Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 103 - 122, 30.06.2021



  • Akcan, A. (2011). Analysis of teacher candidates’ learning experiences in an “English Teaching Methods” course. Education and Science, 36 (162), 247-260.
  • Altunçekiç, A., Yaman S., & Koray, Ö, (2005). A study into teacher trainees‟ self-efficacy beliefs and problem-solving skills (Kastamonu Province Sample). Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 13(1) 2005, 93-102
  • Allinder, R.M.1(994). The relationship between efficacy and the instructional practices of special education teachers and consultants. Teacher Education and Special Education, 17, 86–95.
  • Altay, M. (2015). Implementation of a mentor training programme for English Language Teachers: Perceptions of stakeholders in the mentoring programme. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). X University Educational Sciences Institute.
  • Anderson, R., Greene, P. & Loewen, P. (1988). Relationships among teachers‟ and students‟ thinking skills, sense of efficacy, and student achievement. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 34(2),148–165.
  • Anthony, R & Saidi,H. (2008). A comparative study of the pre-service teachers‟ self-efficacy based on the field experience. Retrieved on from
  • Arslan, A. (2013). Investigation of relationship between sources of self-efficacy beliefs of secondary school students and some variables. Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice, 13(4), 1983-1993.
  • Ashton, P.T., Webb, R.B. & Doda, N. (1982). A study of teachers‟ sense of efficacy. Final report, (Vol.1). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 231 834)
  • Ashton, P.T., (1984). Teaching efficacy. Journal of Teacher Education, 25 (2), 41-54.
  • Ashton, T. & Webb, R., (1986). Making a difference: Teachers' sense of efficacy and student achievement. New York: Longman.
  • Author (2013). [details removed for peer review]
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behaviour change. Psychological Review, 84, 191–215.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2),117–148.
  • Bandura, (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman.
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for Constructing Self-Efficacy Scales. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan (Eds.), Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Adolescents 5, 307-337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
  • Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Bridgeman,B., Walker, R., Sharma, M. & Smith,L. (2016). The Study, Evaluation, and Improvement of University Student Self-Efficacy. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (11), 1918-1942.
  • Berg, D.A.G. & Smith, L.F. (2018). The Effect of School-based Experience on Pre-service Teachers Efficacy Beliefs. Issues in Educational Research, 28(3), 530-544.
  • Blazar, D. & Kraft, M.A. (2016). Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviours. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39 (1), 146-170.
  • Bradley, R.L., Browne, B.L: & Kelley, H.M. (2015). Examining the Influence of Self-efficacy and Self-regulation in Online Learning. College Student Journal, 51 (4),518-530.
  • Bricker, D. (2000). Inclusion: How the scene has changed. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(1), 14-19.
  • Bursal, M. (2008). Changes in Turkish pre-service elementary teachers’ personal science teaching efficacy beliefs and science anxieties during a science method course. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 5(1), 99–112.
  • Bümen, N.T., & Özaydın, T.E. (2013). Changes on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Attitudes towards Teaching Profession from Candidacy to Induction. Education and Science, 38, (169), 109-125.
  • Can, H. (2015). Sources of Teaching Efficacy Beliefs in Pre-service Science Teachers. Elementary Education Online, 14(1), 333-348.
  • Caprara, G.V., Barbranelli, C. Steca, P. & Malone, P.S. (2006). Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs as determinants of job satisfaction and students' academic achievement: A study at the school level. Journal of School Psychology, 44 (6), 473-490.
  • Chacón, C. T. (2002). Teachers’ sense of efficacy and selected characteristics of selected English as a foreign language Venezuelan middle school teacher. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Chacón, C. T. (2005). Teachers' perceived efficacy among English as a foreign language teacher in middle schools in Venezuela. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21,257 272.
  • Chichekian, T., & Shore, B. (2016). Preservice and practicing teachers' self-efficacy for inquiry-based instruction. Cogent Education. 3:1236872.
  • Chua, B.L., Liu, W.C. & Chia, S.S.Y. (2018). Teacher identity, Professional Practice, and Inquiry (PPI) in teacher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 38(4), 550-564.
  • Clark,B., & Bates, R. (2003). Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Teacher Effectiveness: Implications for Professional Development. The Professional Educator, 26, (1), 13-22. Coladarcı, T. (1992). Teachers sense of efficacy and commitment to teaching. The Journal of Experimental Education. 60 (4),323-337.
  • Colson, T., Sparks, K., Berridge, G., Frimming, R., & Willis,C. (2017). Pre-service Teachers and Self-Efficacy: A Study in Contrast. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education 8(2), 66-76.
  • Conaway, K. A. (2010). Teacher efficacy. In C. S. Clauss-Ehler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology , 966-968. USA: Springer.
  • Cousins, J.B. & Walker, C.A. (2000). Predictors of educators‟ valuing of systemic inquiry in schools. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (Special Issue), 25–53.
  • Çakır, Ö. (2005). Anadolu University Open Education faculty English teaching degree program students' attitudes and their perceptions towards profession and Vocational-efficacy. İnönü University Journal of Education, 6 (9), 27-42.
  • Capa, Y. (2005). Factors influencing first-year teachers’ sense of efficacy. (PhDThesis). Available from
  • Çapa, Y., Çakıroğlu, H.D. & Sarıkaya, H.D. (2005). The Development and Validation of a Turkish Version of the Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale. Education and Science, 30 (137),74-81.
  • Çapri, B., & Çelikkaleli, Ö. (2008). An examination of pre-service teachers’ attitudes and efficacy beliefs towards teaching profession according to gender, programme and faculty. İnönü Üniversitesi Journal of Faculty of Education, 9 (15),33-53.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Constructing 21st Century Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 57(3),300-314. Dembo, M.H. & Gibson, S. (1985). Teacher’s sense of efficacy: an important factor in school improvement. The elementary Sc hool Journal, 86 (2),173-184.
  • Doménech-Betoret, F., Abellán-Roselló, L. & Gómez-Artiga,A. (2017). Self-efficacy, Satisfaction, and Academic Achievement:The Mediator Role of Students’ Expectancy-Value Beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 8,
  • Eden, F.P. (2016). Why Do I Feel More Confident? Bandura's Sources Predict Preservice Teachers' Latent Changes in Teacher Self-Efficacy. Front Psychol., 7: 1486.
  • Eslami, Z.R., & Fatahi, A., (2008). Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, English proficiency, and instructional strategies: A study of non-native EFL Teachers in Iran. TESL-EJ, 11 (4) (March). Retrieved on May 13, 2010, from
  • Flores, Ingrid M. (2015). Developing Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy through Field-Based Science Teaching Practice with Elementary Students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 27, 1-19.
  • Goddard, R.D., Hoy, W.K. & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 37, 479–508.
  • Guskey, T.R. (1988). Teacher efficacy, self-concept, and attitudes toward the implementation of instructional innovation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4(1),63–69.
  • Guskey, T.R. & Passaro, P.D. (1994). Teacher Efficacy: A study of construct dimensions. American Educational Research Journal, 31 (3),627-643. Hendricks, K. S. 2014. “Changes in Self-efficacy Beliefs Over Time: Contextual Influences of Gender, Rank-based Placement, and Social Support in a Competitive Orchestra Environment.” Psychology of Music 42: 347–365.
  • Henson, R.K. (2003). Relationships between pre-service teachers' self-efficacy, task analysis and classroom control management beliefs. Research in the Schools, 10(1),53-62.
  • Hoy, A.W. (2000). Changes in teacher efficacy during the early years of teaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2000. New Orleans.
  • Huberman, M. (1989). The professional life cycle of teachers. Teachers’ College Record, 91,31-57.
  • Huberman, M. (1995). Networks that alter teaching. Teachers and Teaching, 1,193-221.
  • İnceçay, G. & Dollar, Y.K. (2012). Classroom management, self-efficacy and readiness of Turkish pre-service English teachers. International Association of Research in Foreign Language Education and Applied Linguistics ELT Research Journal, 1(3), 189-198.
  • Klassen, R. & Durksen, T. (2014). Weekly self-efficacy and work stress of pre-service teachers during the final teaching practicum: a mixed methods study. Learning and Instruction, 33,158-169.
  • Lee, J. (2009). Teachers' sense of efficacy in teaching English, perceived English language proficiency, and attitudes toward the English language: A case of Korean public elementary school teachers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). United States - Ohio, Ohio State University.
  • Martin, A.J. (2008). Enhancing student motivation and engagement: The effects of a multidimensional intervention. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33,239– 269.
  • Mazlum, F., Cheraghi, F. and Dasta, M. 2015. English teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and students learning approaches: the role of classroom structure perception. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 4(3),305-328.
  • Midgley, C. Feldlaufer, H., & Eccles, J. (1989). Change in teacher efficacy and student self- and task-related beliefs in mathematics during the transition to junior high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 8, 247–258.
  • Minett,R.C. (2015). A qualitative study investigating the sources of teacher efficacy beliefs. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia
  • Mojavezi, Ahmad & Tamiz, Marzieh. (2012). The Impact of Teacher Self-efficacy on the Students' Motivation and Achievement. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 2 (3), 483-491. Morgil, N., & Seçken, A.S. (2004). An Examination of Chemistry teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in terms of some variables. Balıkesir University Journal of Science Institute, 6,62–72.
  • Ormrod, J.E. (2014). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners. Eighth edition. Boston: Pearson.
  • Ortaçtepe, D. (2006). The relationship between teacher efficacy and professional development within the scope of an in-service teacher education program. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Palmer, D. (2006). Durability of changes in self-efficacy of preservice primary teachers. International Journal of Science Education, 28(6), 655-671.
  • Pajares, F. (2007). Self-efficacy beliefs in academic settings. Review of Educational Research, 66,533–578.
  • Pendergrast, D., Garvis, S., & Keogh, J. (2011). Pre-service student-teacher self-efficacy beliefs: An insight into the making of teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(12), 46-57.
  • Riggs, I. & Enochs, L. (1990). Toward the development of an elementary teacher’s science teaching efficacy belief instrument. Science Education, 74(6) ,625–638.
  • Ross, J.A. (1992). Teacher efficacy and the effect of coaching on student achievement. Canadian Journal of Education, 17(1), 1–65.
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Influence of Field Experience on Pre-service English Language Teacher Sense of Self-efficacy

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 103 - 122, 30.06.2021


The present study aimed to investigate whether experience in field experience (FP) influences teacher self-efficacy in the Turkish pre-service teacher education context through sequential explanatory mixed method and time-series design. The study was conducted at an English Language Teaching (ELT) Department at a state university with the participation of 110 students. The group was observed for 3 academic semesters, from the 6th through the 8th with regards to the development of their teacher self-efficacy (TSE) perceptions and the potential relationship between TSE and FP. To generate this process, quantitative data were collected at the end of each semester by means of an adapted version of sense of self efficacy scale. Subsequent to this phase, 10 pre-service teachers with the highest self-efficacy scores and the 10 with the lowest were invited for an interview. The analysis of the quantitative data revealed that pre-service teachers’ sense of self-efficacy has a developmental nature and involvement in TP exerts a direct influence on pre-service ELT teachers’ perceived self-efficacy. The interviewees also highlighted the positive contribution of FP on their self-efficacy perceptions in terms of student engagement, lesson planning and classroom management.


  • Akcan, A. (2011). Analysis of teacher candidates’ learning experiences in an “English Teaching Methods” course. Education and Science, 36 (162), 247-260.
  • Altunçekiç, A., Yaman S., & Koray, Ö, (2005). A study into teacher trainees‟ self-efficacy beliefs and problem-solving skills (Kastamonu Province Sample). Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 13(1) 2005, 93-102
  • Allinder, R.M.1(994). The relationship between efficacy and the instructional practices of special education teachers and consultants. Teacher Education and Special Education, 17, 86–95.
  • Altay, M. (2015). Implementation of a mentor training programme for English Language Teachers: Perceptions of stakeholders in the mentoring programme. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). X University Educational Sciences Institute.
  • Anderson, R., Greene, P. & Loewen, P. (1988). Relationships among teachers‟ and students‟ thinking skills, sense of efficacy, and student achievement. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 34(2),148–165.
  • Anthony, R & Saidi,H. (2008). A comparative study of the pre-service teachers‟ self-efficacy based on the field experience. Retrieved on from
  • Arslan, A. (2013). Investigation of relationship between sources of self-efficacy beliefs of secondary school students and some variables. Educational Sciences in Theory and Practice, 13(4), 1983-1993.
  • Ashton, P.T., Webb, R.B. & Doda, N. (1982). A study of teachers‟ sense of efficacy. Final report, (Vol.1). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 231 834)
  • Ashton, P.T., (1984). Teaching efficacy. Journal of Teacher Education, 25 (2), 41-54.
  • Ashton, T. & Webb, R., (1986). Making a difference: Teachers' sense of efficacy and student achievement. New York: Longman.
  • Author (2013). [details removed for peer review]
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behaviour change. Psychological Review, 84, 191–215.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28(2),117–148.
  • Bandura, (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W.H. Freeman.
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide for Constructing Self-Efficacy Scales. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan (Eds.), Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Adolescents 5, 307-337). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing
  • Bartimote-Aufflick, K., Bridgeman,B., Walker, R., Sharma, M. & Smith,L. (2016). The Study, Evaluation, and Improvement of University Student Self-Efficacy. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (11), 1918-1942.
  • Berg, D.A.G. & Smith, L.F. (2018). The Effect of School-based Experience on Pre-service Teachers Efficacy Beliefs. Issues in Educational Research, 28(3), 530-544.
  • Blazar, D. & Kraft, M.A. (2016). Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviours. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 39 (1), 146-170.
  • Bradley, R.L., Browne, B.L: & Kelley, H.M. (2015). Examining the Influence of Self-efficacy and Self-regulation in Online Learning. College Student Journal, 51 (4),518-530.
  • Bricker, D. (2000). Inclusion: How the scene has changed. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 20(1), 14-19.
  • Bursal, M. (2008). Changes in Turkish pre-service elementary teachers’ personal science teaching efficacy beliefs and science anxieties during a science method course. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 5(1), 99–112.
  • Bümen, N.T., & Özaydın, T.E. (2013). Changes on Teacher Self-Efficacy and Attitudes towards Teaching Profession from Candidacy to Induction. Education and Science, 38, (169), 109-125.
  • Can, H. (2015). Sources of Teaching Efficacy Beliefs in Pre-service Science Teachers. Elementary Education Online, 14(1), 333-348.
  • Caprara, G.V., Barbranelli, C. Steca, P. & Malone, P.S. (2006). Teachers' self-efficacy beliefs as determinants of job satisfaction and students' academic achievement: A study at the school level. Journal of School Psychology, 44 (6), 473-490.
  • Chacón, C. T. (2002). Teachers’ sense of efficacy and selected characteristics of selected English as a foreign language Venezuelan middle school teacher. (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.
  • Chacón, C. T. (2005). Teachers' perceived efficacy among English as a foreign language teacher in middle schools in Venezuela. Teaching and Teacher Education, 21,257 272.
  • Chichekian, T., & Shore, B. (2016). Preservice and practicing teachers' self-efficacy for inquiry-based instruction. Cogent Education. 3:1236872.
  • Chua, B.L., Liu, W.C. & Chia, S.S.Y. (2018). Teacher identity, Professional Practice, and Inquiry (PPI) in teacher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. 38(4), 550-564.
  • Clark,B., & Bates, R. (2003). Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Teacher Effectiveness: Implications for Professional Development. The Professional Educator, 26, (1), 13-22. Coladarcı, T. (1992). Teachers sense of efficacy and commitment to teaching. The Journal of Experimental Education. 60 (4),323-337.
  • Colson, T., Sparks, K., Berridge, G., Frimming, R., & Willis,C. (2017). Pre-service Teachers and Self-Efficacy: A Study in Contrast. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education 8(2), 66-76.
  • Conaway, K. A. (2010). Teacher efficacy. In C. S. Clauss-Ehler (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology , 966-968. USA: Springer.
  • Cousins, J.B. & Walker, C.A. (2000). Predictors of educators‟ valuing of systemic inquiry in schools. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (Special Issue), 25–53.
  • Çakır, Ö. (2005). Anadolu University Open Education faculty English teaching degree program students' attitudes and their perceptions towards profession and Vocational-efficacy. İnönü University Journal of Education, 6 (9), 27-42.
  • Capa, Y. (2005). Factors influencing first-year teachers’ sense of efficacy. (PhDThesis). Available from
  • Çapa, Y., Çakıroğlu, H.D. & Sarıkaya, H.D. (2005). The Development and Validation of a Turkish Version of the Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale. Education and Science, 30 (137),74-81.
  • Çapri, B., & Çelikkaleli, Ö. (2008). An examination of pre-service teachers’ attitudes and efficacy beliefs towards teaching profession according to gender, programme and faculty. İnönü Üniversitesi Journal of Faculty of Education, 9 (15),33-53.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Constructing 21st Century Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 57(3),300-314. Dembo, M.H. & Gibson, S. (1985). Teacher’s sense of efficacy: an important factor in school improvement. The elementary Sc hool Journal, 86 (2),173-184.
  • Doménech-Betoret, F., Abellán-Roselló, L. & Gómez-Artiga,A. (2017). Self-efficacy, Satisfaction, and Academic Achievement:The Mediator Role of Students’ Expectancy-Value Beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 8,
  • Eden, F.P. (2016). Why Do I Feel More Confident? Bandura's Sources Predict Preservice Teachers' Latent Changes in Teacher Self-Efficacy. Front Psychol., 7: 1486.
  • Eslami, Z.R., & Fatahi, A., (2008). Teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, English proficiency, and instructional strategies: A study of non-native EFL Teachers in Iran. TESL-EJ, 11 (4) (March). Retrieved on May 13, 2010, from
  • Flores, Ingrid M. (2015). Developing Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy through Field-Based Science Teaching Practice with Elementary Students. Research in Higher Education Journal, 27, 1-19.
  • Goddard, R.D., Hoy, W.K. & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and impact on student achievement. American Educational Research Journal, 37, 479–508.
  • Guskey, T.R. (1988). Teacher efficacy, self-concept, and attitudes toward the implementation of instructional innovation. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4(1),63–69.
  • Guskey, T.R. & Passaro, P.D. (1994). Teacher Efficacy: A study of construct dimensions. American Educational Research Journal, 31 (3),627-643. Hendricks, K. S. 2014. “Changes in Self-efficacy Beliefs Over Time: Contextual Influences of Gender, Rank-based Placement, and Social Support in a Competitive Orchestra Environment.” Psychology of Music 42: 347–365.
  • Henson, R.K. (2003). Relationships between pre-service teachers' self-efficacy, task analysis and classroom control management beliefs. Research in the Schools, 10(1),53-62.
  • Hoy, A.W. (2000). Changes in teacher efficacy during the early years of teaching. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, 2000. New Orleans.
  • Huberman, M. (1989). The professional life cycle of teachers. Teachers’ College Record, 91,31-57.
  • Huberman, M. (1995). Networks that alter teaching. Teachers and Teaching, 1,193-221.
  • İnceçay, G. & Dollar, Y.K. (2012). Classroom management, self-efficacy and readiness of Turkish pre-service English teachers. International Association of Research in Foreign Language Education and Applied Linguistics ELT Research Journal, 1(3), 189-198.
  • Klassen, R. & Durksen, T. (2014). Weekly self-efficacy and work stress of pre-service teachers during the final teaching practicum: a mixed methods study. Learning and Instruction, 33,158-169.
  • Lee, J. (2009). Teachers' sense of efficacy in teaching English, perceived English language proficiency, and attitudes toward the English language: A case of Korean public elementary school teachers. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). United States - Ohio, Ohio State University.
  • Martin, A.J. (2008). Enhancing student motivation and engagement: The effects of a multidimensional intervention. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33,239– 269.
  • Mazlum, F., Cheraghi, F. and Dasta, M. 2015. English teachers' self-efficacy beliefs and students learning approaches: the role of classroom structure perception. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 4(3),305-328.
  • Midgley, C. Feldlaufer, H., & Eccles, J. (1989). Change in teacher efficacy and student self- and task-related beliefs in mathematics during the transition to junior high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 8, 247–258.
  • Minett,R.C. (2015). A qualitative study investigating the sources of teacher efficacy beliefs. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia
  • Mojavezi, Ahmad & Tamiz, Marzieh. (2012). The Impact of Teacher Self-efficacy on the Students' Motivation and Achievement. Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 2 (3), 483-491. Morgil, N., & Seçken, A.S. (2004). An Examination of Chemistry teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in terms of some variables. Balıkesir University Journal of Science Institute, 6,62–72.
  • Ormrod, J.E. (2014). Educational Psychology: Developing Learners. Eighth edition. Boston: Pearson.
  • Ortaçtepe, D. (2006). The relationship between teacher efficacy and professional development within the scope of an in-service teacher education program. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis). Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Palmer, D. (2006). Durability of changes in self-efficacy of preservice primary teachers. International Journal of Science Education, 28(6), 655-671.
  • Pajares, F. (2007). Self-efficacy beliefs in academic settings. Review of Educational Research, 66,533–578.
  • Pendergrast, D., Garvis, S., & Keogh, J. (2011). Pre-service student-teacher self-efficacy beliefs: An insight into the making of teachers. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(12), 46-57.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Articles

Muge Karakaş 0000-0001-9338-4725

İsmail Hakkı Erten 0000-0002-8527-5681

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date February 9, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Karakaş, M., & Erten, İ. H. (2021). Influence of Field Experience on Pre-service English Language Teacher Sense of Self-efficacy. ELT Research Journal, 10(1), 103-122.