Research Article
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Teaching Project Management Using an Online Project Management Software: Implications for Student Satisfaction and Interaction

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 122 - 135, 28.12.2017


This paper examines the implementation of an
online Project management software (OPMS), in the context of teaching Project
management, with 90 undergraduate students from two universities. The OPMS
enabled students to interact, to go over the course content, to share files, to
get timely feedback, to schedule their study, to discuss within or among study
groups and to make use of other opportunities while learning via the web. The
paper focused on the effects of this educational implementation, during four
months, on student satisfaction and interaction. Both quantitative and
qualitative data were collected and analyzed separately and the results
regarding student satisfaction and interaction were presented and compared. Findings
reveal that the implementation was found to be valuable in terms of facilitating
student satisfaction, student-student interaction and student-teacher


  • Ardaiz-Villanueva, O., Nicuesa-Chacón, X., Brene-Artazcoz, O., Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga, M. L., & Sanz de Acedo Baquedano, M. T. (2011). Evaluation of computer tools for idea generation and team formation in project-based learning. Computers & Education, 56(3), 700–711. Brindley, J. E., Walti, C., & Blaschke, L. M. (2009). Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 10(3), 1–18.
  • Cho, M. H., & Kim, B. J. (2013). Students' self-regulation for interaction with others in online learning environments. The Internet and Higher Education, 17, 69-75.
  • Cole, M. T., Shelley, D. J., & Swartz, L. B. (2014). Online instruction, e-learning, and student satisfaction: A three year study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(6), 111-131.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2013) Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches. London: Sage.
  • Croxton, R. A. (2014). The role of interactivity in student satisfaction and persistence in online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 314.
  • Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2005). Facilitating cognitive presence in online learning: Interaction is not enough. The American journal of distance education, 19(3), 133-148.
  • Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Ke, F., & Kwak, D. (2013). Online learning across ethnicity and age: A study on learning interaction participation, perception, and learning satisfaction. Computers & education, 61, 43-51.
  • Kearsely, G. (2000). Online education: Learning and teaching in cyberspace. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Keser, H., & Karahoca, D. (2010). Designing a project management e-course by using project based learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 5744-5754
  • Kim, K.J., Liu, S., & Bonk, C. J. (2005). Online MBA students’ perceptions of online learning: Benefits, challenges, and suggestions. Internet and Higher Education, 8(4), 335-344.
  • Koh, J. H. L., Herring, S. C., & Hew, K. F. (2010). Project-based learning and student knowledge construction during asynchronous online discussion. The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 284-291.
  • Köse, U. (2010). A web based system for project-based learning activities in “web design and programming” course. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1174-1184.
  • Kuo, Y. C., Walker, A. E., Belland, B. R., Schroder, K. E., & Kuo, Y. T. (2014). A case study of integrating Interwise: Interaction, internet self-efficacy, and satisfaction in synchronous online learning environments. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(1).
  • Liaw, S. S., & Huang, H. M. (2013). Perceived satisfaction, perceived usefulness and interactive learning environments as predictors to self-regulation in e-learning environments. Computers & Education, 60(1), 14-24.
  • Mazzolini, M., & Maddison, S. (2003). Sage, guide or ghost? The effect of instructor intervention on student participation in online discussion forums. Computers & Education, 40(3), 237-253.
  • Michinov, N., Brunot, S., Le Bohec, O., Juhel, J., & Delaval, M. (2011). Procrastination, participation, and performance in online learning environments. Computers & Education, 56(1), 243-252.
  • Moore, M.G. (1993). Three types of interaction. In K. Harry, M. Hohn, & D. Keegan(Ed.), Distance education: New perspectives, (pp. 12-24). London: Routledge.
  • Neo, M., & Neo, T. (2009). Engaging students in multimedia-mediated Constructivist learning - Students’ perceptions. Educational Technology & Society, 12(2), 254–266.
  • Northrup, P. (2001). A framework for designing interactivity into Web-based Instruction. Educational Technology, 41(2), 31-39.
  • Ojiako, U., Ashleigh, M., Chipulu, M., & Maguire, S. (2011). Learning and teaching challenges in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), 268–278.
  • Peterson, F., Hartmann, T., Fruchter, R., & Fischer, M. (2011). Teaching construction project management with BIM support: Experience and lessons learned. Automation in Construction, 20(2), 115-125.
  • Rogerson-Revell, P. (2015) Constructively aligning technologies with learning and assessment in a distance education master’s programme. Distance Education, 36 (1), 129-147.
  • Rodrguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Cuadrado-Gallego, J. J., & Pfahl, D. (2006). e-Learning in project management using simulation models: A case study based on the replication of an experiment. IEEE Transactions on Education, 49(4), 451-463.
  • Shen, D., Cho, M. H., Tsai, C. L., & Marra, R. (2013). Unpacking online learning experiences: Online learning self-efficacy and learning satisfaction. The Internet and Higher Education, 19, 10-17.
  • Sher, A. (2009). Assessing the relationship of student-instructor and student-student interaction to student learning and satisfaction in Web-based online learning environment. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(2),102-120.
  • Swan, K. (2001). Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses. Distance education, 22(2), 306-331.
  • Tu, C. H., & McIsaac, M. (2002). The relationship of social presence and interaction in online classes. The American journal of distance education, 16(3), 131-150.
  • Woo, Y., & Reeves, T. C. (2014). Meaningful Interaction in Web-based Learning: A Social Meaningful Social Constructivist Interpretation [J]. Distance Education in China, 1, 007.

Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 122 - 135, 28.12.2017


Bu çalışmada, iki üniversiteden 90 lisans
öğrencisine çevrimiçi bir proje yönetim yazılımı üzerinden proje yönetimi
eğitimi verilerek bu uygulamanın etkileri incelenmiştir. Web temelli bu yazılım
üzerinden öğrencilere çevrimiçi etkileşim, ders içeriğine erişim, dosya
paylaşımı, zamanında geribildirim alma, çalışma takvimi oluşturma, grup içi
veya gruplar arası tartışmalar yapabilme vb. olanaklar sunulmuştur. Çalışmada
dört ay süren bu uygulamanın öğrenci memnuniyeti ve etkileşim üzerindeki
etkileri incelenmiştir. Süreçte nicel ve nitel veriler toplanarak ayrı ayrı
analiz edilmiş ve analiz sonuçları ışığında öğrenci memnuniyeti ve etkileşime
ilişkin bulgular sunularak karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma bulguları çevrimiçi
proje yönetim yazılımı üzerinden gerçekleştirilen bu uygulamanın öğrenci
memnuniyeti, öğrenci-öğrenci ve öğrenci-öğretim elemanı etkileşimi açılarından
olumlu ve faydalı sonuçlar doğurduğunu ortaya koymuştur.


  • Ardaiz-Villanueva, O., Nicuesa-Chacón, X., Brene-Artazcoz, O., Sanz de Acedo Lizarraga, M. L., & Sanz de Acedo Baquedano, M. T. (2011). Evaluation of computer tools for idea generation and team formation in project-based learning. Computers & Education, 56(3), 700–711. Brindley, J. E., Walti, C., & Blaschke, L. M. (2009). Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 10(3), 1–18.
  • Cho, M. H., & Kim, B. J. (2013). Students' self-regulation for interaction with others in online learning environments. The Internet and Higher Education, 17, 69-75.
  • Cole, M. T., Shelley, D. J., & Swartz, L. B. (2014). Online instruction, e-learning, and student satisfaction: A three year study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(6), 111-131.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2013) Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method approaches. London: Sage.
  • Croxton, R. A. (2014). The role of interactivity in student satisfaction and persistence in online learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(2), 314.
  • Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2005). Facilitating cognitive presence in online learning: Interaction is not enough. The American journal of distance education, 19(3), 133-148.
  • Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23(1), 1-13.
  • Ke, F., & Kwak, D. (2013). Online learning across ethnicity and age: A study on learning interaction participation, perception, and learning satisfaction. Computers & education, 61, 43-51.
  • Kearsely, G. (2000). Online education: Learning and teaching in cyberspace. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Keser, H., & Karahoca, D. (2010). Designing a project management e-course by using project based learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 5744-5754
  • Kim, K.J., Liu, S., & Bonk, C. J. (2005). Online MBA students’ perceptions of online learning: Benefits, challenges, and suggestions. Internet and Higher Education, 8(4), 335-344.
  • Koh, J. H. L., Herring, S. C., & Hew, K. F. (2010). Project-based learning and student knowledge construction during asynchronous online discussion. The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 284-291.
  • Köse, U. (2010). A web based system for project-based learning activities in “web design and programming” course. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1174-1184.
  • Kuo, Y. C., Walker, A. E., Belland, B. R., Schroder, K. E., & Kuo, Y. T. (2014). A case study of integrating Interwise: Interaction, internet self-efficacy, and satisfaction in synchronous online learning environments. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(1).
  • Liaw, S. S., & Huang, H. M. (2013). Perceived satisfaction, perceived usefulness and interactive learning environments as predictors to self-regulation in e-learning environments. Computers & Education, 60(1), 14-24.
  • Mazzolini, M., & Maddison, S. (2003). Sage, guide or ghost? The effect of instructor intervention on student participation in online discussion forums. Computers & Education, 40(3), 237-253.
  • Michinov, N., Brunot, S., Le Bohec, O., Juhel, J., & Delaval, M. (2011). Procrastination, participation, and performance in online learning environments. Computers & Education, 56(1), 243-252.
  • Moore, M.G. (1993). Three types of interaction. In K. Harry, M. Hohn, & D. Keegan(Ed.), Distance education: New perspectives, (pp. 12-24). London: Routledge.
  • Neo, M., & Neo, T. (2009). Engaging students in multimedia-mediated Constructivist learning - Students’ perceptions. Educational Technology & Society, 12(2), 254–266.
  • Northrup, P. (2001). A framework for designing interactivity into Web-based Instruction. Educational Technology, 41(2), 31-39.
  • Ojiako, U., Ashleigh, M., Chipulu, M., & Maguire, S. (2011). Learning and teaching challenges in project management. International Journal of Project Management, 29(3), 268–278.
  • Peterson, F., Hartmann, T., Fruchter, R., & Fischer, M. (2011). Teaching construction project management with BIM support: Experience and lessons learned. Automation in Construction, 20(2), 115-125.
  • Rogerson-Revell, P. (2015) Constructively aligning technologies with learning and assessment in a distance education master’s programme. Distance Education, 36 (1), 129-147.
  • Rodrguez, D., Sicilia, M.A., Cuadrado-Gallego, J. J., & Pfahl, D. (2006). e-Learning in project management using simulation models: A case study based on the replication of an experiment. IEEE Transactions on Education, 49(4), 451-463.
  • Shen, D., Cho, M. H., Tsai, C. L., & Marra, R. (2013). Unpacking online learning experiences: Online learning self-efficacy and learning satisfaction. The Internet and Higher Education, 19, 10-17.
  • Sher, A. (2009). Assessing the relationship of student-instructor and student-student interaction to student learning and satisfaction in Web-based online learning environment. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 8(2),102-120.
  • Swan, K. (2001). Virtual interaction: Design factors affecting student satisfaction and perceived learning in asynchronous online courses. Distance education, 22(2), 306-331.
  • Tu, C. H., & McIsaac, M. (2002). The relationship of social presence and interaction in online classes. The American journal of distance education, 16(3), 131-150.
  • Woo, Y., & Reeves, T. C. (2014). Meaningful Interaction in Web-based Learning: A Social Meaningful Social Constructivist Interpretation [J]. Distance Education in China, 1, 007.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Erhan Güneş

Publication Date December 28, 2017
Acceptance Date December 25, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Güneş, E. (2017). Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(3), 122-135.
AMA Güneş E. Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri. ADUSOBIED. December 2017;4(3):122-135. doi:10.30803/adusobed.364062
Chicago Güneş, Erhan. “Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti Ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 4, no. 3 (December 2017): 122-35.
EndNote Güneş E (December 1, 2017) Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 4 3 122–135.
IEEE E. Güneş, “Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri”, ADUSOBIED, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 122–135, 2017, doi: 10.30803/adusobed.364062.
ISNAD Güneş, Erhan. “Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti Ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 4/3 (December 2017), 122-135.
JAMA Güneş E. Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri. ADUSOBIED. 2017;4:122–135.
MLA Güneş, Erhan. “Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti Ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 3, 2017, pp. 122-35, doi:10.30803/adusobed.364062.
Vancouver Güneş E. Proje Yönetimi Öğretiminde Çevrimiçi Proje Yönetimi Yazılımı Kullanılmasının Öğrenci Memnuniyeti ve Etkileşim Üzerindeki Etkileri. ADUSOBIED. 2017;4(3):122-35.

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