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Kolombiya – FARC Barış Sürecinin Uygulanması: Sorunlar ve Riskler

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 35 - 48, 28.03.2022


Yarım asırdan fazla süren Kolombiya - FARC çatışması, tarafların barış yönünde gösterdikleri irade sayesinde 2016 yılında imzalanan barış anlaşmasıyla çözüm yoluna girmiştir. 2012 yılında başlayan Havana Barış Müzakereleri birçok konuda örnek alınacak seviyede başarılı olmuş ve süreç sonunda taraflar arasında bir barış anlaşması imzalanabilmiştir. Ancak mevcut durumda barış anlaşmasının uygulanmasında önemli sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Bu çalışma Kolombiya- FARC barış sürecinin halen devam etmekte olan uygulama sürecinde yaşanan sorunları incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda öncelikle anlaşma maddelerinin uygulama oranları irdelenmiş ve sürecin genel çerçevesi ortaya konulmuştur. Buna ek olarak barış anlaşmasının uygulanması ile ilgili olarak barış sürecini tehlikeye sokan ve ülkede şiddetin dinmesini engelleyen hususlar ayrıntılı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu sorunlar barış anlaşmasının altı ana maddesinden olan uyuşturucu maddelerle mücadele ve toprak reformu konuları ile eski FARC üyelerinin entegrasyonunda yaşanan sorunları ve tekrar silahlanmaları hususlarını içermektedir. Ülkede çatışmanın ortaya çıkması ve şiddetlenmesinde ana faktör olarak karşımıza çıkan toprak dağıtımı ve uyuşturucu maddeler sorunlarının halen çözülemiyor oluşu hem ülkede şiddetin devam etmesine neden olmakta hem de barış sürecini tehlikeye atmaktadır. Bu iki meseleye ek olarak silah bırakan FARC üyelerinin farklı motivasyonlar ile tekrar silahlanmaya başlaması da süreci tehdit eden önemli konulardan birisidir. Barış anlaşmasının tam olarak uygulanamamasının ardında yatan ana nedenlerden birisinin mevcut hükümetin anlaşmayı uygulamadaki isteksizliği olduğu düşünüldüğünde, 2022 yılında yapılacak olan seçimlerin barış sürecinin kaderi için oldukça belirleyici olacağı değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Acero, C. & Machuca, D. (2021). The substitution program on trial: progress and setbacks of the peace agreement in the policy against illicit crops in Colombia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89, 1-11,
  • Arocha, J., G., A. C., Jaramillo, C. E., M., D. F., Eduardo·Pizarro·L., S., C. M., . . . A., G. (. (1988). Colombia: Violencia y Democracia. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, COLCIENCIAS.
  • Arredondo, J. (2019). The Slow Death of Colombia’s Peace Movement. Erişim (12.10.2021), The Atlantic:
  • Avila, A. (2020). La guerra entre las disidencias: El país que se desangra. Erişim (12.10.2021), Semana (08.01.2020):
  • Batlle M. & Duncan G. (2013). Colombia: un panorama menos confuso. Revista de Ciencia Política, 33(1), 101–116.
  • Baysal, B. (2019) Securitization and Desecuritization of FARC in Colombia: A Dual Perspective Analysis, New York: Rowman Littlefield Lexington Books.
  • Baysal, B. (2021). Kolombiya Protestolarının Analizi: Sorunun Kökleri, Şiddetin Sebepleri, Talepler ve Olası Sonuçlar. Erişim (12.10.2021), Panorama (27.05.2021):
  • BBC Mundo (2019). FARC: Iván Márquez, exjefe del equipo negociador de las FARC, anuncia que retoma la lucha armada en Colombia. Erişim (12.10.2021), BBC (29.08.2019):
  • Bonet-Moron, J.; Ricciulli-Marin, D.; Perez-Valbuena, G.J.; Galvis-Aponte, L.A.; Haddad, E.A.; Araujo, I.F. & Perobelli, F.S. (2020). Regional economic impact of COVID-19 in Colombia: An input-output approach. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 12(6), 1123-1151.
  • Brittain, J. J. (2010). Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP. New York: Pluto Press.
  • Charles, M.H.; Baysal, B. & Forero, J.D. (2020). A Criminal Peace: Mapping the Murders of ex-FARC Combatants, Erişim (12.10.2021), OCCO Documents, Universidad Del Rosario:
  • Cockroft, J. D. (1997). Latin America: History, Politics, and U.S. Policy. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
  • Daşlı, G., Alıcı, N., & Figueras, J. P. (2018). Barış ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Kolombiya Barış Süreci. Ankara: DEMOS.
  • Dugas, J. C. (2015). Colombia. In H. E. Vanden, & G. Prevost, Politics of Latin America: The Power Game. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • El Gobierno Colombia; FARC-EP. (2016). Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Build a Stable and Lasting Peace. Retrieved 8 12, 2019, from
  • Forero Rueda, S. (2020). La realidad de las nuevas áreas de reincorporación de excombatientes de las Farc. Erişim (12.10.2021), El Espectador (16.06.2020):
  • Fundacion Ideas Para La Paz. (2019). La reincorporación económica de los excombatientes de las FARC: Retos y riesgos a futuro. Erişim (12.10.2021), FİP:
  • Fundacion Paz & Reconcliacion (2020) Fumigaciones y militarización, estrategias inservibles, Erişim (12.10.2021), Pares:
  • Gobierno de Colombia. (2016). Plan Marco de Implementación del Acuerdo Final de Paz. Retrieved 3 12, 2020, fromómicos/3932_Anexo%20B_Plan%20Marco%20de%20Implementación%20(PMI).pdf
  • Gonzales, L. (2019). "Espíritu de paz": el café producido en Colombia por excombatientes de las FARC recibe un premio internacional, Erişim (12.10.2021), RT (17.10.2019):
  • González, F. (2004). The Colombian Conflict in Historical Perspective. Conciliation Resources. Accord 14, pp. 10-15.
  • Granada, S., Restrepo, J. A., & Vargas, A. R. (2009). El agotamiento de la política de seguridad: evolución y transformaciones recientes en el conflicto armado colombiano. In D. A. Jorge A. Restrepo, Guerra y violencias en Colombia Herramientas e interpretaciones. Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • Gutiérrez D., J.A. (2021) 'Whatever we have, we owe it to coca'. Insights on armed conflict and the coca economy from Argelia, Colombia. The International Journal on Drug Policy.
  • Herbolzheimer, K. (2016). Innovations in the Colombian Peace Process. NOREF Report.
  • Herrera, N., & Porch, D. (2008). ‘Like going to a fiesta’ – the role of female fighters in Colombia's FARC-EP. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 19(4), 609-634.
  • International Crisis Group (2018). Risky Business: The Duque Government’s Approach to Peace in Colombia, Erişim (12.10.2021), International Crisis Group:
  • Isacson, A. (2021). A Long Way to Go: Implementing Colombia’s peace accord after five years. Erişim (12.10.2021), WOLA:
  • İnan Şimşek, A. (2019). Kolombiya. In C. U. Oğuz, S. Atvur, & R. İzol, 21. Yüzyılda Latin Amerika Siyaset- Ekonomi- Toplum. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Kline, H. F. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Colombia covers the history of Colombia. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2018). State of Implementation of the Colombia Peace Agreement Report Two.
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2020). Colombia Barometer Initiative, (Erişim: 03.12.2021),
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2021). The Colombian Final Agreement in the Era of Covid-19: Institutional and Citizen Ownership is Key to Implementation (Dec 2019-Nov 2020).
  • La Via Campesina (2020). Colombia Peace Process: The abandonment of the PNIS and the resumption of the “war on drugs”. Erişim (12.10.2021), La Via Campesina (13.11.2020):
  • Larosa, M. J., & Mejía, G. R. (2014). Historia Concisa de Colombia (1810-2013). Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • LeGrand, C. (2003). The Colombian Crisis In Historical Perspective. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 28(55/56), 165-209.
  • Maher, D., & Thomson, A. (2018). A precarious peace? The threat of paramilitary violence to the peace process in Colombia. Third World Quarterly, 39(11), 2142-2172.
  • Maldonado, A. U. (2017). What Is the Colombian Peace Process Teaching the World? New England Journal of Public Policy, 29(11), pp. 1-7.
  • Matanock A. M. & García-Sánchez, M. (2017). The Colombian Paradox: Peace Processes, Elite Divisions & Popular Plebiscites. Daedalus, 146(4), 152–166.
  • Parada-Hernández, M.M. & Marín-Jaramillo, M. (2021). Cocalero women and peace policies in Colombia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89, 1-9,
  • Rapp, J. (2017). Ex FARC guerrillas abandon demobilization zones. Erişim (12.10.2021), The Bogota Post (17.10.2017):
  • Romero, J. E., & Meisel, A. (2019). Análisis demográfico de la Violencia en Colombia. Erişim (11.11.2019), Banco de Republicá Colombia:
  • Safford, F., & Palacios, M. (2002). Colombia: Fragmented Land, Divided Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sala, M.R. (2019). El narcotráfico en la ‘paz’ colombiana. Erişim (12.10.2021), Esglobal (30 Nisan 2019):
  • Salas-Salazar, L. G. (2016). Conflicto Armado y Configuración Territorial: Elementos para la Consolidación de la Paz en Colombia. Bitacora 26(2), pp. 45-57.
  • Sanín, F. G., Acevedo, T., & Viatela, J. M. (2007). Violent Liberalism? State, Conflict And Political Regime In Colombia, 1930-2006: An Analytical Narrative On State-Making. Crisis States Research Center Working Paper No.19.
  • Segura, R., & Mechoulan, D. (2017). Made in Havana: How Colombia and the FARC Decided to End the War. International Peace Institute.
  • Sezek, E. N., & Oğuz, C. U. (2021). Bir Çatışmanın Analizi ve Müzakere Süreci: Kolombiya’da FARC örneği. Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 9(1), 185-211.
  • Suarez, A. (2021). Los ex FARC asesinados en tiempos de paz en Colombia. Erişim (12.10.2021), AP News (25.11. 2021):
  • UCDP. (2019). Colombia, Erişim (25.10.2019), UCDP Colombia:
  • UN Verification Mission. (2021). Mandate, Erişim (29.11.2021), UN Verification Mission in Colombia:
  • UNODC (2014). Guía para Colombia sobre el régimen jurídico contra el terrorismo y su financiación: Subdivisión de Prevención del Terrorismo. Erişim (12.10.2021), UNODC:
  • Valenzuela, P. (2019). The Values of Peace in the Colombian Peace Agreement: Discursive Progress and Empirical Hurdles. Peacebuilding, 7(3), 297-313.
  • Verdadera Abierta, (2014). “Las Farc sobrevivieron gracias al narcotráfico”: Duncan. Erişim (12.10.2021), Verdad Abierta (11 Aralık 2014):
  • Voyvodic C. (2021). The legacy of rebel order: local (in)security in Colombia. Conflict, Security & Development, 21(2), 177-197.

Implemetation of Colombia – FARC Peace Deal: Problems and Risks

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 35 - 48, 28.03.2022


The Colombian-FARC conflict, which lasted for more than half a century, entered the path of resolution with the peace agreement signed in 2016, thanks to the will of the parties for peace. The Havana Peace Negotiations, which started in 2012, were successful at an exemplary level in many areas, and the peace agreement was signed between the parties at the end of the process. However, in the current situation, there are significant problems in the implementation of the peace agreement. This study aims to examine the problems experienced in the ongoing implementation process of the Colombian-FARC peace process. In this context, first of all, the implementation rates of the agreement articles were examined and the general framework of the process was revealed. In addition, the issues that jeopardize the peace process and prevent the violence to cease in the country regarding the implementation of the peace agreement were analyzed in detail. These issues include the fight against drugs and land reform, which are some of the six main articles of the peace agreement, as well as problems in the integration and rearmament of former FARC members. The fact that the land distribution and drugs problems, which are the main factors in the emergence and intensification of the conflict in the country, are still not resolved, both cause the violence to continue in the country and jeopardize the peace process. In addition to these two issues, the fact that the FARC members, who laid down their arms, started to take up arms again with different motivations is one of the important issues that threaten the process. Considering that one of the main reasons behind the failure of the peace agreement to be fully implemented is the reluctance of the current government to implement the agreement, it is considered that the elections to be held in 2022 will be quite decisive for the fate of the peace process.


  • Acero, C. & Machuca, D. (2021). The substitution program on trial: progress and setbacks of the peace agreement in the policy against illicit crops in Colombia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89, 1-11,
  • Arocha, J., G., A. C., Jaramillo, C. E., M., D. F., Eduardo·Pizarro·L., S., C. M., . . . A., G. (. (1988). Colombia: Violencia y Democracia. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, COLCIENCIAS.
  • Arredondo, J. (2019). The Slow Death of Colombia’s Peace Movement. Erişim (12.10.2021), The Atlantic:
  • Avila, A. (2020). La guerra entre las disidencias: El país que se desangra. Erişim (12.10.2021), Semana (08.01.2020):
  • Batlle M. & Duncan G. (2013). Colombia: un panorama menos confuso. Revista de Ciencia Política, 33(1), 101–116.
  • Baysal, B. (2019) Securitization and Desecuritization of FARC in Colombia: A Dual Perspective Analysis, New York: Rowman Littlefield Lexington Books.
  • Baysal, B. (2021). Kolombiya Protestolarının Analizi: Sorunun Kökleri, Şiddetin Sebepleri, Talepler ve Olası Sonuçlar. Erişim (12.10.2021), Panorama (27.05.2021):
  • BBC Mundo (2019). FARC: Iván Márquez, exjefe del equipo negociador de las FARC, anuncia que retoma la lucha armada en Colombia. Erişim (12.10.2021), BBC (29.08.2019):
  • Bonet-Moron, J.; Ricciulli-Marin, D.; Perez-Valbuena, G.J.; Galvis-Aponte, L.A.; Haddad, E.A.; Araujo, I.F. & Perobelli, F.S. (2020). Regional economic impact of COVID-19 in Colombia: An input-output approach. Regional Science Policy and Practice, 12(6), 1123-1151.
  • Brittain, J. J. (2010). Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP. New York: Pluto Press.
  • Charles, M.H.; Baysal, B. & Forero, J.D. (2020). A Criminal Peace: Mapping the Murders of ex-FARC Combatants, Erişim (12.10.2021), OCCO Documents, Universidad Del Rosario:
  • Cockroft, J. D. (1997). Latin America: History, Politics, and U.S. Policy. Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
  • Daşlı, G., Alıcı, N., & Figueras, J. P. (2018). Barış ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Kolombiya Barış Süreci. Ankara: DEMOS.
  • Dugas, J. C. (2015). Colombia. In H. E. Vanden, & G. Prevost, Politics of Latin America: The Power Game. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • El Gobierno Colombia; FARC-EP. (2016). Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Build a Stable and Lasting Peace. Retrieved 8 12, 2019, from
  • Forero Rueda, S. (2020). La realidad de las nuevas áreas de reincorporación de excombatientes de las Farc. Erişim (12.10.2021), El Espectador (16.06.2020):
  • Fundacion Ideas Para La Paz. (2019). La reincorporación económica de los excombatientes de las FARC: Retos y riesgos a futuro. Erişim (12.10.2021), FİP:
  • Fundacion Paz & Reconcliacion (2020) Fumigaciones y militarización, estrategias inservibles, Erişim (12.10.2021), Pares:
  • Gobierno de Colombia. (2016). Plan Marco de Implementación del Acuerdo Final de Paz. Retrieved 3 12, 2020, fromómicos/3932_Anexo%20B_Plan%20Marco%20de%20Implementación%20(PMI).pdf
  • Gonzales, L. (2019). "Espíritu de paz": el café producido en Colombia por excombatientes de las FARC recibe un premio internacional, Erişim (12.10.2021), RT (17.10.2019):
  • González, F. (2004). The Colombian Conflict in Historical Perspective. Conciliation Resources. Accord 14, pp. 10-15.
  • Granada, S., Restrepo, J. A., & Vargas, A. R. (2009). El agotamiento de la política de seguridad: evolución y transformaciones recientes en el conflicto armado colombiano. In D. A. Jorge A. Restrepo, Guerra y violencias en Colombia Herramientas e interpretaciones. Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • Gutiérrez D., J.A. (2021) 'Whatever we have, we owe it to coca'. Insights on armed conflict and the coca economy from Argelia, Colombia. The International Journal on Drug Policy.
  • Herbolzheimer, K. (2016). Innovations in the Colombian Peace Process. NOREF Report.
  • Herrera, N., & Porch, D. (2008). ‘Like going to a fiesta’ – the role of female fighters in Colombia's FARC-EP. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 19(4), 609-634.
  • International Crisis Group (2018). Risky Business: The Duque Government’s Approach to Peace in Colombia, Erişim (12.10.2021), International Crisis Group:
  • Isacson, A. (2021). A Long Way to Go: Implementing Colombia’s peace accord after five years. Erişim (12.10.2021), WOLA:
  • İnan Şimşek, A. (2019). Kolombiya. In C. U. Oğuz, S. Atvur, & R. İzol, 21. Yüzyılda Latin Amerika Siyaset- Ekonomi- Toplum. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Kline, H. F. (2012). Historical Dictionary of Colombia covers the history of Colombia. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2018). State of Implementation of the Colombia Peace Agreement Report Two.
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2020). Colombia Barometer Initiative, (Erişim: 03.12.2021),
  • Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. (2021). The Colombian Final Agreement in the Era of Covid-19: Institutional and Citizen Ownership is Key to Implementation (Dec 2019-Nov 2020).
  • La Via Campesina (2020). Colombia Peace Process: The abandonment of the PNIS and the resumption of the “war on drugs”. Erişim (12.10.2021), La Via Campesina (13.11.2020):
  • Larosa, M. J., & Mejía, G. R. (2014). Historia Concisa de Colombia (1810-2013). Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
  • LeGrand, C. (2003). The Colombian Crisis In Historical Perspective. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 28(55/56), 165-209.
  • Maher, D., & Thomson, A. (2018). A precarious peace? The threat of paramilitary violence to the peace process in Colombia. Third World Quarterly, 39(11), 2142-2172.
  • Maldonado, A. U. (2017). What Is the Colombian Peace Process Teaching the World? New England Journal of Public Policy, 29(11), pp. 1-7.
  • Matanock A. M. & García-Sánchez, M. (2017). The Colombian Paradox: Peace Processes, Elite Divisions & Popular Plebiscites. Daedalus, 146(4), 152–166.
  • Parada-Hernández, M.M. & Marín-Jaramillo, M. (2021). Cocalero women and peace policies in Colombia. International Journal of Drug Policy, 89, 1-9,
  • Rapp, J. (2017). Ex FARC guerrillas abandon demobilization zones. Erişim (12.10.2021), The Bogota Post (17.10.2017):
  • Romero, J. E., & Meisel, A. (2019). Análisis demográfico de la Violencia en Colombia. Erişim (11.11.2019), Banco de Republicá Colombia:
  • Safford, F., & Palacios, M. (2002). Colombia: Fragmented Land, Divided Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sala, M.R. (2019). El narcotráfico en la ‘paz’ colombiana. Erişim (12.10.2021), Esglobal (30 Nisan 2019):
  • Salas-Salazar, L. G. (2016). Conflicto Armado y Configuración Territorial: Elementos para la Consolidación de la Paz en Colombia. Bitacora 26(2), pp. 45-57.
  • Sanín, F. G., Acevedo, T., & Viatela, J. M. (2007). Violent Liberalism? State, Conflict And Political Regime In Colombia, 1930-2006: An Analytical Narrative On State-Making. Crisis States Research Center Working Paper No.19.
  • Segura, R., & Mechoulan, D. (2017). Made in Havana: How Colombia and the FARC Decided to End the War. International Peace Institute.
  • Sezek, E. N., & Oğuz, C. U. (2021). Bir Çatışmanın Analizi ve Müzakere Süreci: Kolombiya’da FARC örneği. Barış Araştırmaları ve Çatışma Çözümleri Dergisi, 9(1), 185-211.
  • Suarez, A. (2021). Los ex FARC asesinados en tiempos de paz en Colombia. Erişim (12.10.2021), AP News (25.11. 2021):
  • UCDP. (2019). Colombia, Erişim (25.10.2019), UCDP Colombia:
  • UN Verification Mission. (2021). Mandate, Erişim (29.11.2021), UN Verification Mission in Colombia:
  • UNODC (2014). Guía para Colombia sobre el régimen jurídico contra el terrorismo y su financiación: Subdivisión de Prevención del Terrorismo. Erişim (12.10.2021), UNODC:
  • Valenzuela, P. (2019). The Values of Peace in the Colombian Peace Agreement: Discursive Progress and Empirical Hurdles. Peacebuilding, 7(3), 297-313.
  • Verdadera Abierta, (2014). “Las Farc sobrevivieron gracias al narcotráfico”: Duncan. Erişim (12.10.2021), Verdad Abierta (11 Aralık 2014):
  • Voyvodic C. (2021). The legacy of rebel order: local (in)security in Colombia. Conflict, Security & Development, 21(2), 177-197.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Başar Baysal 0000-0001-9205-9234

E. Nur Sezek 0000-0003-3399-5721

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Mart 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Baysal, B., & Sezek, E. N. (2022). Kolombiya – FARC Barış Sürecinin Uygulanması: Sorunlar ve Riskler. Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 5(1), 35-48.

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