Current Issue

Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

In the Journal of Aydın Türklük Bilgi, research, examination, criticism and evaluation articles related to Turkish language, literature, historical and contemporary Turkish dialects and Turkish world literature are published in order to be announced to the public. In addition to this, articles on cultural and social problems related to language and literature from other fields of Social Sciences are included.

Aydın Türklük Bilgi Dergisi is an international refereed journal published by Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Turkish Language and Literature twice a year, in spring (April) and Fall (October).

Author’s may send their articles which are prepared in accordance with the below stated publishing and editorial principles, together with the “article presentation form” via e-mail to the provided addresses. Providing the permissions of the authors (the main author or the rightful publishing house) is obligatory for the translated texts and articles as well. The articles which are sent to their authors for further improvement and/or proofreading following the preliminary reviews and referee evaluations, should be edited accordingly and delivered back to the journal in one month at the latest. On the other hand, the articles which are found to be conflicting with this guideline, will be returned to their authors for further proofreading and will not be issued.

Publishing Principles

Aydın Türklük Bilgisi Dergisi (TÜRKLÜK); Research, analysis, criticism and evaluation articles related to Turkish language, literature, historical and contemporary Turkish dialects and Turkish world literature are published in order to be announced to the public, provided that they are authentic. In addition, he publishes scientific works on cultural and social problems related to language and literature from other fields of Social Sciences.

TÜRKLÜK It is a refereed journal published twice a year. Articles with tutorial explanation regarding original theoretical and / or experimental study and fixed reference values are accepted.

TÜRKLÜK editorial board is authorized to accept or not to accept articles with the evaluation of international experts.

General Rules

The language of the articles is Turkish and English
If there is an institution that supports the study, the last word of the article title should be placed on (*) and the information on the same page as the footnote should be given.
Manuscripts should not exceed 12.000 words including bibliography and annexes.
Articles should be organized according to the APA reference system. Please make sure that the references in the text are in the references
The upper limit of plagiarism determined by the editorial board for our journal is 10 percent. The filtering options in the plagiarism detection program are set as follows: -Except for biblical (Bibliography excluded) -except for exclusions (Quotes excluded) -except for text sections with less than 5 words (Limit match size to 5 words) -Other filtering options included in the program menu are included in the report. It is not.

Writing Rules

The articles, which are determined to not comply with the spelling rules in the preliminary examination, are returned to their authors for correction and are not included in the publishing program. The following rules should be taken into consideration in the articles to be sent to our journal:

Main Title: It should be a title that is compatible with the content, expressing it best and should be written in bold letters. The title of the article should be written with the first letter of the words capital and should be between 10-12 words at the most.
Author name (s) and address (s):The name (s) and surname (s) of the author (s) should be written in bold letters and the addresses in italics; The institution (s), communication and e-mail address (s) of the author (s), if any, should be indicated on the first page with a footnote.

Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there should be a Turkish and English “abstract” which expresses the subject briefly and consists of at least 100 and at most 150 words. In the abstract, the resources used, figures and chart numbers should not be mentioned; footnotes should not be used. Keywords with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words should be provided with a blank line under the Turkish and English abstracts. The English title of the article should also be given on the English abstract.

Main Text:A4 page size (29.7 × 21 cm.), MS Word program should be written with Times New Roman font, 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing. Top 3 cm at the edges of the page, bottom 3 cm., Left 3 cm., Right 3 cm. spaces should be left and pages should be numbered. The sections that should be highlighted in the text should be written in italics, not bold or in single quotes. Double highlights such as quotation marks + italics should never be included in the text.

Sections Titles:In the article, intermediate and subtitles can be used to provide a regular information transfer. All intermediate (normal) and subtitles (italic) in the article should be written in 12 font size and only the first letters of the words should be written in capital and bold characters; colons should not be placed at the end of the subtitles and should be continued after a line.

Tables and Figures:Tables should have a number and title, and should be prepared in accordance with black and white printing. Tables and figures should be numbered separately by giving the number of rows. Vertical lines should not be used in the table drawing. Horizontal lines, on the other hand, should be used only to separate the subheadings within the table. The table number is perpendicular to the top, left (normal); The name of the table should be written in italics, with the first letter of each word capitalized. Tables should be where they should be in the text.
Sample: Table 1: Comparative analysis of different approaches.

Figure numbers and names should be written centered just below the figure. The figure number should be written italic, it should end with a dot, and just after the first letter, the figure name should be written perpendicularly.

Pictures:If there are pictures, photographs or special drawings in the text, these documents should be scanned at 300 ppi (300 pixels per inch quality) with a short edge of 10 cm, and all visual materials used in the text should be sent in JPEG format in addition to the article. Images downloaded from the internet must also comply with 10 cm-300 ppi rules. In the naming of images, the rules in figures and charts should be followed. The editorial board may re-request technically problematic or low-quality image files or remove them from the article altogether. The author (s) is responsible for the quality of the images to be used as a source and whether or not they are published.
Pictures and photographs should be prepared in accordance with black and white printing. Visual numbers and names should be written in italics, just below the images. The type and number of the image should be written in italics (Figure 1; Figure 1.), it should be finished with a dot, and the name of the image should be written with a vertical (normal) font, with the first letter only.

Example: Figure 10. Wassily Kandinsky, 'Composition' (Anna-Carola Krausse, 2005: 91).

The number of pages using figures, charts and pictures should not exceed 10, and the area they occupy should not exceed three thirds of the article. Authors with technical possibilities can place figures, charts and pictures in their places in the text, provided that they can be printed exactly. Those who do not have this opportunity can leave the same size space in the text for them, and write the numbers of figures, charts or pictures.

Footnotes:Footnotes should not be used to cite references, footnotes should only be used for additional explanatory information and automatic numbering should be used.

Citations and Submissions / Citations:The author should refer directly or indirectly to all citations made according to the examples below. In cases not mentioned here, the APA 6 format should be used. Direct quotations should be quoted and written in italics.
Footnotes should never be used for submissions. All references should be written in parentheses and as follows.

In general references to work with a single author: (Carter, 2004).

In references to a specific quoted part of the study with a single author: (Bendix, 1997: 17).

In references to two authors: Hacıbekiroğlu and Sürmeli, 1994: 101.

In the publications with more than two authors, only the surname of the first author and “et al.” should be written: (Akalın et al., 1994: 11).

In the bibliography part, other authors of the publications with more than one author should be specified.

If the name of the referred author is given in the text, only the publication date of the source should be written: Gazimihal (1991: 6) indicates “…… ..” in this regard.

In works and manuscripts without a publication date, only the name of the authors should be written: (Hobsbawm)

Encyclopedia, etc. In the works, the name of the source, the volume and page number, if any, should be written: (Meydan Larousse 6, 1994: 18)

Citations from the second source should be written as follows and stated in the sources: As Lepecki stated, “………” (Act. Korkmaz 2004: 176).

Bibliography:At the end of the text, it should be written in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors, as shown in the examples below. References, if an author has more than one publication, should be listed according to the publication date; publications of a writer published in the same year (2004a, 2004b) should be indicated as:
Öztürkmen, A. (1994). Türkiye’de Folklor ve Milliyetçilik, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.

Carter, A. (2004). Dans Tarihini Yeniden Düşünmek, çev: Cansu Şipal, İstanbul: BGST Yayınları.

Sarısözen, M. (1970). Bağlama Metodu, Folklor/Halkbilim (1): 12-16.

Bakka, E. ve Felföldi, L. (2002). Whose Dances, Whose Authenticity? Dance Research (32): 3-18.

Part of Book
Lepecki, A. (2004). Concept and Presence: The Contemporary European Dance Scene. Rethinking Dance History: A Reader, ed. Alexandra Carter, London: Routledge, s: 176-190.

Şahin, M. (2013). Klinik Psikolog Olmak. Klinik Psikoloji, ed. Linden, W. ve Hewitt, P. L. Ankara: Nobel, s: 1-16.

Dehmen, B. (2005). Ulusal ve Küreselin Kesişme Noktasında Halk Danslarına Bir Yaklaşım: Dansın Sultanları, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.

Internet resources
İnternetten elde edilen verilerin kaynakları mutlaka gösterilmeli ve Kaynaklar’da erişim adresi ve erişim tarihi belirtilerek verilmelidir. Erişim adresi olarak kaynağın yer aldığı web sayfasının (ana sayfa) adresi değil, kaynağın görüntülendiği adres verilmelidir. (12.10.2014).

Aksu, G. (2011). Özgür Bir Beden, Özgür Bir Sanat Dalı, Yazında ve Çeviride Beden, Akşit Göktürk’ü Anma Toplantısı (15-17 Mart 2006) İstanbul Üniversitesi. (12.10.2011).

Ural, U. (2014). Artvin halk dansları çalıştırıcısı Uğur Ural ile ÜFTAD ofisinde yapılan görüş me, İstanbul: 19 Temmuz.

Submission of Articles

Manuscripts prepared in accordance with the principles and rules stated above can be sent to the addresses below via e-mail along with the "article presentation form".

Manuscripts sent back to their authors to be developed and / or corrected in line with the preliminary examination and referee evaluation are sent back to the journal within one month at the latest by making the necessary corrections.

In-article Reference Representation
Reference within the article should be arranged in accordance with the APA rules.

See the APA reference guidelines:

Reference to single authored sources: (Atılgan, 2015: 28) , (Atılgan, 2015: 28-32)

Reference to sources with two authors: (Atılgan & Demir, 2015: 28), (Atılgan & Demir, 2015: 28-32)

When reference is made to sources with five authors for the first time: (Atılgan, Demir, Çelik, Savaş & Yıldırım, 2015: 28)

When reference is made to sources with five authors for a second time or more: (Atılgan vd., 2015: 28)

When references to resources with more than five authors are made for the first time: ( Atılgan, Demir, Çelik, Savaş, Yıldırım….Işık, 2015: 28)

Reference to sources with more than five authors for the second time or more times: (Atılgan vd., 2015: 28)

When reference is made from the Internet: (Mills, 2012)

Principles of Research and Publication Ethics

In scientific papers sent to TURKLUK, the guidelines related to the Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions, the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and the International Standards for the Authors and Authors of the Committee should be taken into attention. Plagiarism, forgery in the data, misleading, repetition of publications, divisional publication and individuals who do not contribute to the research are among the authors are unacceptable practices within the ethical rules. Legal actions will be taken in case of any ethical irregularity related to this and similar practices.

a)Plagiarism: Placing the original ideas, methods, data, or works of others, partly or completely, without making reference to the scientific rules, is dealt with in the context of plagiarism. In order to avoid plagiarism, the authors should refer to the scientific rules in a manner that is appropriate and should pay attention to the references of all scientific papers in their research.

b)Forgery of Data: The use of data that does not exist or is modified in scientific research is data in the scope of forgery. Authors should analyze their data in accordance with ethical rules and without exposing them to a change in validity and reliability during the process.

c)Detortion: Changing the records or data obtained from the study, showing the devices or materials that are not used in the research as used, changing or shaping the research results according to the interests of the people and organizations that are supported are considered within the scope of distortion. The authors should be honest, objective and transparent in the information they provide in relation to the research process. They should avoid violating the rules of ethics.

d)Repetition: Presenting the same publication as separate publications without referring to the previous publications is considered within the scope of repetition of publications. The responsibility for the publication of the publications submitted for evaluation in another place or in the evaluation process belongs to the authors. The authors should refrain from repeating the original and original research and they should pay attention to submit their original and original research.

e)Divisional Publication: The results of a research are discussed in the scope of dissemination and disseminating the results of the research in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and disseminating it in more than one way, and publishing these publications as separate publications. The authors should consider the integrity of the research and avoid the divisions that will affect the results.

f)Authorship: The inclusion of people who do not contribute to the research or not to include the people who have contributed is considered within the scope of unfair writing. All authors should have contributed sufficiently to the planning, design, data collection, analysis, evaluation, preparation of the research and finalization of the research.

Ethics Committee Approval

"Ethics Committee Approval" is required for the following researches. An approved “Ethics Committee Approval ” must be obtained from the institution where the author of the article is located. Researches requiring from the Ethics Committee Approval are as follows:

Any kind of researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaire, interview, focus group works, observation, experiment, interview techniques,

· Usage of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

· Clinical researches on humans,
· Researches on animals,
· Retrospective studies in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data,


· Stating that “Informed consent form” has been taken in the case reports,
· Obtaining and specifying the permission of the owners for the use of scales, questionnaire and photos belonging to others,
· Stating that copyright regulations are obeyed for the ideas and works of art used.

In these articles, “Ethics Committee Approval ” should be stated in the article. The articles should include the statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.

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