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أنشطة جمعية كايزرسفيرث للشمّاسات في القدس ومدرسة طاليثا قومي

Year 2019, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 267 - 292, 31.12.2019



  • Sadaret Mektubi Mühimme Kalemi Evrakı (A.}MKT.MHM), 539/13; 539/15.
  • Babıali Evrak Odası Evrakı (BEO), 1521/114054.
  • Dahiliye Emniyet-i Umumiye Muhasebe Kalemi Evrakı (DH.EUM.MH), 29/32.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti İdare Evrakı (DH.İD), 117/63.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT), 1707/65; 2214/25; 2251/97; 2388/26.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Tesri-i Muamelat ve Islahat Kom. (DH.TMIK.M), 25/109; 26/18, Lef. 2-4.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Hukuk Müşavirliği İstişare Odası Evrakı (HR.HMŞ.İŞO), 84/15; 136/14.
  • Hariciye Nezareti İdare (HR.İD), 2022/81.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Tahrirat (HR.TH), 98/80; 275/73.
  • İrade Dahiliye (İ.DH), 727/50731; 1173/91732.
  • İrade Hususi (İ.HUS), 74/89.
  • İrade Mabeyn-i Hümayun (İ.MBH), 2/19.
  • Maarif Nezareti Mekatib-i Gayr-i Müslime Ve Ecnebiye Müfettişliği (MF.MGM), 6/122.
  • Şura-yı Devlet Evrakı (ŞD), 231/13, Lef. 3-5.
  • Yıldız Mütenevvi Maruzat Evrakı (Y.MTV), 177/67.
  • Yıldız Perakende Evrakı Adliye ve Mezahib Nezareti Maruzatı (Y.PRK.AZN), 20/74
  • "Aus dem Zehnten Bericht über die Diakonissen-Stationen im Morgenlande: Das Kinderhaus Talitha Kumi auf der Gottfriedshöhe vor dem Jaffathore bei Jerusalem", Monatliche Mittheilungen an die Mitglieder des Deutschen evangelischen Schulvereins, No. 8 und 9, Ausgegeben im Juli 1875, (ss. 248-254).Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for Amerika, New York: Hunt & Eaton.
  • Zeuge-Buberi, U. (2017). "Von Wittenberg in den Nahen Osten, Der Transfer der Reformation durch die Missionsbewegung", Im Lande der Bibel, Ausgabe 1/2017, (ss. 8-12).
  • Büttner, A. (2014). "Die Kaiserwerther Diakonie im 1. Weltkrieg", Mein Kaiserwerth Zeitschrift für Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth, Ausgabe 2/2014, (ss. 25-26).
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses 400 Years of Baptist Service. Macon: Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, J., A. G. Krauß (Hrsg). (2002). Nach Jerusalem müssen wir fahren, Das Reisetagbuch des Pädagogen und Missionars Johann Ludwig Schneller im Herbst 1854. Lahr: St. Johannis Druckerei.
  • Eisler, J. (2006). "Charlotte Pilz (1819-1903)", Frauen Gestalten Diakonie, (Hrsg: Adelheid M. von Hauff), Band. 2: Vom 18 bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, (ss.251-263). Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
  • Felgentreff, R. (2000). "Die Entwicklung der Diakonie in Kaiserwerth", D'r Both Lanker Heimatblätter, (ss. 353-363). Merrbusch (Nordrhein-Westfalen): Heimatkreis Lank e.V.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserwerth, (Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth). London: Longmans-Green and Co.
  • ---------- (1866). The German Pastor; or, Scetches of The Life of Theodore Fliedner. London: Hamilton-Adams & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land. Der Jerusalems-Verein zu Berlin 1852-1945. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag.
  • ---------- (1996). "Frühe Missionsbriefe und Reiseberichte als Quellen der deutschen Palästina- Mission", Missiongeschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Weltgeschichte, Christliche Missionen im Kontext nationaller Enrwicklungen in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien, (Ed: Ulrich van der Heyden und Heike Liebau), (ss. 89-104). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Frantzman, S. (2001). "Education and Empowerment: Lessons and History of the Christian Education Network in Israel and Palestine", Digest of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20/2, (ss. 186-201).
  • Gobat, S. (1884). Bischop of Jerusalem: His Life and Work. London: James Nisbet & Co.
  • Golder, C. (1903). History of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church. Cincinnati: Jennings and Pey.
  • Gorys, E., A. Gorys. (2009). Heiliges Land: Ein 10 000 Jahre altes Kulturland zwischen Mittelmeer, Rotem Meer und Jordan. Ostfildern: Dumonst Reise Verlag.Hanselmann, S. (1961). Deutsche Evangelische Palästinamission. Handbuch ihrer Motive, Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelische-Lutherischen Mission.
  • İnan, U. (2015). Osmanlı Devleti'nde Almanların Protestan Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2005). "Die Innere Mission Kaiserwerths im Ausland. Von der Evangelisation zum Bemühen um die Dritte Welt", Sozialer Protestantismus im Kaiserreich: Problem Konstellationen-Lösungsperspektiven-Handlungsprofile, (Hg: Norbert Friedrich und Traugott Jähnichen), (ss. 355-385). Munster.
  • ---------- (2006). "German 'Home Misson'Abroad: The Orientarbeit of the Deaconess Institution Kaiserwerth in the Ottoman Empire", New Faith in Ancient Lands, Western Missions in the Middle East in the Nineteenth and Early Twentienth Centures, (Ed: Heleen Murre-van den Berg), (ss. 191-209). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • ---------- (2016). "The Establishment of Nursing Care in the Parish. Kaiserwerth Deaconesses in Jerusalem", Deaconesses in Nursing Care: International Transfer af a Female Model of Life and Work in the 19th and 20th Century, (Ed: Susanne Kreuzer, Karen Nolte), (ss. 81-98). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Karal, E. Z. (1994). Osmanlı Tarihi, C. V, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Kark, R., D. Denecke, H. Goren (2006). "The Impact of Early German Missionary Enterprise in Palestine on Modernization and Environmental and Technological Change 1820-1914", Christian Witness Between Continuity and New Beginnings Modern Historical Missions in the Middle East. (Eds: Martin Tamcke, Michael Marten), (ss. 145-176). Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  • Kildani, R. H. (2010). Modern Christianity in the Holy Land: Development of the structure of Churches and the growth of Christian institutions in Jordan and Palestine; the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in the nineteenth century, in light of the Ottoman Firmans and the iternational relations of the Ottoman Sultanate, (Translated by George Musleh). Bloomington-Indiana: Author House.
  • Kocabaşoğlu, U. (2000). Anadolu'daki Amerika Kendi Belgeleriyle 19. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndaki Amerikan Misyoner Okulları. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Lenker, J. N. (1894). Lutherans in All Lands: The Wonderful Works of God, Vol. 1 and 2. New York: Milwaukee, Wis., Lutherans in All Lands Company.
  • Pflanz, R. (1903). Verlassen, nicht vergessen. Das Heilige Land und die deutsch-evangelische Liebesarbeit. Zum fünfzigjährigen Jubelfest des Jerusalems Vereins. Neu-Ruppin.
  • Schmidt, J. (1998). Beruf: Schwester Mutterhausdiakonie im 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
  • Schneller, H. (1971). Johann Ludwig Schneller: Der Gründer des Syrischen Waisenhauses. Metzingen-Württemberg: Verlag Ernst Franz.
  • Sinno, A. (1982). Deutsche Interessen in Syrien und Palästina 1841-1898. Berlin: Baalbek Verlag.
  • Şimşek, M. (2018). "Alman Misyonerliğinin Yakın Doğu'daki En Büyük Müessesesi: Suriye Yetimhanesi", Belleten, C. LXXXII, S. 293, (ss. 325-355).

The Activities of Kaiserswerth Deaconesses in Jerusalem and Talitha Kumi School

Year 2019, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 267 - 292, 31.12.2019


Since Jerusalem had a
great importance in terms of the three great religions, the interest in this
city was always high and the members of the spiritual religions had lived
together peacefully for centuries under the Ottoman rule of al-Quds al-Sharif.
However, from the beginning of the 19
th century the western states
started to take interest in the region and especially Mehmet Ali Pasha, who
dominated the region between the years 1831-1840, opened up Palestine and Syria
to the European influence in order to get the support of the European states
and then provided equal conditions to different religions. Setting the
conditions for the construction of new churches and the formation of missionary
organisations. In this process, many missionary organisations began to appear
in some areas that they considered holy, especially in Jerusalem. One of which
was the German Kaiserswerth Deaconesses, which operated smoothly in the region from
the middle of the 19
th century until the British occupation of
Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Station for the Kaiserswerth missionary organisation
has always had an important place compared to Constantinople, Smyrna, Cairo,
Alexandria and Lebanon stations. Deaconesses who started working with
Kaiserswerth Hospital in the Holy Land, were also interested in the training of
hundreds of girls in the region by activating Talitha Kumi Girls School in the
following years. At the beginning of the 20
th century, Kaiserswerth
wanted to carry out a more systematic study, aiming to reach all sections of
the society by opening a kindergarden, a teacher's school and an Arab Deaconess
School one after another. This study, to begin with, will give information about
the activities of the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses in the Ottoman Empire and, in
particular, in Jerusalem and its surroundings, then the establishment and works
of the Kaiserswerth Hospital will be discussed. In addition, the reasons this
mission opened a school for girls in Jerusalem will be explained; the education
of the deaconesses in the school and its importance in terms of the mission
will be evaluated. In addition, how activities were conducted within the
institution of the school (including the
 kindergarden, teachers' school and the Arab
Deaconess School), and the problems that started to be faced with the First
World War and the situation of their institutions after the British occupation
of Jerusalem.


  • Sadaret Mektubi Mühimme Kalemi Evrakı (A.}MKT.MHM), 539/13; 539/15.
  • Babıali Evrak Odası Evrakı (BEO), 1521/114054.
  • Dahiliye Emniyet-i Umumiye Muhasebe Kalemi Evrakı (DH.EUM.MH), 29/32.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti İdare Evrakı (DH.İD), 117/63.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT), 1707/65; 2214/25; 2251/97; 2388/26.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Tesri-i Muamelat ve Islahat Kom. (DH.TMIK.M), 25/109; 26/18, Lef. 2-4.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Hukuk Müşavirliği İstişare Odası Evrakı (HR.HMŞ.İŞO), 84/15; 136/14.
  • Hariciye Nezareti İdare (HR.İD), 2022/81.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Tahrirat (HR.TH), 98/80; 275/73.
  • İrade Dahiliye (İ.DH), 727/50731; 1173/91732.
  • İrade Hususi (İ.HUS), 74/89.
  • İrade Mabeyn-i Hümayun (İ.MBH), 2/19.
  • Maarif Nezareti Mekatib-i Gayr-i Müslime Ve Ecnebiye Müfettişliği (MF.MGM), 6/122.
  • Şura-yı Devlet Evrakı (ŞD), 231/13, Lef. 3-5.
  • Yıldız Mütenevvi Maruzat Evrakı (Y.MTV), 177/67.
  • Yıldız Perakende Evrakı Adliye ve Mezahib Nezareti Maruzatı (Y.PRK.AZN), 20/74
  • "Aus dem Zehnten Bericht über die Diakonissen-Stationen im Morgenlande: Das Kinderhaus Talitha Kumi auf der Gottfriedshöhe vor dem Jaffathore bei Jerusalem", Monatliche Mittheilungen an die Mitglieder des Deutschen evangelischen Schulvereins, No. 8 und 9, Ausgegeben im Juli 1875, (ss. 248-254).Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for Amerika, New York: Hunt & Eaton.
  • Zeuge-Buberi, U. (2017). "Von Wittenberg in den Nahen Osten, Der Transfer der Reformation durch die Missionsbewegung", Im Lande der Bibel, Ausgabe 1/2017, (ss. 8-12).
  • Büttner, A. (2014). "Die Kaiserwerther Diakonie im 1. Weltkrieg", Mein Kaiserwerth Zeitschrift für Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth, Ausgabe 2/2014, (ss. 25-26).
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses 400 Years of Baptist Service. Macon: Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, J., A. G. Krauß (Hrsg). (2002). Nach Jerusalem müssen wir fahren, Das Reisetagbuch des Pädagogen und Missionars Johann Ludwig Schneller im Herbst 1854. Lahr: St. Johannis Druckerei.
  • Eisler, J. (2006). "Charlotte Pilz (1819-1903)", Frauen Gestalten Diakonie, (Hrsg: Adelheid M. von Hauff), Band. 2: Vom 18 bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, (ss.251-263). Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
  • Felgentreff, R. (2000). "Die Entwicklung der Diakonie in Kaiserwerth", D'r Both Lanker Heimatblätter, (ss. 353-363). Merrbusch (Nordrhein-Westfalen): Heimatkreis Lank e.V.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserwerth, (Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth). London: Longmans-Green and Co.
  • ---------- (1866). The German Pastor; or, Scetches of The Life of Theodore Fliedner. London: Hamilton-Adams & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land. Der Jerusalems-Verein zu Berlin 1852-1945. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag.
  • ---------- (1996). "Frühe Missionsbriefe und Reiseberichte als Quellen der deutschen Palästina- Mission", Missiongeschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Weltgeschichte, Christliche Missionen im Kontext nationaller Enrwicklungen in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien, (Ed: Ulrich van der Heyden und Heike Liebau), (ss. 89-104). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Frantzman, S. (2001). "Education and Empowerment: Lessons and History of the Christian Education Network in Israel and Palestine", Digest of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20/2, (ss. 186-201).
  • Gobat, S. (1884). Bischop of Jerusalem: His Life and Work. London: James Nisbet & Co.
  • Golder, C. (1903). History of the Deaconess Movement in the Christian Church. Cincinnati: Jennings and Pey.
  • Gorys, E., A. Gorys. (2009). Heiliges Land: Ein 10 000 Jahre altes Kulturland zwischen Mittelmeer, Rotem Meer und Jordan. Ostfildern: Dumonst Reise Verlag.Hanselmann, S. (1961). Deutsche Evangelische Palästinamission. Handbuch ihrer Motive, Geschichte und Ergebnisse. Erlangen: Verlag der Evangelische-Lutherischen Mission.
  • İnan, U. (2015). Osmanlı Devleti'nde Almanların Protestan Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Kaminsky, U. (2005). "Die Innere Mission Kaiserwerths im Ausland. Von der Evangelisation zum Bemühen um die Dritte Welt", Sozialer Protestantismus im Kaiserreich: Problem Konstellationen-Lösungsperspektiven-Handlungsprofile, (Hg: Norbert Friedrich und Traugott Jähnichen), (ss. 355-385). Munster.
  • ---------- (2006). "German 'Home Misson'Abroad: The Orientarbeit of the Deaconess Institution Kaiserwerth in the Ottoman Empire", New Faith in Ancient Lands, Western Missions in the Middle East in the Nineteenth and Early Twentienth Centures, (Ed: Heleen Murre-van den Berg), (ss. 191-209). Leiden-Boston: Brill.
  • ---------- (2016). "The Establishment of Nursing Care in the Parish. Kaiserwerth Deaconesses in Jerusalem", Deaconesses in Nursing Care: International Transfer af a Female Model of Life and Work in the 19th and 20th Century, (Ed: Susanne Kreuzer, Karen Nolte), (ss. 81-98). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Karal, E. Z. (1994). Osmanlı Tarihi, C. V, Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
  • Kark, R., D. Denecke, H. Goren (2006). "The Impact of Early German Missionary Enterprise in Palestine on Modernization and Environmental and Technological Change 1820-1914", Christian Witness Between Continuity and New Beginnings Modern Historical Missions in the Middle East. (Eds: Martin Tamcke, Michael Marten), (ss. 145-176). Berlin: Lit Verlag.
  • Kildani, R. H. (2010). Modern Christianity in the Holy Land: Development of the structure of Churches and the growth of Christian institutions in Jordan and Palestine; the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in the nineteenth century, in light of the Ottoman Firmans and the iternational relations of the Ottoman Sultanate, (Translated by George Musleh). Bloomington-Indiana: Author House.
  • Kocabaşoğlu, U. (2000). Anadolu'daki Amerika Kendi Belgeleriyle 19. Yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndaki Amerikan Misyoner Okulları. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi.
  • Lenker, J. N. (1894). Lutherans in All Lands: The Wonderful Works of God, Vol. 1 and 2. New York: Milwaukee, Wis., Lutherans in All Lands Company.
  • Pflanz, R. (1903). Verlassen, nicht vergessen. Das Heilige Land und die deutsch-evangelische Liebesarbeit. Zum fünfzigjährigen Jubelfest des Jerusalems Vereins. Neu-Ruppin.
  • Schmidt, J. (1998). Beruf: Schwester Mutterhausdiakonie im 19. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.
  • Schneller, H. (1971). Johann Ludwig Schneller: Der Gründer des Syrischen Waisenhauses. Metzingen-Württemberg: Verlag Ernst Franz.
  • Sinno, A. (1982). Deutsche Interessen in Syrien und Palästina 1841-1898. Berlin: Baalbek Verlag.
  • Şimşek, M. (2018). "Alman Misyonerliğinin Yakın Doğu'daki En Büyük Müessesesi: Suriye Yetimhanesi", Belleten, C. LXXXII, S. 293, (ss. 325-355).


Year 2019, Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 267 - 292, 31.12.2019


Kudüs üç büyük din açısından büyük bir öneme sahip
olduğu için bu şehre ilgi daima üst seviyede olmuş ve semavî din mensupları
Kudüs'ün Osmanlı idaresi altında olduğu dönemde asırlarca huzur içerisinde bir
arada yaşamışlardı. Ancak 19. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren Batılı devletlerin
kutsal topraklara ilgi duymaya başlaması ve özellikle 1831-1840 yılları
arasında bölgeye hâkim olan Mehmet Ali Paşa’nın Avrupalı devletlerin desteğini
almak amacıyla Filistin ve Suriye’yi Avrupa etkisine açması sonrasında farklı
din mensuplarına eşit şartların sağlanması, bölgede yeni kiliselerin inşasına
ve misyon kuruluşlarının teşekkülüne ortam hazırladı. Bu süreçte birçok misyon
kuruluşu başta Kudüs olmak üzere kutsal kabul ettikleri bazı bölgelerde varlık
göstermeye başladılar. Bunlardan birisi de Alman Kaiserswerther
Diyakonezleri'dir ve bu misyon kuruluşu 19. yüzyılın ortalarından Kudüs'ün
İngilizler tarafından işgaline kadar bölgede sorunsuz bir şekilde faaliyet
yürütmüştür. Kaiserswerther Misyon Kuruluşu için Kudüs İstasyonu, İstanbul,
İzmir, Kahire, İskenderiye ve Lübnan istasyonlarına kıyasla daima önemli bir
yere sahip olmuştur. Kutsal topraklarda açılan Kaiserswerther Hastanesi ile
çalışmalara başlayan Diyakonezler, Talitha Kumi Kız Okulunun da faaliyete
geçmesiyle bölgede yüzlerce kız çocuğunun eğitimiyle ilgilenmişlerdi. 20.
yüzyılın başlarına gelindiğinde daha sistemli bir çalışma yürütmek isteyen
Kaiserswerther, birbiri ardına anaokulu, öğretmen okulu ve Arap Diyakonez Okulu
açarak toplumun her kesimine ulaşmayı hedeflemişti. Bu çalışmada, evvelâ
Kaiserswerther Diyakonezleri'nin Osmanlı Devleti'nde ve hususiyle de Kudüs ve
çevresinde faaliyete başlaması hakkında bilgi verilecek, daha sonra
Kaiserswerther Hastanesi'nin kuruluşu ve çalışmaları ortaya konacaktır. Ayrıca,
bu misyon kuruluşunu Kudüs'te bir kız okulu açmaya iten nedenler izah edilecek;
Diyakonezlerin okulda verdikleri eğitim ve bunun misyon açısından önemi
değerlendirilecektir. Bunlara ilaveten, okul bünyesinde açılan anaokulu,
öğretmen okulu ve Arap Diyakonez Okulunun nasıl faaliyet yürüttüğü, bu
kurumlarda kimlere eğitim verildiği ve Birinci Dünya Savaşı'yla birlikte
başlayan sıkıntılar ile İngilizler'in Kudüs'ü işgalinden sonra kurumun durumu
ortaya konacaktır.


  • Sadaret Mektubi Mühimme Kalemi Evrakı (A.}MKT.MHM), 539/13; 539/15.
  • Babıali Evrak Odası Evrakı (BEO), 1521/114054.
  • Dahiliye Emniyet-i Umumiye Muhasebe Kalemi Evrakı (DH.EUM.MH), 29/32.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti İdare Evrakı (DH.İD), 117/63.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Mektubi Kalemi (DH.MKT), 1707/65; 2214/25; 2251/97; 2388/26.
  • Dahiliye Nezareti Tesri-i Muamelat ve Islahat Kom. (DH.TMIK.M), 25/109; 26/18, Lef. 2-4.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Hukuk Müşavirliği İstişare Odası Evrakı (HR.HMŞ.İŞO), 84/15; 136/14.
  • Hariciye Nezareti İdare (HR.İD), 2022/81.
  • Hariciye Nezareti Tahrirat (HR.TH), 98/80; 275/73.
  • İrade Dahiliye (İ.DH), 727/50731; 1173/91732.
  • İrade Hususi (İ.HUS), 74/89.
  • İrade Mabeyn-i Hümayun (İ.MBH), 2/19.
  • Maarif Nezareti Mekatib-i Gayr-i Müslime Ve Ecnebiye Müfettişliği (MF.MGM), 6/122.
  • Şura-yı Devlet Evrakı (ŞD), 231/13, Lef. 3-5.
  • Yıldız Mütenevvi Maruzat Evrakı (Y.MTV), 177/67.
  • Yıldız Perakende Evrakı Adliye ve Mezahib Nezareti Maruzatı (Y.PRK.AZN), 20/74
  • "Aus dem Zehnten Bericht über die Diakonissen-Stationen im Morgenlande: Das Kinderhaus Talitha Kumi auf der Gottfriedshöhe vor dem Jaffathore bei Jerusalem", Monatliche Mittheilungen an die Mitglieder des Deutschen evangelischen Schulvereins, No. 8 und 9, Ausgegeben im Juli 1875, (ss. 248-254).Bancroft, J. M. (1890). Deaconesses in Europe and Their Lessons for Amerika, New York: Hunt & Eaton.
  • Zeuge-Buberi, U. (2017). "Von Wittenberg in den Nahen Osten, Der Transfer der Reformation durch die Missionsbewegung", Im Lande der Bibel, Ausgabe 1/2017, (ss. 8-12).
  • Büttner, A. (2014). "Die Kaiserwerther Diakonie im 1. Weltkrieg", Mein Kaiserwerth Zeitschrift für Düsseldorf-Kaiserwerth, Ausgabe 2/2014, (ss. 25-26).
  • Deweese, C. W. (2005). Women Deacons and Deaconesses 400 Years of Baptist Service. Macon: Mercer University Press.
  • Eisler, J., A. G. Krauß (Hrsg). (2002). Nach Jerusalem müssen wir fahren, Das Reisetagbuch des Pädagogen und Missionars Johann Ludwig Schneller im Herbst 1854. Lahr: St. Johannis Druckerei.
  • Eisler, J. (2006). "Charlotte Pilz (1819-1903)", Frauen Gestalten Diakonie, (Hrsg: Adelheid M. von Hauff), Band. 2: Vom 18 bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, (ss.251-263). Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
  • Felgentreff, R. (2000). "Die Entwicklung der Diakonie in Kaiserwerth", D'r Both Lanker Heimatblätter, (ss. 353-363). Merrbusch (Nordrhein-Westfalen): Heimatkreis Lank e.V.
  • Fliedner, T. (1867). Life of Pastor Fliedner of Kaiserwerth, (Translated from the German by Catherine Winkworth). London: Longmans-Green and Co.
  • ---------- (1866). The German Pastor; or, Scetches of The Life of Theodore Fliedner. London: Hamilton-Adams & Co.
  • Foerster, F. (1991). Mission im Heiligen Land. Der Jerusalems-Verein zu Berlin 1852-1945. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag.
  • ---------- (1996). "Frühe Missionsbriefe und Reiseberichte als Quellen der deutschen Palästina- Mission", Missiongeschichte, Kirchengeschichte, Weltgeschichte, Christliche Missionen im Kontext nationaller Enrwicklungen in Afrika, Asien und Ozeanien, (Ed: Ulrich van der Heyden und Heike Liebau), (ss. 89-104). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  • Frantzman, S. (2001). "Education and Empowerment: Lessons and History of the Christian Education Network in Israel and Palestine", Digest of Middle East Studies, Vol. 20/2, (ss. 186-201).
  • Gobat, S. (1884). Bischop of Jerusalem: His Life and Work. London: James Nisbet & Co.
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There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Muttalip Şimşek 0000-0003-1184-2345

Publication Date December 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 19 Issue: 3


APA Şimşek, M. (2019). KAISERSWERTHER DİYAKONEZLERİ’NİN KUDÜS’TEKİ FAALİYETLERİ VE TALİTHA KUMİ OKULU. Journal of Islamicjerusalem Studies, 19(3), 267-292.

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Journal of Palestine Studies
Norbert Scholz

ISSN:1367-1936, e-ISSN:2514-6009

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