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The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 422 - 426, 08.01.2016


Objective: In this study, it was aimed to compare the sensitivity of diagnostic tests in patients with a preliminary diagnosis of brucellosis.

Methods: We have compared the serological methods, standard tube agglutination test (STA), Coombs Test (CT), Rose Bengal (RBT), and the gel centrifugation test. In patients with a preliminary diagnosis of brucellosis, subjects with a positive test result of RBT has been included in the research and other diagnostic tests STA, CT and Coombs Gel centrifugation tests were performed within the range of same titration.

Results: Total 132 patient’s serums were studied. In RBT positive 92 patients’ serums, negative test results were found in 11 with STA, in 9 with CT and in 6 with gel test. While 35 patients were identified to be positive by using Brucella gel test at 1/5120 titer, no positive test results were seen with STA and CT at the same titer. Generally, CT results were one titration below the gel centrifugation test results.

Conclusion: In conclusion, RBT and STA were not always adequate to determine the diagnosis of brucellosis. Low titer STA results should be supported by tests such as CT or gel centrifugation and the seroconversion must be monitored. Due to giving fast results, gel centrifugation test can be preferred in diagnosis of Brucellosis.

Key words: Brucellosis, gel centrifugation, Coombs test


  • Colak H, Usluer G, Ozgüneş I, et al. Comparison of method Wright, indirect Coombs and enzyme immunoassay IgG in the diagnosis of chronic brucellosis. Mikrobiol Bul 1992;26:56-60.
  • Pappas G, Akritidis N, Bosilkovski M, et al. Brucellosis. N Engl J Med 2005;352:25-36.
  • Young EJ. Brucella species. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin
  • R eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases 5th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone,
  • Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, et al. The new global map of human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6:91–99.
  • Sofian M, Aghakhani A, Velayati AA, et al. Risk factors for human brucellosis in Iran: a case-control study. Int J Infect Dis 2008;12:157–161.
  • Cetinkaya Z. Francisella ve Brucella. Basustaoğlu A, Kubar A, Yıldıran ST, Tanyüksel M kitabında (çev ed). Klinik Mikrobiyoloji.
  • Ankara: Atlas Kitapcılık, 2009;815:34-37.
  • T.C. Saglık Bakanlığı Temel Saglık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlügü, Zoonotik Hastalıklar Daire Baskanlığı ,Zoonotik Hastalıklar Hizmetici Egitim Modülü Ankara,2011;2012:29-42.
  • Güzelant A, Kurtoglu M.G Kaya M., et al. Comparison of Brucellacapt with Other Serological Tests In the diagnosis of brucellosis. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 2009;25:125-131.
  • Tasova Y, Saltoglu N, Yılmaz G, Inal S, Aksu HSZ. Bruselloz:the evaluation of clinical, laboratory, and treatment characteristics in 238 adult patients. Infeksiyon Dergisi 1998; 12: 307-312.
  • Tünger A, Cavuşoglu C, Kork M. Microbiology (Bacteriology- Virology-Parasitology-Mycology Immunology).ASYA Tıp Kitapevi 2005;183-184.
  • Bilgehan H. Small aerobic gram-negative bacilli, Brusella. Bilgehan H, ed. Special Bacteriology and Bacterial Infections Clinical Microbiology. 10. baskı.Izmir: Barıs Yayınları Fakülteler Kitabevi, 2005;224-229.
  • Meyer ME, Morgan WJ. Metabolic characterization of Brucella strains that show conflicting identity by biochemical and serological methods Bull. World Health Organ1962;26:823-827.
  • Alıskın H. The value of culture and serological diagnosis in human brucellosis. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 2008;42:185-195
  • Alıskan H, Colakoglu S, Turunc T, et al. Determine the value of Brucellacapt test in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 2007;41:591-595.
  • Gültekin E , Uyanık M H, Albayrak A, et al. Comparison of several serological methods for the diagnosis of brucellosis.Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi 2012;42:142-147.
  • Serra J, Velasco J, Godoy P, Mendoza C. Can the Brucellacapt test be substituted for the Coombs test in the diagnosis of human brucellosis? Enferm Infec Microbiol Clin 2001;19:202-205.
  • Gomez MC, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA. Comparative study of the Brucellacapt test 14versus the Coombs test for Brucella. Enferm. Infec. Microbiol Clin 1999;17:283-285.
  • Türk Dağı H, Fındık D. A New method for the diagnosis of brucellosis : Brucella Coombs gel test.. 2. Ulusal Mikrobiyoloji Kongre kitabı 2013;PS236; s.303.
  • Irvem A, Yücel F, Aksaray S, Bor E. The comparison of New and rapid method for the diagnosis of Brucella Brucella Coombs gel test with of other serological methods. Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni 2015;49:181-187.
  • Brucellosis and diagnosis. http:// www.toprakmedikal/documents/Brucella.ppt.

Brusella jel aglütinasyon testinin diğer Brusella testleri ile karşılaştırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 4, 422 - 426, 08.01.2016


Amaç: Bu çalışmada, bruselloz ön tanısı konmuş hastalarda tanı testlerinin duyarlılığını karşılaştırılması ve hassasiyetlerinin ölçülmesi amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: Serolojik yöntemlerden, Standart Tüp Aglütinasyon Testi, (STA), Coombs testi (CT), Rose Bengal testi (RBT) ve Jel sentrifügasyon testleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Bruselloz ön tanılı hastalarda RBT pozitif çıkan serumlar araştırma kapsamına alınmış ve diğer tanı testlerinden STA, Brucella CT ve Coombs Jel sentrifügasyon testleri aynı titrasyon aralıklarında çalışılmıştır.Bulgular: Rose Bengal testi pozitif çıkan 132 hasta serumu çalışmaya dahil edildi. RBT pozitif 92 hastanın 11’i STA ile, 9’u CT ile, ve 6’sı Jel sentrifugasyon testi ile negatif bulundu. 35 hasta serumu Jel testi ile 1/5120 titrede pozitif bulunurken, CT ve STA ile bu titrede pozitiflik saptanmadı. Genel olarak CT sonuçlarının Jel testi’ ne göre bir titrasyon düşük olduğu görüldü. Sonuç: Brusellozis tanısında RBT ve STA her zaman yeterli olmamaktadır. STA’nın düşük titreleri için serokonversiyon takibi veya CT veya Jel sentrifügasyon gibi testlerle laboratuvar tanı desteklenmelidir. Jel sentrifügasyon testinin daha kısa sürede sonuç vermesi nedeniyle Brucella tanısında tercih edilebilir


  • Colak H, Usluer G, Ozgüneş I, et al. Comparison of method Wright, indirect Coombs and enzyme immunoassay IgG in the diagnosis of chronic brucellosis. Mikrobiol Bul 1992;26:56-60.
  • Pappas G, Akritidis N, Bosilkovski M, et al. Brucellosis. N Engl J Med 2005;352:25-36.
  • Young EJ. Brucella species. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin
  • R eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases 5th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone,
  • Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, et al. The new global map of human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6:91–99.
  • Sofian M, Aghakhani A, Velayati AA, et al. Risk factors for human brucellosis in Iran: a case-control study. Int J Infect Dis 2008;12:157–161.
  • Cetinkaya Z. Francisella ve Brucella. Basustaoğlu A, Kubar A, Yıldıran ST, Tanyüksel M kitabında (çev ed). Klinik Mikrobiyoloji.
  • Ankara: Atlas Kitapcılık, 2009;815:34-37.
  • T.C. Saglık Bakanlığı Temel Saglık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlügü, Zoonotik Hastalıklar Daire Baskanlığı ,Zoonotik Hastalıklar Hizmetici Egitim Modülü Ankara,2011;2012:29-42.
  • Güzelant A, Kurtoglu M.G Kaya M., et al. Comparison of Brucellacapt with Other Serological Tests In the diagnosis of brucellosis. Selçuk Tıp Dergisi 2009;25:125-131.
  • Tasova Y, Saltoglu N, Yılmaz G, Inal S, Aksu HSZ. Bruselloz:the evaluation of clinical, laboratory, and treatment characteristics in 238 adult patients. Infeksiyon Dergisi 1998; 12: 307-312.
  • Tünger A, Cavuşoglu C, Kork M. Microbiology (Bacteriology- Virology-Parasitology-Mycology Immunology).ASYA Tıp Kitapevi 2005;183-184.
  • Bilgehan H. Small aerobic gram-negative bacilli, Brusella. Bilgehan H, ed. Special Bacteriology and Bacterial Infections Clinical Microbiology. 10. baskı.Izmir: Barıs Yayınları Fakülteler Kitabevi, 2005;224-229.
  • Meyer ME, Morgan WJ. Metabolic characterization of Brucella strains that show conflicting identity by biochemical and serological methods Bull. World Health Organ1962;26:823-827.
  • Alıskın H. The value of culture and serological diagnosis in human brucellosis. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 2008;42:185-195
  • Alıskan H, Colakoglu S, Turunc T, et al. Determine the value of Brucellacapt test in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Mikrobiyoloji Bülteni 2007;41:591-595.
  • Gültekin E , Uyanık M H, Albayrak A, et al. Comparison of several serological methods for the diagnosis of brucellosis.Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi 2012;42:142-147.
  • Serra J, Velasco J, Godoy P, Mendoza C. Can the Brucellacapt test be substituted for the Coombs test in the diagnosis of human brucellosis? Enferm Infec Microbiol Clin 2001;19:202-205.
  • Gomez MC, Rosa C, Geijo P, Escribano MA. Comparative study of the Brucellacapt test 14versus the Coombs test for Brucella. Enferm. Infec. Microbiol Clin 1999;17:283-285.
  • Türk Dağı H, Fındık D. A New method for the diagnosis of brucellosis : Brucella Coombs gel test.. 2. Ulusal Mikrobiyoloji Kongre kitabı 2013;PS236; s.303.
  • Irvem A, Yücel F, Aksaray S, Bor E. The comparison of New and rapid method for the diagnosis of Brucella Brucella Coombs gel test with of other serological methods. Mikrobiyoloji Bulteni 2015;49:181-187.
  • Brucellosis and diagnosis. http:// www.toprakmedikal/documents/Brucella.ppt.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

N. Mine Turhanoğlu This is me

Demet Vural

Publication Date January 8, 2016
Submission Date January 8, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 4


APA Turhanoğlu, N. M., & Vural, D. (2016). The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. Dicle Medical Journal, 42(4), 422-426.
AMA Turhanoğlu NM, Vural D. The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. diclemedj. January 2016;42(4):422-426. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0602
Chicago Turhanoğlu, N. Mine, and Demet Vural. “The Comparison of Brucella Gel Agglutination Test With Other Brucella Tests”. Dicle Medical Journal 42, no. 4 (January 2016): 422-26.
EndNote Turhanoğlu NM, Vural D (January 1, 2016) The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. Dicle Medical Journal 42 4 422–426.
IEEE N. M. Turhanoğlu and D. Vural, “The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests”, diclemedj, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 422–426, 2016, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0602.
ISNAD Turhanoğlu, N. Mine - Vural, Demet. “The Comparison of Brucella Gel Agglutination Test With Other Brucella Tests”. Dicle Medical Journal 42/4 (January 2016), 422-426.
JAMA Turhanoğlu NM, Vural D. The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. diclemedj. 2016;42:422–426.
MLA Turhanoğlu, N. Mine and Demet Vural. “The Comparison of Brucella Gel Agglutination Test With Other Brucella Tests”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 42, no. 4, 2016, pp. 422-6, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2015.04.0602.
Vancouver Turhanoğlu NM, Vural D. The comparison of Brucella gel agglutination test with other Brucella tests. diclemedj. 2016;42(4):422-6.