Health Care Restructuring and Financing in the Developing World

Meliha Ener

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biga Economics and Management Science
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University; Biga/Ç.kale, TURKEY

Nazan Yelkikalan

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biga Economics and Management Science
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University; Biga/Ç.kale, TURKEY


In the last thirty years, rising health care costs of developing countries as a matter of epidemiologic transition and demography led to advance planning of health systems coping with increasing demands. The debate about health care financing continues in both public domain and private sector. Effective use of public subsidies and mobilizing private resources for public expenditures have a great importance in these countries trying to implement market-based financial model for health care services, since budgetary deficits and pressure from international creditors. Global collaboration is also needed to solve shared public health problems.