The aim of the peer review process is to ensure the publication of high-quality and original scientific research articles. All articles published in DSJOURNAL undergo a peer review process as described below.
Preliminary Evaluation
The submitted papers that pass the plagiarism check are initially subjected to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board. Papers that are deemed unscientific, outside the scope of the journal, or do not comply with the format may be rejected without initiating the peer review process or may require certain revisions. At this stage, no article can be accepted for publication by the editor without a positive peer review report.
Peer Review Policy
The journal employs a double-blind peer review system, where the identities of both the reviewers and authors are kept confidential.
Peer Evaluation
Following the preliminary evaluation, the papers are sent to at least two reviewers appointed by the Editorial Board and/or the Publication Committee. The number of reviewers may be increased if deemed necessary by the Editor or the Publication Committee. Reviewers are selected from a pool of experts in consideration of their areas of expertise.
Reviewers assess the submitted papers in terms of originality, methodology, contribution to the literature, presentation of findings and supporting conclusions, and utilization of previous studies. Reviewers may accept, reject, or request revisions to the article in terms of form and/or content from the authors. For an article to be accepted for publication, it is required to receive positive opinions from at least two reviewers. If one reviewer provides a positive opinion while the other provides a negative one, the study is sent to a third reviewer.
In the case of revision requests from the reviewer(s), the author(s) upload the revised version or express their counter-arguments, taking into account the criticism and suggestions made by the reviewers, through the DergiPark system. Reviewers may request multiple revisions for the same article.
Final Evaluation
For all articles that have received positive opinions from the reviewers and reached the stage of publication, a final evaluation is conducted by the Editorial Board and/or the Publication Committee. Articles deemed "publishable" are scheduled for publication in the order of their acceptance.
Areas that reviewers are expected to pay attention to during the article review process, in addition to the evaluation form:
1- Are the titles of the article in Turkish and English suitable for the study?
2- Does the abstract cover the purpose of the study, the findings obtained through the applied method, and the recommendations?
3- Are the Turkish and English abstracts compatible?
4- Are the Turkish and English keywords appropriate, parallel, and sufficient?
5- Has the subject and purpose of the study been sufficiently emphasized in the introduction section?
6- Are the research methods used appropriate for the subject of the study?
7- Have the research findings been sufficiently discussed?
8- Is the study presented in a consistent and coherent manner, using a fluent and understandable language?
9- Does the study have original value in terms of its contribution to science?
10- Are the sources used in the article sufficient, up-to-date, and relevant to the subject of the study?
11- Has a reference been provided in the reference list for each source used in the article?
12- Has a reference been provided in the reference list for any unused sources in the article?
13- Have the figures and tables been appropriately organized and understandable in accordance with the research data?
14- Has the study adhered to the rules of grammar?