Current Issue

Volume: 57 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024

Original research article


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital is the periodic scientific publication of Ankara Training and Research Hospital and started its publication life in 1966. It is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. Retrospective, prospective, or experimental trials, (invited) reviews, case reports, editorials, commentaries, descriptions of newly introduced medical and surgical treatment techniques, letters to the editor, and medical book reviews relevant to hot topics of medicine are all welcome. It is an open access scientific journal aiming to reach the medical community and publishing within the framework of unbiased and double-blind refereeing principles.

Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital is a scientific, international refereed journal that publishes retrospective, prospective or experimental research, (invited) review, case report, editorial comment / discussion, letter to the editor, medical book reviews related to every branch of medicine.
Studies submitted according to the writing rules of the journal are accepted through the TÜBİTAK-DERGİPARK online publication platform. The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English. Articles submitted for publication must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
If the article sent to the journal complies with the formal principles, it is reviewed by the editor and at least two advisors and, if necessary, after the requested changes are made by the authors, it is published
Our aim is to finalize the decision-making and publication process of the works of our valuable researchers who are trying to contribute to science as soon as possible. In order to increase the scientific quality of our journal, we declare that we are open to valuable opinions, suggestions, notifications and constructive criticisms of our authors, referees and readers, and that we show the necessary sensitivity to them.


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital is the periodic scientific publication of Ankara Training and Research Hospital. It is published three times a year, in April, August, and December. Retrospective, prospective, or experimental trials, reviews, case reports, editorials, commentaries, descriptions of newly introduced medical and surgical treatment techniques, letters to the editor, and medical book reviews relevant to hot topics of medicine are all welcome


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital provides open access for academic publications.
The journal provides free access to the full texts of all articles immediately upon publication. The journal gives permission to all users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
The journal does not request any charges for article processing or article submission.

There is no charge for readers to download journal contents for their own scholarly use.
The journal is free to all at any time. To provide this the journal relies on physical resources of Ankara Training and Research Hospital and the free online article evaluation system and online publishing opportunities of DERGİPARK scientific journals publication platform, the voluntary work of the editorial team and advisory board, and the continuing support of the network of peer reviewers.


All authors should have contributed to the article directly either academically or scientifically. All persons designated as authors should meet all of the following criteria:
• Planned or performed the study,
• Wrote the paper or reviewed the study,
• Approved the final version
It is the author's responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets scientific criteria.
In all submitted studies, the contributions of the authors to the study should be clearly stated.
Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital has agreed to use the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The author(s) should meet the criteria for authorship according to the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication. It is available at


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital publishes papers conforming ethical and scientific standards. The ethical, scientific and legal responsibilities of the articles published in the journal belong to the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of the editorial board members.

The journal pays regard to the highest ethical and scientific standards and the absence of commercial concerns among the articles. This framework does not include any commercial product advertisements. The editors and editorial board do not give any guarantees and take no responsibility for the features and explanations of the commercial products included in the published articles.

Papers submitted for publication must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and authors.
All articles are subject to review by the editor and two or more referees if they are convenient to stylistic rules and published following the revisions made by the authors if needed.

Ethics Committee Approval should be obtained for all prospective and retrospective studies, including experimental animal studies, and for other studies that require ethics committee approval in accordance with the current legislation, and in the “MATERIAL AND METHOD” section of the article, the institution, approval number and date of receipt of the Ethics Committee Approval (day-month-year) should be specified.

The Journal adheres to the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration ( post/wma-declarationof- helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/) and holds that all reported research involving ‘Human beings’ conducted by following such principles. Reports describing data obtained from research conducted on human participants must contain a statement in the “Material and Methods” section indicating approval by the ethical review board and affirmation that “Informed Consent” was obtained from each participant.

All papers reporting experiments using animals must include a statement in the “Material and Methods” section giving assurance that all animals have received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and indicate approval by the animal experiment ethical review board.

Case reports should be accompanied by “Informed Consent” whether the identity of the patient is disclosed or not. It is the author's responsibility to obtain and present consent to the authorities if requested by following the Personal Data Preservation code.

If the proposed publication has a commercial interest or a funder directly or indirectly, the author must include in the cover letter a statement indicating that the author(s) has (have) no financial or other interest in the product or explain the nature of any relation (including consultancies) between the author(s) and the manufacturer or distributor of the product. It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets ethical criteria.


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital implements a zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism. As a result of this policy, all manuscripts submitted to the journal should be scanned by a licensed application (iThenticate or Turnitin) and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system together with the article files. Acceptable similarity rate should below 20%. Articles with a higher similarity rate than accepted will be rejected without being evaluated.


All retrospective, prospective, and experimental research articles that have been statistically analyzed should be evaluated for the validity and power of biostatistical reviews before being submitted to the journal and should be specified with appropriate planning, analysis, and reporting. Editors reserve the right to request raw data for statistical analysis if they deem it necessary.


The publication languages of the Journal are Turkish and English. In Turkish manuscripts, the Turkish dictionary of the Turkish Language Association or the online dictionary at the address "" should be taken as a basis. If available, the term dictionaries of the relevant branch associations can also be used. . Manuscripts and abstracts in English should be evaluated by an English language expert and/or a native speaker before being submitted to the journal. If the person who evaluated the study in terms of English is not one of the authors, the name of this person should be mentioned in the "Acknowledgment" section at the end of the article. Although the spelling and grammatical errors in the studies submitted to our journal for publication and accepted for publication after scientific evaluation must be corrected by the authors. The manuscripts can be corrected separately by the editorial committee, if deemed necessary, without affecting the scientific content of the study. The authors are deemed to have accepted these corrections.

Double blind peer review

Among the manuscripts submitted to the Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital, those considered to be publishable are subject to a strict double-blind peer review process.
Every manuscript sent to the journal with the wish to be published is subjected to a preliminary examination in terms of compliance with the writing rules. A field editor is determined in accordance with the subject of the manuscripts that have passed the preliminary examination and the manuscript is directed to this editor.
The relevant field editor appoints at least two reviewers to the manuscript and starts the scientific evaluation process. Reviewer selection is made according to the subject of the manuscript.
The identities of the authors, affiliations and the institution/institutions where the study was conducted are kept confidential from the reviewers. With the "article evaluation form" they will fill out, the reviewers convey their scientific opinions to the field editors on issues such as the scientific value of the study, its methodology, the appropriateness of statistical evaluations, the adequacy of discussing the data, and whether the results are compatible with the data or not. Manuscripts that are considered to be examined in more detail in terms of statistics are sent to statistics editors. The relevant field editor presents his/her opinion to the Editorial Board of the Journal with a general evaluation including the reviewer evaluation forms.
Reviewer comments, evaluations, criticisms and suggestions are electronically forwarded to the corresponding author. As with sending the manuscripts to the reviewer, the identities of the reviewers are not communicated to the author in this process and are kept confidential. For the corrections requested by the reviewers, the manuscripts sent back to the authors are expected to be re-evaluated by making the necessary corrections within the period previously announced by the Journal.
It is the responsibility of the authors to follow up on the submitted manuscripts to make the requested corrections. Manuscripts that are not corrected in line with the reviewers’ suggestions and uploaded to the system within the period determined by the journal will be rejected.


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital is published electronically through the TÜBİTAK-DERGİPARK online scientific journal publishing platform.
The web address of the journal:
Manuscript submission to the journal and process follow-up is carried out through the DERGİPARK system. To submit a study, you must first be a member of the DERGİPARK platform.
The publication rules of the journal are available electronically at
Following the upload of the manuscript to DERGİPARK, an e-mail including the DERGİPARK ID number and title of the article should be sent to the journal's e-mail address
E-mail address for communication:


Articles published in Medical Journal Ankara Training and Research Hospital are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial-Share with Same License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) International License and are allowed to be shared in accordance with the license terms. All copyrights belong to the publisher of the journal. However, articles published in the journal may be used, copied, reproduced and adapted, provided that they are non-commercial, attribution appropriately, and in compliance with the licensing conditions stated above. The opinions and suggestions contained in the published studies are entirely the responsibility of the authors. No copyright fee is paid for articles published in the journal.
Authors should fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form" and send it together with the manuscript. Manuscripts submitted without a Copyright Transfer Form will not be evaluated.


The Journal publishes the following types of articles:

These are short articles written by the editor, assistant editors, or invited author(s) that need to be published in the journal and sent to scientific circles.

It is the evaluation of the original research articles published by a different scientist who is not one of the authors of the original research, but who is an expert on the research subject.

Original prospective or retrospective studies of basic or clinical investigations are welcome.
Original works should consist of the following sections:
Abstract: It should contain a maximum of 300 words in Turkish and English respectively. The structured abstract should contain the following sections: Aim, material, and methods, results, conclusion.
Keywords: It should consist of at least 3, maximum 5 words in Turkish and English, and should be given by following Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

Introduction: The section in which the purpose of the study is explained in brief and clearly.

Material and Method: This is the part where the materials, methods, statistical evaluation, etc. used in the study are explained in detail. For studies requiring ethics committee approval, the institution, date, and the number of ethics committee approval should be clearly stated in this section. Manuscripts without ethics committee approval / informed consent forms will be rejected without being evaluated.
Results: This is the part where the findings obtained in the study are explained in detail.
Discussion: This is the part where the findings are discussed in the light of the current literature.
Conclusion: This is the part where the conclusions reached by the authors are explained at the end of the findings and discussion.
Acknowledgments: This is the part where the institutions and organizations that contributed to the study, but were not included in the authors, are explained and thanked. If financial support is provided by any person, institution, or organization in the study, it should be stated in this section. Whether there is any conflict of interest in the study should also be disclosed in this section.
References: This is the part of the article where all the references are cited by the order in the text.

The journal accepts only invited reviews. It is prepared by the invited author or authors, including the latest medical developments on a medical subject determined by the editorial board. It is especially preferred if the author/authors have published publications on the relevant subject. The structure of review articles should consist of the following sections:
Abstract: It should contain a maximum of 250 words in Turkish and English respectively. It is not obligatory to have a section in the abstracts of the review articles.
Keywords: It should consist of at least 3, maximum 5 words in Turkish and English, and should be given following the MeSH Index.
The main sections should be numbered consecutively. Subsections should be specified with subheadings such as 1.1, and 1.2 The titles of the reviews should be descriptive of the subject they contain.
References: This is the part of the article where all the references are cited by the order in the text.

Brief descriptions of a previously undocumented disease process, a unique unreported manifestation or treatment of a known disease process, or unique unreported complications of treatment regimens. It should be supported by an adequate number of photographs and figures. The structure of case reports should be as follows:

Abstract: It should contain a maximum of 150 words in Turkish and English respectively. It should be unsenctioned.
Keywords: It should consist of at least 3, maximum 5 words in Turkish and English respectively, and should be given following the MeSH Index.
Introduction: This is the part where the reason for the presentation of the case is briefly stated.
Case: The diagnostic and therapeutic progress of the case and laboratory data are presented in detail.
Discussion: This is the part where the case is discussed in the light of current literature.
References: A maximum of 12 citations are allowed.
An “informed consent form” should be obtained from the patients (legal guardian for those under 18 years of age) presented in the case report and it should be stated in the study content.

All readers are encouraged to submit commentary on articles published in the Journal. Letters are the articles with a maximum of 500 words containing the different opinions, experiences, and questions of the readers regarding the articles published in the journal in the last year. There are no title and abstract sections. The number of references is limited to 5. It should be stated to which article (number, date) it is attributed, and the name, affiliation, and address of the author(s) should be included at the end. The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the author(s) of the original article by publishing it in the journal.

These are scientific articles supported by the latest clinical and laboratory practices that give a message to the reader on current hot topics of medicine. They should be composed of the following sections:
Abstract: It should contain a maximum of 150 words in Turkish and English respectively.
The main sections should be numbered consecutively. Subsections should be specified with subheadings such as 1.1, and 1.2
References: List of references cited by the order in the text

These are the evaluations of up-to-date well-known local or global medical books.

Authors are encouraged to follow the following principles before submitting the material. Manuscripts that do not comply with the principles will not be evaluated. The principles and forms can be accessed from or the last part of the printed version of the Journal.
The article should be written on PC-compatible computers with Microsoft Word Program in "Times New Roman" font, with 11-point size and 1.5 lines spacing.
The total length of the work should not exceed 5000 words.

Studies should be uploaded to the system after they are checked according to the "final checklist for study submission" on the last page of the "forms" section of the Journal's website.

Cover letter:
It should be sent as a separate page from the work with the title "presentation to the editor". The cover letter should include statements about manuscript category designation, single journal submission affirmation, conflict of interest statement, sources of outside funding, approval for language for articles in English, and approval for statistical analysis for original research articles and be submitted separately from the main text.
The sample page can be accessed from the "forms" section of the Journal's website or the last pages of the journal's printed version.

Title Page:
It should be sent as a separate page from the work with the title "title page". The title of the article (in Turkish and English), the names and surnames of all authors, their affiliations, ORCID numbers, and e-mail and correspondence addresses should be specified. The corresponding (main) author should be indicated on the title page. The phone number(s) and postal address of the corresponding author should be added. If the study has been presented at any scientific meeting before, the place and date of the meeting should be specified.
The sample page can be accessed from the "forms" section of the Journal's website or the last pages of the journal's printed version.

The abstract should be prepared in Turkish and English separately following the instructions in the “article types” and placed in the article file.

Located at the bottom of the abstract page, three to five words in Turkish and English. Keywords should be given following 'Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)' (

Abbreviations that are used should be defined in parentheses where the full Word is first mentioned. The same abbreviation should be used in the entire text. “Scientific Style and Format” can be referred to for international abbreviations. Abbreviations should not be used in the “abstract” section. Commonly accepted abbreviations (DNA, RNA, etc) can be used as it is.

Figures, Pictures, Tables, and Graphics:
Figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be numbered following the order in which they are mentioned in the manuscript and should be sent on a separate page after the references section. The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used in the text should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence. Explanations should be added below for figures and pictures and above for tables and graphics.

If any figure, picture, table, or graphic to be included in the Word file of the manuscript is larger than 1 MB, it can be added to the system as a separate jpg file. In this case, the jpg file should be numbered following the number of the figure, picture, table, or graphic in the text.
To ensure the standard in print quality, figures, pictures, tables, or graphics should be prepared with a resolution of at least 300 dpi and submitted separately to the system.
Abbreviations used in figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be specified in the legend of the related image.
Figures, pictures, tables, and graphics should be at most 16*20 cm, and at least 8*8 cm in size without any deformations due to resizing.

If figures, pictures, tables, and graphics that have been previously published or published elsewhere are used, written permission must be obtained from the copyright holder. This permission should be mentioned in the legend.

Length, height, and volume measurements in the manuscript and its annexes should be given in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) and their multiples/submultiples. Temperature measurements should be in degrees centigrade (0C), and blood pressure measurements in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Laboratory data should be presented following the International System of Units (SI). Values without SI equivalents can be used provided they are explained in the text.

For numbers with four or more digits, a space must be left between the thousand digits (Example: 1 000 000). Double-digit numbers should be written in numbers, and single-digit numbers should be written in text. However, in expressions indicating values, single digits should be given with numbers (Example: 1 cm). Percentile values should be given as two digits after the comma, and p values should be given as three digits after the comma in the text and tables. Decimal numbers in the text, tables, and figures should be separated by commas in Turkish manuscripts and with periods in English manuscripts.

Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital accepts AMA standards for citation of the references. Detailed information on AMA standards can be found at
The references should be written in arabic numbers in the order they appear in the manuscript and should be indicated exponentially right after the punctuation marks at the end of the sentence in the text. (example: source1)
All authors should be listed if six or fewer, otherwise list the first six then add the “ve ark” or “et al” for Turkish and English references respectively.
Authors are responsible for the topicality and validity of the sources.
Congress papers and theses can only be cited as a last resort.
Personal experiences and unpublished papers can only be used in the discussion section if necessary and cannot be cited as a source.
Internet addresses cannot be shown as a single source (such as
Articles published in the online environment can be cited by specifying the web address of the relevant article and the date of citation. The same rules apply to reference books in electronic media.

Examples for writing references (please note punctuation):

For the article;
The surname(s) of the author(s) and the initial(s) of the name(s), title of the article, journal name, year, volume number, issue, and inclusive pages should be stated. DOI and/or PMID number can be specified if available (not required)

More than six authors: Wells CR, Townsend JP, Pandey A, Moghadas SM, Krieger G, Singer B, et al. Optimal COVID-19 quarantine and testing strategies. Nat Commun. 2021;12(1):356. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20742-8. PMID: 33414470; PMCID: PMC7788536.
Six author or less: Özcan NN, Özçam G, Koșar P, Özcan A, Bașar H, Kaymak Ç. Correlation of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and clinical outcome in acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Braz J Anesthesiol. 2016; 66(5): 529-32. doi: 10.1016/j. bjane.2014.05.006

For the book;
Author(s) surname(s) and first letter(s) of name(s), chapter title, Book title, editor(s) name, edition, city, publisher, date, and pages.
In Turkish: Sözen TH. Bruselloz. Topçu AW, Söyletir G, Doğanay M, editörler. İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları ve Mikrobiyoloji. Cilt 1. Sistemlere Göre İnfeksiyonlar.1. Baskı, İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 2002.s.636-42
For books published in a foreign language: Philips SJ, Whistant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM; eds. Hypertension: Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Pr;1995.p.466-78

For books where the author and editor are the same;
Author(s)/editor's surname(s) and initial(s) of name(s), chapter title, editor(s) name, book title, edition, city, publisher, date, and pages should be stated.

In Turkish: Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V. Önemlilik testleri. Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V, editörler. Biyoistatik. 8. Baskı. Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınevi;1998.s.76-156.

For books published in a foreign language: Solcia E, Capella C, Kloppel G. Tumors of the exocrine pancreas. In: Solcia E, Capella C, Kloppel G, eds. Tumors of the Pancreas.2nd ed.Washington: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. 1997.p.145-210.

For congress papers:
Ozsoy MH, Koca G, Dincel E, Yigit H, Fakioglu O, Cavusoglu AT, Sakaogullari A, Korkmaz M. “Surgery and Adjuvant Yttrium-90 Radiosynovectomy in The Treatment of Diffuse Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis (DPVNS) of The Knee”5 th Meeting of the European Federation of Associations of Orthopaedic Sports Traumatology (EFOST); 67pp, November 26-30, 2008, Antalya, Turkiye

For theses:
Karaca G. Kolon Anastomozlannda, Harmonic Scalpel, Bisturi ve Monopolar Elektrokoter Kullanılarak Yapılan Rezeksiyon Sonrası Anastomozlarda, Bu Araçların Anastomoz Sağlığı ve İyileșmesi Üzerine Etkileri. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Ankara Eğitim ve Araștırma Hastanesi, Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara, Turkiye, 2010.

For articles published online:
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis (serial online) 1995 Jan-Mar (cited 1996 June 5): 1(1): (24 screens). Available from: URL: http:/ Erișim tarihi: 25.09.2018 (Accessed September 25,2018

For books published online:
Musculoskeletal MRI Atlas. Available at: http ://www. gla. gov/mriatlas/Index.html. Erișim tarihi 25.09.2018. (Accessed September 25, 2018.)


The Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital
Address: Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Hacettepe Mah. Ulucanlar Cad. No: 89 06230 Altındağ, Ankara, TURKIYE
Phone: +90 312 595 3069
Fax: +90 312 363 3396


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital publishes papers conforming ethical and scientific standards. The ethical, scientific and legal responsibilities of the articles published in the journal belong to the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of the editorial board members.

The journal pays regard to the highest ethical and scientific standards and the absence of commercial concerns among the articles. This framework does not include any commercial product advertisements. The editors and editorial board do not give any guarantees and take no responsibility for the features and explanations of the commercial products included in the published articles.

Papers submitted for publication must not have been previously published elsewhere or submitted for publication. Direct quotations, tables, or illustrations that have appeared in copyrighted material must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the copyright owner and authors.
All articles are subject to review by the editor and two or more referees if they are convenient to stylistic rules and published following the revisions made by the authors if needed.

Ethics Committee Approval should be obtained for all prospective and retrospective studies, including experimental animal studies, and for other studies that require ethics committee approval in accordance with the current legislation, and in the “MATERIAL AND METHOD” section of the article, the institution, approval number and date of receipt of the Ethics Committee Approval (day-month-year) should be specified.

The Journal adheres to the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration ( post/wma-declarationof- helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/) and holds that all reported research involving ‘Human beings’ conducted by following such principles. Reports describing data obtained from research conducted on human participants must contain a statement in the “Material and Methods” section indicating approval by the ethical review board and affirmation that “Informed Consent” was obtained from each participant.

All papers reporting experiments using animals must include a statement in the “Material and Methods” section giving assurance that all animals have received humane care in compliance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals ( and indicate approval by the animal experiment ethical review board.

Case reports should be accompanied by “Informed Consent” whether the identity of the patient is disclosed or not. It is the author's responsibility to obtain and present consent to the authorities if requested by following the Personal Data Preservation code.

If the proposed publication has a commercial interest or a funder directly or indirectly, the author must include in the cover letter a statement indicating that the author(s) has (have) no financial or other interest in the product or explain the nature of any relation (including consultancies) between the author(s) and the manufacturer or distributor of the product. It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets ethical criteria.


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital implements a zero-tolerance policy against plagiarism. As a result of this policy, all manuscripts submitted to the journal should be scanned by a licensed application (iThenticate or Turnitin) and the similarity report should be uploaded to the system together with the article files. Acceptable similarity rate should below 20%. Articles with a higher similarity rate than accepted will be rejected without being evaluated. 


Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital provides open access for academic publications.
The journal provides free access to the full texts of all articles immediately upon publication. The journal gives permission to all users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
The journal does not request any charges for article processing or article submission.

There is no charge for readers to download journal contents for their own scholarly use.
The journal is free to all at any time. To provide this the journal relies on physical resources of Ankara Training and Research Hospital and the free online article evaluation system and online publishing opportunities of DERGİPARK scientific journals publication platform, the voluntary work of the editorial team and advisory board, and the continuing support of the network of peer reviewers.


Articles published in Medical Journal Ankara Training and Research Hospital are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial-Share with Same License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) International License and are allowed to be shared in accordance with the license terms. All copyrights belong to the publisher of the journal. However, articles published in the journal may be used, copied, reproduced and adapted, provided that they are non-commercial, attribution appropriately, and in compliance with the licensing conditions stated above. The opinions and suggestions contained in the published studies are entirely the responsibility of the authors. No copyright fee is paid for articles published in the journal.
Authors should fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form" and send it together with the manuscript. Manuscripts submitted without a Copyright Transfer Form will not be evaluated.

Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital provides open access for academic publications.
The journal provides free access to the full texts of all articles immediately upon publication. The journal gives permission to all users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
The journal does not request any charges for article processing or article submission.

There is no charge for readers to download journal contents for their own scholarly use.
The journal is free to all at any time. To provide this the journal relies on physical resources of Ankara Training and Research Hospital and the free online article evaluation system and online publishing opportunities of DERGİPARK scientific journals publication platform, the voluntary work of the editorial team and advisory board, and the continuing support of the network of peer reviewers.