Waste Management Planning for Ship Generated Waste

Hamit Palabıyık

Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University,Biga-Canakkale TURKEY 17200
e-mail: hpalabiyik@comu.edu.tr


The most considerable purpose of waste management plans and reception facilities is to reduce and eliminate dumping wastes illegally to the sea environment. Many examples have already demonstrated that unsatisfactory waste handling and/or even illegal dumping take place in many ports around the world due to inefficient waste management operations, lack of control, recovery systems and inefficient information flow [1]. Especially the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and European Council Directive on port reception facilities for ship generated waste and cargo residues, which requests ports to prepare and implement port waste management plans, provide on international framework on management of ship and port wastes.