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Anadolu Miyosen Dönem Bovidlerinin Paleobiyocoğrafyası ve Paleoekolojisinin Değerlendirmesi

Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 87 - 102, 29.03.2020


Miyosen döneme tarihlendirilen
Anadolu’da 22, Yunanistan’da 30 ve İran’da 2 formasyondan ele geçen bovidlere
ait taksonomik bilgiler
ve paleoekolojik dinamiklerle birlikte bu çalışmada
analiz edilmiştir. Anadolu-İran-Yunanistan provinsindeki
lokalitelerde ortak bulunan sekiz farklı bovid (
Gazella cf.  capricornis, Gazella
sp., Miotragoceros sp.,Oioceros rothi, Palaeoreas sp., Prostrepsiceros houtumschindleri,
Prostrepsiceros rotundicornis
ve Tragoportax amalthea) bu bölgeler
arasında büyük ölçüde paleoekolojik ve paleobiyocoğrafik benzerlikler
bulunduğunu göstermektedir. Aynı zamanda bu türlerin Anadolu’nun kıtalar arası
geçişte bir köprü görevini gördüğü ve bunun sonucunda da söz konusu
Anadolu’da Avrupa’da temsil
edildikleri seviyelerden daha yukarı seviyelerde olduğu
Vallesian döneme kadar sınırlı sayıda bovid ailesine ait cins ve türler
mevcutken, Geç Vallesian ve Erken Turolian ile birlikte bir artış söz
konusudur. Birçok bovid türünün açık otlak habitatlara daha iyi adapte olması Geç
Miyosen dönemde bovidlerin hızlı bir şekilde çeşitlenmesine ve
  yetmiş yeni cinsin evrilmesine yol açmıştır. Anadolu’da
bovid cinslerinin ve türlerinin adapte olduğu paleoçevre koşulları dikkate
alınırsa, yer yer nemli ve yer yer kurak karakterdeki subtropik orman örtüsünün
yanında yazın yeşil savanaların ve bazen de tamamen kuruyan step otlaklıkların
yaygın olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Geç Miyosen dönemde ise daha çok açık savana-mozaik
tipi ekolojik ortamın yaygın olduğu bir coğrafya söz konusudur.
Ancak bu dönem İran-Anadolu-Yunanistan
biyoprovensinin düşünülenin aksine daha kompleks bir yapıya sahip olduğuna
işaret etmektedir.


  • Agusti, J., and L. Wenderlin, eds. (1995). Influence of Climate on Faunal Evolution in the Quaternary. Acta Zoologica Cracowiensa, no. 38. Krakow: Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals.
  • Agusti, J., Anton, M. (2002). Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids. Columbia University Press.
  • Akgün F., Akay E., Erdogan B. (2002). “Tertiary terrestrial to shallow marine deposition in Central Anatolia: A palynological approach”. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11(2), 127-160.
  • Atalay, Z. (1980). Muğla-Yatağan ve yakın dolayı karasal Neojeninin stratigrafi araştırması. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, C. 23, 93-99.
  • Bibi, F. and Güleç, E.S. (2008). Bovidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene of Sivas, Turkey. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28: 501–519.
  • Bouvrain, G., de Bonis, L. (2007). Ruminants (Mammalia, Artiodactyla: Tragulidae, Cervidae, Bovidae) des gisements du Miocène supérieur (Turolien) de Dytiko (Grèce). Annales de Paléontologie 93, 121–147.
  • Cerling, T. E., J. R. Harris., B. J. Macfadden., M. G. Leakey., J. Quade., V. Eisenmann., J. R. Ehleringer. (1997). Global Vegetation Change Through The Miocene/Pliocene Boundary, Nature 389, 153–58.
  • Colbert, E. H., Moralles M.(1991). Evolution of the Vertebrates, Wiley-Liss, New York.
  • Dam, J.A. van, Alcalá, L., Alonso Zarza, A., Calvo, J.P., Garcés, M. and Krijgsman, W. (2001). "The Upper Miocene mammal record from the Teruel–Alfambra region (Spain). The MN system and continental stage/age concepts discussed." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(2), 367–385.
  • Demirsoy, A. (2002). Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası, Meteksan, Ankara.
  • Harvey Pough, F.,Janis C.M., Heiser J.B. (2014). Omurgalı Yaşamı-Vertebrata Life, Çev.Ed. Mustafa Sözen. Nonel Akademi Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Fortelius, M., Eronen, J., Jernvall, J., Liu, LP., Pushkina, D., Et Al. (2002). Fossil Mammals Resolve Regional Patterns Of Eurasian Climate Change Over 20 Million Years, Evol. Ecol, Res. 4, 1005–16
  • Fortelius, M., Eronen, T. J, Kaya, F., Tang, H., Raia, P., and Puolamaki, K. (2014). “Evolution of Neogene Mammals in Eurasia: Environmental Forcing and Biotic Interactions”. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 42, 579–604.
  • Gentry, A.W. (1990). “Ruminant artiodactyls of Paşalar, Turkey”, Journal of Human Evolution 19, 529-550
  • Gentry, A. W., G. E. (1992). Rössner, and E. P. J. Heizmann. “Suborder Ruminantia.” In G. E. Rossner and K. Heissig, eds., The Miocene Land Mammals of Europe. Munich: Pfeil.
  • Gentry, A. W. (2004). Ruminantia (Artiodactyla) in: M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Sen, R.L. Bernor (eds.), Geology And Paleontology of The Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey, Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Geraads, D. (2003). Ruminants, other than Giraffidae from the Middle Miocene Hominoid locality of Çandır (Turkey), Cour.Forsch.-Inst.Senckerberg, 240, Frankfurt.
  • Geraads, D. (2013). Large Mammals from the Late Miocene of Çorakyerler, Çankırı, Turkey, Acta zoologıca Bulgarıca, 65 (3), 381-390.
  • Geraads, D. (2017). Late Miocene large mammals from Mahmutgazi, Denizli province, Western Turkey. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 284(3), 241–257
  • Karakütük, S. Kostopoulos, D. S. (2015). Late Miocene bovids from Şerefköy-2 SW Turkey and their position within the sub-Paratethyan. Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 60 (1), 49–66.
  • Kaya, F. (2017). Anadolu'nun Neojen Dönem Memeli Paleobiyocoğrafyası ve Paleoekolojisi. Kebikec: Insan Bilimleri Icin Kaynak Arastirmali Dergisi. 43, 157-176.
  • Kaya, T. (2009). Batı (Denizli, Muğla) ve İç Anadolu'da (Kütahya) Yeni Bulunan Memeli Fosil Yatakları Üzerinde Ön Çalışma, İzmir: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu 32-41.
  • Kayseri-Özer M. S., Sözbilir H., Akgün F. (2014). “Miocene palynoflora of the Kocaçay and Cumaovası basins: a contribution to the synthesis of Miocene palynology, palaeoclimate, and palaeovegetation in western Turkey”. Turkish J Earth Sci 23, 233–259.
  • Kostopoulos, D. K. (2005). The Bovidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene of Akkasdagi, Turkey. Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdagi, late Miocene of Central Anatolia, Geodiversitas 27, 747-791.
  • Kostopoulos, D.S. (2009). The Late Miocene Mammal Faunas of the Mytilinii Basin, Samos Island, Greece: New Collection. 14. Bovidae. — Beitr. Paläont., 31, 345–389, Wien.
  • Kostopoulos, D. S. and Bernor R. L. (2011). The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphic-zoogeographic interpretation, Geodiversitas 33 (4), 649-708.
  • Kostopoulos D. S. (2016). Palaeontology of the Upper Miocene vertebrate localities of Nikiti (Chalkidiki Peninsula, Macedonia, Greece). Geobios 49 (1-2), 119-134.
  • Kostopoulos, D. S., Şen, Ş. (2016). Suidae, Tragulidae, Giraffidae, and Bovidae in (ed.), Late Miocene mammal locality of Küçükçekmece, European Turkey. Geodiversitas 38 (2), 273- 298
  • Kostopoulos, D. S. ve Soubise, J. (2018). Palaeoreas, Majoreas, and Stryfnotherium gen. nov. (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Bovidae) from the Late Miocene of Greece, Annales de Paléontologie.
  • Koufos, G.D. (2003). Late Miocene mammal events and biostratigraphy in the Eastern Mediterrenean, Distribution and Migration of Tertiary in Eurasia, Deinsea, (10), 343-371
  • Koufos, G.D., Kostopoulus, D.S., Vlachou, T.D. (2005). Neogene/Quaternary mammalian migration in Eastern Mediterrenean, Belg. J. Zool., 135 (2), 181-190.
  • Koufos, G.D., (2006), The Neogene mammal localities of Greece: faunas, chronology and biostratigraphy. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 41(1), 183–214.
  • Mirzaie Ataabadi M., Mohammadalizadeh J., Zhang Z., Watabe M., Kaakinen A. & Fortelius M. (2011). Late Miocene large Mammals from Ivand (Northwestern Iran) Geodiversitas 33 (4), 709-728.
  • Morales, J., L. Ginsburg., D, Soria. (1986). Los Bovoidea (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) Del Mioceno İnferior De Espan˜a, Filogenia Y Biogeografı´A, Paleontologia Evolucio, 20, 259–66.
  • Morgan, M. E., J. D. Kingston., B. D. Marino. (1994). Carbon İsotopic Evidence For The Emergence Of C4 Plants İn The Neogene From Pakistan And Kenya, Nature, 367, 162–65.
  • Okay, A. I. (2008). “Geology of Turkey: A synopsis”. Anschnitt, 21:19-42.
  • Now (2008). Neogene of the Old World Database of Fossil Mammals, (NOW). University of Helsinki.
  • Oruç, S. (2009). Denizli (Yukarısazak) Neojen Memeli Faunasının Bovıdae (Artıodactyla) Fosilleri ve Biyokronolojik, Paleobiyocoğrafik ve Paleoklimatolojik Anlamları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Palcu, D.V., Golovina L.A., Vernyhorova Y.V., Popov S.V., Krijgsman W. (2017). Middle Miocene paleoenvironmental crises in Central Eurasia caused by changes in marine gateway configuration. Global and Planetary Change 158, 57–71
  • Prothero, R. D., Schoch, R. M., (2002). Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: the Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Prothero, R. D., Foss E. S, (2007). Evolution of Artiodactyla, The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Rögl F. (1999). Mediterranean and Paratethys. Facts and hypotheses of an Oligocene to Miocene paleogeography (Short overwiev). Geologica Carpathica 50(4), 339–349.
  • Quade, J., T.E, Cerling., J. R. Bowman. (1989). Development Of Asian Monsoon Revealed By Marked Ecological Shift During The Latest Miocene İn Northern Pakistan, Nature 342, 163–64.
  • Saraç, G., (2003). Türkiye Omurgalı Fosil Yatakları, M.T. A. Rapor No:10609, Ankara.
  • Schmidt-Kittler, N. (1995). International Symposium On Mammalian Biostratigraphy And Palaeoecology Of The European Paleogene. Mu Chner Geowissencheften Abhandlungen, 10, 1–311.
  • Sevim Erol, A., Yavuz, A. Y., Tarhan, E., Mayda, S., Kaya, T. T., Sönmez Sözer, Ç., Mutlu, H. (2016). 2015 Yılı Çorakyerler Kazısı, 38. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1, 479-497.
  • Sickenberg, O., J. D. Becker-Platen., L, Benda., D, Berg., B, Engesser., W, Gaziry., K, Heissig., U, Staesche., P. Steffens., H. Tobien. (1975). Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiars und Altquartars in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie, Geologisches Jahrbuch, B, 15, 1-167, Hannover.
  • Şen, Ş. (1994). Les gisements de mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Kemiklitepe, Turquie. Bulletin du Muséum National d’histoire natürelle.
  • Şen, Ş., (2013). Dispersal of African mammals in Eurasia during the Cenozoic: Ways and whys. Geobios 46, 159-172.
  • Şengör AMC, Yılmaz Y. (1981). Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75, 181-241.
  • Tekkaya, İ. (1974). “Türkiye’de Yeni Bulunan Omurgalı Fosiller ve Fosil Yatakları”, MTA Dergisi, 83, 109-112.
Year 2020, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 87 - 102, 29.03.2020



  • Agusti, J., and L. Wenderlin, eds. (1995). Influence of Climate on Faunal Evolution in the Quaternary. Acta Zoologica Cracowiensa, no. 38. Krakow: Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals.
  • Agusti, J., Anton, M. (2002). Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids. Columbia University Press.
  • Akgün F., Akay E., Erdogan B. (2002). “Tertiary terrestrial to shallow marine deposition in Central Anatolia: A palynological approach”. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 11(2), 127-160.
  • Atalay, Z. (1980). Muğla-Yatağan ve yakın dolayı karasal Neojeninin stratigrafi araştırması. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, C. 23, 93-99.
  • Bibi, F. and Güleç, E.S. (2008). Bovidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene of Sivas, Turkey. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28: 501–519.
  • Bouvrain, G., de Bonis, L. (2007). Ruminants (Mammalia, Artiodactyla: Tragulidae, Cervidae, Bovidae) des gisements du Miocène supérieur (Turolien) de Dytiko (Grèce). Annales de Paléontologie 93, 121–147.
  • Cerling, T. E., J. R. Harris., B. J. Macfadden., M. G. Leakey., J. Quade., V. Eisenmann., J. R. Ehleringer. (1997). Global Vegetation Change Through The Miocene/Pliocene Boundary, Nature 389, 153–58.
  • Colbert, E. H., Moralles M.(1991). Evolution of the Vertebrates, Wiley-Liss, New York.
  • Dam, J.A. van, Alcalá, L., Alonso Zarza, A., Calvo, J.P., Garcés, M. and Krijgsman, W. (2001). "The Upper Miocene mammal record from the Teruel–Alfambra region (Spain). The MN system and continental stage/age concepts discussed." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(2), 367–385.
  • Demirsoy, A. (2002). Genel Zoocoğrafya ve Türkiye Zoocoğrafyası, Meteksan, Ankara.
  • Harvey Pough, F.,Janis C.M., Heiser J.B. (2014). Omurgalı Yaşamı-Vertebrata Life, Çev.Ed. Mustafa Sözen. Nonel Akademi Yayıncılık. Ankara.
  • Fortelius, M., Eronen, J., Jernvall, J., Liu, LP., Pushkina, D., Et Al. (2002). Fossil Mammals Resolve Regional Patterns Of Eurasian Climate Change Over 20 Million Years, Evol. Ecol, Res. 4, 1005–16
  • Fortelius, M., Eronen, T. J, Kaya, F., Tang, H., Raia, P., and Puolamaki, K. (2014). “Evolution of Neogene Mammals in Eurasia: Environmental Forcing and Biotic Interactions”. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 42, 579–604.
  • Gentry, A.W. (1990). “Ruminant artiodactyls of Paşalar, Turkey”, Journal of Human Evolution 19, 529-550
  • Gentry, A. W., G. E. (1992). Rössner, and E. P. J. Heizmann. “Suborder Ruminantia.” In G. E. Rossner and K. Heissig, eds., The Miocene Land Mammals of Europe. Munich: Pfeil.
  • Gentry, A. W. (2004). Ruminantia (Artiodactyla) in: M. Fortelius, J. Kappelman, S. Sen, R.L. Bernor (eds.), Geology And Paleontology of The Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey, Columbia University Press, New York.
  • Geraads, D. (2003). Ruminants, other than Giraffidae from the Middle Miocene Hominoid locality of Çandır (Turkey), Cour.Forsch.-Inst.Senckerberg, 240, Frankfurt.
  • Geraads, D. (2013). Large Mammals from the Late Miocene of Çorakyerler, Çankırı, Turkey, Acta zoologıca Bulgarıca, 65 (3), 381-390.
  • Geraads, D. (2017). Late Miocene large mammals from Mahmutgazi, Denizli province, Western Turkey. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 284(3), 241–257
  • Karakütük, S. Kostopoulos, D. S. (2015). Late Miocene bovids from Şerefköy-2 SW Turkey and their position within the sub-Paratethyan. Acta Palaeontol. Pol. 60 (1), 49–66.
  • Kaya, F. (2017). Anadolu'nun Neojen Dönem Memeli Paleobiyocoğrafyası ve Paleoekolojisi. Kebikec: Insan Bilimleri Icin Kaynak Arastirmali Dergisi. 43, 157-176.
  • Kaya, T. (2009). Batı (Denizli, Muğla) ve İç Anadolu'da (Kütahya) Yeni Bulunan Memeli Fosil Yatakları Üzerinde Ön Çalışma, İzmir: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu 32-41.
  • Kayseri-Özer M. S., Sözbilir H., Akgün F. (2014). “Miocene palynoflora of the Kocaçay and Cumaovası basins: a contribution to the synthesis of Miocene palynology, palaeoclimate, and palaeovegetation in western Turkey”. Turkish J Earth Sci 23, 233–259.
  • Kostopoulos, D. K. (2005). The Bovidae (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the late Miocene of Akkasdagi, Turkey. Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdagi, late Miocene of Central Anatolia, Geodiversitas 27, 747-791.
  • Kostopoulos, D.S. (2009). The Late Miocene Mammal Faunas of the Mytilinii Basin, Samos Island, Greece: New Collection. 14. Bovidae. — Beitr. Paläont., 31, 345–389, Wien.
  • Kostopoulos, D. S. and Bernor R. L. (2011). The Maragheh bovids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): systematic revision and biostratigraphic-zoogeographic interpretation, Geodiversitas 33 (4), 649-708.
  • Kostopoulos D. S. (2016). Palaeontology of the Upper Miocene vertebrate localities of Nikiti (Chalkidiki Peninsula, Macedonia, Greece). Geobios 49 (1-2), 119-134.
  • Kostopoulos, D. S., Şen, Ş. (2016). Suidae, Tragulidae, Giraffidae, and Bovidae in (ed.), Late Miocene mammal locality of Küçükçekmece, European Turkey. Geodiversitas 38 (2), 273- 298
  • Kostopoulos, D. S. ve Soubise, J. (2018). Palaeoreas, Majoreas, and Stryfnotherium gen. nov. (Mammalia: Artiodactyla: Bovidae) from the Late Miocene of Greece, Annales de Paléontologie.
  • Koufos, G.D. (2003). Late Miocene mammal events and biostratigraphy in the Eastern Mediterrenean, Distribution and Migration of Tertiary in Eurasia, Deinsea, (10), 343-371
  • Koufos, G.D., Kostopoulus, D.S., Vlachou, T.D. (2005). Neogene/Quaternary mammalian migration in Eastern Mediterrenean, Belg. J. Zool., 135 (2), 181-190.
  • Koufos, G.D., (2006), The Neogene mammal localities of Greece: faunas, chronology and biostratigraphy. Hellenic Journal of Geosciences, 41(1), 183–214.
  • Mirzaie Ataabadi M., Mohammadalizadeh J., Zhang Z., Watabe M., Kaakinen A. & Fortelius M. (2011). Late Miocene large Mammals from Ivand (Northwestern Iran) Geodiversitas 33 (4), 709-728.
  • Morales, J., L. Ginsburg., D, Soria. (1986). Los Bovoidea (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) Del Mioceno İnferior De Espan˜a, Filogenia Y Biogeografı´A, Paleontologia Evolucio, 20, 259–66.
  • Morgan, M. E., J. D. Kingston., B. D. Marino. (1994). Carbon İsotopic Evidence For The Emergence Of C4 Plants İn The Neogene From Pakistan And Kenya, Nature, 367, 162–65.
  • Okay, A. I. (2008). “Geology of Turkey: A synopsis”. Anschnitt, 21:19-42.
  • Now (2008). Neogene of the Old World Database of Fossil Mammals, (NOW). University of Helsinki.
  • Oruç, S. (2009). Denizli (Yukarısazak) Neojen Memeli Faunasının Bovıdae (Artıodactyla) Fosilleri ve Biyokronolojik, Paleobiyocoğrafik ve Paleoklimatolojik Anlamları, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Palcu, D.V., Golovina L.A., Vernyhorova Y.V., Popov S.V., Krijgsman W. (2017). Middle Miocene paleoenvironmental crises in Central Eurasia caused by changes in marine gateway configuration. Global and Planetary Change 158, 57–71
  • Prothero, R. D., Schoch, R. M., (2002). Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: the Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Prothero, R. D., Foss E. S, (2007). Evolution of Artiodactyla, The John Hopkins University Press.
  • Rögl F. (1999). Mediterranean and Paratethys. Facts and hypotheses of an Oligocene to Miocene paleogeography (Short overwiev). Geologica Carpathica 50(4), 339–349.
  • Quade, J., T.E, Cerling., J. R. Bowman. (1989). Development Of Asian Monsoon Revealed By Marked Ecological Shift During The Latest Miocene İn Northern Pakistan, Nature 342, 163–64.
  • Saraç, G., (2003). Türkiye Omurgalı Fosil Yatakları, M.T. A. Rapor No:10609, Ankara.
  • Schmidt-Kittler, N. (1995). International Symposium On Mammalian Biostratigraphy And Palaeoecology Of The European Paleogene. Mu Chner Geowissencheften Abhandlungen, 10, 1–311.
  • Sevim Erol, A., Yavuz, A. Y., Tarhan, E., Mayda, S., Kaya, T. T., Sönmez Sözer, Ç., Mutlu, H. (2016). 2015 Yılı Çorakyerler Kazısı, 38. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, 1, 479-497.
  • Sickenberg, O., J. D. Becker-Platen., L, Benda., D, Berg., B, Engesser., W, Gaziry., K, Heissig., U, Staesche., P. Steffens., H. Tobien. (1975). Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiars und Altquartars in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie, Geologisches Jahrbuch, B, 15, 1-167, Hannover.
  • Şen, Ş. (1994). Les gisements de mammifères du Miocène supérieur de Kemiklitepe, Turquie. Bulletin du Muséum National d’histoire natürelle.
  • Şen, Ş., (2013). Dispersal of African mammals in Eurasia during the Cenozoic: Ways and whys. Geobios 46, 159-172.
  • Şengör AMC, Yılmaz Y. (1981). Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach. Tectonophysics 75, 181-241.
  • Tekkaya, İ. (1974). “Türkiye’de Yeni Bulunan Omurgalı Fosiller ve Fosil Yatakları”, MTA Dergisi, 83, 109-112.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Ali Taş 0000-0002-2066-6075

Ahmet Cem Erkman 0000-0003-3382-1019

Publication Date March 29, 2020
Submission Date August 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Taş, A., & Erkman, A. C. (2020). Anadolu Miyosen Dönem Bovidlerinin Paleobiyocoğrafyası ve Paleoekolojisinin Değerlendirmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 87-102.