Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 12/24/21

Year: 2021

Disaster Science and Engineering (DSE) aims to deliver scientists with an open access policy, in which human and natural disasters and the events that cause them are examined in the light of science and engineering principles.

Disaster Science and Engineering (DSE) covers atmospheric, meteorological and climatological disasters, sea, ocean and coastal disasters, hydrological disasters, earthquake, landslide, rockfall, avalanche, storm, erosion, drought, fire, biological disasters (such as epidemics and insect infestation), disaster management, early warning systems, waste management (solid, medical and hazardous waste), basin and water quality management, environmental impact assessment etc. topics.

Ethics in Publishing

DSE pays attention to ethics in publishing in all levels. All articles submitted to the journal should be prepared by considering the internationally recognized ethical guildelines. Author(s) can get more information on publishing ethics from Committee on Publication Ethichs (COPE) website (https://publicationethics.org).

All submitted manuscripts are checked for plagiarism using iThenticate plagiarism detection system. Manuscripts with a high similarity rate will not be considered for review and publication.


• Articles should be prepared in Turkish or English.
• Simple and passive sentences should be used in writing.


The manuscript template can be downloaded from the following link.

Manuscript Template (.docx)

Copyright form of the manuscript can be downloaded from the following link.

Copyright Release Form

Page layout

Articles should be prepared in accordance with the sample article format.

Author(s) should use these specific styles for each part (for example title, abstract, keyword etc.) of the manuscript.

Author(s) should provide both Turkish and English versions of the title, abstract and keywords.

Abstract section of the manuscript should be between 100 and 300 words.

Paragraphs should not start with indentation.

The full name(s) of the author(s) should be given. In addition the e-mail address(es), affiliation(s), and ORCID's of all author’s should be provided. The telephone number of the corresponding author should be written.

Keywords should start with a bold “Keywords” title and should not exceed six keywords. Each keyword should be separated with comma symbol.

The citations should be given in Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition (author-date) style. Authors can get help from citation management applications/tools when preparing their papers. The title of the citations section should be “References”.

In text citations should be writeen like (Doğan et. al.2009; Ateş et. al. 2019; Göktepe and Keskin, 2018; Keskin, 2013).

Equations should be aligned centered. Equation number should be written inside paranthesis and placed to the right side of the equation, aligned right in the page. Equations should be cited with their full name like “As seen in Equation 1” or like “As seen in Equations 3 and 4”.

Tables should be centered in the page. Table number and caption should be written above the table. Tables should be cited with their full name like “As seen in Table 1” or like “As seen in Tables 3 and 4”.

Figures should be centered in the page. Figure number and caption should be written below the figure. They should be cited with their full name like “As seen in Figure 1” or like “As seen in Figures 3 and 4”.