The Ultrasonic Testing of Austenitic Stainless Steels Welded Joints

Mehmet Türker

Graduate Student, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Istanbul Technical Unıversity, İstanbul, TURKEY

Murat Vural

Assistant Professor, The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Istanbul Tecniıcal Unıversity, İstanbul, TURKEY


The welded joints of a4ustenitic stainless steels are the frequently used weldments in industry. For this reason, their ultrasonic testings must be applied with the success in achieving a high level of quality and reliability. The major problem encountered in the testing of austenitic welded joints is the structure of weld metal. During the solidification of weld metal, coarse grained and dendritic structure are occured. Also due to this dendritic structure, an anisotropic structure is occured. Likewise It makes difficult to dedect the discontinuities and the flaws due to the scattering and the propagation direction of sound beam. At the ultrasonic testing of the austenitic weldments, single or double crystal longitudinal probes, focussed probes at special conditions are used.