Querying Sensor Field by Using Task Sets of Sensor Nodes

Çağhan Çimen

Graduate Student, Computer Science,
Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute, Tuzla, 34942 Istanbul, TURKEY
e-mail: ccimen@dho.edu.tr

Vedat Coşkun

Assistant Professor, Computer Science,
Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute, Tuzla, 34942 Istanbul, TURKEY
e-mail: vedatcoskun@dho.edu.tr


Usually sensor networks are formed on sensor field by sensor nodes without any external intervention after randomly distribution. Normally the distribution of sensors can be expected to be inhomogeneous on sensor field. Hence for making queries on that field with a minimum power cost, high confidence coerced us to arrange systematic approach for sensor field. The idea of arranging sensor nodes by using task sets arise from this need. A task set is a reduced number of sensors systematically selected from the cells of a sensor field. The power consumption for queries can be reduced in the orders of magnitude by using our task set scheme in the expense of decrease in sensing accuracy and resolution. We used simulation method on MATLAB to support our idea.