Clustering of Financial Ratios of the Quoted Companies Through Fuzzy Logic Method

Ekrem Tufan

Assistant Professor, Open Education Faculty
Anadolu University Çanakkale 17100

Bahattin Hamarat

(Lecturer) College of Tourism and Hotel Management
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University,


Financial rates, in terms of investors, are of great importance in the expansion of the companies to whose share they are going to invest. Financial rates have been benefited from especially in determining the risk while a portfolio is being formed, in changing the existing risk or in determining the alternative shares. In literature has been researhed whether more than average income of the market is possible to obtain considering financial rates. In this respect, using fuzzy logic method the companies that are the subjects in the study are clustered and it is presented to the investors as a risk scale. The investor, according to the portfolio he/she is going to form, can not only determine which shares he/she should buy but he/she will be able to learn about the share which has the same profit level and the same risk as well if the share he/she wants to buy is not available. What is aimed to be achieved in this study is helping the investor form a portfolio and the companies at question be clustered with the help of financial rates.