Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 188 - 204, 13.12.2018



  • Aksu, G. and Güzeller, C.O. (2016). PISA 2012 Matematik Okuryazarlığı Puanlarının Karar Ağacı Yöntemiyle Sınıflandırılması: Türkiye Örneklemi, Eğitim ve Bilim, 41 (185), 101-122.
  • Austin, E.J.,Saklofske, D.H., Huang, S.H.S., McKenney, D. (2004).Measurement of TraitEmotionalIntelligence: Testingand Cross-Validating a ModifiedVersion of Schutte et al.’s (1998) Measure,PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 36(3): 555-62.
  • Bar-On, R., Brown, J.M., Kirkcaldy, B.D., andThomé, E.P. (2000). Emotionalexpressionandimplicationsforoccupationalstress; an application of theEmotionalQuotient Inventory (EQ-i). PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 28, 1107-1118.
  • Brackett, M. A.,andMayer, J. D. (2003). Convergent, discriminant, andincrementalvalidity of competingmeasures of emotionalintelligence, PersonalityandSocialPsychologyBulletin, 29, 1147–1158.
  • Brackett, M.A.,Mayer, J.D., and Warner, R. (2004). Emotionalintelligenceanditsrelationtoeveryday. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 36, 1387-1402.
  • Brown, C., George-Curran, R., and Smith, M. L. (2003). The role of emotionalintelligence in thecareercommitmentanddecision-makingproces,.Journal of CareerAssessment, 11(4), 379–392.
  • Carson, K. D.,andCarson, P. P. (1998). Careercommitment, competencies, andcitizenship,Journal of CareerAssessment, 6, 195–208.
  • Ciarrochi, J.V.,Chan, A.C., andCaputi, P. (2000). A criticalevaluation of theemotionalintelligenceconstruct. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 28, 539-561.
  • Ciarrochi, J.,Chan, A.Y.C. andBajgar, J. (2001). Measuringemotionalintelligence in adolocents, PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, Vol. 31, pp. 1105-1119.
  • Cobb, C. D.,andMayer, J. D. (2000). Emotionalintelligence: Whattheresearchsays,EducationalLeadership, 58(3), 14–18.
  • Coetzee, M.,and Harry, N. (2014). Emotionalintelligence as a predictor ofemployees’ careeradaptability,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 84, 90–97.
  • De Guzman, A. B.,andChoi, K. O. (2013). Therelations of employabilityskillstocareeradaptabilityamongtechnicalschoolstudents,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 82, 199–207.
  • Dhania, P. andSharma, T. (2017). Effect of EmotionalIntelligence on JobPerformance of IT employees: A genderstudy, ProcediaComputerScience, 122, 180–185.
  • DiFabio, A.,Palazzeschi, L., and Bar-On, R. (2012). The role of personalitytraits, core self-evaluation, andemotionalintelligence in careerdecision-makingdifficulties,Journal of EmploymentCounseling, 49, 118–129.
  • DiFabio, A.,Palazzeschi, L., Asulin-Peretz, L., andGati, I. (2013). Careerindecisionversusindecisiveness: Associationswithpersonalitytraitsandemotionalintelligence,Journal of CareerAssessment, 21(1), 42–56.
  • DiFabio, A.,andSaklofske, D. H. (2014). Comparingabilityand self-reporttraitemotionalintelligence, fluidintelligence, andpersonalitytraitsincareerdecision. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 64, 174–178.
  • Doğan, N. ve Özdamar, K. (2003). CHAİD Analizi ve Aile Planlaması ile İlgili Bir Örnek,Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(5), 392-397.
  • Extremera, N.,Fernandez-Berrocal, P., andSalovey, P. (2006). Spanish version of theMayer-Salovey-Carusoemotionalintelligence test (MSCEIT). Version2.0: Reliabilities, ageandgenderdifferences. Psicothema, 18, 42-48.
  • Fernández-Berrocal, P.,Extremera, N., andRamos, N. (2004). Validityandreliability of the Spanish modifiedversion of theTrait Meta-MoodSca-le, PsychologicalReports, 94, 751-755.
  • Goleman, D. (1998). Workingwithemotionalintelligence, New York: BantamBooks.
  • Jiang, Z. (2016). Therelationshipbetweencareeradaptabilityandjobcontentplateau: Themediatingroles of fit perceptions, Journal of VocationalBehavior, 95–96, 1-10.Johnston, C. S.,Luciano, E. C., Maggiori, C., Ruch, W., andRossier, J. (2013). Validation of theGermanversion of theCareerAdapt-AbilitiesScaleanditsrelationtoorientationstohappinessandworkstress. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 83, 295–304.
  • Kafetsios, K. (2004). Attachmentandemotionalintelligenceabilitiesacrossthe life course.PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 37, 129-145.
  • Kanten, S.,(2012). Kariyer uyum yetenekleri ölçeği: Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(16), 191-205.
  • Kass, G. (1980). An exploratorytechniqueforinvestigatinglargequantities of categoricaldata,AppliedStatistics, 29, 119-127.
  • Kayri, M. and Boysan, M. (2007). Araştırmalarda Chaid analizi kullanımı ve baş etme stratejileri ile ilgili bir uygulama,Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2), 133-149.
  • Kidd, J. M. (1998). Emotion: An absent presence in careertheory,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 52, 275–288.
  • Mandell, B.,andPherwani, S. (2003). RelationshipbetweenEmotionalIntelligenceandTransformationalLeadership Style: A GenderComparison, Journal of Business andPsychology, 17 (3), 387-404.
  • Mayer, J.D.,Caruso, D., andSalovey, P. (1999). Emotionalintelligencemeetstraditionalstandardsfor an intelligence. Intelligence, 27, 267-298.
  • Mischel, W. (1973). Toward a cognitivesociallearningreconceptualization of personality,PsychologicalReview, 80, 252–283.
  • Oğuzlar, A. (2003). Veri önişleme,Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 67-76.
  • Palmer, B.R.,Gignac, G., Manocha, R., andStough, C. (2005). A psychometricevaluation of theMayer-Salovey-CarusoEmotionalIntelligence Test Version2.0. Intelligence, 33, 285-305.
  • Petrides, K.V. andFurnham, A. (2000). Genderdifferences in measuredand self-estimatedtraitemotionalintelligence. Sex Roles,42, 449-461.
  • Puffer, K. A. (2011). Emotionalintelligence as a salientpredictorforcollegians' careerdecisionmaking,Journal of CareerAssessment, 19(2), 130–150.
  • Ramos, K. and Lopez, F.G. (2018). Attachmentsecurityandcareeradaptability as predictors of subjectivewell-beingamongcareertransitioners, Journal of VocationalBehavior, 104, 72-85.
  • Salovey, P.,andMayer, J. D. (1990). Emotionalintelligence,Imagination, CognitionandPersonality, 9, 185–211.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1997). Careeradaptability: An integrativeconstructfor life-span, life-spacetheory. TheCareer Development Quarterly, 45(3), 247–259.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). Thetheoryandpractice of careerconstruction. In S. D. Brown, and R. W. Lent (Eds.), Careerdevelopmentandcounseling: Puttingtheoryandresearchtowork (pp. 42–70). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2013). Careerconstructiontheoryandpractice. In S. D. Brown, & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Careerdevelopmentandcounseling: Puttingtheoryandresearchtowork(pp. 147–183) (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Savickas, M. L.,andPorfeli, E. J. (2012). CareerAdapt-AbilitiesScale: Construction, reliability, andmeasurementequivalenceacross 13 countries. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 80(3), 661–673.
  • Schutte, N. S.,Malouff, J. M., andBhullar, N. (2009). TheAssessingEmotionsScale. In C. Stough, D. Saklofske, and J. Parker (Eds.), Theassessment of emotionalintelligence (pp. 119–135). New York: Springer.
  • Schutte, N.,Malouff, J., Hall, L., Haggerty, D., Cooper, J., Golden, C., andDornheim, L. (1998). Development andvalidation of a measure of emotionalintelligence, PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 25, 167-177.
  • Seo, M.,andBarrett, L. F. (2007). Beingemotionalduringdecision-making — Goodorbad? An empiricalinvestigation, Academy of Management Journal, 50(4), 923–940.
  • Tatar, A., Tok, S. andSaltukoğlu, G. (2011). Gözden geçirilmiş Schutte Duygusal Zekâ Ölçeği’ninTürkçe’yeUyarlanması ve PsikometrikÖzelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, 21(4), 325- 338.
  • Teixeira, M. A. P.,Bardagi, M. P., Lassance, N. C. P., Magalhães, M. D. O., andDuarte, M. E. (2012). CareerAdapt-AbilitiesScale — Brazilian Form: Psychometricpropertiesandrelationshiptopersonality,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 80, 680–685.
  • Yitshaki, R. (2012). How do entrepreneurs' emotionalintelligenceandtransformationalleadershiporientationimpactnewventures' growth? Journal of Small Business andEntrepreneurship, 25(3), 357–374.

Gender and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Tourism Faculty Students’ Career Adaptability

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2, 188 - 204, 13.12.2018


Defining individual and cognitive factors
that determine the career adaptability of university students and developing
these factors through education, will positively affect the students’ career
success. The aim of this study is to empirically test the influence of
demographic factors and emotional intelligence, which are regarded as
influential factors, on the career adaptability of university students. The
study sample consists of students at Akdeniz University Tourism Faculty, which
is located in the city of Antalya, Turkey. Data were collected through
questionnaires distributed among 341 students, selected by random sampling
method and these were analysed by CHAID method, which is a decision tree
application. Findings of the study reveal the effects of gender and emotional
intelligence on various significance levels in classifying the students' career
adaptability as high and low. Findings indicate that emotional intelligence and
gender are significant variables that can be used to differentiate the career
adaptability. It is concluded that women with a high emotional intelligence
level tend to have high career adaptability. According to the findings of the
study, it is observed that female students with high emotional intelligence are
more likely to deal with the challenges of today's business world in a better


  • Aksu, G. and Güzeller, C.O. (2016). PISA 2012 Matematik Okuryazarlığı Puanlarının Karar Ağacı Yöntemiyle Sınıflandırılması: Türkiye Örneklemi, Eğitim ve Bilim, 41 (185), 101-122.
  • Austin, E.J.,Saklofske, D.H., Huang, S.H.S., McKenney, D. (2004).Measurement of TraitEmotionalIntelligence: Testingand Cross-Validating a ModifiedVersion of Schutte et al.’s (1998) Measure,PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 36(3): 555-62.
  • Bar-On, R., Brown, J.M., Kirkcaldy, B.D., andThomé, E.P. (2000). Emotionalexpressionandimplicationsforoccupationalstress; an application of theEmotionalQuotient Inventory (EQ-i). PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 28, 1107-1118.
  • Brackett, M. A.,andMayer, J. D. (2003). Convergent, discriminant, andincrementalvalidity of competingmeasures of emotionalintelligence, PersonalityandSocialPsychologyBulletin, 29, 1147–1158.
  • Brackett, M.A.,Mayer, J.D., and Warner, R. (2004). Emotionalintelligenceanditsrelationtoeveryday. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 36, 1387-1402.
  • Brown, C., George-Curran, R., and Smith, M. L. (2003). The role of emotionalintelligence in thecareercommitmentanddecision-makingproces,.Journal of CareerAssessment, 11(4), 379–392.
  • Carson, K. D.,andCarson, P. P. (1998). Careercommitment, competencies, andcitizenship,Journal of CareerAssessment, 6, 195–208.
  • Ciarrochi, J.V.,Chan, A.C., andCaputi, P. (2000). A criticalevaluation of theemotionalintelligenceconstruct. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 28, 539-561.
  • Ciarrochi, J.,Chan, A.Y.C. andBajgar, J. (2001). Measuringemotionalintelligence in adolocents, PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, Vol. 31, pp. 1105-1119.
  • Cobb, C. D.,andMayer, J. D. (2000). Emotionalintelligence: Whattheresearchsays,EducationalLeadership, 58(3), 14–18.
  • Coetzee, M.,and Harry, N. (2014). Emotionalintelligence as a predictor ofemployees’ careeradaptability,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 84, 90–97.
  • De Guzman, A. B.,andChoi, K. O. (2013). Therelations of employabilityskillstocareeradaptabilityamongtechnicalschoolstudents,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 82, 199–207.
  • Dhania, P. andSharma, T. (2017). Effect of EmotionalIntelligence on JobPerformance of IT employees: A genderstudy, ProcediaComputerScience, 122, 180–185.
  • DiFabio, A.,Palazzeschi, L., and Bar-On, R. (2012). The role of personalitytraits, core self-evaluation, andemotionalintelligence in careerdecision-makingdifficulties,Journal of EmploymentCounseling, 49, 118–129.
  • DiFabio, A.,Palazzeschi, L., Asulin-Peretz, L., andGati, I. (2013). Careerindecisionversusindecisiveness: Associationswithpersonalitytraitsandemotionalintelligence,Journal of CareerAssessment, 21(1), 42–56.
  • DiFabio, A.,andSaklofske, D. H. (2014). Comparingabilityand self-reporttraitemotionalintelligence, fluidintelligence, andpersonalitytraitsincareerdecision. PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 64, 174–178.
  • Doğan, N. ve Özdamar, K. (2003). CHAİD Analizi ve Aile Planlaması ile İlgili Bir Örnek,Türkiye Klinikleri Tıp Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(5), 392-397.
  • Extremera, N.,Fernandez-Berrocal, P., andSalovey, P. (2006). Spanish version of theMayer-Salovey-Carusoemotionalintelligence test (MSCEIT). Version2.0: Reliabilities, ageandgenderdifferences. Psicothema, 18, 42-48.
  • Fernández-Berrocal, P.,Extremera, N., andRamos, N. (2004). Validityandreliability of the Spanish modifiedversion of theTrait Meta-MoodSca-le, PsychologicalReports, 94, 751-755.
  • Goleman, D. (1998). Workingwithemotionalintelligence, New York: BantamBooks.
  • Jiang, Z. (2016). Therelationshipbetweencareeradaptabilityandjobcontentplateau: Themediatingroles of fit perceptions, Journal of VocationalBehavior, 95–96, 1-10.Johnston, C. S.,Luciano, E. C., Maggiori, C., Ruch, W., andRossier, J. (2013). Validation of theGermanversion of theCareerAdapt-AbilitiesScaleanditsrelationtoorientationstohappinessandworkstress. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 83, 295–304.
  • Kafetsios, K. (2004). Attachmentandemotionalintelligenceabilitiesacrossthe life course.PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 37, 129-145.
  • Kanten, S.,(2012). Kariyer uyum yetenekleri ölçeği: Geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(16), 191-205.
  • Kass, G. (1980). An exploratorytechniqueforinvestigatinglargequantities of categoricaldata,AppliedStatistics, 29, 119-127.
  • Kayri, M. and Boysan, M. (2007). Araştırmalarda Chaid analizi kullanımı ve baş etme stratejileri ile ilgili bir uygulama,Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 40(2), 133-149.
  • Kidd, J. M. (1998). Emotion: An absent presence in careertheory,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 52, 275–288.
  • Mandell, B.,andPherwani, S. (2003). RelationshipbetweenEmotionalIntelligenceandTransformationalLeadership Style: A GenderComparison, Journal of Business andPsychology, 17 (3), 387-404.
  • Mayer, J.D.,Caruso, D., andSalovey, P. (1999). Emotionalintelligencemeetstraditionalstandardsfor an intelligence. Intelligence, 27, 267-298.
  • Mischel, W. (1973). Toward a cognitivesociallearningreconceptualization of personality,PsychologicalReview, 80, 252–283.
  • Oğuzlar, A. (2003). Veri önişleme,Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 21, 67-76.
  • Palmer, B.R.,Gignac, G., Manocha, R., andStough, C. (2005). A psychometricevaluation of theMayer-Salovey-CarusoEmotionalIntelligence Test Version2.0. Intelligence, 33, 285-305.
  • Petrides, K.V. andFurnham, A. (2000). Genderdifferences in measuredand self-estimatedtraitemotionalintelligence. Sex Roles,42, 449-461.
  • Puffer, K. A. (2011). Emotionalintelligence as a salientpredictorforcollegians' careerdecisionmaking,Journal of CareerAssessment, 19(2), 130–150.
  • Ramos, K. and Lopez, F.G. (2018). Attachmentsecurityandcareeradaptability as predictors of subjectivewell-beingamongcareertransitioners, Journal of VocationalBehavior, 104, 72-85.
  • Salovey, P.,andMayer, J. D. (1990). Emotionalintelligence,Imagination, CognitionandPersonality, 9, 185–211.
  • Savickas, M. L. (1997). Careeradaptability: An integrativeconstructfor life-span, life-spacetheory. TheCareer Development Quarterly, 45(3), 247–259.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). Thetheoryandpractice of careerconstruction. In S. D. Brown, and R. W. Lent (Eds.), Careerdevelopmentandcounseling: Puttingtheoryandresearchtowork (pp. 42–70). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2013). Careerconstructiontheoryandpractice. In S. D. Brown, & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Careerdevelopmentandcounseling: Puttingtheoryandresearchtowork(pp. 147–183) (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley&Sons.
  • Savickas, M. L.,andPorfeli, E. J. (2012). CareerAdapt-AbilitiesScale: Construction, reliability, andmeasurementequivalenceacross 13 countries. Journal of VocationalBehavior, 80(3), 661–673.
  • Schutte, N. S.,Malouff, J. M., andBhullar, N. (2009). TheAssessingEmotionsScale. In C. Stough, D. Saklofske, and J. Parker (Eds.), Theassessment of emotionalintelligence (pp. 119–135). New York: Springer.
  • Schutte, N.,Malouff, J., Hall, L., Haggerty, D., Cooper, J., Golden, C., andDornheim, L. (1998). Development andvalidation of a measure of emotionalintelligence, PersonalityandIndividualDifferences, 25, 167-177.
  • Seo, M.,andBarrett, L. F. (2007). Beingemotionalduringdecision-making — Goodorbad? An empiricalinvestigation, Academy of Management Journal, 50(4), 923–940.
  • Tatar, A., Tok, S. andSaltukoğlu, G. (2011). Gözden geçirilmiş Schutte Duygusal Zekâ Ölçeği’ninTürkçe’yeUyarlanması ve PsikometrikÖzelliklerinin İncelenmesi, Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bülteni, 21(4), 325- 338.
  • Teixeira, M. A. P.,Bardagi, M. P., Lassance, N. C. P., Magalhães, M. D. O., andDuarte, M. E. (2012). CareerAdapt-AbilitiesScale — Brazilian Form: Psychometricpropertiesandrelationshiptopersonality,Journal of VocationalBehavior, 80, 680–685.
  • Yitshaki, R. (2012). How do entrepreneurs' emotionalintelligenceandtransformationalleadershiporientationimpactnewventures' growth? Journal of Small Business andEntrepreneurship, 25(3), 357–374.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Rabia Çizel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Haziran 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çizel, R. (2018). Gender and Emotional Intelligence as Predictors of Tourism Faculty Students’ Career Adaptability. Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research (AHTR), 6(2), 188-204.

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