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Year 2014, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 548 - 554, 09.12.2014


Oligodendrogliomas are diffuse infiltrating gliomas of adulthood. The WHO 2007 classification criteria classifies oligodendrogliomas as well-differentiated tumors (Grade 2) and anaplastic tumors (Grade 3). Osteopontin is a sialic acid-rich phosphoglycoprotein extracellular matrix component and it is an immune marker shown to be associated with parameters such as grade and recurrence in different tumors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between osteopontin and histological grades, recurrence and survival in the oligodendroglioma cases by analyzing its expression rates. Twenty-seven cases of oligodendroglioma operated at the Turkish Ministry of Health Ankara Dışkapı Education and Research Hospital, Brain Surgery Clinic between 2008 and 2011 and diagnosed at our hospitals’ pathology clinic were included in the study. Fourteen cases were diagnosed as low-grade (Grade 2, WHO 2007) oligodendroglioma and 12 as high-grade (anaplastic, Grade 3, WHO 2007), and one case was evaluated as glioblastoma with oligodendrogliomal component (Grade 4, WHO 2007). Osteopontin staining density was below the 25% in 10 cases. Nine out of those 10 cases were low-grade oligodendroglioma and one was high-grade. Immunostaining below the 25% was observed in the remaining five low-grade cases. On the basis of histological grade and expressions of osteopontin, density of staining was significantly higher in the high-grade tumors (p<0.01). Osteopontin expression scores were significantly high in high-grade tumors (p<0.05). A significant correlation in the same direction was determined between staining percentage and intensity of staining (r=0.790 and p<0.001). In conclusion, osteopontin expression rates could be associated with histological grades, recurrence and survival of oligodendriomas and could be used as a predictive value


  • Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD. WHO Classification of tumours of the central nervous system, 4th edn. IARC Press, Lyon 2007.
  • Practical Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Neuropathology. Humano Pres, New Jersey 2000.
  • Hsun-Jin Jan, Chin-Cheng Lee, Yung-Luen Shih. Osteopontin Regulates Human Glioma cell Invasiveness and Growth in mice, Neuro-Oncology 2010; 12: 58-70.
  • Joseph W, Margaret W, Elizabeth B. Claus. Epidemiology and etiology of Meningioma, J Neurooncology 2010, 99; 307-14.
  • Perry A, Stafford SL, Scheithauer BW, Suman VJ, Lohse CM. Meningioma Grading. An analysis of histological parameters, Am J Surg Pathol 1997; 21; 1455-65.
  • Chih-Kung Lin, Wen-Chiuan Tsai, Yu-Chun Lin, Dueng-Yuan Hueng. Osteopontin predicts the behaviour of atypical meningioma. Histopathology 2012; 60; 320-5.
  • Mansoor A, Reeti B, Goutam C, Shalini J, Vinit K, Priyanka S, Anuradha B. A potentially important therapeutic target in cancer. Expert opin Ther Targets 2011; 15; 1113-26.
  • Ritting SR, Chambers AF, Role of osteopontin in tumour progression. British Journal of Cancer 2004; 90; 1877-81.
  • Osterreicher CH, Osterreicher MP, Greivennikov SI. Fibroblast-specific protein 1 dentifies an inflammatory subpopulation of macrophages in the liver. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108; 308-13.
  • J Dai, L Peng, K. OPN induces angiogenesis through activation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 in endothelial cells. Oncogene 2009; 28; 3412-22.
  • Behera R, Kumar V, Lohite K. Activation of JAK2/STAT 3 signaling by osteopontin promotes tumor growth in human breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 2010; 31; 192-200.
  • Subha P, Anuradha B, Gopal C, Kundu. Osteopontin stimulates tumor growth and activation of promatrix metalloproteinase-2 through nuclear factor-kappa B- mediated induction of membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in murine melanoma cells. J Biol Chem 2001; 276; 44926-35.
  • Tuck AB, O’Malley FP, Singhal H, Harris JF, Tonkin KS, Kerkvliet N, Saad Z, Doig GS, Chambers AF. Osteopontin expression in a group of lymph node negative breast cancer patients. Int J CAncer 1998; 79; 1198-205.
  • Forotoon SS, Foster CS, Aachi VR, Adamson J, Smith PH, K Lin, Y Ke. Prognostic significance of osteopontin expression in human prostat cancer. Int J Cancer 2006; 118; 2255-61.
  • Agrawal D, Chen T, Irby R, Quackenbush J, Chambers AF, Szabo M, Cantor A. Osteopontin identified as lead marker of colon cancer progression, using pooled sample expression profiling. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002; 94; 513-21.
  • Pan HW, Ou YH, Peng SY, Liu SH, Lai PL, Lee PH. Overexpression of osteopontin is associated with intrahepatic metastasis, early recurrence, and poorer prognosis of surgically resected hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 2003; 98; 119-27.
  • Coppola D, Szabo M, Boulware D, Schickor FK, Muraca P, Alsarraj M. Correlation of OPN protein expression and pathologic stage across a wide variety of tumor histologies widespread detection of osteopontin protein expression in human tumors from different aanatomical sites using the tissue array technique. Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10; 184-90.
  • Kuan-Yin Tseng, Min Huey Chung, Huey Kang Sytwu. Osteopontin expression is a valuable marker for prediction of short-term recurrence in WHO grade 1 benign meningiomas. J Neurooncol 2010; 100; 217-23.

Oligodendrogliomlarda osteopontin ekspresyon düzeylerinin histolojik derece ve sağ kalım ile ilişkisi

Year 2014, Volume: 36 Issue: 4, 548 - 554, 09.12.2014



Oligodendrogliom erişkin dönemin yaygın infiltratif bir gliomudur. DSÖ 2007 sınıflaması oligodendrogliomları iyi differensiye tümörler (Derece II) ve anaplastik tümörler (Derece III) olmak üzere iki derecede sınıflandırır. Osteopontin ekstrasellüler matriks ilişkili sialik asitten zengin fosfoglikoprotein yapısında integrin bağlayan bir protein olup, farklı tümörlerde derece ve rekürens gibi parametreler ile ilişkili olduğu yönünde veriler ortaya konmuş olan bir immün belirteçtir. Bu çalışmamızda Oligodendrogliomlarda Osteopontin ekspresyon oranlarını immünohistokimyasal olarak değerlendirerek histolojik derece, rekürens ve sağ kalım ile ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. S.B Ankara Dışkapı Eğitim Araştıma Hastanesi Beyin Cerrahisi Kliniği tarafından 2008- 2011 yılları arasında ameliyat edilen ve hastanemiz patoloji kliniğinde tanı konulmuş olan toplam 27 oligodendrogliom olgusu çalışma kapsamına alındı. Bu değerlendirmede olguların 14 tanesi düşük dereceli (Derece 2, DSÖ 2007), 12 tanesi yüksek dereceli (Anaplastik, Derece 3, DSÖ 2007) oligodendrogliom olarak tanı alırken, 1 olgu Oligodendroglial komponentli Glioblastom (Derece 4, DSÖ 2007) olarak değerlendirildi. Olguların 10 tanesinde Osteopontin ile boyanma yaygınlığı %25’in altında izlendi. Bu 10 olgunun 9 tanesi düşük dereceli oligodendrogliom, 1 tanesi yüksek dereceli oligodendrogliomdu. Düşük dereceli olgulardan geri kalan 5 tanesinde %25’in altında immün boyanma izlendi. Histolojik derece ve Osteopontin ekspresyonları göz önüne alındığında yüksek dereceli tümörlerde boyanma yaygınlığı ve boyanma yoğunluğu düşük dereceli tümörlerle karşılaştırıldığında belirgin olarak yüksek düzeyde saptandı (p<0,01). Yüksek dereceli tümörlerde osteopontin ekspresyon skorlarının, düşük dereceli tümörlere oranla anlamlı olarak yüksek seyrettiği saptandı (p<0,05). Boyanma yüzdesi ile boyanma şiddeti arasında aynı yönlü istatistiksel olarak anlamlı korelasyon saptandı (r=0,790 ve p<0,001). Çalışmamızın sonucunda osteopontin ekspresyon oranlarının oligodendrogliomların histolojik derecelendirme, rekkürens ve sağ kalım ile ilişkili olduğunu ve belirleyici bir değer olarak kullanılabileceğini gösterdik.

Anahtar sözcükler: Sağ kalım, oligodendrogliom, osteopontin



Oligodendrogliomas are diffuse infiltrating gliomas of adulthood. The WHO 2007 classification criteria classifies oligodendrogliomas as well-differentiated tumors (Grade 2) and anaplastic tumors (grade 3). Osteopontin is a sialic acid-rich phosphoglycoprotein extracellular matrix component and it is an immune marker shown to be associated with parameters such as grade and recurrence in different tumors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between osteopontin and histological grades, recurrence and survival in the oligodendroglioma cases by analyzing its expression rates. Twenty-seven cases of oligodendroglioma operated at the Turkish Ministry of Health Ankara Dışkapı Education and Research Hospital, Brain Surgery Clinic between 2008 and 2011 and diagnosed at our hospitals’ pathology clinic were included in the study. Fourteen cases were diagnosed as low-grade (Grade 2, WHO 2007) oligodendroglioma and 12 as high-grade (anaplastic, Grade 3, WHO 2007), and one case was evaluated as glioblastoma with oligodendrogliomal component (Grade 4, WHO 2007). Osteopontin staining density was below the 25% in 10 cases. Nine out of those 10 cases were low-grade oligodendroglioma and one was high-grade. Immunostaining below the 25% was observed in the remaining five low-grade cases. On the basis of histological grade and expressions of osteopontin, density of staining was significantly higher in the high-grade tumors (p<0.01). Osteopontin expression scores were significantly high in high-grade tumors (p<0.05). A significant correlation in the same direction was determined between staining percentage and intensity of staining (r=0.790 and p<0.001). In conclusion, osteopontin expression rates could be associated with histological grades, recurrence and survival of oligodendriomas and could be used as a predictive value.

Keywords: Survival, oligodendroglioma, osteopontin


  • Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD. WHO Classification of tumours of the central nervous system, 4th edn. IARC Press, Lyon 2007.
  • Practical Differential Diagnosis in Surgical Neuropathology. Humano Pres, New Jersey 2000.
  • Hsun-Jin Jan, Chin-Cheng Lee, Yung-Luen Shih. Osteopontin Regulates Human Glioma cell Invasiveness and Growth in mice, Neuro-Oncology 2010; 12: 58-70.
  • Joseph W, Margaret W, Elizabeth B. Claus. Epidemiology and etiology of Meningioma, J Neurooncology 2010, 99; 307-14.
  • Perry A, Stafford SL, Scheithauer BW, Suman VJ, Lohse CM. Meningioma Grading. An analysis of histological parameters, Am J Surg Pathol 1997; 21; 1455-65.
  • Chih-Kung Lin, Wen-Chiuan Tsai, Yu-Chun Lin, Dueng-Yuan Hueng. Osteopontin predicts the behaviour of atypical meningioma. Histopathology 2012; 60; 320-5.
  • Mansoor A, Reeti B, Goutam C, Shalini J, Vinit K, Priyanka S, Anuradha B. A potentially important therapeutic target in cancer. Expert opin Ther Targets 2011; 15; 1113-26.
  • Ritting SR, Chambers AF, Role of osteopontin in tumour progression. British Journal of Cancer 2004; 90; 1877-81.
  • Osterreicher CH, Osterreicher MP, Greivennikov SI. Fibroblast-specific protein 1 dentifies an inflammatory subpopulation of macrophages in the liver. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108; 308-13.
  • J Dai, L Peng, K. OPN induces angiogenesis through activation of PI3K/Akt and ERK1/2 in endothelial cells. Oncogene 2009; 28; 3412-22.
  • Behera R, Kumar V, Lohite K. Activation of JAK2/STAT 3 signaling by osteopontin promotes tumor growth in human breast cancer cells. Carcinogenesis 2010; 31; 192-200.
  • Subha P, Anuradha B, Gopal C, Kundu. Osteopontin stimulates tumor growth and activation of promatrix metalloproteinase-2 through nuclear factor-kappa B- mediated induction of membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase in murine melanoma cells. J Biol Chem 2001; 276; 44926-35.
  • Tuck AB, O’Malley FP, Singhal H, Harris JF, Tonkin KS, Kerkvliet N, Saad Z, Doig GS, Chambers AF. Osteopontin expression in a group of lymph node negative breast cancer patients. Int J CAncer 1998; 79; 1198-205.
  • Forotoon SS, Foster CS, Aachi VR, Adamson J, Smith PH, K Lin, Y Ke. Prognostic significance of osteopontin expression in human prostat cancer. Int J Cancer 2006; 118; 2255-61.
  • Agrawal D, Chen T, Irby R, Quackenbush J, Chambers AF, Szabo M, Cantor A. Osteopontin identified as lead marker of colon cancer progression, using pooled sample expression profiling. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002; 94; 513-21.
  • Pan HW, Ou YH, Peng SY, Liu SH, Lai PL, Lee PH. Overexpression of osteopontin is associated with intrahepatic metastasis, early recurrence, and poorer prognosis of surgically resected hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer 2003; 98; 119-27.
  • Coppola D, Szabo M, Boulware D, Schickor FK, Muraca P, Alsarraj M. Correlation of OPN protein expression and pathologic stage across a wide variety of tumor histologies widespread detection of osteopontin protein expression in human tumors from different aanatomical sites using the tissue array technique. Clin Cancer Res 2004; 10; 184-90.
  • Kuan-Yin Tseng, Min Huey Chung, Huey Kang Sytwu. Osteopontin expression is a valuable marker for prediction of short-term recurrence in WHO grade 1 benign meningiomas. J Neurooncol 2010; 100; 217-23.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Surgical Science Research Articles

Hüseyin Bozkurt

Evrim Önder

Bora Gürer

Muhammet Eser

Hayri Kertmen

Zeki Şekerci

Publication Date December 9, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014Volume: 36 Issue: 4


AMA Bozkurt H, Önder E, Gürer B, Eser M, Kertmen H, Şekerci Z. Oligodendrogliomlarda osteopontin ekspresyon düzeylerinin histolojik derece ve sağ kalım ile ilişkisi. CMJ. December 2014;36(4):548-554. doi:10.7197/cmj.v36i4.5000080329