Research Article
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Year 2014, Volume: 1 , 489 - 496, 01.09.2014


Service learning is now challenging higher education in the 21st
century. The concepts of service learning influenced to science teachers
preparation program in terms of outcome-based education. The purpose of this
paper aims to represent concepts relevant to service learning in science teacher
preparation program and also practices of how service learning meet the 21st
century skills. Documentary analysis and empirical study are employed for
qualitative explanation. Finding revealed that service learning is an important
instructional strategy in science teacher preparation program and it needs to
be incorporated into curriculum for developing 21st century science


  • Astin, A.W. & Antonio, A.L. (2012). Assessment foe excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. 2nd ed. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefiled Publishers. Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist. 28(2): 117-148. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Benneworth, P. & Charles, D. (2013). University–Community Engagement in the Wider Policy Environment. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Benneworth, P. & Humphrey, L. (2013). Universities’ perspectives on community engagement. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Billig, S.H. & Conrad, J. (1997). An evaluation of the New Hampshire service-learning and educational reform project. Colorado: RMC Research. Boyer, E.L. (1990). In search of community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education. Washington, DC. January 18, 1990. Boyle-Baise, M. & Sleeter, C.E. (1998). Community service learning multicultural teacher education. Washington DC: ERIC document reproductive service No. ED 429925. Braskamp. L.A. & Engberg, M.E. (2011). How colleges can influence the development of a global perspective. Liberal Education. 97(3-4): 34-39. Butin, D.W. (2005). Service-learning in higher education: critical issues and directions. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Butin, D. (2010). Service-learning in theory and practice: the future of community engagement in higher education. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. Cartwright, T.J. (2012). Science talk: preservice teachers facilitating science learning in diverse afterschool environments. School Science and Mathematics. 112(6): 384-391. Clayton, P. & Ash, S. (2005). Reflection as a key component in faculty development. On the Horizon. 13(5): 161-169. Clevenger, C.M. & Ozbek, M.E. (2013). Teaching sustainability through service-learning in construction education. International Journal of Construction Education and Research. 9(1): 3-18. Coffey, H. (2011). Moving into communities: developing cultural competence with pre-service teachers through community service-learning experiences. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-learning & Civic Engagement. 2(2). Cone, N. (2009a). A bridge to developing efficacious science teachers of all students: community-based Service-learning supplemented with explicit discussions and activities about diversity. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 20: 265-383. Cone, N. (2009b). Community-based service-learning as a source of personal self-efficacy: preparing preservice elementary teachers to teach science for diversity. School Science and Mathematics. 109(1): 20-30. Cone, N. (2009c). Preservice elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about equitable science teaching: foes Service learning makes a difference. Journal of Elementary Science Education. 21(2): 25-34. Cone, N. (2012). The effects of community-based service learning on preservice teachers’ beliefs about the characteristics of effective science teachers of diverse students. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 23(8): 889-907. Daniels, K., Patterson, G. & Dunston, Y. (2011). Meeting 21st century teaching standards through service-learning pedagogy in pre-service teacher education. Information for Action. 3(2). Deely, S.J. (2010). Service-learning: thinking outside the box. Active Learning in Higher Education. 11(1): 43-53. Wigfield, A. & Eccles, J.S. (2000). Expectancy–value theory of achievement motivation. Contemporary educational psychology. 25(1): 68-81. Eyler, J. & Giles, D.E. (1999). Where’s the learning in service learning?. California: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Ferrari III, N.D. & Cather, G.A. (2002). Community service, learning and the medical student. Education for Health. 15(2): 222-227. Gallego, M. (2001). Is experience really the best teacher?: the potential of coupling classroom and community-based field experiences. Journal of Teacher Education. 52(4): 312-325. Galvan, C. & Parker, M. (2011). Investigating the reciprocal nature of service-learning in physical education teacher education. Journal of Experiential Education. 34(1): 55-70. Hart, A. & Aumann, K. (2013). Challenging inequalities through community-university partnerships. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Kaye, C. (2004). The complete guide to service learning. Michigan: Free Spirit Publishing. Kolb, D.A. (1984). Experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kolb, A.Y. & Kolb, D.A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 4(2): 193-212. National Youth Leadership Council. (2010). The service-learning cycle. Retrieved August, 2012, from Nuangchalerm, P. (2009). Preservice teachers perception about nature of science. The Social Sciences. 4(5): 463-467. Nuangchalerm, P. (2014a). Learning in science for 21st century. Apichart Printing: Mahasarakham. (in Thai) Nuangchalerm, P. (2014b). Development of Service Learning for Preservice Science Teachers. Journal of Thonburi University. (in review). Power, A. (2010). Community engagement as authentic learning with reflection. Issues in Educational Research. 20(1): 57-63. Prasertsang, P. & Nuangchalerm, P. (2013). The development of service learning instructional model for pre-service teachers. Higher Education of Social Science. 4(3): 54-58. Prasertsang, P., Nuangchalerm, P. & Pumipuntu, C. (2013). Service learning and its influenced to pre-service teachers: social responsibility and self-efficacy study. International Education Studies. 6(7): 144-149. Scott, V.G. (2006). Incorporating service learning into your special education program. Intervention in School and Clinic. 42(1): 25-29. Silcox, H.C. (1995). Motivational elements in service-learning: meaningfulness, recognition, celebration, and reflection. Philadelphia: Brighton Press. Sleeter, C.E. (2000). Strengthening multicultural education with community-based service learning. In O’Grady, C.R. (Ed). Integrating service learning and multicultural education in colleges and universities. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Wiegand, D. & Strait, M. (2000). What is service learning?. Journal of Chemical Education. 77(12): 1538-1539. Zins, J.E., Bloodworth, M.R. & Wiessberg, R.P. (2007). The scientific base linking social and emotional learning to school success. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 17(2-3): 191-210. Zlotkowski, E. (2000). Service-learning in the disciplines: strategic directions for service-learning research. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning. 7: 61-67.
Year 2014, Volume: 1 , 489 - 496, 01.09.2014



  • Astin, A.W. & Antonio, A.L. (2012). Assessment foe excellence: the philosophy and practice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. 2nd ed. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefiled Publishers. Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist. 28(2): 117-148. Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: the exercise of control. New York: Freeman. Benneworth, P. & Charles, D. (2013). University–Community Engagement in the Wider Policy Environment. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Benneworth, P. & Humphrey, L. (2013). Universities’ perspectives on community engagement. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Billig, S.H. & Conrad, J. (1997). An evaluation of the New Hampshire service-learning and educational reform project. Colorado: RMC Research. Boyer, E.L. (1990). In search of community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Council on Education. Washington, DC. January 18, 1990. Boyle-Baise, M. & Sleeter, C.E. (1998). Community service learning multicultural teacher education. Washington DC: ERIC document reproductive service No. ED 429925. Braskamp. L.A. & Engberg, M.E. (2011). How colleges can influence the development of a global perspective. Liberal Education. 97(3-4): 34-39. Butin, D.W. (2005). Service-learning in higher education: critical issues and directions. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Butin, D. (2010). Service-learning in theory and practice: the future of community engagement in higher education. New York : Palgrave Macmillan. Cartwright, T.J. (2012). Science talk: preservice teachers facilitating science learning in diverse afterschool environments. School Science and Mathematics. 112(6): 384-391. Clayton, P. & Ash, S. (2005). Reflection as a key component in faculty development. On the Horizon. 13(5): 161-169. Clevenger, C.M. & Ozbek, M.E. (2013). Teaching sustainability through service-learning in construction education. International Journal of Construction Education and Research. 9(1): 3-18. Coffey, H. (2011). Moving into communities: developing cultural competence with pre-service teachers through community service-learning experiences. Partnerships: A Journal of Service-learning & Civic Engagement. 2(2). Cone, N. (2009a). A bridge to developing efficacious science teachers of all students: community-based Service-learning supplemented with explicit discussions and activities about diversity. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 20: 265-383. Cone, N. (2009b). Community-based service-learning as a source of personal self-efficacy: preparing preservice elementary teachers to teach science for diversity. School Science and Mathematics. 109(1): 20-30. Cone, N. (2009c). Preservice elementary teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs about equitable science teaching: foes Service learning makes a difference. Journal of Elementary Science Education. 21(2): 25-34. Cone, N. (2012). The effects of community-based service learning on preservice teachers’ beliefs about the characteristics of effective science teachers of diverse students. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 23(8): 889-907. Daniels, K., Patterson, G. & Dunston, Y. (2011). Meeting 21st century teaching standards through service-learning pedagogy in pre-service teacher education. Information for Action. 3(2). Deely, S.J. (2010). Service-learning: thinking outside the box. Active Learning in Higher Education. 11(1): 43-53. Wigfield, A. & Eccles, J.S. (2000). Expectancy–value theory of achievement motivation. Contemporary educational psychology. 25(1): 68-81. Eyler, J. & Giles, D.E. (1999). Where’s the learning in service learning?. California: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Ferrari III, N.D. & Cather, G.A. (2002). Community service, learning and the medical student. Education for Health. 15(2): 222-227. Gallego, M. (2001). Is experience really the best teacher?: the potential of coupling classroom and community-based field experiences. Journal of Teacher Education. 52(4): 312-325. Galvan, C. & Parker, M. (2011). Investigating the reciprocal nature of service-learning in physical education teacher education. Journal of Experiential Education. 34(1): 55-70. Hart, A. & Aumann, K. (2013). Challenging inequalities through community-university partnerships. In Benneworth, P. (Ed). University engagement with socially excluded communities. London: Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg. Kaye, C. (2004). The complete guide to service learning. Michigan: Free Spirit Publishing. Kolb, D.A. (1984). Experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Kolb, A.Y. & Kolb, D.A. (2005). Learning styles and learning spaces: enhancing experiential learning in higher education. Academy of Management Learning & Education. 4(2): 193-212. National Youth Leadership Council. (2010). The service-learning cycle. Retrieved August, 2012, from Nuangchalerm, P. (2009). Preservice teachers perception about nature of science. The Social Sciences. 4(5): 463-467. Nuangchalerm, P. (2014a). Learning in science for 21st century. Apichart Printing: Mahasarakham. (in Thai) Nuangchalerm, P. (2014b). Development of Service Learning for Preservice Science Teachers. Journal of Thonburi University. (in review). Power, A. (2010). Community engagement as authentic learning with reflection. Issues in Educational Research. 20(1): 57-63. Prasertsang, P. & Nuangchalerm, P. (2013). The development of service learning instructional model for pre-service teachers. Higher Education of Social Science. 4(3): 54-58. Prasertsang, P., Nuangchalerm, P. & Pumipuntu, C. (2013). Service learning and its influenced to pre-service teachers: social responsibility and self-efficacy study. International Education Studies. 6(7): 144-149. Scott, V.G. (2006). Incorporating service learning into your special education program. Intervention in School and Clinic. 42(1): 25-29. Silcox, H.C. (1995). Motivational elements in service-learning: meaningfulness, recognition, celebration, and reflection. Philadelphia: Brighton Press. Sleeter, C.E. (2000). Strengthening multicultural education with community-based service learning. In O’Grady, C.R. (Ed). Integrating service learning and multicultural education in colleges and universities. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum. Wiegand, D. & Strait, M. (2000). What is service learning?. Journal of Chemical Education. 77(12): 1538-1539. Zins, J.E., Bloodworth, M.R. & Wiessberg, R.P. (2007). The scientific base linking social and emotional learning to school success. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation. 17(2-3): 191-210. Zlotkowski, E. (2000). Service-learning in the disciplines: strategic directions for service-learning research. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning. 7: 61-67.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Prasart Nuangchalerm

Publication Date September 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1


APA Nuangchalerm, P. (2014). SERVICE LEARNING IN SCIENCE TEACHER PREPARATION PROGRAM: CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 1, 489-496.