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Veri Gizlemede Kaotik fonksiyonlar ve XOR İşlemi Tabanlı Etkili bir Steganografi Yöntemi

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 59 - 66, 31.12.2024


Gelişen teknoloji ve dijitalleşen dünya, güvenli veri iletiminin önemini artırmaktadır. Steganografi, verilerin güvenli bir şekilde iletilmesini ele alan ve veri güvenliğinin kritik bir parçasını oluşturan bir tekniktir. Türkçe'de "gizli yazı" anlamına gelen steganografi, gizlenmek istenen verinin taşıyıcı bir veri aracılığıyla aktarılması esasına dayanır. Tarihsel olarak ilkel yöntemlerle uygulanan steganografi, dijitalleşen dünya ile birlikte modern tekniklerin ve yöntemlerin kullanımına geçiş yapmıştır. Bu çalışmada, kaotik fonksiyonlar ve XOR işlemi tabanlı bir steganografi yöntemi önerilmektedir. Önerilen yöntem iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. Birinci aşama olan veri gömme işleminde, gizlenecek veri önce ikilik formata dönüştürülür. Ardından bu veri, tent map dizisi ile XOR işlemine tabi tutulur. Bu işlem sonucunda elde edilen nihai veri, logistic map kullanılarak gri seviye bir görüntünün gömüleme pozisyonları belirlenerek yerleştirilir. İkinci aşama olan veri çıkarma işleminde, logistic map yardımıyla gömülü mesaj çıkarılır ve çıkarılan bu mesaj tent map ile XOR işlemine tabi tutularak orijinal veri elde edilir. Önerilen yöntemin etkinliği, literatürdeki görüntüler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen PSNR, MSE ve SSIM gibi metriklerle test edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, yöntemin steganaliz tekniklerine karşı dayanıklı bir yapı sunduğunu ve güvenlik parametrelerini sağladığını göstermiştir.


  • Akyüz, D. (2021). Yeni Kaotik Video Steganografi Metodu. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.
  • Alzubi, J. A., Alzubi, O. A., Suseendran, G., & Akila, D. (2019). +A Novel chaotic map encryption methodology for image cryptography and secret communication with steganography. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1C2), 1122–1128.
  • Balkesen, C., & Koçer, H. E. (2020). Şifrelenmiş Verileri Rast Gele Piksel Yaklaşımı ile Bir Görüntüye Gömme. European Journal of Science and Technology, (September), 123–130.
  • Cheddad, A., Condell, J., Curran, K., & Mc Kevitt, P. (2010). Digital image steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods. Signal Processing, 90(3), 727–752.
  • Durafe, A., & Patidar, V. (2024). Image Steganography Using Fractal Cover and Combined Chaos-DNA Based Encryption. Annals of Data Science, 11(3), 855–885.
  • Ghosh, S., Saha, A., Pal, T., & Jha, A. K. (2024). A comparative analysis of chaos theory based medical image steganography to enhance data security. Procedia Computer Science, 235, 1024–1033.
  • Karakış, R., Gürkahraman, K., Çiğdem, B., Öztoprak, I., & Topaktaş, A. S. (2021). Bölütlenen beyin bölgelerinin tıbbi görüntü steganografi için değerlendirilmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(4), 2301–2314.
  • Khalil, N., Sarhan, A., & Alshewimy, M. A. M. (2024). A secure image steganography based on LSB technique and 2D chaotic maps. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 119(PB), 109566.
  • Kipper, G. (2019). Investigator’s Guide to Steganography. New York.
  • Kumar, M., & Hussaini, T. (2021). A Neural Network Based Image Steganography Method using Cyclic Chaos and Integer Wavelet Transform. 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, ASIANCON 2021, 1–6.
  • KumarTiwari, A., Rajpoot, A., K. Shukla, K., & Karthikeyan, S. (2015). A Robust Method for Image Steganography based on Chaos Theory. International Journal of Computer Applications, 113(4), 35–41.
  • López Torres, E. A., Alvarado-Nieto, D., Amaya-Barrera, I., & Parra, C. A. S. (2024). Crypto-steganographic model using chaos and coding based in deoxyribonucleic acid. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 14(4), 4239–4247.
  • Madhu, D., Vasuhi, S., & Samydurai, A. (2024). Dynamic 8-bit XOR algorithm with AES crypto algorithm for image steganography. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18(Suppl 1), 429–445.
  • Nagarajegowda, S., & Krishnan, K. (2024). An adaptive approach for multi-media steganography using improved chaotic map and discrete cosine transform. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18(10), 6695–6711.
  • Nasr, M. A., El-Shafai, W., El-Rabaie, E. S. M., El-Fishawy, A. S., El-Hoseny, H. M., Abd El-Samie, F. E., & Abdel-Salam, N. (2024). A robust audio steganography technique based on image encryption using different chaotic maps. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 22054.
  • Özbay, F. A. (2023). A modified seahorse optimization algorithm based on chaotic maps for solving global optimization and engineering problems. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 41, 101408.
  • Pak, C., Kim, J., An, K., Kim, C., Kim, K., & Pak, C. (2020). A novel color image LSB steganography using improved 1D chaotic map. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(1–2), 1409–1425.
  • Ranjithkumar, R., Ganeshkumar, D., & Senthamilarasu, S. (2021). Efficient and secure data hiding in video sequence with three layer security: an approach using chaos. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(9), 13865–13878.
  • Yakut, S., Tuncer, T., & Ozer, A. B. (2019). Secure and efficient hybrid random number generator based on sponge constructionsfor cryptographic applications. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 25(4), 40–46.
  • Yakut, S., Tuncer, T., & Özer, A. B. (2020). A New Secure and Efficient Approach for TRNG and Its Post-Processing Algorithms. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 29(15).

An Efficient Steganography Method Based on Chaotic Functions and XOR Operation for Data Hiding

Year 2024, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 59 - 66, 31.12.2024


The advancing technology and digitalizing world have increased the importance of secure data transmission. Steganography, a technique that ensures secure data communication, is a critical component of data security. Derived from the term meaning "hidden writing" in Turkish, steganography is based on the principle of embedding the data to be hidden into a carrier medium. While historically applied using primitive methods, steganography has transitioned to the use of modern techniques and methods in today’s digitalized era. In this study, a steganography method based on chaotic functions and the XOR operation is proposed. The proposed method consists of two stages. In the first stage, data embedding, the data to be hidden is first converted into binary format. This binary data is then subjected to an XOR operation with a tent map sequence. The resulting final data is embedded into a grayscale image by determining its embedding positions using a logistic map. In the second stage, data extraction, the embedded message is retrieved using the logistic map, and the extracted message is XORed with the tent map to recover the original data. The effectiveness of the proposed method was evaluated using commonly employed metrics such as PSNR, MSE, and SSIM on images in the literature. The results demonstrate that the proposed method offers a robust structure against steganalysis techniques while ensuring critical security parameters.


  • Akyüz, D. (2021). Yeni Kaotik Video Steganografi Metodu. İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi.
  • Alzubi, J. A., Alzubi, O. A., Suseendran, G., & Akila, D. (2019). +A Novel chaotic map encryption methodology for image cryptography and secret communication with steganography. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(1C2), 1122–1128.
  • Balkesen, C., & Koçer, H. E. (2020). Şifrelenmiş Verileri Rast Gele Piksel Yaklaşımı ile Bir Görüntüye Gömme. European Journal of Science and Technology, (September), 123–130.
  • Cheddad, A., Condell, J., Curran, K., & Mc Kevitt, P. (2010). Digital image steganography: Survey and analysis of current methods. Signal Processing, 90(3), 727–752.
  • Durafe, A., & Patidar, V. (2024). Image Steganography Using Fractal Cover and Combined Chaos-DNA Based Encryption. Annals of Data Science, 11(3), 855–885.
  • Ghosh, S., Saha, A., Pal, T., & Jha, A. K. (2024). A comparative analysis of chaos theory based medical image steganography to enhance data security. Procedia Computer Science, 235, 1024–1033.
  • Karakış, R., Gürkahraman, K., Çiğdem, B., Öztoprak, I., & Topaktaş, A. S. (2021). Bölütlenen beyin bölgelerinin tıbbi görüntü steganografi için değerlendirilmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 36(4), 2301–2314.
  • Khalil, N., Sarhan, A., & Alshewimy, M. A. M. (2024). A secure image steganography based on LSB technique and 2D chaotic maps. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 119(PB), 109566.
  • Kipper, G. (2019). Investigator’s Guide to Steganography. New York.
  • Kumar, M., & Hussaini, T. (2021). A Neural Network Based Image Steganography Method using Cyclic Chaos and Integer Wavelet Transform. 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology, ASIANCON 2021, 1–6.
  • KumarTiwari, A., Rajpoot, A., K. Shukla, K., & Karthikeyan, S. (2015). A Robust Method for Image Steganography based on Chaos Theory. International Journal of Computer Applications, 113(4), 35–41.
  • López Torres, E. A., Alvarado-Nieto, D., Amaya-Barrera, I., & Parra, C. A. S. (2024). Crypto-steganographic model using chaos and coding based in deoxyribonucleic acid. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 14(4), 4239–4247.
  • Madhu, D., Vasuhi, S., & Samydurai, A. (2024). Dynamic 8-bit XOR algorithm with AES crypto algorithm for image steganography. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18(Suppl 1), 429–445.
  • Nagarajegowda, S., & Krishnan, K. (2024). An adaptive approach for multi-media steganography using improved chaotic map and discrete cosine transform. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 18(10), 6695–6711.
  • Nasr, M. A., El-Shafai, W., El-Rabaie, E. S. M., El-Fishawy, A. S., El-Hoseny, H. M., Abd El-Samie, F. E., & Abdel-Salam, N. (2024). A robust audio steganography technique based on image encryption using different chaotic maps. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 22054.
  • Özbay, F. A. (2023). A modified seahorse optimization algorithm based on chaotic maps for solving global optimization and engineering problems. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 41, 101408.
  • Pak, C., Kim, J., An, K., Kim, C., Kim, K., & Pak, C. (2020). A novel color image LSB steganography using improved 1D chaotic map. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(1–2), 1409–1425.
  • Ranjithkumar, R., Ganeshkumar, D., & Senthamilarasu, S. (2021). Efficient and secure data hiding in video sequence with three layer security: an approach using chaos. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80(9), 13865–13878.
  • Yakut, S., Tuncer, T., & Ozer, A. B. (2019). Secure and efficient hybrid random number generator based on sponge constructionsfor cryptographic applications. Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika, 25(4), 40–46.
  • Yakut, S., Tuncer, T., & Özer, A. B. (2020). A New Secure and Efficient Approach for TRNG and Its Post-Processing Algorithms. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 29(15).
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Data and Information Privacy
Journal Section Research Articles

Selman Yakut 0000-0002-0649-1993

Early Pub Date December 30, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date November 29, 2024
Acceptance Date December 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Yakut, S. (2024). An Efficient Steganography Method Based on Chaotic Functions and XOR Operation for Data Hiding. Bilgisayar Bilimleri Ve Teknolojileri Dergisi, 5(2), 59-66.