Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 214 - 233, 30.06.2019


The aim of
this study is to exhibit the effects of one of the problem faced by the working
women while promotion: gender discrimination on the glass ceiling syndrome,
consequently to propose solutions to the problem. The study consists of two
parts: Literature review and data process. First part is about Gender
discrimination, glass ceiling syndrome and management perspectives of
discrimination. In the second part two questionnaires, applied to 265
participants (Municipality employees) in Afyonkarahisar/Turkey. First
questionary is about the gender equality. Second one is about the glass ceiling
syndrome. The data is evaluated by Structural equation model. The study
concluded that gender equality perception is influential on glass ceiling
syndrome and is influential on demographic factors. Besides, glass ceiling
syndrome is also effective when gender, marital status and educational status
are taken into consideration. Gender, marital status and education differences
which are demographic factors affected the attitudes towards discrimination.


  • Albrecht,J., Björklund A., Vroman S. (2003), Is There a Glass Ceiling in Sweden?, Journal Of Labor Economics, Vol. 21, No., 10734-306x/2003/2101-0005$10.00.
  • Altinova, H. H., Duyan V. (2013), Validity And Reliability Study Of The Gender Perception Scale, Society And Social Work, Volume: 24, Issue: 2.
  • Baumgartner, M., Schneider D. E. (2010), Perceptions Of Women İn Management: A Thematic Analysis Of Razing The Galss Ceiling, Journal Of Career Development, 37(2), 559-576.
  • Baxter, J., Wright E. O. (2000), The Glass Ceılıng Hypothesıs A Comparative Study Of The United States, Sweden, And Australia, Gender & Socıety, Vol. 14 No. 2, April.
  • Bebekoglu, G., Wasti A. (October 2002), A Study On The Causes And Consequences Of Gender-Based Hostile Behaviours For Working Women, Journal Of Management Studies, Vol.2.
  • Bingöl, D., Aydoğan E., Şenel G., Erden P. (2011), Glass Ceiling Syndrome And Obstacles In The Hierarchical Elevations Of Women: T.C. Ministry Of Energy And Natural Resources Ankara Centre Organization Case, Journal of Faculty of Business Administration, Vol.12, No.1, 115-132.
  • Büte, M. (2011), The Effects of Nepotism on Employees and Human Resources Practices: A Research on Turkish Public Banks, Ataturk University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 5 (1), pages 383-404.
  • Chapman, G. (1981), Harassment and Discrimination of Women in Employment, Working Paper Prepared fort he Conference on Harassment in the Workplace, Washington DC, July 7-9.
  • Choi, S., Park C.O. (2014), Glass Ceiling in Korean Civil Service: Analyzing Barriers to Women’s Career Advancement in the Korean Goverment, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 43(1) 118-139, DOI: I O.I 177/009102601351693.
  • Dalkıranoğlu, T.,. Çetinel F. G. (2008), Comparison of the Attitudes of Women and Men Managers in Accommodation Enterprises against Gender Discrimination, Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, issue 20.
  • Demir, M. (2011), Business Life Discrimination: The Case of Tourism Sector, International Journal of Human Sciences, Volume.8, Issue.1.
  • Dikmen, N., Maden D. (2012), A Research on the Invisible Labour of Women Academicians: The Case of Ordu University, Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Sciences, Year. 11, Number. 21, pp.257-288.
  • Dolmacı, N., Türeli N. Ş. (2012), Different and Discriminatory Attitudes Towards Women in Society and Business as a Problem That Continues to exist, Academic View Magazine, Issue.33.
  • Eddy, S., Greg Ng., Sears J. (2017), The glass ceiling in context: the influence of CEO gender, recruitment practices and firm internationalisation on the representation of women in management, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 27, no 1, 2017, pages 133–151, doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12135.
  • Edwards, G. (2016), Discrimination in the Workplace, The Recognised Standart.
  • Fillipin, C.S. (2017), The Glass Ceiling Is Breaking, Now What?, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 41; 3; pp34-42.
  • Gözütok, D., Toraman Ç., Erdol T. (2017), Development of Gender Equality Scale, Elementary Education Online, 16 (3): 1036-1048.
  • Hoşgör, H., Hoşgör D.G., Memis K. (2016), Investigation of the Relationships and Differences between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Glass Ceiling Syndrome: The Case of Health Workers, Mustafa Kemal University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, Vol.13, Issue. 35, s.345-362.
  • Huffman, M., King J., Reichelt M. (2017), Equality for Whom? Organizational Policies and the Gender Gap Across the German Earnings Distribution, II.R.Review 70(1), pp.16-41.
  • Iyer, A., Ryan M.K. (2009), Why Do Men and Women Challenge Gender Discrimination in the Workplace? The Role of Group Status and In-group Identification in Predicting Pathways to Collective Action, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 65, No. 2004.
  • Inel, M., Garayev V., Bakay A. (2014) The Impact of Corporate Building Glass Ceiling: Turkey's Aegean Region Institutions, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Business Administration, Yıl.1, Sayı.1.
  • Karaca, A. (2007), Career Barriers in Women Managers: A Research on Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Selcuk University Institute of Social Sciences, Unpublished Master Thesis, Konya. Karcıoğlu, F., Leblebici Y. (2014), Career Barriers in Women Managers: An Application on Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Volume: 28, Number: 4.
  • Kırel, Ç., Kocabaş F., Özdemir A.A. (2010), Gender Based Discrimination in Businesses: A Field Study in Private Sector in Eskişehir, Cement Employer.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2014), Gender Discrimination against Women in the Management Levels and Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Academic Social Research Journal, Year.2, No.5, p.1-14.
  • Kutaniş, R.Ö., Ulu S. (2016), Sources of Discrimination in Labour Markets, Selcuk University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 35, p. 359-372. Malos, S. (2015), Overt Stereotype Biases and Discrimination in the Workplace: Why Haven’t We Fixed This by Now?, Employ Respons Rights J., 27:271-280.
  • Mert, İ. S., Keskin N., Baş T. (2011), Injustice, Is There A Management Strategy? An Investigation in the Banking Sector, Journal of Public Administration, Vol.44, No.2, p.99-129.
  • Meydan, C.H., Şeşen H. (2015), Structural Equation Modeling Amos Applications, Detail Publishing, Ankara.
  • Mun, E., Jung J. (2018), Change above the Glass Ceiling: Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Diversity in Japanese Firms, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 63(2)409–440, DOI: 10.1177/0001839217712920.
  • Nordell, J. (2014), Why Aren’t Women Advancing at Work?, The Mall, The New Republic September 29.
  • Öğüt, A. (2006), The Women's Entrepreneurship in Turkey and Management Challenges Facing: Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Çanakkale Eighteen March University Dr. H. İbrahim Bodur Entrepreneurship Application and Research Centre.
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç R., Kılıç T. (2007), Glass Ceiling Syndrome and Obstacles to Women as a Senior Executive: Balıkesir Province Case, Management and Economics, Year: 2007, Volume: 14, Number: 2.
  • Roehling, P.V., Roehling, M.V., Vandlen, J.D.,Blazek, J., Guy, V.C., (2009), Weight discrimination and the glass ceiling effect among top US CEOs, Equal Opportunities International 28(2):179-196.
  • Sahoo,D.K., Lenka,U. (2016) Breaking the glass ceiling: opportunity for the organization, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 48, Issue:6, pp.311-319,, DOI:10.1108/02610150910937916.
  • Selmi, M. (2005), Sex Discrimination in the Nineties, Seventies Style: Case Studies in the Preservation of Male Workplace Norms, Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal, Vol. 9:1.
  • Spence, J.T., Helmreich, R., Stapp, J. (1973). A short version of the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS).Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 2, 219-220.
  • Senturk, B. (2015), Çokuz ama Yokuz: An Analysis on Women Academics in Turkey, Viraverita E-Magazine, No.2, pp.1-22.
  • The Global Gender Gap Report, (2017), World Economic Forum.
  • Tolbert, P.S., Castilla E. J. (2017), Editorial Essay: Introduction To a Special Issue on Inequality in the Workplace (What Works?), II.R Review, 70(1), pp, 3-15.


Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 214 - 233, 30.06.2019


Bu çalışmanın amacı, çalışan
kadınların yöneticilik pozisyonuna gelmelerinde karşılaştıkları sorunlardan
biri olan cinsiyet ayrımcılığının cam tavan sendromu üzerine etkilerini ortaya
koyabilmek, örgütsel yaklaşımda çözüm önerileri sunabilmektir. Çalışma iki
bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiş,
cinsiyet ayrımcılığı, cam tavan sendromu ve yönetim perspektifinden ayrımcılık
kavramları üzerinde durulmuştur. İkinci bölümde Afyonkarahisar Belediyesinde
çalışan 265 kişiye uygulanan cinsiyet eşitliği ve cam tavan sendromu anketi
Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli ile değerlendirilmiş, cinsiyet algısı ile cam tavan
sendromu arasındaki ilişki belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada cinsiyet
eşitliği algısının cam tavan sendromu üzerine etkili olduğu, cinsiyet, medeni
durum, eğitim durumu dikkate alındığında cam tavan sendromuna etkili olduğu


  • Albrecht,J., Björklund A., Vroman S. (2003), Is There a Glass Ceiling in Sweden?, Journal Of Labor Economics, Vol. 21, No., 10734-306x/2003/2101-0005$10.00.
  • Altinova, H. H., Duyan V. (2013), Validity And Reliability Study Of The Gender Perception Scale, Society And Social Work, Volume: 24, Issue: 2.
  • Baumgartner, M., Schneider D. E. (2010), Perceptions Of Women İn Management: A Thematic Analysis Of Razing The Galss Ceiling, Journal Of Career Development, 37(2), 559-576.
  • Baxter, J., Wright E. O. (2000), The Glass Ceılıng Hypothesıs A Comparative Study Of The United States, Sweden, And Australia, Gender & Socıety, Vol. 14 No. 2, April.
  • Bebekoglu, G., Wasti A. (October 2002), A Study On The Causes And Consequences Of Gender-Based Hostile Behaviours For Working Women, Journal Of Management Studies, Vol.2.
  • Bingöl, D., Aydoğan E., Şenel G., Erden P. (2011), Glass Ceiling Syndrome And Obstacles In The Hierarchical Elevations Of Women: T.C. Ministry Of Energy And Natural Resources Ankara Centre Organization Case, Journal of Faculty of Business Administration, Vol.12, No.1, 115-132.
  • Büte, M. (2011), The Effects of Nepotism on Employees and Human Resources Practices: A Research on Turkish Public Banks, Ataturk University Institute of Social Sciences Journal, 5 (1), pages 383-404.
  • Chapman, G. (1981), Harassment and Discrimination of Women in Employment, Working Paper Prepared fort he Conference on Harassment in the Workplace, Washington DC, July 7-9.
  • Choi, S., Park C.O. (2014), Glass Ceiling in Korean Civil Service: Analyzing Barriers to Women’s Career Advancement in the Korean Goverment, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 43(1) 118-139, DOI: I O.I 177/009102601351693.
  • Dalkıranoğlu, T.,. Çetinel F. G. (2008), Comparison of the Attitudes of Women and Men Managers in Accommodation Enterprises against Gender Discrimination, Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences, issue 20.
  • Demir, M. (2011), Business Life Discrimination: The Case of Tourism Sector, International Journal of Human Sciences, Volume.8, Issue.1.
  • Dikmen, N., Maden D. (2012), A Research on the Invisible Labour of Women Academicians: The Case of Ordu University, Istanbul Commerce University Journal of Social Sciences, Year. 11, Number. 21, pp.257-288.
  • Dolmacı, N., Türeli N. Ş. (2012), Different and Discriminatory Attitudes Towards Women in Society and Business as a Problem That Continues to exist, Academic View Magazine, Issue.33.
  • Eddy, S., Greg Ng., Sears J. (2017), The glass ceiling in context: the influence of CEO gender, recruitment practices and firm internationalisation on the representation of women in management, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 27, no 1, 2017, pages 133–151, doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12135.
  • Edwards, G. (2016), Discrimination in the Workplace, The Recognised Standart.
  • Fillipin, C.S. (2017), The Glass Ceiling Is Breaking, Now What?, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 41; 3; pp34-42.
  • Gözütok, D., Toraman Ç., Erdol T. (2017), Development of Gender Equality Scale, Elementary Education Online, 16 (3): 1036-1048.
  • Hoşgör, H., Hoşgör D.G., Memis K. (2016), Investigation of the Relationships and Differences between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Glass Ceiling Syndrome: The Case of Health Workers, Mustafa Kemal University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, Vol.13, Issue. 35, s.345-362.
  • Huffman, M., King J., Reichelt M. (2017), Equality for Whom? Organizational Policies and the Gender Gap Across the German Earnings Distribution, II.R.Review 70(1), pp.16-41.
  • Iyer, A., Ryan M.K. (2009), Why Do Men and Women Challenge Gender Discrimination in the Workplace? The Role of Group Status and In-group Identification in Predicting Pathways to Collective Action, Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 65, No. 2004.
  • Inel, M., Garayev V., Bakay A. (2014) The Impact of Corporate Building Glass Ceiling: Turkey's Aegean Region Institutions, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Business Administration, Yıl.1, Sayı.1.
  • Karaca, A. (2007), Career Barriers in Women Managers: A Research on Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Selcuk University Institute of Social Sciences, Unpublished Master Thesis, Konya. Karcıoğlu, F., Leblebici Y. (2014), Career Barriers in Women Managers: An Application on Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Volume: 28, Number: 4.
  • Kırel, Ç., Kocabaş F., Özdemir A.A. (2010), Gender Based Discrimination in Businesses: A Field Study in Private Sector in Eskişehir, Cement Employer.
  • Korkmaz, H. (2014), Gender Discrimination against Women in the Management Levels and Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Academic Social Research Journal, Year.2, No.5, p.1-14.
  • Kutaniş, R.Ö., Ulu S. (2016), Sources of Discrimination in Labour Markets, Selcuk University Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, 35, p. 359-372. Malos, S. (2015), Overt Stereotype Biases and Discrimination in the Workplace: Why Haven’t We Fixed This by Now?, Employ Respons Rights J., 27:271-280.
  • Mert, İ. S., Keskin N., Baş T. (2011), Injustice, Is There A Management Strategy? An Investigation in the Banking Sector, Journal of Public Administration, Vol.44, No.2, p.99-129.
  • Meydan, C.H., Şeşen H. (2015), Structural Equation Modeling Amos Applications, Detail Publishing, Ankara.
  • Mun, E., Jung J. (2018), Change above the Glass Ceiling: Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Diversity in Japanese Firms, Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 63(2)409–440, DOI: 10.1177/0001839217712920.
  • Nordell, J. (2014), Why Aren’t Women Advancing at Work?, The Mall, The New Republic September 29.
  • Öğüt, A. (2006), The Women's Entrepreneurship in Turkey and Management Challenges Facing: Glass Ceiling Syndrome, Çanakkale Eighteen March University Dr. H. İbrahim Bodur Entrepreneurship Application and Research Centre.
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç R., Kılıç T. (2007), Glass Ceiling Syndrome and Obstacles to Women as a Senior Executive: Balıkesir Province Case, Management and Economics, Year: 2007, Volume: 14, Number: 2.
  • Roehling, P.V., Roehling, M.V., Vandlen, J.D.,Blazek, J., Guy, V.C., (2009), Weight discrimination and the glass ceiling effect among top US CEOs, Equal Opportunities International 28(2):179-196.
  • Sahoo,D.K., Lenka,U. (2016) Breaking the glass ceiling: opportunity for the organization, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 48, Issue:6, pp.311-319,, DOI:10.1108/02610150910937916.
  • Selmi, M. (2005), Sex Discrimination in the Nineties, Seventies Style: Case Studies in the Preservation of Male Workplace Norms, Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal, Vol. 9:1.
  • Spence, J.T., Helmreich, R., Stapp, J. (1973). A short version of the Attitudes toward Women Scale (AWS).Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 2, 219-220.
  • Senturk, B. (2015), Çokuz ama Yokuz: An Analysis on Women Academics in Turkey, Viraverita E-Magazine, No.2, pp.1-22.
  • The Global Gender Gap Report, (2017), World Economic Forum.
  • Tolbert, P.S., Castilla E. J. (2017), Editorial Essay: Introduction To a Special Issue on Inequality in the Workplace (What Works?), II.R Review, 70(1), pp, 3-15.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Nilüfer Yörük Karakılıç 0000-0002-6609-4068

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Yörük Karakılıç, N. (2019). EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION. Journal of Management and Economics Research, 17(2), 214-233.
AMA Yörük Karakılıç N. EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION. Journal of Management and Economics Research. June 2019;17(2):214-233. doi:10.11611/yead.495207
Chicago Yörük Karakılıç, Nilüfer. “EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION”. Journal of Management and Economics Research 17, no. 2 (June 2019): 214-33.
EndNote Yörük Karakılıç N (June 1, 2019) EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION. Journal of Management and Economics Research 17 2 214–233.
IEEE N. Yörük Karakılıç, “EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION”, Journal of Management and Economics Research, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 214–233, 2019, doi: 10.11611/yead.495207.
ISNAD Yörük Karakılıç, Nilüfer. “EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION”. Journal of Management and Economics Research 17/2 (June 2019), 214-233.
JAMA Yörük Karakılıç N. EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION. Journal of Management and Economics Research. 2019;17:214–233.
MLA Yörük Karakılıç, Nilüfer. “EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION”. Journal of Management and Economics Research, vol. 17, no. 2, 2019, pp. 214-33, doi:10.11611/yead.495207.
Vancouver Yörük Karakılıç N. EVALUATION OF GLASS CEILING SYNDROME IN TERMS OF GENDER DISCRIMINATION PERCEPTION. Journal of Management and Economics Research. 2019;17(2):214-33.

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