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Stomalı Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi Nasıl Yükseltilir?

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 34 - 39, 01.02.2013


Altta yatan patolojiyi ortadan kaldırmak ve hastanın durumunu iyileştirmek amacıyla açılan ostomiler aynı zamanda bireyin
tüm yaşantısını etkilemektedir. Ostominin açılması hem ilk görüldüğü anda, hem de taburculuktan sonra bireylerin fiziksel,
psikolojik ve sosyal açıdan çeşitli sorunlar yaşamasına neden olmaktadır. Ostomili bireylerin yaşadıkları sorunlar ve ortaya
çıkan komplikasyonlar ostomili bireylerin rehabilitasyonunu dolayısıyla ostomi bakım hemşireliğini gündeme getirmiştir.
Ostomi bakım hemşireliği ile bireylerin en kısa zamanda normal yaşantısına dönmelerine yardımcı olunacağı ve yaşam
kalitelerinin artmasına katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu yazının amacı Ostomili bireyin eğitim ve bakımında iyi
planlanmış hemşirelik girişimleri ile yaşanan sorunların azaltılması ve bütüncül bakış açısının geliştirilmesidir.


  • Ayaz, S. (2007). Stomalı Bireylerde Hemşirenin Rolü. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 86- 90.
  • Aydın, H., Kement, M., Zafer, F., & Öncel, M. (2007). Stomalı hastaların yaşam kalitelerine etkili faktörler.
  • Çukurova III Kolo- Proktoloji & Stoma –Terapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana.12-14 Nisan, 109.
  • Baldwin, C. M., Grant, M., Wendel, C., Rwal, S., Schmidt, C. M., Ko, C., & Krouse, R.S. (2008). Influence of intestinal stoma on spiritual quality of life of U.S. veterans. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 35(5), 493-503.
  • Barr, J. E. (2004). Assessment and Management of Stomal Complications: A Framework for Clinical Decision Making. Ostomy Wound Management, 50(9), 50-67.
  • Black, P. (2000). Practical stoma care. Nursing Standart, 14(41), 47-53.
  • Butler, D. L. (2009). Early postoperative complications following ostomy surgery. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 36(5), 513-519.
  • Colwell, J. C., Goldberg, M., & Carmel, J. (2001). The state of the Standard diversion. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 28(1), 6-17.
  • Duchesne, J. C., Wang Y. Z., Weintraub S. L., Boyle M., & Hunt J. P. (2002). Stoma complications: A multivariate analysis. The American Surgeon, 68(11): 961- 966.
  • Engel, J., Kerr, J., Schlesinger- Raab, A., Eckel, R., Sauer, H., & Hölzel, D. (2003). Quality of life in rectal cancer patients: a four-year prospective study. Annals of Surgery, 238(2), 203-13.
  • Gooszen, A.W., Geelkerken, R. H., Hermans, J., Lagaay, M. B., & Gooszen, H. G. (2000). Quality of life with a temporary stoma: ileostomy vs. colostomy. Disease of the Colon and Rectum, 43(5), 650-655.
  • Grimland, J. (2004). Caring for client with bowel disorders. In: Lemone, P., & Burke, K (Ed), Medical surgical nursing critical thinking in client care (pp. 453- 490). pearson education.
  • Güler, D. (2006). Mastalji, yaşam kalitesi ve depresyon. Uzmanlık tezi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Hyland, P. (2002). The basics of ostomies. Gastroenterology Nursing, 25(6), 241-244.
  • Karadağ, A., Menteş, B., Üner, A., İrkörücü, O., Ayaz, S., Özkan, S. (2003). Impact of stomatherapy on quality of life in patients with permanent colostomies or ileostomies. Journal of Colorectal Disease, 18, 234-238.
  • Karadağ, A., & Menteş, B. (2001). Kolostomili ve ileostomili hastaların bakımına yönelik rehber online kitap. Erişim tarihi: 25/06/2012.
  • Kılıç, E., Taycan, O., Belli, A. K., & Özmen, M. (2007). The effect of permanent ostomy on body image, selfesteem, marital adjustment, and sexual functioning. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(4), 1-7 Krouse, R., Grant, M., Ferrell, B., Dean, G., Nelson, A. R., & Chu, D. (2007). Quality of life outcomes in 599 cancer and non-cancer patients with colostomies. The Journal of Surgical Research, 138, 79-87.
  • Kuzu, M. A., Topçu, Ö., Uçar, K., Ulukent, S., Ünal, E., Erverdi, N., Elhan, A., & Demirci, S. (2002). Effect of sphincter-sacrificing surgery for rectal carcinoma on quality of life in muslim patient. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 45, 1359-1366.
  • Ma, N., Harvey, J., Stewart, J., Andrews, L., & Tepesi, A.G. (2007). The effect of age on the quality of patients living with stomas : A pilot study. ANZ Journal of Surgical, 77, 883-885.
  • Mahjoubi, B., Goodarzi, K. K., & Mohammad- Sadeghi, H. (2010). Quality of life in stoma patients: appropriate and ınappropriate stoma sites. World Journal of Surgical, 34, 147-152.
  • Mutlu, S. (2006). Kalıcı abdominal stomalı hastalarda beden imajı değişiminin yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Hemşirelik Programı Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • National Guideline Clearinghouse (01/06/2010). Management of the patient with a fecal ostomy: best practice guideline for clinicians. Erişim tarihi: 24/12/2012.
  • Nilsson, L. O., Kock, N. G., Kylberg, F., Myrvold, H. E., & Palselius, I. (1981). I. Sexual adjustment ileostomy patients before and after conversion to continent ileostomy. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 24, 287- 290.
  • Nugent, K. P., Daniels, P., Stewart, B., Katankar, R., & Johnson, C. D. (1999). Quality of life in stoma patients. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 42, 1569-1574.
  • O’Shea, H. (2001). Teaching the adult ostomy patient. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence, 28(1), 47-54.
  • Ostomy Care and Management (August 2009). Best practice guidelines. Erişim Tarihi: 24/12/2012.
  • Öncel, M. (2007). Kolostomi- ileostomi (etiyoloji, endikasyon ve çeşitleri). III Kolo-Proktoloji & StomaTerapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana. 12-14 Nisan, 70.
  • Özdemir, S., Uludağ, F., & Bakır, S. (2007). Kliniklerimizde Barsak Stoması açılan Bireylerin Psikolojik Durumlarının Değerlendirilmesi. III. KoloProktoloji & Stoma- Terapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana. 12-14 Nisan, 106-107.
  • Park, J.J., Pino, A. D., Orsay, C. P., Nelson, R. L., Pearl, R. K., Cintron, J. R., & Abcarian, H. (1999). Stoma complications. Dis Colon Rectum, 42(12), 1575- 1580. Persson, E., & Hellstrom, A. L. (2002). Experiences of Swedish Men and Women 6 to 12 Weeks after Ostomy Surgery. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 29(2), 103-108.
  • Persson, E., Gustavsson, B., Hellstrom, A., Lappas, G., & Hulten, L. (2005). Ostomy patients’ perceptions of quality of care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(1), 51– 58.
  • Pittman, J., Rawl, S. M., Schmidt, C.M., Grant, M., Ko, C. Y., Wendel, C., & Krouse R. S. (2008). Demographic and clinical factors related to ostomy complications and quality of life in veterans with and ostomy. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 35(5), 493-503.
  • Piwonka, M. A., & Merino, J. M. (1999). A multidimentional modeling of predictors influencing the adjustment to a colostomy. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 26, 298-235.
  • Ratliff, C. R., Scarano, K. A., & Donovan, A. M. (2005). Descriptive study of peristomal complications. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 32(1), 33-37.
  • Ross, L., Abild-Nielsen, A. G., Thomsen, B. L., Karlsen, R. V., Boesen, E. H., & Johansen, C. (2007). Quality of life danish colorectal cancer patients with and without a stoma. Support Care Cancer, 15, 505-513.
  • Schmelzer, M. (2007). Lower gastrointestinal problem. In Lewis, S. L., Heitkemper, M. M., Dirksen, S. R., O’Brien, P. G., & Bucher. L (Ed), Medical surgical nursing assessment and management of clinical problems (pp. 1069-1189). St. Louis, Mosby Elsevier.
  • Sideris, L., Zenasni, F., Vernerey, D., Dauchy, S., Lasser, P., Pignon, J. P., Elias, D., Di, Palma, M., & Pocard, M. (2005). Quality of life of patients operated on for low rectal cancer: ımpact of the type of surgery and patients’ characteristics. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 48, 2180-2191.
  • Smeltzer, S. C., & Bare, B. G., (2005) Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing. (10th Ed., pp. 1037-1352). USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
  • Sprunk, E., & Alteneder, R. R. (1999). The impact of an ostomy on sexuality. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 4(2), 85-88.
  • Visovsky, C. (2002). İntervention for client with non inflamatuary intestinal disorders. In: D. D. Ignatavicius & M. L. Workman (Ed.), Medical surgical nursing: critical thinking for collobarative care (pp. 1250) Philadelphia: W. B Sounders company.
  • Vujnovich, A. (2008). Pre and post-operative assessment of patients with a stoma. Nursing Standard, 22(19): 50- 56.
  • Yaşan, A., Ünsal, S., Gedik, E., Girgin, S. (2008). Kalıcı ve geçici ostomi yapılmış kişilerde yaşam kalitesinde değişim, anksiyete ve depresyon. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 9(3), 162-168.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2010. Erişim Tarihi: 25/06/2012.
  • _2010.pdf.

Nurse’s Role In Improving The Quality Of Life in Individuals With Ostomy

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 34 - 39, 01.02.2013


Eliminating the underlying pathology and the patient's whole life to improve the situation of the individual but also affects the
drop-down ostomy. Having ostomy not only at the first onset but also after discharge individual physical, psychological and
social aspects leads to various problems. Problems experienced by individuals, and the resulting complications ostomy care
nursing due to the rehabilitation of individuals brought up. Ostomy care nursing to return to normal life as soon as possible
with the help of individuals and that it will be thought to contribute to improved quality of life. The purpose of this article is
developing a holistic perspective by reducing the individual problems with well planned nursing care


  • Ayaz, S. (2007). Stomalı Bireylerde Hemşirenin Rolü. Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 27, 86- 90.
  • Aydın, H., Kement, M., Zafer, F., & Öncel, M. (2007). Stomalı hastaların yaşam kalitelerine etkili faktörler.
  • Çukurova III Kolo- Proktoloji & Stoma –Terapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana.12-14 Nisan, 109.
  • Baldwin, C. M., Grant, M., Wendel, C., Rwal, S., Schmidt, C. M., Ko, C., & Krouse, R.S. (2008). Influence of intestinal stoma on spiritual quality of life of U.S. veterans. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 35(5), 493-503.
  • Barr, J. E. (2004). Assessment and Management of Stomal Complications: A Framework for Clinical Decision Making. Ostomy Wound Management, 50(9), 50-67.
  • Black, P. (2000). Practical stoma care. Nursing Standart, 14(41), 47-53.
  • Butler, D. L. (2009). Early postoperative complications following ostomy surgery. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 36(5), 513-519.
  • Colwell, J. C., Goldberg, M., & Carmel, J. (2001). The state of the Standard diversion. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 28(1), 6-17.
  • Duchesne, J. C., Wang Y. Z., Weintraub S. L., Boyle M., & Hunt J. P. (2002). Stoma complications: A multivariate analysis. The American Surgeon, 68(11): 961- 966.
  • Engel, J., Kerr, J., Schlesinger- Raab, A., Eckel, R., Sauer, H., & Hölzel, D. (2003). Quality of life in rectal cancer patients: a four-year prospective study. Annals of Surgery, 238(2), 203-13.
  • Gooszen, A.W., Geelkerken, R. H., Hermans, J., Lagaay, M. B., & Gooszen, H. G. (2000). Quality of life with a temporary stoma: ileostomy vs. colostomy. Disease of the Colon and Rectum, 43(5), 650-655.
  • Grimland, J. (2004). Caring for client with bowel disorders. In: Lemone, P., & Burke, K (Ed), Medical surgical nursing critical thinking in client care (pp. 453- 490). pearson education.
  • Güler, D. (2006). Mastalji, yaşam kalitesi ve depresyon. Uzmanlık tezi, İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Hyland, P. (2002). The basics of ostomies. Gastroenterology Nursing, 25(6), 241-244.
  • Karadağ, A., Menteş, B., Üner, A., İrkörücü, O., Ayaz, S., Özkan, S. (2003). Impact of stomatherapy on quality of life in patients with permanent colostomies or ileostomies. Journal of Colorectal Disease, 18, 234-238.
  • Karadağ, A., & Menteş, B. (2001). Kolostomili ve ileostomili hastaların bakımına yönelik rehber online kitap. Erişim tarihi: 25/06/2012.
  • Kılıç, E., Taycan, O., Belli, A. K., & Özmen, M. (2007). The effect of permanent ostomy on body image, selfesteem, marital adjustment, and sexual functioning. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 18(4), 1-7 Krouse, R., Grant, M., Ferrell, B., Dean, G., Nelson, A. R., & Chu, D. (2007). Quality of life outcomes in 599 cancer and non-cancer patients with colostomies. The Journal of Surgical Research, 138, 79-87.
  • Kuzu, M. A., Topçu, Ö., Uçar, K., Ulukent, S., Ünal, E., Erverdi, N., Elhan, A., & Demirci, S. (2002). Effect of sphincter-sacrificing surgery for rectal carcinoma on quality of life in muslim patient. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 45, 1359-1366.
  • Ma, N., Harvey, J., Stewart, J., Andrews, L., & Tepesi, A.G. (2007). The effect of age on the quality of patients living with stomas : A pilot study. ANZ Journal of Surgical, 77, 883-885.
  • Mahjoubi, B., Goodarzi, K. K., & Mohammad- Sadeghi, H. (2010). Quality of life in stoma patients: appropriate and ınappropriate stoma sites. World Journal of Surgical, 34, 147-152.
  • Mutlu, S. (2006). Kalıcı abdominal stomalı hastalarda beden imajı değişiminin yaşam kalitesine etkisi. Hemşirelik Programı Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • National Guideline Clearinghouse (01/06/2010). Management of the patient with a fecal ostomy: best practice guideline for clinicians. Erişim tarihi: 24/12/2012.
  • Nilsson, L. O., Kock, N. G., Kylberg, F., Myrvold, H. E., & Palselius, I. (1981). I. Sexual adjustment ileostomy patients before and after conversion to continent ileostomy. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 24, 287- 290.
  • Nugent, K. P., Daniels, P., Stewart, B., Katankar, R., & Johnson, C. D. (1999). Quality of life in stoma patients. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 42, 1569-1574.
  • O’Shea, H. (2001). Teaching the adult ostomy patient. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence, 28(1), 47-54.
  • Ostomy Care and Management (August 2009). Best practice guidelines. Erişim Tarihi: 24/12/2012.
  • Öncel, M. (2007). Kolostomi- ileostomi (etiyoloji, endikasyon ve çeşitleri). III Kolo-Proktoloji & StomaTerapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana. 12-14 Nisan, 70.
  • Özdemir, S., Uludağ, F., & Bakır, S. (2007). Kliniklerimizde Barsak Stoması açılan Bireylerin Psikolojik Durumlarının Değerlendirilmesi. III. KoloProktoloji & Stoma- Terapi Sempozyumu (Kongre Kitabı). Adana. 12-14 Nisan, 106-107.
  • Park, J.J., Pino, A. D., Orsay, C. P., Nelson, R. L., Pearl, R. K., Cintron, J. R., & Abcarian, H. (1999). Stoma complications. Dis Colon Rectum, 42(12), 1575- 1580. Persson, E., & Hellstrom, A. L. (2002). Experiences of Swedish Men and Women 6 to 12 Weeks after Ostomy Surgery. Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 29(2), 103-108.
  • Persson, E., Gustavsson, B., Hellstrom, A., Lappas, G., & Hulten, L. (2005). Ostomy patients’ perceptions of quality of care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 49(1), 51– 58.
  • Pittman, J., Rawl, S. M., Schmidt, C.M., Grant, M., Ko, C. Y., Wendel, C., & Krouse R. S. (2008). Demographic and clinical factors related to ostomy complications and quality of life in veterans with and ostomy. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 35(5), 493-503.
  • Piwonka, M. A., & Merino, J. M. (1999). A multidimentional modeling of predictors influencing the adjustment to a colostomy. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 26, 298-235.
  • Ratliff, C. R., Scarano, K. A., & Donovan, A. M. (2005). Descriptive study of peristomal complications. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 32(1), 33-37.
  • Ross, L., Abild-Nielsen, A. G., Thomsen, B. L., Karlsen, R. V., Boesen, E. H., & Johansen, C. (2007). Quality of life danish colorectal cancer patients with and without a stoma. Support Care Cancer, 15, 505-513.
  • Schmelzer, M. (2007). Lower gastrointestinal problem. In Lewis, S. L., Heitkemper, M. M., Dirksen, S. R., O’Brien, P. G., & Bucher. L (Ed), Medical surgical nursing assessment and management of clinical problems (pp. 1069-1189). St. Louis, Mosby Elsevier.
  • Sideris, L., Zenasni, F., Vernerey, D., Dauchy, S., Lasser, P., Pignon, J. P., Elias, D., Di, Palma, M., & Pocard, M. (2005). Quality of life of patients operated on for low rectal cancer: ımpact of the type of surgery and patients’ characteristics. Disease of The Colon and Rectum, 48, 2180-2191.
  • Smeltzer, S. C., & Bare, B. G., (2005) Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing. (10th Ed., pp. 1037-1352). USA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
  • Sprunk, E., & Alteneder, R. R. (1999). The impact of an ostomy on sexuality. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 4(2), 85-88.
  • Visovsky, C. (2002). İntervention for client with non inflamatuary intestinal disorders. In: D. D. Ignatavicius & M. L. Workman (Ed.), Medical surgical nursing: critical thinking for collobarative care (pp. 1250) Philadelphia: W. B Sounders company.
  • Vujnovich, A. (2008). Pre and post-operative assessment of patients with a stoma. Nursing Standard, 22(19): 50- 56.
  • Yaşan, A., Ünsal, S., Gedik, E., Girgin, S. (2008). Kalıcı ve geçici ostomi yapılmış kişilerde yaşam kalitesinde değişim, anksiyete ve depresyon. Anadolu Psikiyatri Dergisi, 9(3), 162-168.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2010. Erişim Tarihi: 25/06/2012.
  • _2010.pdf.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Fatma Vural

Figen Erol Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Vural, F., & Erol, F. (2013). Stomalı Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi Nasıl Yükseltilir?. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 6(1), 34-39.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.

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