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Late Antique and Medieval Epitaphs from the Eğri Taş Kilisesi at Ihlara in Cappadocia

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 27, 109 - 170, 17.05.2024


The Eğri Taş kilisesi complex is located on the right bank of Melendiz Suyu, in the Ihlara Valley in Cappadocia. Excavated in the rock at the foot of the cliff which looms over the river, it is centered around a church dedicated to Theotokos and decorated between 921 and 927, in the reign of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Romanus 1st Lecapenus and his son Christophorus. Apart from the painted church, Eğri Taş also includes several burial spaces where twenty-four funerary inscriptions are preserved to this day. These inscriptions, poorly known for the most part and only incompletely published, can provide with material of considerable importance for the study of Christian funerary epigraphy.
In this article I present a new edition of these epitaphs, based on a long research project involving in situ deciphering and reexamination, carried out over three fieldwork trips to the region in 2006, 2012 and 2019. This epigraphic fieldwork led me to correct and/or complete readings of eleven inscriptions known from previous editions and to identify thirteen unpublished ones. It also enabled me to date the inscriptions into two periods which correspond to the main phases of occupation of the site: one group is late antique, probably from the 6th century, the other being medieval, dating from the 9th-10th and 11th centuries.


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  • C. Jolivet-Lévy avec la collaboration de N. Lemaigre Demesnil, La Cappadoce. Un siècle après G. de Jerphanion, 2 vols, Paris 2015.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy, Inscriptions et images dans les églises byzantines de Cappadoce. Visibilité/lisibilité, interactions et fonctions in : Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental, sous la direction de S. Brodbeck et A.-O. Poilpré, avec la collaboration de M. Stavrou [Byzantina Sorbonensia 30], Paris 2019, 379-408.
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Kapadokya Ihlara’daki Eğri Taş Kilisesi’nin Erken Hıristiyan ve Ortaçağ Mezar Yazıtları

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 27, 109 - 170, 17.05.2024


Eğri Taş kilisesi kompleksi, Kapadokya'daki Ihlara Vadisi'nde, Melendiz Suyu’nun sağ kıyısında yer almaktadır. Nehrin üzerinde yükselen uçurumun eteğindeki kayaya kazılarak Theotokos'a adanmış ve 921 ile 927 yılları arasında, Konstantin VII Porphyrogenitus, Romanus 1. Lecapenus ve oğlu Christophorus döneminde dekore edilmiş bir kilise etrafında konumlanmaktadır. Boyalı kilisenin yanı sıra Eğri Taş, yirmi dört mezar yazıtının günümüze kadar korunduğu birkaç mezar alanını da içermektedir. Çoğunlukla az bilinen ve sadece eksik bir şekilde yayınlanan bu yazıtlar, Hıristiyan mezar epigrafisi çalışmaları için önemli bir malzeme sağlama potansiyeline sahiptir.
Bu makalede, çok sayıda dijital fotoğraf çekimiyle tamamlanmış, yerinde gerçekleştirilen bir okuma ve düzeltme çalışmasına dayanan Eğri Taş Kilisesi’nin mezar yazıtlarının yeni bir edisyo¬nunu sunuyorum. 2006, 2012 ve 2019’daki üç epigrafik araştırma gezisi şeklinde gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma, bana daha önceki edisyonlardan bilinen onbir yazıtın okumasını düzeltme ve tamamlama ve hiç yayınlanmamış onüç yazıtı da tespit etme imkânı verdi. Aynı zamanda bana yazıtları sit alanının ana kullanım evrelerine tekabül eden iki döneme tarihlendirme olanağı verdi: bunlardan birincisi Erken Hıristiyan Dönemi, diğeri de Orta Çağ’ın 9.-10. ve 11. yüzyıllar arasında kalan dönemidir.


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  • W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder, C. W. M. Cox, Asia Minor 1924. III, Monuments from Central Phrygia, JRS 16, 1926, 53-94.
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  • R. Coroneo, L’epigrafia greca medioevale in Sardegna : a margine del libro di André Guillou, dans Cultus splendore, in : A. M. Corda (ed.), Studi in onore di Giovanna Sotgiu, Senorbì 2003, 1, 347-372.
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  • N. Diamantis, Epigraphés apó to palaiokhristianikó nekrotapheío tēs Kisámou, AD 53, 1998, 313-330.
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  • H. Grégoire, Rapport sur un voyage d’exploration dans le Pont et en Cappadoce, BCH 33, 1909, 3-169.
  • A. Guillou, Recueil des inscriptions grecques médiévales d’Italie [Collection de l’École française de Rome 222], Rome 1996.
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  • W. Hörandner, Das byzantinische Epigramm und das heilige Kreuz: einige Beobachtungen zu Motiven und Typen, in: La Croce. Iconografia e interpretazione (secoli I - inizio XVI), Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Napoli, 6-11 dicembre 1999), a cura di B. Ulianich, con la collaborazione di U. Parente, Naples, Rome 2007, vol. III, 107-125.
  • W. Hörandner, Weitere Beobachtungen zu byzantinischen Figurengedichten und Tetragrammen, Néa Rhṓmē 6, 2009, 291-304.
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  • M. E. Johnson, The Prayers of Sarapion of Thmuis. A Literary, Liturgical, and Theological Analysis [OCA 249], Rome 1995.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy, Les églises byzantines de Cappadoce. Le programme iconographique de l’abside et de ses abords, Paris 1991.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy, La Cappadoce médiévale. Images et spiritualité, Paris 2001.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy, Études cappadociennes [Variorum Reprints], Londres 2002.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy avec la collaboration de N. Lemaigre Demesnil, La Cappadoce. Un siècle après G. de Jerphanion, 2 vols, Paris 2015.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy, Inscriptions et images dans les églises byzantines de Cappadoce. Visibilité/lisibilité, interactions et fonctions in : Visibilité et présence de l’image dans l’espace ecclésial. Byzance et Moyen Âge occidental, sous la direction de S. Brodbeck et A.-O. Poilpré, avec la collaboration de M. Stavrou [Byzantina Sorbonensia 30], Paris 2019, 379-408.
  • C. Jolivet-Lévy – G. Kiourtzian, Découvertes archéologiques et épigraphie funéraire dans une vallée de Cappadoce, Études Balkaniques 1, 1994, 135-176, réimpression dans Jolivet-Lévy 2002, ch. IV.
  • H. Junker, Ermenne: Bericht über die Grabungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien auf den Friedhöfen von Ermenne (Nubien) im Winter 1911/12 [Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch- Historische Klasse 67.1], Vienne-Leipzig 1925.
  • V. Kalas, The 2004 Survey of the Byzantine Settlement at Selime-Yaprakhisar in the Peristrema Valley, Cappadocia, DOP 60, 2006, 271-293.
  • S. Kalopissi-Verti, Dedicatory Inscriptions and Donor Portraits in Thirteenth-Century Churches of Greece [Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für die Tabula Imperii Byzantini 5], Vienne 1992.
  • G. Kiourtzian, Le psaume 131 et son usage funéraire dans la Grèce, les Balkans et la Cappadoce à la haute époque byzantine, CArch 45, 1997, 31-39.
  • Liber Annuus
  • J. Lafontaine-Dosogne, Nouvelles notes cappadociennes, Byzantion 33, 1963, 121-183.
  • G. Laminger-Pascher, Die kaiserzeitlichen Inschriften Lykaoniens. Faszikel I: der Süden [Ergänzungsbände zu den Tituli Asiae Minoris 15], Vienne 1992.
  • R. Lattimore, Themes in Greek and Latin Epitaphs, Urbana 1942.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres. Texts and Contexts [Wiener Byzantinische Studien XXIV/1], vol. I, Vienne 2003.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Compte-rendu de: Andreas Rhoby, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften. Verse und ihre „inschriftliche“ Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Erstellt von Andreas Rhoby nach Vorarbeiten von Rudolf Stefec, Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2018, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 70.3/4, 2017, 210-213.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres. Texts and Contexts, vol. 2 [Wiener Byzantinische Studien XXIV/2], Vienne 2019.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann – P. Thonemann, A Byzantine verse inscription from Konya, in: M. D. Lauxtermann – I. Toth (edd.), Inscribing Texts in Byzantium. Continuities and Transformations, Papers from the Forty-Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Oxford, New York 2020, 337-346.
  • B. G. Mandilaras, The verb in the Greek non-literary papyri, Athens 1973.
  • C. Mango, Deux inscriptions byzantines de Gabala en Syrie, TM 9, 1985, 463-464.
  • G. Mégas, Zêtêmata Hellênicês Laographias, Epetêris tou Laographicou Archiou 2, 1940, 118-205.
  • I. Méimaris – Ch. Bakirtzis, Hellênikes epigraphes hysterorrhômaekôn kai palaeochristianikôn chronôn apo tê Dytikê Thrakê [Parartêma Thrakikês Epetêridas 1], Komotini 1994.
  • S. G. Mercati – C. Giannelli – A. Guillou, Saint-Jean-Théristès (1054-1264), Vatican 1980.
  • R. Merkelbach – J. Stauber, Steinepigramme aus dem griechischen Osten. Vol. 3: Der «Ferne osten» und das Landesinnere bis zum Tauros, München-Leipzig 2001.
  • St. Mitchell, The Christians of Phrygia from Rome to the Turkish Conquest [Early Christianity in Asia Minor 4], Leiden-Boston 2023.
  • T. B. Mitford, Inscriptiones Ponticae: Sebastopolis, ZPE 87, 1991, 181-243.
  • T. B. Mitford, The Inscriptions of Satala (Armenia Minor), ZPE 115, 1997, 137-167.
  • A. Mitsani, Ê chorêgia stis Kyklades apo ton 6o mechri ton 14o aeôna. Ê martyria tôn epigraphôn, EEΒS 52, 2004-2006, 391-446.
  • N. Oikonomidès, The Dedicatory Inscription of Eğri Taş kilisesi (Cappadocia), Okeanos. Essays presented to Ihor Ševĉenko on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students, Harvard Ukranian Studies 7, 1983, 501-506, réimpression dans Oikonomidès 1992, VI, avec Addendum.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Byzantium from the Ninth Century to Fourth Crusade, Aldershot 1992.
  • R. G. Ousterhout, Visualizing Community. Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia [Dumbarton Oaks Studies XLVI], Washington D.C. 2017.
  • St. Parenti – É. Velkovska L’Eucologio Barberini gr. 336 [Bibliotheca Ephemerides liturgicae, Subsidia 80], Rome 1995, Rome 22000 (édition revue avec traduction italienne), 3Omsk 2011 (édition avec traduction russe).
  • Th. Pazaras, Anágluphes sarkophágoi kai epitáphies plákes tēs mésēs kai ústerēs buzantinḗs periódou stēn Elláda [Dēmosieúmata tou Arkhaiologikoú Deltíou 38], Athènes 1988.
  • L. M. Peltomaa, The Image of the Virgin Mary in the Akathistos Hymn (The Medieval Mediterranean 35), Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2001.
  • M. Piccirillo, Le antichità cristiane del villaggio di Mekawer, LA, 1995, 293-318.
  • B. Pitarakis, Les croix-reliquaires pectorales byzantines en bronze [Bibliothèque des Cahiers Archéologiques 16], Paris 2006.
  • D. I. Polemis, Hoi aphentotopoi tês Androu. Symbolê eis tên ereunan tôn kataloipôn tôn pheoudalickôn thesmôn eis tas nêsous kata ton dekaton hekton aiôna [Petalon, Parartêma 2], Andros 1995.
  • W. M. Ramsay – G. Bell, The Thousand and One Churches, New York-Londres 1909, réimpression dans W. M. Ramsay – G. Bell, The Thousand and One Churches, with a new Foreword by R. G. Ousterhout and M. P. C. Jackson, Philadelphie 2008.
  • A. Rhoby, Varia Lexicographica, JÖByz 57, 2007, 1-16.
  • A. Rhoby, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Fresken und Mosaiken [Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, herausgegeben von W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby und A. Paul, Band 1], Vienne 2009.
  • A. Rhoby, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Stein. Nebst Addenda zu den Bänden 1 und 2 [Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, herausgegeben von W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby und A. Paul, Band 3/I], Vienne 2014.
  • A. Rhoby, Secret Messages? Byzantine Greek Tetragrams and Their Display, In-Scription – Livraisons I Première livraison, publié en ligne le 17 novembre 2017:
  • A. Rhoby, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften. Verse und ihre „inschriftliche“ Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts, nach Vorarbeiten von R. Stefec [Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, herausgegeben von W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby und A. Paul, Band 4], Vienne 2018.
  • H. Rott, Kleinasiatische Denkmäler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappadokien und Lykien, Leipzig 1908.
  • L. Safran, Greek Cryptograms in Southern Italy (and Beyond), In-Scription – Livraisons I Première livraison, publié en ligne le 17 novembre 2017:
  • A. Sitz, “Great Fear”: Epigraphy and Orality in a Byzantine Apse in Cappadocia, Gesta 56, 2017, 5-26.
  • A. Sitz, An Epigram for the Everyman? Strategies of Commemoration at a Cappadocian Tomb, in: A. Rhoby – I. Toth (edd.), Studies in Byzantine Epigraphy 1, Turnhout 2022, 213-249.
  • M. et N. Thierry, Nouvelles églises rupestres de Cappadoce. Région du Hasan Daği, Paris 1963.
  • N. Thierry, Haut Moyen-Âge en Cappadoce. Les églises de la région de Cavuşin, I [Bibliothèque historique et archéologique 102], Paris 1983.
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  • B. T. Uyar, Art et Société en pays de Rum : Les peintures ‘byzantines’ du XIIIe siècle en Cappadoce, Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne.
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  • U. Weissbrod, „Hier liegt der Knecht Gottes...“. Gräber in byzantinischen Kirchen und ihr Dekor (11. bis 15. Jahrhundert). Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Höhlenkirchen Kappadokiens [Mainzer Veröffentlichungen zur Byzantinistik 5], Wiesbaden 2003.
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  • M. Xenaki, Découvertes épigraphiques dans la vallée de Peristremma en Cappadoce, Mélanges Catherine Jolivet-Lévy, TM 20.2, 2016, 693-705.
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  • M. Xenaki, Mêdeis typhousthô tê orexi tou ploutou. Retour sur une épigramme funéraire gnomique de Cappadoce, in: R. Durante (ed.), EULOGIA. Sulle orme di André Jacob, Lecce 2021, 645-671.
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Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 27, 109 - 170, 17.05.2024


The Eğri Taş kilisesi complex is located on the right bank of Melendiz Suyu, in the Ihlara Valley in Cappadocia. Excavated in the rock at the foot of the cliff which looms over the river, it is centered around a church dedicated to Theotokos and decorated between 921 and 927, in the reign of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Romanus 1st Lecapenus and his son Christophorus. Apart from the painted church, Eğri Taş also includes several burial spaces where twenty-four funerary inscriptions are preserved to this day. These inscriptions, poorly known for the most part and only incompletely published, can provide with material of considerable importance for the study of Christian funerary epigraphy.
In this article I present a new edition of these epitaphs, based on a long research project involving in situ deciphering and reexamination, carried out over three fieldwork trips to the region in 2006, 2012 and 2019. This epigraphic fieldwork led me to correct and/or complete readings of eleven inscriptions known from previous editions and to identify thirteen unpublished ones. It also enabled me to date the inscriptions into two periods which correspond to the main phases of occupation of the site: one group is late antique, probably from the 6th century, the other being medieval, dating from the 9th-10th and 11th centuries.


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  • Liber Annuus
  • J. Lafontaine-Dosogne, Nouvelles notes cappadociennes, Byzantion 33, 1963, 121-183.
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  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres. Texts and Contexts [Wiener Byzantinische Studien XXIV/1], vol. I, Vienne 2003.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Compte-rendu de: Andreas Rhoby, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften. Verse und ihre „inschriftliche“ Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Erstellt von Andreas Rhoby nach Vorarbeiten von Rudolf Stefec, Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2018, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 70.3/4, 2017, 210-213.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres. Texts and Contexts, vol. 2 [Wiener Byzantinische Studien XXIV/2], Vienne 2019.
  • M. D. Lauxtermann – P. Thonemann, A Byzantine verse inscription from Konya, in: M. D. Lauxtermann – I. Toth (edd.), Inscribing Texts in Byzantium. Continuities and Transformations, Papers from the Forty-Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Oxford, New York 2020, 337-346.
  • B. G. Mandilaras, The verb in the Greek non-literary papyri, Athens 1973.
  • C. Mango, Deux inscriptions byzantines de Gabala en Syrie, TM 9, 1985, 463-464.
  • G. Mégas, Zêtêmata Hellênicês Laographias, Epetêris tou Laographicou Archiou 2, 1940, 118-205.
  • I. Méimaris – Ch. Bakirtzis, Hellênikes epigraphes hysterorrhômaekôn kai palaeochristianikôn chronôn apo tê Dytikê Thrakê [Parartêma Thrakikês Epetêridas 1], Komotini 1994.
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  • T. B. Mitford, The Inscriptions of Satala (Armenia Minor), ZPE 115, 1997, 137-167.
  • A. Mitsani, Ê chorêgia stis Kyklades apo ton 6o mechri ton 14o aeôna. Ê martyria tôn epigraphôn, EEΒS 52, 2004-2006, 391-446.
  • N. Oikonomidès, The Dedicatory Inscription of Eğri Taş kilisesi (Cappadocia), Okeanos. Essays presented to Ihor Ševĉenko on his Sixtieth Birthday by his Colleagues and Students, Harvard Ukranian Studies 7, 1983, 501-506, réimpression dans Oikonomidès 1992, VI, avec Addendum.
  • N. Oikonomidès, Byzantium from the Ninth Century to Fourth Crusade, Aldershot 1992.
  • R. G. Ousterhout, Visualizing Community. Art, Material Culture, and Settlement in Byzantine Cappadocia [Dumbarton Oaks Studies XLVI], Washington D.C. 2017.
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  • Th. Pazaras, Anágluphes sarkophágoi kai epitáphies plákes tēs mésēs kai ústerēs buzantinḗs periódou stēn Elláda [Dēmosieúmata tou Arkhaiologikoú Deltíou 38], Athènes 1988.
  • L. M. Peltomaa, The Image of the Virgin Mary in the Akathistos Hymn (The Medieval Mediterranean 35), Leiden-Boston-Köln, 2001.
  • M. Piccirillo, Le antichità cristiane del villaggio di Mekawer, LA, 1995, 293-318.
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  • D. I. Polemis, Hoi aphentotopoi tês Androu. Symbolê eis tên ereunan tôn kataloipôn tôn pheoudalickôn thesmôn eis tas nêsous kata ton dekaton hekton aiôna [Petalon, Parartêma 2], Andros 1995.
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  • A. Rhoby, Varia Lexicographica, JÖByz 57, 2007, 1-16.
  • A. Rhoby, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Fresken und Mosaiken [Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, herausgegeben von W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby und A. Paul, Band 1], Vienne 2009.
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  • A. Rhoby, Secret Messages? Byzantine Greek Tetragrams and Their Display, In-Scription – Livraisons I Première livraison, publié en ligne le 17 novembre 2017:
  • A. Rhoby, Ausgewählte byzantinische Epigramme in illuminierten Handschriften. Verse und ihre „inschriftliche“ Verwendung in Codices des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts, nach Vorarbeiten von R. Stefec [Byzantinische Epigramme in inschriftlicher Überlieferung, herausgegeben von W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby und A. Paul, Band 4], Vienne 2018.
  • H. Rott, Kleinasiatische Denkmäler aus Pisidien, Pamphylien, Kappadokien und Lykien, Leipzig 1908.
  • L. Safran, Greek Cryptograms in Southern Italy (and Beyond), In-Scription – Livraisons I Première livraison, publié en ligne le 17 novembre 2017:
  • A. Sitz, “Great Fear”: Epigraphy and Orality in a Byzantine Apse in Cappadocia, Gesta 56, 2017, 5-26.
  • A. Sitz, An Epigram for the Everyman? Strategies of Commemoration at a Cappadocian Tomb, in: A. Rhoby – I. Toth (edd.), Studies in Byzantine Epigraphy 1, Turnhout 2022, 213-249.
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Toplam 92 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Fransızca
Konular Latince ve Klasik Yunan Dilleri , Arkeoloji (Diğer), Eski Anadolu Tarihi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Maria Xenaki

Yayımlanma Tarihi 17 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 27

Kaynak Göster

APA Xenaki, M. (2024). Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce. Gephyra, 27, 109-170.
AMA Xenaki M. Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce. GEPHYRA. Mayıs 2024;27:109-170. doi:10.37095/gephyra.1352086
Chicago Xenaki, Maria. “Épitaphes paléochrétiennes Et médiévales d’Eğri Taş Kilisesi à Ihlara En Cappadoce”. Gephyra 27, Mayıs (Mayıs 2024): 109-70.
EndNote Xenaki M (01 Mayıs 2024) Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce. Gephyra 27 109–170.
IEEE M. Xenaki, “Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce”, GEPHYRA, c. 27, ss. 109–170, 2024, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.1352086.
ISNAD Xenaki, Maria. “Épitaphes paléochrétiennes Et médiévales d’Eğri Taş Kilisesi à Ihlara En Cappadoce”. Gephyra 27 (Mayıs 2024), 109-170.
JAMA Xenaki M. Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce. GEPHYRA. 2024;27:109–170.
MLA Xenaki, Maria. “Épitaphes paléochrétiennes Et médiévales d’Eğri Taş Kilisesi à Ihlara En Cappadoce”. Gephyra, c. 27, 2024, ss. 109-70, doi:10.37095/gephyra.1352086.
Vancouver Xenaki M. Épitaphes paléochrétiennes et médiévales d’Eğri Taş kilisesi à Ihlara en Cappadoce. GEPHYRA. 2024;27:109-70.