Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 3/1/12

Year: 2012

Original Articles


2. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and its association with coronary atherosclerotic burden in patients with stable angina pectoris


4. Metabolic syndrome in younger patients with acute coronary syndrome


5. Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis: clinical experience in a single center


6. Incidence of depression among incarcerated woman in central prison, Peshawar, Pakistan


8. Cardiac iron load and novel P-wave measurements in Patients with Thalassemia Major: The role of P index and Interatrial Block

Case Report


2. Intestinal intussusception due to Meckel


4. Hyponatremic convulsion depended karbamazepin intoxication


5. An elderly patient with bochdalek


6. Intralabyrinthine Lipoma


7. Neuro-Behcet's Disease with Ventricular Hemangioblastoma

Letter to the Editor