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Reverse Logistics Network Design Under Uncertainties: Literature Review

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 1 - 15, 01.12.2013


In recent years, research in Reverse Logistics (RL) has rapidly grown in both academia environment and business world due to economic, social and governmental pressures. Academic researches related to RL focused on reverse logistics network design, estimates of the rate of return, economic and environmental performance, inventory management, vehicle routing etc. Reverse Logistics Network Design (RLND) is the most popular topic in RL literature. Uncertainty is one of the main characteristics of reverse logistics networks. RL network design and structure of the uncertainty are lots much more complicated structure based on the forward logistics network design. Stochastic programming and robust optimization are the most preferred methods by researchers in order to handle uncertainty. In this study, a comprehensive review of the literature on reverse logistics network design under uncertainty is presented. In addition, research gaps in RLND literature under uncertainty and opportunities are identified


  • Amin, S.H. ve Zhang, G.,2013, A multi-objective facility location model for closed- loop supply chain network under uncertain demand and return, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, Issue 6, 4165–4176.
  • Ayvaz B. ve Bolat B., (2013), Kalite ve miktar belirsizlikleri altında geri dönüşüm ağ tasarımı, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sayı:23, s.55-77.
  • Babazadeh, R., Moghaddam, R. T. ve Razmi, J., 2012, A complex design of the integrated forward-reverse logistics network under uncertainty, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 23, No: 2, 113-123.
  • Chanintrakul P., Mondragon A.E.C., Lalwani C. ve Wong C.Y. ,2009, Reverse logistics network design: a state-of-the-art literature review, Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 1, No. 1, 61-81.
  • Chouinard, M., D’Amoursa, S. ve Ait-Kadia, D., 2008,A stochastic programming approach for designing supply loops, Int. J. Production Economics, 113, 657–677
  • Cimino, A., Longo, F. ve Mirabelli, G.,2010, Logistic network design with products returns: a state of the art overview. Proceedings of The International Workshop on Applied Modeling & Simulation, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro: May 5-7, 310-316.
  • Dekker, R., Inderfurth, K., van Wassenhove, L.N. ve Fleischmann, M., 2004, Reverse logistics: quantitative models for closed-loop supply chains, Springer- Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Denizel, M., Ferguson, M. ve Souza, G.C., 2010, Multiperiod remanufacturing planning with uncertain quality of inputs, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management, 57, No. 3, 394-404.
  • El-Sayed, M., Afia, N. ve El-Kharbotly, A., 2010, A stochastic model for forward- reverse logistics network design under risk, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 58, 423-431.
  • Fleischmann, M., Krikke, H.R., Dekker, R. ve Flapper, S.D.P., 2000, A characterization of logistics networks for product recovery, Omega, 28, 653-666.
  • Fleischmann, M., Beullens, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M. ve Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2001, The impact of product recovery on logistics network design, Production and Operations Management, 10(2), 156-173.
  • Fonseca, M.C., Sánchez A.G., Mier M.O. ve Da Gama F.S., 2010, A stochastic bi- objective location model for strategic reverse logistics, Business And Economics, Top 18(1), 158-184.
  • Francas, D. ve Minner, S., 2009, Manufacturing network configuration in supply chains with product recovery , Omega, 37, 757 – 769.
  • Gomes, M. I., Povoa, A. P. B. ve Novais, A. Q. , 2011,Modelling a recovery network for WEEE: A case study in Portugal, Waste Management, 31, 1645–1660.
  • Hong, I.H., Assavapokee, T., Ammons, J., Boelkins, C., Gilliam, K., Oudit, D., Realff, M. J., Vannícola, J. M. ve Wongthatsanekorn W., 2006, Planning the e- scrap reverse production system under uncertainty in the state of georgia: A case study, IEEE Transactions On Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 29, No. 3, 150-162.
  • Hosseinzadeh, M. ve Roghanian, E., 2012, An optimization model for reverse logistics network under stochastic environment using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, No. 12, 249-264.
  • Ilgin, M.A. ve Gupta, S. M., 2010, Environmentally conscious manufacturing and product recovery (ECMPRO): A review of the state of the art, Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 563–591.
  • Kara, S. S. ve Onut, S., 2010a, A two-stage stochastic and robust programming approach to strategic planning of a reverse supply network: The case of paper recycling, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 6129–6137.
  • Kara, S. S. ve Onut, S., 2010b, A stochastic optimization approach for paper recycling reverse logistics network design under uncertainty, Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 7 (4), 717-730.
  • Lee, D., Dong, M. ve Bian, W., 2010, The design of sustainable logistics network under uncertainty, Int. J. Production Economics,128, 159–166.
  • Lee, D.H. ve Dong, M., 2009, Dynamic network design for reverse logistics operations under uncertainty, Transportation Research, Part E. 45, 61-71.
  • Listeş, O., 2002, A decomposition approach to a stochastic model for supply-and- return network design, Erasmus, 1-27.
  • Listeş, O., 2007, A generic stochastic model for supply-and-return network design, Computers & Operations Research, 34, 417-442.
  • Listeş, O. ve Dekker, R., 2005, A stochastic approach to a case study for product recovery network design, European Journal of Operational Research,160, 268-87.
  • Mier, M.O., Hipolito, J.D. ve Sanchez, A.G., 2009, Scatter search for locating a treatment plant and the necessary transfer centers in a reverse network, Metaheuristics in the service industry, lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 624, 63-81.
  • Min, H., Ko, H.J. ve Ko, C.S., 2006, A genetic algorithm approach to developing the multi-echelon reverse logistics network for product returns,Omega, 34, 56-69.
  • Pishvaee, M.S., Jola, F. ve Razmi, J., 2009, A stochastic optimization model for integrated forward/reverse logistics network design, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 28 (4), 107-114.
  • Pishvaee, M.S., Rabbani, M. ve Torabi, S.A., 2011, A robust optimization approach to closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 637–649.
  • Rogers, D. ve Tibben-Lembke, R., 1999, Going backwards: reverse logistics trends and practices, Pittsburgh: RLEC Press.
  • Qiushuang, C. ve Qiaolun, G., 2007, Analysis of quantity uncertainty of returns on remanufacturing logistic network using a stochastic programming model, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Guangzhou, China.
  • Ramezani, M., Bashiri, M. ve Moghaddam, R. T., 2013, A new multi-objective stochastic model for a forward/reverse logistic network design with responsiveness and quality level, Applied Mathematical Modelling,37, 328–344.
  • Realff, M. J., Amnions, J. C. ve Newton, D., 2000, Strategic design of reverse production systems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, 991-996.
  • Realff, M.J., Ammons, J. C. ve Newton, D. J., 2004,Robust reverse production system design for carpet recycling, IIE Transactions,36, Issue 8, 767-776.
  • Salema, M.I.G., Barbosa-Povoa, A.P. ve Novais, A.Q., 2007, An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 179, 1063-1077.
  • Salema, M.I.G., Barbosa-Povoa, A.P. ve Novais, A.Q. , 2010, Simultaneous design and planning of supply chains with reverse flows: A generic modelling framework, European Journal of Operational Research, 203, 336–349.
  • Wang, X. ve Zhao, L., 2009, Network design of reverse logistics integrated with forward logistics, power and energy engineering conference, APPEEC 2009,Asia- Pacific .1, 27-31.
  • Wei-min, D. ve Mei-jie, W., 2009, Optimal design of manufacturing/ remanufacturing logistics network based on uncertain programming, International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (16th), pp.867-873, doi: 10.1109/ICMSE.2009.5318205.
  • Zeballos, L.J., Gomes, M. I., Povoa, A. P. B. ve Novais, A. Q., 2012, Addressing the uncertain quality and quantity of returns in closed-loop supply chains, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 47, 237– 247.

Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24, 1 - 15, 01.12.2013


Son yıllarda tersine lojistik üzerindeki çalışmalar ekonomik, sosyal ve devlet baskıları gibi faktörlerden dolayı akademik çevrelerde ve iş dünyasında hızlı bir şekilde artış göstermektedir. Literatürdeki tersine lojistikle ilgili çalışmalar ağ tasarımı, geri dönüş oranı tahminleri, ekonomik ve çevresel performans, envanter yönetimi, araç rotalama vb. farklı perspektiflerden konuya yaklaşım göstermektedir. Tersine Lojistik (TL) ağ tasarımı ise bu konuda en çok araştırmanın yapıldığı alan olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Belirsizlik tersine lojistik ağlarının en temel özelliklerinden biridir. TL ağ tasarımı yapısında bulundurduğu çok sayıdaki belirsizlik nedeniyle ileri yöndeki lojistik ağ tasarımlarına göre çok daha karmaşık yapıdadır. Belirsizlikleri bertaraf etmek için stokastik programlama modeli ve robust optimizasyon son zamanlarda en çok tercih edilen yöntemlerdir. Bu çalışmada belirsizlikler altında TL ağ tasarımı ile ilgili literatür hakkında detaylı bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Literatür taraması neticesinde belirsizlikler altında stokastik TL ağ tasarım konusu ile ilgili boşluklar ortaya konularak bu alanda çalışacak olan araştırmacılara bir yol gösterilmesi hedeflenmiştir


  • Amin, S.H. ve Zhang, G.,2013, A multi-objective facility location model for closed- loop supply chain network under uncertain demand and return, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, Issue 6, 4165–4176.
  • Ayvaz B. ve Bolat B., (2013), Kalite ve miktar belirsizlikleri altında geri dönüşüm ağ tasarımı, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Sayı:23, s.55-77.
  • Babazadeh, R., Moghaddam, R. T. ve Razmi, J., 2012, A complex design of the integrated forward-reverse logistics network under uncertainty, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 23, No: 2, 113-123.
  • Chanintrakul P., Mondragon A.E.C., Lalwani C. ve Wong C.Y. ,2009, Reverse logistics network design: a state-of-the-art literature review, Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 1, No. 1, 61-81.
  • Chouinard, M., D’Amoursa, S. ve Ait-Kadia, D., 2008,A stochastic programming approach for designing supply loops, Int. J. Production Economics, 113, 657–677
  • Cimino, A., Longo, F. ve Mirabelli, G.,2010, Logistic network design with products returns: a state of the art overview. Proceedings of The International Workshop on Applied Modeling & Simulation, Buzios, Rio de Janeiro: May 5-7, 310-316.
  • Dekker, R., Inderfurth, K., van Wassenhove, L.N. ve Fleischmann, M., 2004, Reverse logistics: quantitative models for closed-loop supply chains, Springer- Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Denizel, M., Ferguson, M. ve Souza, G.C., 2010, Multiperiod remanufacturing planning with uncertain quality of inputs, IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management, 57, No. 3, 394-404.
  • El-Sayed, M., Afia, N. ve El-Kharbotly, A., 2010, A stochastic model for forward- reverse logistics network design under risk, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 58, 423-431.
  • Fleischmann, M., Krikke, H.R., Dekker, R. ve Flapper, S.D.P., 2000, A characterization of logistics networks for product recovery, Omega, 28, 653-666.
  • Fleischmann, M., Beullens, P., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M. ve Van Wassenhove, L.N., 2001, The impact of product recovery on logistics network design, Production and Operations Management, 10(2), 156-173.
  • Fonseca, M.C., Sánchez A.G., Mier M.O. ve Da Gama F.S., 2010, A stochastic bi- objective location model for strategic reverse logistics, Business And Economics, Top 18(1), 158-184.
  • Francas, D. ve Minner, S., 2009, Manufacturing network configuration in supply chains with product recovery , Omega, 37, 757 – 769.
  • Gomes, M. I., Povoa, A. P. B. ve Novais, A. Q. , 2011,Modelling a recovery network for WEEE: A case study in Portugal, Waste Management, 31, 1645–1660.
  • Hong, I.H., Assavapokee, T., Ammons, J., Boelkins, C., Gilliam, K., Oudit, D., Realff, M. J., Vannícola, J. M. ve Wongthatsanekorn W., 2006, Planning the e- scrap reverse production system under uncertainty in the state of georgia: A case study, IEEE Transactions On Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, Vol. 29, No. 3, 150-162.
  • Hosseinzadeh, M. ve Roghanian, E., 2012, An optimization model for reverse logistics network under stochastic environment using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3, No. 12, 249-264.
  • Ilgin, M.A. ve Gupta, S. M., 2010, Environmentally conscious manufacturing and product recovery (ECMPRO): A review of the state of the art, Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 563–591.
  • Kara, S. S. ve Onut, S., 2010a, A two-stage stochastic and robust programming approach to strategic planning of a reverse supply network: The case of paper recycling, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 6129–6137.
  • Kara, S. S. ve Onut, S., 2010b, A stochastic optimization approach for paper recycling reverse logistics network design under uncertainty, Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 7 (4), 717-730.
  • Lee, D., Dong, M. ve Bian, W., 2010, The design of sustainable logistics network under uncertainty, Int. J. Production Economics,128, 159–166.
  • Lee, D.H. ve Dong, M., 2009, Dynamic network design for reverse logistics operations under uncertainty, Transportation Research, Part E. 45, 61-71.
  • Listeş, O., 2002, A decomposition approach to a stochastic model for supply-and- return network design, Erasmus, 1-27.
  • Listeş, O., 2007, A generic stochastic model for supply-and-return network design, Computers & Operations Research, 34, 417-442.
  • Listeş, O. ve Dekker, R., 2005, A stochastic approach to a case study for product recovery network design, European Journal of Operational Research,160, 268-87.
  • Mier, M.O., Hipolito, J.D. ve Sanchez, A.G., 2009, Scatter search for locating a treatment plant and the necessary transfer centers in a reverse network, Metaheuristics in the service industry, lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems, 624, 63-81.
  • Min, H., Ko, H.J. ve Ko, C.S., 2006, A genetic algorithm approach to developing the multi-echelon reverse logistics network for product returns,Omega, 34, 56-69.
  • Pishvaee, M.S., Jola, F. ve Razmi, J., 2009, A stochastic optimization model for integrated forward/reverse logistics network design, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 28 (4), 107-114.
  • Pishvaee, M.S., Rabbani, M. ve Torabi, S.A., 2011, A robust optimization approach to closed-loop supply chain network design under uncertainty, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 637–649.
  • Rogers, D. ve Tibben-Lembke, R., 1999, Going backwards: reverse logistics trends and practices, Pittsburgh: RLEC Press.
  • Qiushuang, C. ve Qiaolun, G., 2007, Analysis of quantity uncertainty of returns on remanufacturing logistic network using a stochastic programming model, IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, Guangzhou, China.
  • Ramezani, M., Bashiri, M. ve Moghaddam, R. T., 2013, A new multi-objective stochastic model for a forward/reverse logistic network design with responsiveness and quality level, Applied Mathematical Modelling,37, 328–344.
  • Realff, M. J., Amnions, J. C. ve Newton, D., 2000, Strategic design of reverse production systems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 24, 991-996.
  • Realff, M.J., Ammons, J. C. ve Newton, D. J., 2004,Robust reverse production system design for carpet recycling, IIE Transactions,36, Issue 8, 767-776.
  • Salema, M.I.G., Barbosa-Povoa, A.P. ve Novais, A.Q., 2007, An optimization model for the design of a capacitated multi-product reverse logistics network with uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 179, 1063-1077.
  • Salema, M.I.G., Barbosa-Povoa, A.P. ve Novais, A.Q. , 2010, Simultaneous design and planning of supply chains with reverse flows: A generic modelling framework, European Journal of Operational Research, 203, 336–349.
  • Wang, X. ve Zhao, L., 2009, Network design of reverse logistics integrated with forward logistics, power and energy engineering conference, APPEEC 2009,Asia- Pacific .1, 27-31.
  • Wei-min, D. ve Mei-jie, W., 2009, Optimal design of manufacturing/ remanufacturing logistics network based on uncertain programming, International Conference on Management Science & Engineering (16th), pp.867-873, doi: 10.1109/ICMSE.2009.5318205.
  • Zeballos, L.J., Gomes, M. I., Povoa, A. P. B. ve Novais, A. Q., 2012, Addressing the uncertain quality and quantity of returns in closed-loop supply chains, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 47, 237– 247.
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Berk Ayvaz Bu kişi benim

Sibkat Kaçtıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Kemal Varol Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2013
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Ağustos 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 24

Kaynak Göster

APA Ayvaz, B., Kaçtıoğlu, S., & Varol, K. (2013). Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(24), 1-15.
AMA Ayvaz B, Kaçtıoğlu S, Varol K. Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2013;12(24):1-15.
Chicago Ayvaz, Berk, Sibkat Kaçtıoğlu, ve Kemal Varol. “Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 12, sy. 24 (Aralık 2013): 1-15.
EndNote Ayvaz B, Kaçtıoğlu S, Varol K (01 Aralık 2013) Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 12 24 1–15.
IEEE B. Ayvaz, S. Kaçtıoğlu, ve K. Varol, “Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 24, ss. 1–15, 2013.
ISNAD Ayvaz, Berk vd. “Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 12/24 (Aralık 2013), 1-15.
JAMA Ayvaz B, Kaçtıoğlu S, Varol K. Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;12:1–15.
MLA Ayvaz, Berk vd. “Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması”. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 12, sy. 24, 2013, ss. 1-15.
Vancouver Ayvaz B, Kaçtıoğlu S, Varol K. Belirsizlikler Altında Tersine Lojistik Ağ Tasarımı Literatür Taraması. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi. 2013;12(24):1-15.