well as to author(s) to progress the work with suggested modifications. Editor has final decision regarding to the acceptance or rejection of the article.



The author(s) of the submitted article should ensure that the paper is written completely original and that the quotations in the article are cited in the appropriate place and displayed in the reference section. This journal has applied to all contributions similarity check by iThenticateR. The similarity report will be investigated in detail during the technical check stage of the submission. If the manuscript has been judged with literal copying, substantial, paraphrising and text re-cycling, paper will not be considered for publication. 

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 14.02.2019 11:41:50

Journal Full Title: Turkish Computational and Theoretical Chemistry

Journal Abbreviated Title: Turkish Comp Theo Chem (TC&TC)