Ahi Evran Medical Journal makes double-blind peer-reviewed reviews. During the process, the identities of both the referee and the author/authors are hidden from each other.
The editor in chief and/or section editors of the Journal may decide on the publishability of the study and the article may be rejected at the beginning.
Studies sent to Ahi Evran Medical Journal should be prepared in accordance with the spelling rules and in a way that does not reveal the identities of the author(s). The publications sent by the author are checked according to the journal writing rules. In addition, if the author/authors have information, the secretariat is requested to correct this information.
After the desired corrections, the field editor is assigned to the studies controlled by the statistics editor. An invitation is sent to the referees about the publications by the field editor. In case there are different opinions between the decisions of the referees regarding the publishability of the study, it is decided by the opinion of a third referee. Referee evaluations are shared with the author in accordance with the blindness system. The opinions, suggestions and corrections of the referee or referees are sent to the author in accordance with the double-blind system, and the corrections from the author are checked by the relevant editor. The editor informs the author of the absolute decision regarding the publication or rejection of the work after evaluation.
The studies sent to the journal are evaluated within 7 days at the latest and the author is informed. Studies that pass spelling and grammar control during the pre-control process are directed to referee evaluation by statistics and editor. The time given to the referees for evaluation is 3 weeks.
In a normal process, it takes an average of 6 months for a study to be accepted. The Referee Evaluation process takes place in accordance with the following algorithm.
The referee revisions mentioned in the algorithm below are minor revisions. If any of the referees has made a major revision decision for an article that has gone to peer-review, the editors examine the situation in detail in terms of the degree and applicability of the criticism/revisions, and if necessary, they can make a rejection decision at this step.
Last Control for corrections are checked by techinical secretary.