Research Article
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Microwave-asissted synthesis and spectral properties of some phthalocyanines containing azo groups

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 02.07.2015


The microwave assisted synthesis, characterization of novel peripherally azo dye substituted metallo phthalocyanines (Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)) have been reported in this study. All the new compounds were characterized by a combination of  FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and UV–vis spectroscopy techniques. All phthalocyanine compounds are soluble in DMF and DMSO. Aggregation properties of phthalocyanines were investigated at different concentrations in DMSO. Higher aggregation tendency were observed for the metallophthalocyanines (M: Cu, Ni) than other metallophthalocyanines (M: Co, Zn).


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  • Kantar C., Akdemir N., Agar E., Ocak N., Sasmaz S., Dyes Pigments, 2008, 76, 7-12.
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  • Sasmaz S., Kahveci B., Kaya Kantar G., Hacialioglu E., El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 2014, 1, 1-6.
  • Young J.G., Onyebuagu W., J Org Chem, 1990, 55, 2155-59.
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  • Kharisov B.I., Blanco L.M., Torres-Martinez L.M., García-Luna A., Ind Eng Chem Res, 1999, 38, 2880-87.
  • Durmus M., Ayhan M.M., Gurek A.G., Ahsen V., Dyes Pigments, 2008, 77, 570-77.
  • Engelkamp H., Nolte R.J.M., J Porphyr Phthalocya, 2000, 4, 454-59.
  • Dominguez D.D., Snow A.W., Shirk J.S., Pong R.G.S., J Porphyr Phthalocya, 2001, 5, 582-92.
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  • Snow A.W., Jarvis N.L., J Am Chem Soc, 1984, 106, 4706-11.
  • Agar E., Sasmaz S., Gumrukcuoglu I.E., Ozdemir M., Syn React Inorg Met, 1996, 26, 1243-53.

Azo grupları içeren bazı ftalosiyaninlerin mikrodalga yardımlı sentezi ve spektral özellikleri

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 02.07.2015


Yeni periferal azo grubu bağlı metalli ftalosiyaninlerin (Co(II),
Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)) mikrodalga yardımlı sentezi ve karakterizasyonu bu
çalışma ile ilk kez sunuldu. Yeni bileşiklerin hepsi FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C
NMR, and UV–vis spectroskopisi teknikleriyle karakterize edildi. Bütün
ftalosiyanin bileşikleri DMF ve DMSO içerisinde çözünmektedirler.
Ftalosiyaninlerin kümelenme özellikleri DMSO içinde farklı konsantrasyonlarda
incelendi. Cu ve Ni içeren metalli ftalosiyaninlerdeki kümelenmenin Co ve Zn
içerenlerdekinden daha fazla olduğu gözlendi. 


  • Leznoff C.C., Lever A.B.P., Phthalocyanines, Properties and Applications, VCH: New York NY, USA, Wiley, 1989.
  • Ishii M., Taga Y., Appl Phys Lett, 2002, 80, 3430-32.
  • Jung S.H., Choi J.H., Yang S.M., Cho W.J., Ha C.S., Mat Sci Eng B-Solid, 2001, 85, 160-64.
  • Sleven J., Gorller-Walrand C., Binnemans K., Mat Sci Eng C-Bio S, 2001, 18, 229-38.
  • de la Torre G., Vazquez P., Agullo-Lopez F., Torres T., J Mater Chem, 1998, 8, 1671-83.
  • Torres T., de la Torre G., Garcia-Ruiz J., Eur J Org Chem, 1999, 2323-26.
  • Bilgin A., Ertem B., Gok Y., Eur J Inorg Chem, 2007, 1703-12.
  • Birkett D., J Chem Educ, 2002, 79, 1081-87.
  • Raja R., Ratnasamy P., J Catal, 1997, 170, 244-53.
  • Sorokin A., Meunier B., Eur J Inorg Chem, 1998, 1269-81.
  • Loupy A., De La Hoz A., Microwaves in Organic Synthesis, Wiley, 2012.
  • Sutton W.H., Am Ceram Soc Bull, 1989, 68, 376-86.
  • Park S.S., Hwang E.H., Kim B.C., Park H.C., J Am Ceram Soc, 2000, 83, 1341-45.
  • Kantar C., Akdemir N., Agar E., Ocak N., Sasmaz S., Dyes Pigments, 2008, 76, 7-12.
  • Ozil M., Agar E., Sasmaz S., Kahveci B., Akdemir N., Gumrukcuoglu I.E., Dyes Pigments, 2007, 75, 732-40.
  • Kantar C., Mert F., Sasmaz S., J Organomet Chem, 2011, 696, 3006-10.
  • Yenilmez H.Y., Okur A.I., Gul A., J Organomet Chem, 2007, 692, 940-45.
  • Tikhomirova T.V., Badaukayte R.A., Kulinich V.P., Shaposhnikov G.P., Russ J Gen Chem+, 2011, 81, 2355-61.
  • Tikhomirova T.V., Badaukaite R.A., Kulinich V.P., Shaposhnikov G.P., Russ J Gen Chem+, 2013, 83, 116-23.
  • Sasmaz S., Kahveci B., Kaya Kantar G., Hacialioglu E., El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering, 2014, 1, 1-6.
  • Young J.G., Onyebuagu W., J Org Chem, 1990, 55, 2155-59.
  • Goldenberg L.M., Kulikovsky L., Gritsai Y., Kulikovska O., Tomczyk J., Stumpe J., J Mater Chem, 2010, 20, 9161-71.
  • Salisu A.A., Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2012, 4, 2463-67.
  • Kharisov B.I., Blanco L.M., Torres-Martinez L.M., García-Luna A., Ind Eng Chem Res, 1999, 38, 2880-87.
  • Durmus M., Ayhan M.M., Gurek A.G., Ahsen V., Dyes Pigments, 2008, 77, 570-77.
  • Engelkamp H., Nolte R.J.M., J Porphyr Phthalocya, 2000, 4, 454-59.
  • Dominguez D.D., Snow A.W., Shirk J.S., Pong R.G.S., J Porphyr Phthalocya, 2001, 5, 582-92.
  • Makhseed S., Samuel J., Dyes Pigments, 2009, 82, 1-5.
  • Snow A.W., Jarvis N.L., J Am Chem Soc, 1984, 106, 4706-11.
  • Agar E., Sasmaz S., Gumrukcuoglu I.E., Ozdemir M., Syn React Inorg Met, 1996, 26, 1243-53.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Günay Kaya Kantar

Selami Şaşmaz

Publication Date July 2, 2015
Submission Date July 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


IEEE G. Kaya Kantar and S. Şaşmaz, “Microwave-asissted synthesis and spectral properties of some phthalocyanines containing azo groups”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3, 2015, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.67137.
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