Complexes of Leaders

Murat Kasımoğlu

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Biga Economics and Management Science
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University; Biga/Ç.kale


We know that leaders are vitally important for their organization if they have vision and right strategy the organization will be successful if not result will be disaster. In the world of organization there are a large number of variants that effect the type of management executes in his company. Culture, education, technology, is a few to name. All these are changeable from company to company and from person to person. Surely the most variable of all is 'from person to person' variants. They are very complex and hard to grasp since the subject is human behavior. They are our biases, our points of view, our complexes and our personalities. Here, in this study, will be examined in a way that will spotlight the fact that they are the most influential on how we lead. In this study, what we stipulate is that our own complexes as leaders have a direct influence on the style we execute and thereby it also greatly affects the performance of our organization. Admittedly, it is vast area of studying, but instead of figuring out all the details relating to this, since it is not possible, we try to make the leaders aware of its existence and importance. And we chose a few personal complexes to make the point, believing that they are the most salient ones.