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Year 2015, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 57 - 108, 14.07.2015


       The main concern in this study is both the revelation of the intertextual relations and explanation of their functions in Aldous Huxley’s Point Counter Point.One of the significant assumptions in the intertextual theory is that a text is not a stable field of meaning, but something that the reader work on and interpret. Taking this as a point of departure, Point Counter Point has been attempted to be analyzed from the standpoint of intertextual associations through which it was constructed. Having an abundance of intertextual connections the novel itself offers numberless ways of deciphering it. Therefore this study has become one reliant on our common knowledge and aiming at putting forward both explicit and implicit relations embedded in the novel. This also means that there may be some other studies aiming at finding and analyzing the intertextual relations in the novel and dependent on the knowledge of the reader; therefore, this study is just one of the probable studies on the intertextual relations in Huxley’s novel. Throughout the study it has been observed that Huxley exploited a wide range of cultural phenomena revealing popular, social, literary, artistic and historical culture by means of quotation, citation, allusion and reference either reproducing or transforming the texts or discourses belonging to these fields. Along with the mentioned domains, the novel makes the utilization of scientific references and allusions. A large number of allusions and references to a large number of texts and fields require classification of them in different parts. The first part of the study deals with quotations from and allusions and references to literature, literary texts and figures. The second part puts forward the references and allusions to other cultural fields and phenomena in Point Counter Point. The investigation of scientific allusions and references in the novel will be the subject of the third part. This study also sheds light on the function of the intertextual relations embedded in the novel. At the end of the study, what we have concluded is that Huxley, being a highly-intellectualized author, constructed his novel via both intertextual resonances and implicit intertextual connections and thus contributed to the English novel through his experimental style. Besides, it has been thought that the novel in Huxley’s hands has become developed because he contributed to its modernist qualities through his literary experimentalism resulting in the novel being an intertext.


  • ABRAMS, M. H. (Et al.). (1986). The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vols. I and II. New York: W. W. Norton and Company.
  • ALLEN, Graham. (2000). Intertextuality. London: Routledge.
  • ATKINS, John. (1980). “Point Counter Point and the Uncongenital Novelist”. Studies in the Literary Imagination. Vol. 13, Issue 1. (69-80).
  • BALD, Robert Cecil. (2010). “Aldous Huxley as a Borrower”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. Harold Bloom (Ed. and Intr.). (3-9). USA: In- fobase.
  • BARTHES, Roland. (2001). “The Death of the Author”. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. (Ed. Vincent B. Leitch. Et al.). (1466-1470). New York and London: W. W. Norton and Company.
  • _______________. (1974). S/Z. New York: Hill and Wang.
  • BIRNBAUM, Milton. (2003). “Marking and Remembering Aldous Huxley”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. Harold Bloom (Ed. and Intr.). (3-8). New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • BRINKLEY, Alan. (2010). The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. New York: The McGraw Hill Inc.
  • BODE, Christoph. (1990). “Aldous Huxley”. Classics in Cultural Criticism. Vol- ume I Britain. (Ed. Bernd-Peter Lange). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • BOWEN, Zack. (1977). “Allusions to Musical Works in Point Counter Point”. Studies in the Novel. Vol.9, Issue 4. (488-508).
  • BRIDGEFORD, Andrew. (2006). 1066 The Hidden History in the Bayeux Tapes- try.New York: Walker and Company.
  • CURTIS, Edmund. (2002). A History of Ireland: From Earliest Times to 1922. Lon- don: Routledge.
  • DOWSEN, Ken, Niall Livingstone (Eds.). (2011). A Companion to Greek Mytholo- gy.UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • EAGLETON, Terry. (2005). The English Novel: An Introduction. UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • HAMILTON, Edith. (1969). Mythology. England: Penguin Books.
  • HUXLEY, Aldous. (1939). After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. New York: Har- per and Brothers Publishers.
  • JUNG, C. G. (1961). Freud and Psychoanalysis. (Trans. R. F. C. Hull). New York: Pantheon Books Inc.
  • KRISTEVA, Julia. (1980). Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. (Ed. Leon S. Roudiez). (Trans. Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine and Leon S. Roudiez). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • LEEMING, David Adams. (1998). Mythology: The Voyage of the Hero. Oxford: UP.
  • MECKIER, Jerome. (1977). “Fifty Years of Counterpoint”. Studies in the Novel. Vol. 9, Issue 4. (367-372).
  • _______________ (2003). “Aldous Huxley, Satiric Sonneteer: The Defeat of Youth”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and Intr. Har- old Bloom). (85-108). USA: Chelsea House.
  • _______________ (2010a). “Aldous Huxley: Satire and Structure”. Bloom’s Mod- ern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and Intr. Harold Bloom). (31-40). New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • _______________ (2010b). “Quarles among the Monkeys: Huxley’s Zoological Novels”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and intr. Har- old Bloom). (59-77). New York: Infobase.
  • MORFORD, Mark P. O. and Robert J. Lenardon. (1985). Classical Mythology. London: Longman.
  • PAUSSEL, Sally A. (2003). “Color and Light: Huxley’s Pathway to Spiritual Reality”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and intr. Har- old Bloom). (25-52). New York: Infobase.
  • ROOM, Adrian. (1997). Who’s Who in Classical Mythology. New York: Gramercy Books.
  • ROSTON, Murray. (1977). “Technique of Counterpoint”. Studies in the Novel. Volume 9. Issue 4. (378-388).
  • SCHMITZ, Thomas A. (2007). Modern Literary Theory and Ancient Texts: An In- troduction.USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • SHAKESPEARE, William. (1923). The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. DKY Editions.
  • SIDEWAY, Adam James. (2011). Madness, Badness, Sadness: Aldous Huxley and the Shifting Shadow of Psychoanalysis. (Unpublished MP Thesis). University of Birmingham.
  • SION, Ronald T. (2010). Aldous Huxley and the Search for Meaning: A Study of the Eleven Novels. London: McFarland and Company, Inc.
  • SMITH, Grover. (Ed.). Letters of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto and Windus.
  • WALTER, Elizabeth et al. (Eds.). (2008). Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Cambridge: UP.
  • WILLIAMS, Ioan M. (1968). Literature in Perspective: Thackeray. London: Evans Brothers Limited.
  • WILSON, John Dover. (2009). Life in Shakespeare’s England. Cambridge:UP.
  • ZENGİN, Mevlüde. (2015). “Çok Sesli Müzikten Polifonik Romana: Aldous Huxley’nin Ses Sese Karşı Adlı Romanı”. Gaziantep University Journal of So- cial Sciences. Volume 14, Issue 1. (155-191). INTERNET SOURCES
  • GROSVENOR, Peter. “Progress, Elitism and Ideology in Point Counter Point as a Novel of Ideas”:
  • MAROVITZ, Sanford E. “Point Counter Point: Huxley's Tragi-Comic Perfor- mance of the “Human Fugue”:
  • k/marovitz.pdf. Accessed on March 6, 2014.

Aldous Huxley’nin Ses Sese Karşı Adlı Romanında Metinlerarası Bağlantılar

Year 2015, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 57 - 108, 14.07.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Aldous Huxley’nin Ses Sese Karşı adlı romanında metinlerarası bağlantıları ve işlevlerini ortaya koymaktır. Metnin sabit bir anlam içermeyen, aksine okurun üzerinde çalışarak yorumlaması gereken bir olgu olduğu görüşü metinlerarasılıkta önemli varsayımlardan biridir. Bu görüşten hareketle Ses Sese Karşı adlı roman kendisini yapılandıran metinlerarası ilişkiler bağlamında analiz edilecektir. Roman çok sayıda metinlerarası bağlantı içerdiğinden çok sayıda yorumlama yolları sunmaktadır. Bundan dolayı bu çalışma daha çok genel kültüre dayalı olup, romandaki hem açık hem de örtük metinlerarası bağlantıları analiz etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu aynı zamanda her okurun bilgisine bağlı olarak Huxley’nin romanındaki metinlerarası bağlantıları çalışabileceği anlamına gelmektedir. Bizim çalışmamız ise bu tür mümkün olan çalışmalardan sadece bir tanesidir. Çalışma boyunca Huxley’nin, romanında popüler kültür, sosyal, edebi, sanatsal ve tarihi kültürü yansıtan tüm kültürel olguları ve tüm bu alanlara ait metin ve söylemleri, alıntılama, anıştırma ve zikretme yoluyla kullandığı gözlenmiştir. Bahsedilen bu alanların yanı sıra, roman bilimsel imleme ve imaları da içermektedir. Romanın bir hayli çok alandan çok sayıda ima, alıntı ve aktarma ile yapılandırılmış olması onların sınıflandırılmasını gerekli kılmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümü edebiyat, edebi eserler ve kişiliklere yapılan anıştırma ve imaları ele alacaktır. İkinci bölüm romandaki diğer kültürel alan ve olgulara yapılan imleme ve imaları ortaya koyacaktır. Ses Sese Karşı’daki bilim alanları ile ilgili imleme, ima vb. ise makalenin üçüncü bölümünde ele alınacaktır. Bu çalışma aynı zamanda Huxley’nin romanındaki metinlerarası bağlantıların işlevlerine de ışık tutmaktadır. Çalışmanın sonucunda Huxley’nin bir hayli bilgili ve kültürlü bir yazar olarak Ses Sese Karşı adlı romanını hem açık hem de örtük metinlerarası bağlantılarla yapılandırdığı ve böylelikle İngiliz romanına deneysel tarzı ile katkıda bulunduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bununla bağlantılı olarak, Huxley’nin edebi deneyselciliği sayesinde romanı metinlerarası bir metin haline getirerek onun modernist özelliklerine katkı sağladığı düşünülmektedir


  • ABRAMS, M. H. (Et al.). (1986). The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Vols. I and II. New York: W. W. Norton and Company.
  • ALLEN, Graham. (2000). Intertextuality. London: Routledge.
  • ATKINS, John. (1980). “Point Counter Point and the Uncongenital Novelist”. Studies in the Literary Imagination. Vol. 13, Issue 1. (69-80).
  • BALD, Robert Cecil. (2010). “Aldous Huxley as a Borrower”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. Harold Bloom (Ed. and Intr.). (3-9). USA: In- fobase.
  • BARTHES, Roland. (2001). “The Death of the Author”. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. (Ed. Vincent B. Leitch. Et al.). (1466-1470). New York and London: W. W. Norton and Company.
  • _______________. (1974). S/Z. New York: Hill and Wang.
  • BIRNBAUM, Milton. (2003). “Marking and Remembering Aldous Huxley”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. Harold Bloom (Ed. and Intr.). (3-8). New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • BRINKLEY, Alan. (2010). The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People. New York: The McGraw Hill Inc.
  • BODE, Christoph. (1990). “Aldous Huxley”. Classics in Cultural Criticism. Vol- ume I Britain. (Ed. Bernd-Peter Lange). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  • BOWEN, Zack. (1977). “Allusions to Musical Works in Point Counter Point”. Studies in the Novel. Vol.9, Issue 4. (488-508).
  • BRIDGEFORD, Andrew. (2006). 1066 The Hidden History in the Bayeux Tapes- try.New York: Walker and Company.
  • CURTIS, Edmund. (2002). A History of Ireland: From Earliest Times to 1922. Lon- don: Routledge.
  • DOWSEN, Ken, Niall Livingstone (Eds.). (2011). A Companion to Greek Mytholo- gy.UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • EAGLETON, Terry. (2005). The English Novel: An Introduction. UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • HAMILTON, Edith. (1969). Mythology. England: Penguin Books.
  • HUXLEY, Aldous. (1939). After Many a Summer Dies the Swan. New York: Har- per and Brothers Publishers.
  • JUNG, C. G. (1961). Freud and Psychoanalysis. (Trans. R. F. C. Hull). New York: Pantheon Books Inc.
  • KRISTEVA, Julia. (1980). Desire in Language: A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art. (Ed. Leon S. Roudiez). (Trans. Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine and Leon S. Roudiez). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • LEEMING, David Adams. (1998). Mythology: The Voyage of the Hero. Oxford: UP.
  • MECKIER, Jerome. (1977). “Fifty Years of Counterpoint”. Studies in the Novel. Vol. 9, Issue 4. (367-372).
  • _______________ (2003). “Aldous Huxley, Satiric Sonneteer: The Defeat of Youth”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and Intr. Har- old Bloom). (85-108). USA: Chelsea House.
  • _______________ (2010a). “Aldous Huxley: Satire and Structure”. Bloom’s Mod- ern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and Intr. Harold Bloom). (31-40). New York: Infobase Publishing.
  • _______________ (2010b). “Quarles among the Monkeys: Huxley’s Zoological Novels”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and intr. Har- old Bloom). (59-77). New York: Infobase.
  • MORFORD, Mark P. O. and Robert J. Lenardon. (1985). Classical Mythology. London: Longman.
  • PAUSSEL, Sally A. (2003). “Color and Light: Huxley’s Pathway to Spiritual Reality”. Bloom’s Modern Critical Views: Aldous Huxley. (Ed. and intr. Har- old Bloom). (25-52). New York: Infobase.
  • ROOM, Adrian. (1997). Who’s Who in Classical Mythology. New York: Gramercy Books.
  • ROSTON, Murray. (1977). “Technique of Counterpoint”. Studies in the Novel. Volume 9. Issue 4. (378-388).
  • SCHMITZ, Thomas A. (2007). Modern Literary Theory and Ancient Texts: An In- troduction.USA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  • SHAKESPEARE, William. (1923). The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. DKY Editions.
  • SIDEWAY, Adam James. (2011). Madness, Badness, Sadness: Aldous Huxley and the Shifting Shadow of Psychoanalysis. (Unpublished MP Thesis). University of Birmingham.
  • SION, Ronald T. (2010). Aldous Huxley and the Search for Meaning: A Study of the Eleven Novels. London: McFarland and Company, Inc.
  • SMITH, Grover. (Ed.). Letters of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto and Windus.
  • WALTER, Elizabeth et al. (Eds.). (2008). Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Cambridge: UP.
  • WILLIAMS, Ioan M. (1968). Literature in Perspective: Thackeray. London: Evans Brothers Limited.
  • WILSON, John Dover. (2009). Life in Shakespeare’s England. Cambridge:UP.
  • ZENGİN, Mevlüde. (2015). “Çok Sesli Müzikten Polifonik Romana: Aldous Huxley’nin Ses Sese Karşı Adlı Romanı”. Gaziantep University Journal of So- cial Sciences. Volume 14, Issue 1. (155-191). INTERNET SOURCES
  • GROSVENOR, Peter. “Progress, Elitism and Ideology in Point Counter Point as a Novel of Ideas”:
  • MAROVITZ, Sanford E. “Point Counter Point: Huxley's Tragi-Comic Perfor- mance of the “Human Fugue”:
  • k/marovitz.pdf. Accessed on March 6, 2014.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mevlüde Zengin

Publication Date July 14, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015Volume: 39 Issue: 1


APA Zengin, M. (2015). INTERTEXTUAL RELATIONS IN ALDOUS HUXLEY’S POINT COUNTER POINT. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 39(1), 57-108.
