Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 10/31/23

Year: 2023

Research Article

Case Report

Sistematik Derleme


Genel Cerrahi, Sağlık Bilimleri
Asst. Prof. Dr. Yunus Emre EKŞİ Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Tıbbi Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı 0000-0002-2148-4791
Epigenetik , Gen Haritalaması, Sitogenetik, Tıbbi Genetik (Kanser Genetiği hariç)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Orhan BEGER Gaziantep Üniversitesi
Tıbbi Biyokimya ve Metabolomik, Tıbbi Fizyoloji, Egzersiz Fizyolojisi, Veteriner Anatomi ve Fizyoloji
Asst. Prof. Dr. Seçil Nazife PARLAK AĞRI İBRAHİM ÇEÇEN ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-9577-986X
Histoloji ve Embriyoloji, Veteriner Histoloji ve Embriyolojisi
Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji
Tıbbi Biyokimya ve Metabolomik
Acil Tıp
Specialist İbrahim İLİK SBÜ Van Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
Radyoloji ve Organ Görüntüleme
Aile Hekimliği
Asst. Prof. Dr. Funda EKİMCİ DENİZ Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 0000-0002-8308-5024
Aile Hekimliği
Klinik Farmakoloji ve Terapötikler, Temel Farmakoloji, Tıbbi Farmakoloji, Tıbbi Mikrobiyoloji (Diğer)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan BEGER VAN YÜZÜNCÜ YIL ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0002-1565-8062
Sağlık Bilimleri
Genel Cerrahi
Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum
Sağlık Bilimleri
Sağlık Bilimleri
Prof. Dr. Sıddık KESKİN Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 0000-0001-9355-6558
Biyoistatistik, İstatistiksel Deney Tasarımı, Uygulamalı İstatistik, Hayvansal Üretim, Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Hayvanlar

Our primary goal in establishing the Ağrı Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi (Ağrı Medical Journal; Ağrı Med J) is to create an easily accessible publication that complies with scientific standards, contains high quality and up-to-date publications with high scientific value. After reaching the goals we have set for our country, we aim to increase the visibility and usability of the Journal of the Faculty of Medicine all over the world, without compromising our primary goal.

Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J) is a scientific journal to be established as the official publication of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Faculty of Medicine.

Ağrı Medical Journal aims to publish clinical and experimental research articles, case reports, review articles, technical notes and letters to the editor prepared in accordance with all ethical guidelines in medical sciences (basic medicine, internal medicine and surgical medicine).

The official publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

Ağrı Medical Journal will be published 3 times a year (February, June and October) and within the planned month of publication.

Ağrı Medical Journal will be an open access and online publication based on the principle of independent double-blind referees. It aims to contribute to the medical literature by publishing original publications that have not been published or sent for publication elsewhere.

Ağrı Medical Journal will be published in accordance with the 'Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing'.

Editorial and publication processes of the Ağrı Medical Journal will be formed in accordance with the limitations of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), Council of Science Editors (ICMJE) Editors) (CSE), Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), European Association of Science Editors (EASE) and National Information Standards Organization (NISO).

General Information

Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J) is published in Turkish or English by Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Faculty of Medicine. It only accepts online applications made through DergiPark and does not charge any application or processing fee.

Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J) will be published 3 times a year (February, June and October) and within the planned month of publication.

Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J) accepts clinical and research articles, review articles, case reports, letters to the editor, original articles on the historical development of diseases and medicine, and ethical problems produced from the subjects of medical sciences (basic sciences, internal sciences and surgical sciences).

The main feature sought in the evaluation process in the process of being accepted to the Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J) is 'contribution to the scientific literature and originality'.

All authors must have scientific contributions in the manuscripts sent to the Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J). Names designated as authors must plan or do the work or write or revise the manuscript. In addition, all authors must accept the final version of the article.

The medical and ethical responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors; copyrights belong to the Ağrı Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J). The authors are responsible for all texts, figures and resources in the content of the article; It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the copyright permissions of the figures, tables or other images used. The authors will be responsible for the claims to be made to the journal due to the issues mentioned. If any financial or material support was received in the study, the type of relationship should be clearly stated by the authors (consultant, other agreements). In addition, if there is a relationship with any commercial product, drug, pharmaceutical company, this should be clearly stated. If no support or relationship is available, this should also be clearly stated at the time of application and on the title page.

The authors are responsible for the data, ideas and statements in the published articles, and the editors, editorial board, publisher and 'Agri Medical Journal (Ağrı Med J)' do not accept any responsibility in these matters.

All articles must be submitted with the Copyright Transfer Form. This form must be signed by all authors in the order of their names on the title page. By signing this form, the authors will declare that the article and data have not been sent or published elsewhere before, that the authors have scientifically contributed to the article and they accept their responsibilities. Articles that are not uploaded together with the Copyright Transfer Form will not be evaluated.

Format of Articles

Manuscripts should be written in “MS Word” program format, in “Times New Roman 12-point” font, double-spaced and justified on both sides. The page layout should be A4 page size, indented 2.5 cm from the top, bottom, right and left.

Articles should be written in clear, short and fluent Turkish or English, and spelling rules should be followed.

In the text file to which the articles sent in Turkish are sent, respectively: Turkish title, Turkish keywords, English title, English keywords, texts of the article, references, tables with one table on each page and subtitles of figures (if any) on the last page.

In the text file to which the articles sent in English are sent, respectively: English title, English keywords, Turkish title, Turkish keywords, texts of the article, references, tables with one table on each page, and subtitles of figures (if any) on the last page.

In your text file, the names of the authors and information about the institutions, figures and pictures used in the article should not be.

Title Page

The title page should be uploaded as a separate document in the "MS Word" program format for all article types during the article upload process.

The title page should contain the main title of the article, the short title, the names and institutions of the authors who contributed to the article, and the information should be given in the following order:

• Article Title (in Turkish and English, without any abbreviations and explanatory)
• Short title of the article
• Full names and institutions of all authors
• ORCID ID numbers of all authors
• Corresponding author's name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number
• The place and date of the scientific meeting, if any, at which the study was presented.
• Indication of any financial support for the study or if there is a conflict of interest between the authors.

Structure of Articles

For Scientific Research Articles

Scientific research articles include clinical research involving clinical observations, new techniques or laboratory studies.

Scientific research articles should consist of titles, abstracts, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion, limitations and suggestions of the study, results, references, tables/figures/pictures and acknowledgments.

Title, abstract and keywords sections should be prepared in both Turkish and English.


The abstract should be written in Turkish and English, limited to 250 words. References should not be included in this section. Abbreviations should be used as little as possible.

For scientific research articles, the abstract should include the following titles.

•Aim: The purpose of the study should be clearly stated.

• Material and Method: The study should be described, whether the study was randomized, prospective or retrospective, and the statistical methods used should be stated.

• Results: Detailed results of the study should be given and statistical significance levels should be stated.

• Conclusion: It should include a brief summary of the study and the meaning of the results.

• Keywords: At least 3 and at most 6 keywords should be given after the abstract.

• English keywords must be compatible with “Medical Subject Headings [MESH]” (https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search).

• Turkish keywords should be selected from the direct translation of MESH terms and from Turkey Bilim Terimleri (https://www.bilimterimleri.com/).

Main Text

• Introduction: It should briefly explain the subject and the purpose of the study should be stated with the support of the literature.
• Material and Method: The study plan should be clearly described. It should include whether the study was randomized, retrospective or prospective, the number and characteristics of the experiment/subjects, and the statistical method used. Inclusion and exclusion criteria should be specified.
• Results: Findings obtained in the study should be given in tables and figures, results should be presented with statistical evaluation methods.
• Discussion: The results should be discussed and compared with the literature. The result of the study should be specified.
• Limitations and Suggestions of the Study: The difficulties encountered during the study design and maturation of the study should be clearly stated. In addition, suggestions should be presented for the study to be carried out or developed by different researchers.
• Conclusions: The data obtained from the study should be exhibited avoiding repetitions and emphasizing what contributions they made to the medical literature.
• References: For detailed information about the use and arrangement of the sources, please see the “Bibliography” heading.
• Acknowledgment: It should include any technical, financial support or regulatory contribution (statistical analysis, Turkish/English evaluation) for the study.
• Conflict of Interest: Authors are required to state any relationship or circumstance that could have a direct or potential impact on the work or cause bias. If not, it should be stated by writing “the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest”.
• Author(s) Contribution Form: It should be stated at what stage the authors named in the study contributed to the article.

For Case Presentations

Case presentations should include cases that are rare, difficult to diagnose and treat, or add to current medical knowledge.

The first page should contain Turkish title, Turkish summary not exceeding 200 words, Turkish keywords and English title, English abstract and English keywords.

The main text should consist of introduction, case presentation, discussion and references. The bibliography section of the case reports should be written according to the article writing rules of the journal.

For Review Articles

Review articles can be about any topic of clinical or laboratory medical sciences and delve into the literature.

Such articles are usually prepared upon the invitation of the editors, but review articles can also be sent to the journal by other authors.

Review authors should have published a large number of national and international articles on the relevant subject.

The first page should contain Turkish and English titles, abstracts and keywords.

All sources must be specified and the number of sources must be no more than 50.

For Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor may include short articles on current developments in medicine and their scientific and social relations, or may ask a question about or contribute to an article previously published in the journal.

Letters to the editor should be arranged without titles and abstracts, not exceeding 1000 words, and contain a maximum of 10 references.

Statistical Analyzes

Statistical analyzes used in the study should be specified in the 'Materials and Methods' section.

The package program or programming language used in the study should be cited and its version should be written.

Instead of the notations p<0.05 or p>0.05, the actual p values of the comparison results should be reported (such as p=0.002; p=0.695).

It should be stated with which tests the assumptions are tested in studies (such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov for normality distribution, Levene test for variance homogeneity test).

If different tests are used for group comparisons in the tables, which p value was obtained as a result of which test should be indicated with a footnote under the table (such as *: Student's t test, **: Mann-Whitney U Test).


yeni.gif( Update: 9 September 2023)

It is the Vancouver style that will be used for both in-text display and the main reference section when writing the reference section. When creating the reference section using the Endnote program, journal names are written in long form in the Vancouver style, and journal names should be shortened accordingly, as per the National Library of Medicine  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/


References should be numbered in the order they appear in the text.

In in-text representation, the reference number should be indicated with a numeric number in normal parenthesis just before the dot at the end of the sentence or with a numeric number in normal parenthesis in the relevant part of the sentence. If there is more than one source, the sources should be separated by putting a comma between them. In consecutive articles, the first and last numbers should be separated by a '-' sign.

For example: ……………… is reported (1).

For example: The faculty of the USC School of Pharmacy is active in many types of research, including Alzheimer's disease mechanisms (1), therapeutics (2), and risk factors (3).

For example: Kalayci et al. (8) in his study……………………….

For example: ……………………… is reported (8,13,18).

For example: ………………… is reported (3,13-16).

If there are six or less authors in the cited article, the names of all authors should be written; When there are seven or more authors, the names of the first three authors should be written, followed by “ve ark.” for Turkish sources and “et al.” for English sources should be used.

In the reference section, the journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with the National Library of Medicine (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/).

If the 'DOI' number of the work used in the bibliography is available, it must be specified at the end of the reference. For manuscripts without a 'DOI' number, the access date and the accessed link should be added to the end of the bibliography.

If the reference is taken from the internet address, the access date and the accessed website should be stated.

Citations from the book should use the format specified [Author AA or Editor AA, ed. The name of the book. Edition number (include only if it is an edition other than the first edition). Publisher name; publication year.]

If the number of editors is 6 or less in the citations made from the book, all editors should be indicated and added to the end (eds). In books with more than 7 editors, only the first 3 editors should be written and added to the end (eds).

When citing a chapter in the book, the specified format should be used [Author(s) of the chapter. Chapter Title. Chapter editor(s), ed(s). The name of the book. Edition number (include only if it is an edition other than the first edition). Publisher name; publication year.]


1. Adams JD Jr. Alzheimer's disease, ceramide, visfatin, and NAD. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2008;7(6):492498. 

2. Irwin RW, Brinton RD. Allopregnanolone as regenerative therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease: translational development and clinical promise. Prog Neurobiol. 2014;113:40-55. 

3. Ridel BC, Thompson PM, Brinton RD. Age, APOE, and sex: Triad of risk of Alzheimer's disease. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2016;160:134-147. 

4. Abdallah WF, Louie SG, Zhang Y, et al. Accelerates Clear Corneal Full Thickness Wound Healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2016;57(4):2187-2194. 

5. Compound Summary for CID 2083: Salbutamol. PubChem Compound Database. Accessed May 10, 2016. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/2083

6. Dorland WAN. Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 31st ed. Saunders Elsevier; 2007.

7. Alldredge BK, Corelli RL, Ernst ME, et al., eds. Koda-Kimble and young's applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs. 10th ed. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2013.

8. Relling MV, Giacomini KM. Pharmacogenomics. In: Brunton LL, Chabner BA, Knollmann BC, eds. Goodman and gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 12th ed. McGraw-Hill; 2011: 145-168.

Table, Figures, Units of Measure, Abbreviations and Symbols

Graphics, figures and tables in the text should be numbered with Arabic numerals. The places of the figures in the text should be specified.


Tables show information effectively and also ensure that information is given at all desired levels of detail.

Presenting information in tables rather than text often shortens the length of the text.

Each table should be presented in a single column or double column on a separate page.

Tables should be numbered according to their order in the text and a short title should be given to each.

Each column should be given a title.

Authors should make explanations in footnotes, not in the title. All non-standard abbreviations should be explained in footnotes.

The following symbols should be used for footnotes, respectively: (*, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡).

Statistical measures of variation, such as standard deviation or standard error, should be specified.

It should be ensured that every table is referenced in the text.

If data from any other published or unpublished source is used, permission should be obtained and they should be fully informed.


Figures must either be professionally drawn and photographed or sent digitally in photographic quality.

In addition to the printable versions of the figures, electronic files should be sent in electronic versions such as JPEG or GIF in formats that will create high resolution images, and the authors should check the image quality of these files on the computer screen before sending them. Figures and images must be JPEG at least 300 dpi.

X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance and other diagnostic imaging, and pathological photomicrographic preparations and specimens should be sent in high quality prints, usually in single or double column sizes. Therefore, the letters, numbers and symbols on the figures should be clear and equal throughout the article and of legible size even when reduced for publication.

Figures should be as self-explanatory as possible. Photomicrographic pathology preparations should contain internal scales.

Symbols, arrows or letters should contrast with the background. If a human photograph is to be used, either these persons should not be recognized from the photograph or written permission must be obtained (see Ethical Issues section).

Figures should be numbered according to their order in the text. If a previously published figure is to be used, permission must be obtained from the individual holding the copyright.

Starting from a separate page for the footnotes of the figures, write the table titles and footnotes for the figures in monospaced and indicating which figure they correspond to with Arabic numerals.

When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the figure, each should be clearly identified in footnotes.

Internal scale and staining technique should be explained in photomicrographic pathology preparations.

Measurement Units

Units of length, weight, and volume should be reported in the metric (meter, kilogram, liter) system and their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be in 'Celsius degrees' and blood pressure should be in 'millimeters of mercury'.
Both local and International System of Units (SI) should be used in measurement units.

Drug concentrations are given in either SI or mass units, alternatively in parentheses.

Abbreviations and Symbols

Only use standard abbreviations, non-standard abbreviations can be very confusing for the reader.

The use of abbreviations in study titles should be avoided.

Unless there is a standard unit of measurement, the long version of the abbreviations should be given in parentheses when first used.

Acknowledgments / Acknowledgment

At the end of the article, after the sources are given. This section includes expressions of thanks to be made for reasons such as personal, technical and material assistance.


1. Title Page

- Article Title (Full Title) (in Turkish and English, without any abbreviations and descriptive of the topic discussed)
- Short Title of the article
- Full names and institutions of all authors
- ORCID numbers of all authors
- Corresponding author's name, address, e-mail address, telephone and fax number
- The place and date of the scientific meeting, if any, at which the study was presented.
- Indication of any financial support for the study or if there is a conflict of interest between the authors.

2. Article page (Manuscript)

- Abstract (Structured and containing keywords for research papers up to 250 words, structured and containing keywords for case presentations up to 150 words)
- Main Text (For research articles, divided into subheadings of introduction, material and method, findings, discussion and resources, including introduction, case report, discussion and references section for case reports)

3. Ethics Committee Consent Form for research articles (containing decision number and date)

4. Informed Consent Form from patient(s) for case presentations

5. If available, the Tables page prepared on a separate page (in a separate MS Word page)

6. Pictures relevant to the subject, if available

7. Copyright Transfer Form

8. Author Contribution Form

Ethical Principles

All clinical studies should be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki (https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-declaration-of-helsinki-ethical-principles-for-medical-research-involving-human-subjects/).

In scientific research articles, it should be declared that the research project has been approved by an ethics committee (date and number of ethics committee) in the "Materials and Methods" section.

Any information and documents containing patient identity should not be used in case reports and articles. An 'informed consent form' should be obtained from the patients whose information will be used, and the information about the consent form should be stated in the 'Materials and Methods' section.

In animal experiments, the study should be carried out in accordance with the ethical regulations specified in the 'Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Manual' (www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html) and the authors should declare that the ethics committee approval has been obtained and the ethics committee date-number in the 'Materials and Methods' section. .

It should be stated in the text that the experimental and clinical drug studies were carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey and the ethics committee approval was obtained.

Authors are responsible for compliance with ethical rules. Ethics Committee Approval Certificate should be uploaded to the system together with the article. In case presentations, the informed consent form should be uploaded to the system together with the case presentation.

The format of the manuscript should comply with the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

Article Evaluation Process

Ağrı Medical Journal does not guarantee article acceptance or very short peer review times.

Articles uploaded to the Ağrı Medical Journal for evaluation are primarily evaluated by the editors (chief editor and section editors).

Editors first evaluate whether the articles are written in accordance with the journal's article writing rules. Articles that are not written in accordance with these rules are excluded from evaluation.

Due to the ethical policy of our journal, since plagiarism is not tolerated, the articles will be evaluated for plagiarism with the iThenticate software after the first evaluation. Articles with a similarity rate of less than 20% will be evaluated.

Articles that pass the first two stages will go through the referee process. Ağrı Medical Journal makes a double-blind peer-review, and the identities of both the referee and the author are hidden from each other during the whole process. In order to facilitate this, authors should ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that does not reveal their identities, and the names of researchers and institutions should not be mentioned in the main text.

Afterwards, three referees are appointed to evaluate the article. Referees are selected from among experts who have publications in the same medical field. Although the referees are asked to declare whether they accept to evaluate the manuscript within 7 days, the referees are given 15 days for evaluation. If an arbitrator does not fulfill his duty as an arbitrator within the first 15 days, an additional 15 days will be given (reminder mail will be sent). If the referee does not fulfill his duty within this period, a new referee will be appointed.

As a result of the referee evaluation, the referees are asked to fill in the referee evaluation form. If any correction is requested by the referees, the authors will be given 15 days to make the necessary corrections. After two referee evaluations, the final decision about the acceptance of the article is made by the editor-in-chief or the section editors. Editors can also appoint a third referee for the evaluation of the article, if needed.

Requests for withdrawal of articles that are in the process of being executed and are at the stage of decision, without a reasonable reason, fall within the scope of 'rejection'.

The articles can also be checked by the statistics editor if needed. All articles written in English will be examined in terms of both language and article writing rules.

In case of need, the editor-in-chief, associate editors, biostatisticians and English language editor can make minor corrections that do not change the original meaning of the accepted article.

Agri Medical Journal is published in Turkish or English by Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Faculty of Medicine. It only accepts online applications made through DergiPark and does not charge any application or processing fee.

Agri Medical Journal is an open access journal that complies with the definition of BOAI (Budapest Open Access Institute). Accordingly, the articles published in the journal via the internet; It can be freely accessed, read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, scanned, linked to full texts, indexed, transferred as data to software and used for any legal purpose, without financial, legal or technical barriers.