Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 14, 107 - 118, 31.12.2020


Araştırma, K-pop hayranlığının Türkiye'deki gençler üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmak için yapılmıştır. Türk gençleri, Kore kültürünü ve müziğini kendi kültürleriyle karşılaştırmaktadır. Genellikle aile içi ilişkiler, cinsiyet algısı, kadına yönelik baskılar gibi konular hem Türk kültüründe hem de Kore kültüründe benzer şekilde bulunmaktadır. Kültürel anlamdaki bu yakınlık duygusu müzik tutkusunu da etkilemektedir. Toplumda geleneksel değerlerin büyük önem taşıdığı Türkiye'de, K-Pop müziğine yüksek düzeyde hayranlığın olduğu ortaya konmuş ve demografik değişkenlerle ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Bu araştırmada yarı yapılandırılmış sorular içeren görüşme formlarını elektronik kanallardan dolduran 287 genç araştırmaya katılmıştır. Veri toplamak amacıyla Reysen & Branscombe (2010) tarafından geliştirilen "Hayranlık Ölçeği" kullanılmıştır. Analiz aşamasında öncelikle veri setinin parametrik testler için gerekli temel kriterleri karşılayıp karşılamadığı incelenip analizler yapılmıştır. Ailenin gelir seviyesi arttıkça K-Pop müziğine duygusal olarak bağlanma, kendini müzikle özdeşleştirme ve hayran olanlarla arkadaş olma arzusu artmaktadır. 20 yaş ve altı katılımcıların Hayranlık Ölçeği ortalamalarının diğer katılımcılardan daha yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların yaşları arttıkça hayranlık ölçeğindeki puanları azalmaktadır. Katılımcıların Hayranlık Ölçeği puan ortalamalarının K-Pop dinleme süresi değişkenine göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını belirlemek için tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) sonucunda anlamlı bir farklılık ortaya çıkmıştır; ortalama puanlar arasında başka bir önemli fark bulunmuştur [F (2-234) = 11,246; p <, 05]. Bu fark, 4-10 yıl ve üzeri K-Pop dinleyenlerin, onu 1 yıldan az dinleyenlere göre daha yüksek seviyede hayranlığa sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • Arvidsson, A. (2015). K-pop: Popular Music, Cultural Amnesia, and Economic Innovation in South Korea. Consumption Markets & Culture, 19 (5), 500-502.
  • Akin, A. and Akin, U. (2017). Does Self-Compassion Predict Spiritual Experiences of Turkish University Students. Journal of Religion & Health, 56, 109-117.
  • Balta, S. K. (2019). Transnational Popular Culture Representative and South Korea as South Korea Series a Study on Array Fans in Turkey, (Master Thesis), (Counselor: Associate Dr. Selin Tuzun Atesalp). İstanbul: Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences Radio-Television and Cinema USA.
  • Binark, M. (2018). K-Pop Phenomenon Political Economy of BTS and EXO's Unbearable Attractiveness. The Journal of Varlık, 42-47.
  • Cho, Y. (2011). Desperately Seeking East Asia Amidst the Popularity of South Korean Pop Culture in Asia. Cultural Studies, 25 (3), 383–404.
  • Cakmak, U. (2016). The Dynamics of South Korean Economic Development (1960-1990), Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 21(1), 151-171.
  • Dumont, M. and Provost, M. (1999). Resilience in Adolescents: Protective Role of Social Support, Coping Strategies, Self-Esteem and Social Activities on Experience of Stress and Depression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 28(3), 343-363.
  • Firat, D. (2017). Counter Flow in Global Aspect: An alternative Popular Culture Arising from Asia. Abant Kulturel Arastirmalar Dergisi (AKAR), 2(3), 67-74.
  • Gorgun Baran, A.; Hazer, O. and Ozturk, S. (2020). “Youth and Digital Age, Hacettepe University Youth Research and Practices Center Report”, xmlui/handle/11655/22283?locale-attribute=en the date of access was accessed on 08.10.2020.
  • Han, B. (2017). K-pop in Latin America: Transcultural Fandom and Digital Mediation. International Journal of Communication, 11(1), 2250–2269.
  • Hogarth, H. (2013). The Korean Wave: An Asian Reaction to Western-Dominated Globalization. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 12(2), 135-151.
  • Hubinette, T. (2012). The Reception and Consumption of Hallyu in Sweden: Preliminary Findings and Reflections. Korea Observer, 43(3), 503–525.
  • Jin, Y. and Yoon, K. (2016). The Social Mediascape Of Transnational Korean Pop Culture: Hallyu Media Practice. New Media & Society, 18(1), 1277–1292.
  • Jung, S. and Shim, D. (2014). Social Distribution: K-pop Fan Practices in Indonesia and the 'Gangnam Style' Phenomenon. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(5), 485-501.
  • Kaptan, Y. and Tutucu, M. (2019). The East Meets the Middle East: Cultural Proximity, Audience Reception and Korean TV Adaptations. (J. Park and A. Lee). The Rise of K-Dramas: Essays on Korean Television and Its Global Consumption In (p. 221). North Carolina: McFarland Publishing.
  • Khan, M. (2020). The Role and Impact of Television Serials in Transnationalism and Cross-Cultural Communication: a Comparative Analysis of Turkish and Korean Television Serials. (Doctoral Thesis), (Counselor: Prof. Dr. Emine Nilufer Pembecioglu), İstanbul: İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences Radio, Television and Cinema ABD.
  • Kim, M. (2011). The Role of the Government in Cultural Industry, Some Observations from Korea’s Experience. Keio Communication Review, 33, 163-182.
  • Kim, T. Y. and Jin, D. Y. (2016). Cultural Policy in the Korean Wave: an Analysis of Cultural Diplomacy Embedded in Presidential Speeches. International Journal of Communication, 10, 5514–5534.
  • Korean Cultural Center (2020). Official Announcements, Korean Cultural Center on April 12, 2020: Accessed: 9.03.2020,
  • Korea Foundation (2019). Global Korean Wave Status (Europe).
  • Lee, S. Y.; Kim, H. M.; Joo, K. H. and Seo, J. (2013). Fandom as a Prosumer: Study on Information Behavior of Fandom, Digital Convergence Research, 11(12), 747-759.
  • Lee, J. and Jung, H. (2018). A Study on the Longitudinal Change of Adolescent's Participation in Fandom Activity on School Life Adaptation. Korean Youth Research, 29(2), 35-67.
  • Lie, J. (2012). What Is K in K-Pop? South Korean Popular Music, The Cultural industry, and National Identity, Korea Observer, 43(3), 339–363.
  • Lyan, I. and Alon, L. (2015). From Holy Land to ‘Hallyu Land’: The symbolic Journey Following the Korean Wave in Israel. Journal of Fandom Studies, 3(1), 7–21.
  • Madrigal, R. (1995). Cognitive and Affective Determinants of Fan Satisfaction with Sporting Event Attendance. Journal of Leisure Research, 27(3), 205-227.
  • Min, W.; Dal, Y. and Jin, H. B (2018). Transcultural Fandom of the KoreanWave in Latin America: through the Lens of Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space. Media, Culture & Society.
  • Nissim, O. and Lyan, I. (2013). Hallyu across The Desert: K-pop Fandom in Israel and Palestine. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 9(1), 68-89.
  • Orregocarmona, D. and Lee, Y. (2017). Non-Professional Subtitling. (D. Orrego-Carmona & Y. Lee, Eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Reysen, S. and Branscombe, N. (2010). Fandom and Fandom: Comparisons between Sport and Non Sport Fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 33(2), 176-193.
  • Tekin Poyraz, G. and Özkul, A. E. (2019). Examining the Google Class as a Learning Environment. AUAd, 5(3), 8-27.
  • Schulze, M. (2013). Korea, K-Drama and The Culturalization of K-Dramas by International Fans. Acta Koreana, 16(2), 367–397.
  • Seo, M. S. (2013). “Lessons from K-Pops Global Success; Applying K-Pop Success Strategy to Business”, [online] available at the date of access was accessed on 02.09.2020.
  • Umit Çizmeci, E. (2018). Dramas of the Korean Wave in the Contexts of Culture Industry and Cultural Globalization. Usak Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(4), 319-332.
  • Yang, J. D. (2012). The Korean Wave (Hallyu) in East Asia: a Comparison of Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese Audiences Who Watch Korean TV Dramas. Development and Society, 41(1), 103-147.


Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 14, 107 - 118, 31.12.2020


The study was conducted to investigate the effects of K-pop (Korean Pop) fanship on young people in Turkey. Turkish youth compare Korean culture and music to their own culture. Domestic relations, gender perception, pressures against women, exist in both Turkish culture and Korean culture. This sense of closeness has also affected the passion for music. In Turkey, where traditional values are of great importance in the community, the revealed fact of high level of fanship for K-Pop music can be considered as an important contribution of the current study to the relevant scientific field. In this study, 287 young people who filled out interview forms with semi-structured questions via electronic channels, participated in the research. Developed by Reysen & Branscombe (2010) "Fanship Scale" was used. During the analysis phase, we firstly examined whether the data set met the basic criteria required for parametric tests. As the family income level increases, the desire to be emotionally connected to K-Pop music, to identify oneself with music and to be friends with those who are also fans increase respectively. It is also observed that the mean ranks of the Fanship Scale of the participants who are 20 years old and younger are found to be higher than the other participants. It was observed that as the ages of the participants increased, their scores on the admiration scale decreased. As a result of one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine whether the mean scores of the Fanship Scale of the participants differ according to the K-Pop listening time variable, it has been revealed a significant difference; another significant difference has also been found between the mean scores [F (2-234) =11,246; p<,05] of the Fanship Scale. This difference refers to the fact that those who have listened K-Pop 4-10 years or over have a higher levels of fanship than those who have listened to it less than 1 year.


  • Arvidsson, A. (2015). K-pop: Popular Music, Cultural Amnesia, and Economic Innovation in South Korea. Consumption Markets & Culture, 19 (5), 500-502.
  • Akin, A. and Akin, U. (2017). Does Self-Compassion Predict Spiritual Experiences of Turkish University Students. Journal of Religion & Health, 56, 109-117.
  • Balta, S. K. (2019). Transnational Popular Culture Representative and South Korea as South Korea Series a Study on Array Fans in Turkey, (Master Thesis), (Counselor: Associate Dr. Selin Tuzun Atesalp). İstanbul: Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences Radio-Television and Cinema USA.
  • Binark, M. (2018). K-Pop Phenomenon Political Economy of BTS and EXO's Unbearable Attractiveness. The Journal of Varlık, 42-47.
  • Cho, Y. (2011). Desperately Seeking East Asia Amidst the Popularity of South Korean Pop Culture in Asia. Cultural Studies, 25 (3), 383–404.
  • Cakmak, U. (2016). The Dynamics of South Korean Economic Development (1960-1990), Suleyman Demirel University The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, 21(1), 151-171.
  • Dumont, M. and Provost, M. (1999). Resilience in Adolescents: Protective Role of Social Support, Coping Strategies, Self-Esteem and Social Activities on Experience of Stress and Depression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 28(3), 343-363.
  • Firat, D. (2017). Counter Flow in Global Aspect: An alternative Popular Culture Arising from Asia. Abant Kulturel Arastirmalar Dergisi (AKAR), 2(3), 67-74.
  • Gorgun Baran, A.; Hazer, O. and Ozturk, S. (2020). “Youth and Digital Age, Hacettepe University Youth Research and Practices Center Report”, xmlui/handle/11655/22283?locale-attribute=en the date of access was accessed on 08.10.2020.
  • Han, B. (2017). K-pop in Latin America: Transcultural Fandom and Digital Mediation. International Journal of Communication, 11(1), 2250–2269.
  • Hogarth, H. (2013). The Korean Wave: An Asian Reaction to Western-Dominated Globalization. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 12(2), 135-151.
  • Hubinette, T. (2012). The Reception and Consumption of Hallyu in Sweden: Preliminary Findings and Reflections. Korea Observer, 43(3), 503–525.
  • Jin, Y. and Yoon, K. (2016). The Social Mediascape Of Transnational Korean Pop Culture: Hallyu Media Practice. New Media & Society, 18(1), 1277–1292.
  • Jung, S. and Shim, D. (2014). Social Distribution: K-pop Fan Practices in Indonesia and the 'Gangnam Style' Phenomenon. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(5), 485-501.
  • Kaptan, Y. and Tutucu, M. (2019). The East Meets the Middle East: Cultural Proximity, Audience Reception and Korean TV Adaptations. (J. Park and A. Lee). The Rise of K-Dramas: Essays on Korean Television and Its Global Consumption In (p. 221). North Carolina: McFarland Publishing.
  • Khan, M. (2020). The Role and Impact of Television Serials in Transnationalism and Cross-Cultural Communication: a Comparative Analysis of Turkish and Korean Television Serials. (Doctoral Thesis), (Counselor: Prof. Dr. Emine Nilufer Pembecioglu), İstanbul: İstanbul University Institute of Social Sciences Radio, Television and Cinema ABD.
  • Kim, M. (2011). The Role of the Government in Cultural Industry, Some Observations from Korea’s Experience. Keio Communication Review, 33, 163-182.
  • Kim, T. Y. and Jin, D. Y. (2016). Cultural Policy in the Korean Wave: an Analysis of Cultural Diplomacy Embedded in Presidential Speeches. International Journal of Communication, 10, 5514–5534.
  • Korean Cultural Center (2020). Official Announcements, Korean Cultural Center on April 12, 2020: Accessed: 9.03.2020,
  • Korea Foundation (2019). Global Korean Wave Status (Europe).
  • Lee, S. Y.; Kim, H. M.; Joo, K. H. and Seo, J. (2013). Fandom as a Prosumer: Study on Information Behavior of Fandom, Digital Convergence Research, 11(12), 747-759.
  • Lee, J. and Jung, H. (2018). A Study on the Longitudinal Change of Adolescent's Participation in Fandom Activity on School Life Adaptation. Korean Youth Research, 29(2), 35-67.
  • Lie, J. (2012). What Is K in K-Pop? South Korean Popular Music, The Cultural industry, and National Identity, Korea Observer, 43(3), 339–363.
  • Lyan, I. and Alon, L. (2015). From Holy Land to ‘Hallyu Land’: The symbolic Journey Following the Korean Wave in Israel. Journal of Fandom Studies, 3(1), 7–21.
  • Madrigal, R. (1995). Cognitive and Affective Determinants of Fan Satisfaction with Sporting Event Attendance. Journal of Leisure Research, 27(3), 205-227.
  • Min, W.; Dal, Y. and Jin, H. B (2018). Transcultural Fandom of the KoreanWave in Latin America: through the Lens of Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space. Media, Culture & Society.
  • Nissim, O. and Lyan, I. (2013). Hallyu across The Desert: K-pop Fandom in Israel and Palestine. Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, 9(1), 68-89.
  • Orregocarmona, D. and Lee, Y. (2017). Non-Professional Subtitling. (D. Orrego-Carmona & Y. Lee, Eds.). Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Reysen, S. and Branscombe, N. (2010). Fandom and Fandom: Comparisons between Sport and Non Sport Fans. Journal of Sport Behavior, 33(2), 176-193.
  • Tekin Poyraz, G. and Özkul, A. E. (2019). Examining the Google Class as a Learning Environment. AUAd, 5(3), 8-27.
  • Schulze, M. (2013). Korea, K-Drama and The Culturalization of K-Dramas by International Fans. Acta Koreana, 16(2), 367–397.
  • Seo, M. S. (2013). “Lessons from K-Pops Global Success; Applying K-Pop Success Strategy to Business”, [online] available at the date of access was accessed on 02.09.2020.
  • Umit Çizmeci, E. (2018). Dramas of the Korean Wave in the Contexts of Culture Industry and Cultural Globalization. Usak Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 11(4), 319-332.
  • Yang, J. D. (2012). The Korean Wave (Hallyu) in East Asia: a Comparison of Chinese, Japanese and Taiwanese Audiences Who Watch Korean TV Dramas. Development and Society, 41(1), 103-147.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Yalçın

Kamile Mutlu

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Submission Date November 9, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 14


APA Yalçın, H., & Mutlu, K. (2020). EVALUATION OF HALLYU FANSHIP AMONG YOUNGTERS IN TURKEY. Asya Studies, 4(14), 107-118.

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