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Squamous Epithelial Cells Carcinoma at Maxillary Anterior Gingiva: A Case Report

Year 2013, Volume: 40 Issue: 3 - Volume: 40 Issue: 3, 123 - 126, 01.10.2013


Malignant tumors of oral mucosa, approximately by 90%, carry characteristic of squamous Cell Carcinoma SCC . Squamous Epithelial Cells Carcinoma may be observed anywhere in oral mucosa. In this study, clinical and histopathological properties of SCC on maxillary anterior gingiva are presented


  • Parkin DM, Läärä E, Muir CS. Esti- mates of the world- wide frequency of sixteen major cancers in 1980. Int J Cancer 1988; 41:184-197.
  • Casiglia J, Woo SB. A comprehensive review of oral cancer. Gen Dent 2001; 49:72-82.
  • Sapp JP, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Patholo- gy, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004:164-206.
  • Soo KC, Spiro RH, King W, Harvey W, Strong EW. Squamous carcinoma of the gums. Am J Surg 1988; 156:281-285.
  • Barasch A, Gofa A, Krutchkoff DJ, Ei- senberg E. Squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva. A case series analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1995; 80:183-187.
  • PathakKA,GuptaS,TaloleS,etal.Advan- cedsquamous cell carcinoma of lower gin- givobuccal complex: Patterns of spread and failure. Head Neck 2005;27:597-602.
  • Lee JJ, Cheng SJ, Lin SK, Chiang CP, Yu CH, Kok SH. Gingival squamous cell car- cinoma mimicking a den- toalveolar abscess: Report of a case. J Endod 2007; 33:177-180.
  • Gallagher CS Jr, Svirsky JA. Misdiag- nosis of squa- mous cell carcinoma as ad- vanced periodontal dis- ease. Report of a case. J Oral Med 1984;39:35-38.
  • Yoon TY, Bhattacharyya I, Katz J, Towle HJ, Islam MN. Squamous cell carcino- ma of the gingiva present- ing as localized per- iodontal disease. Quintessence Int 2007;38:97- 102.
  • Fasanmade A, Pring M, Pawade J, Guest P, Bell C. Rapidly progressing mass of anterior mandible follow- ing a dental extrac- tion. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Ra- diol Endod 2010;109:330-334. 11. GomezD,FaucherA,PicotV,etal.Outcomeofsqu amous cell carcinoma of the gingiva: A follow- up study of 83 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2000;28:331-335.
  • Dahlstrom KR, Little JA, Zafereo ME, Lung M, Wei Q, Sturgis EM. Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in never smoker-never drinkers: A descriptive epidemi- ologic study. Head Neck 2008;30:75-84.
  • Sarachev EL, Ananostev NH. Tenden- cies in the oral cavity cancer morbidity in three regions of South Bulgaria for a period of 15 years (1985-1999). Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2001;43:150-154.
  • Pathak KA, Mathur N, Talole S, et al. Squamous cell carcinoma of the superior gin- gival-buccal 2007;43:774-779. Oral Oncol
  • Levine RL, Pardanani A, Tefferi A, Gilliland DG. Role of JAK2 in the pathogene- sis and therapy of myeloprolif- erative disor- ders. Nat Rev Cancer 2007;7:673-683.
  • Kim OS, Uhm SW, Kim SC, Lee BA, Kim OJ, Kim YJ, Chung HJ. A Case of Squa- mous Cell Carcinoma Presenting as Localized Severe Periodontitis in the Maxillary Gingiva. J Periodontol. 2012 June; 83(6):753-6
  • Eicher SA, Overholt SM, el-Naggar AK, Byers RM, Weber RS. Lower gingival carcinoma. Clinical and pathologic determi- nants of regional metastases. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996;122:634-638.
  • Montes DM, Schmidt BL. Oral maxil- lary squamous cell carcinoma: Management of the clinically negative neck. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008;66:762-766.

Anterior maksiller dişetinde yassı epitel hücreli karsinom olgusu: Vaka raporu

Year 2013, Volume: 40 Issue: 3 - Volume: 40 Issue: 3, 123 - 126, 01.10.2013


Ağız mukozasının malign tümörlerinin yaklaşık %90'ı yassı epitel hücreli karsinom niteliği taşır. Yassı epitel hücreli karsinomlar ağız mukozasının her yerinde görülebilir. Bu olguda anterior maksiller dişetinde görülen yassı epitel hücreli karsinomun klinik ve histopatolojik özellikleri sunulmaktadır


  • Parkin DM, Läärä E, Muir CS. Esti- mates of the world- wide frequency of sixteen major cancers in 1980. Int J Cancer 1988; 41:184-197.
  • Casiglia J, Woo SB. A comprehensive review of oral cancer. Gen Dent 2001; 49:72-82.
  • Sapp JP, Eversole LR, Wysocki GP. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Patholo- gy, 2nd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004:164-206.
  • Soo KC, Spiro RH, King W, Harvey W, Strong EW. Squamous carcinoma of the gums. Am J Surg 1988; 156:281-285.
  • Barasch A, Gofa A, Krutchkoff DJ, Ei- senberg E. Squamous cell carcinoma of the gingiva. A case series analysis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1995; 80:183-187.
  • PathakKA,GuptaS,TaloleS,etal.Advan- cedsquamous cell carcinoma of lower gin- givobuccal complex: Patterns of spread and failure. Head Neck 2005;27:597-602.
  • Lee JJ, Cheng SJ, Lin SK, Chiang CP, Yu CH, Kok SH. Gingival squamous cell car- cinoma mimicking a den- toalveolar abscess: Report of a case. J Endod 2007; 33:177-180.
  • Gallagher CS Jr, Svirsky JA. Misdiag- nosis of squa- mous cell carcinoma as ad- vanced periodontal dis- ease. Report of a case. J Oral Med 1984;39:35-38.
  • Yoon TY, Bhattacharyya I, Katz J, Towle HJ, Islam MN. Squamous cell carcino- ma of the gingiva present- ing as localized per- iodontal disease. Quintessence Int 2007;38:97- 102.
  • Fasanmade A, Pring M, Pawade J, Guest P, Bell C. Rapidly progressing mass of anterior mandible follow- ing a dental extrac- tion. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Ra- diol Endod 2010;109:330-334. 11. GomezD,FaucherA,PicotV,etal.Outcomeofsqu amous cell carcinoma of the gingiva: A follow- up study of 83 cases. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2000;28:331-335.
  • Dahlstrom KR, Little JA, Zafereo ME, Lung M, Wei Q, Sturgis EM. Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in never smoker-never drinkers: A descriptive epidemi- ologic study. Head Neck 2008;30:75-84.
  • Sarachev EL, Ananostev NH. Tenden- cies in the oral cavity cancer morbidity in three regions of South Bulgaria for a period of 15 years (1985-1999). Folia Med (Plovdiv) 2001;43:150-154.
  • Pathak KA, Mathur N, Talole S, et al. Squamous cell carcinoma of the superior gin- gival-buccal 2007;43:774-779. Oral Oncol
  • Levine RL, Pardanani A, Tefferi A, Gilliland DG. Role of JAK2 in the pathogene- sis and therapy of myeloprolif- erative disor- ders. Nat Rev Cancer 2007;7:673-683.
  • Kim OS, Uhm SW, Kim SC, Lee BA, Kim OJ, Kim YJ, Chung HJ. A Case of Squa- mous Cell Carcinoma Presenting as Localized Severe Periodontitis in the Maxillary Gingiva. J Periodontol. 2012 June; 83(6):753-6
  • Eicher SA, Overholt SM, el-Naggar AK, Byers RM, Weber RS. Lower gingival carcinoma. Clinical and pathologic determi- nants of regional metastases. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1996;122:634-638.
  • Montes DM, Schmidt BL. Oral maxil- lary squamous cell carcinoma: Management of the clinically negative neck. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2008;66:762-766.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Case Report

Canan Önder This is me

İlkim Karadağ This is me

Şıvge Kurgan This is me

Hasan Behravan This is me

Ömer Günhan This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 40 Issue: 3 - Volume: 40 Issue: 3


Vancouver Önder C, Karadağ İ, Kurgan Ş, Behravan H, Günhan Ö. Anterior maksiller dişetinde yassı epitel hücreli karsinom olgusu: Vaka raporu. EADS. 2013;40(3):123-6.