Challenges and Threats of Globalization for Developing Countries

Mehmet Şahin

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biga Economics and Management Science
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Biga/Ç.kale, TURKEY


Almost every one agrees on the fact that globalisation in unavoidable, however, there is no consensus on the pros and cons of it. Although countries lose some of the advantages once they had during this change process, some countries keeping in step with the changing process gain significant advantages. Developing countries like Turkey are generally the affected countries but not the dominant actor of globalisation process. For this reason, these countries should develop strategies perceiving the challenges and threats derived from the globalisation process in order to sustain their advantages and to increase their competitive powers.

Gizlilik Derecesi : HİZMETE ÖZEL
İçerik Sorumlusu : Dz.Bil. ve Müh.Enst.Md.lüğü
Güncelleme Tarihi : 22.10.2003