Social Aspects of Aging

R. Cengiz Akçay

Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey


Aging is perceived not only as chronological and biological but also a social fact, examination of social effects of life cycle's events has great importance. This study is aimed to define how main events that we live in our life are perceived. With this study, by carrying out the survey on 5 different groups which's members are on different ages and status; it is aimed to define on which ages are events, which are composing life's fundamentals, perceived. In general, these perceptions do not show differences and originalities unique to them; they are coherent with scientific studies, national and universal perceptions. As a result, aging problems should be considered as society's problem and necessary actions should be taken to solve these. Strengthening old persons' personality and perception of his/herself, making them active and stronger in these interactions by informing and educating society about old age are the help suggestions that may be provided to old individuals.