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Year 2019, Issue: 5, 50 - 57, 21.06.2019



  • Aktaş Polat, S., & Hira, İ. (2017). Perception of nursing homes as accomodation units. International Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3250-3267. Altay, B., Çavuşoğlu, F., Çal, A. (2016). The factors affecting the perception of elderly patients towards health, quality of life and health-related quality of life. TAF PrevMedBull, 15(3), 181. Altuntaş, O., Uyanık, M., Kayıhan, H. (2013). Investigation of the activities and participation of nursing home residents: a pilot study. Journal of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1(2), 21-30. Ardahan, M. 2010. Aging and nursing home. Journal of Family and Community, 11(5), 25-32. Arpacı, F., Tokyürek, Ş., Bilgili, N. (2015). Life quality of elderly living in the nursing home. Elderly Issues Research Journal, 8(1), 1-11. Balki, S., & Özyonar, A. (2017). Effects of isometrıc strength of the trunk and leg muscles on the quality of life and balance in nursing home residents. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 1(3), 92-100. Çağlar, T. (2014). Elderliness and social work: the example of life support centre. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 25 (2), 145-162. Çohaz, A. (2010). Offered care services of age and elderly in Turkey. The 3rd Academic Geriatrics Congress, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus: May 26-30. Ercan Şahin, N., & Emiroğlu, O.N. (2013). Quality of life and related factors of older people in nursing home. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 1(1), 57-66. General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity (GDSAS) (2006). Evaluation of social services for the elderly abstract report, (summary of qualitative and quantitative research findings) No: 4638. Social Services Child Protection Institution Social Risk Mitigation Project Coordination Unit, Ankara, Turkey. İlhan, N., Arpacı, S., Havaoğlu, D., Kalyoncuoğlu, H., Sarı, P. (2016). Quality of life and factors affecting the quality of life of elderly nursing home residents. Clin. Exp. Health Sci., 6(2), 56-65. JDP (2018). Social policies for our elderly. Justice and Development Party Social Policy Presidency, Ankara, Turkey. Kurt, G., Beyaztaş Y.F., Erkol, Z. (2010). The problems of aged people and the life satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Forensic Medicine, 24(2): 32-39. Kutsal, Y.G. (2009). Aging people of the aging world. Turkish Pharmacists Association, Ankara. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MEU) (2015). Samsun city identity workshop final report. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Samsun, Turkey. Miranda L.C., Soares, S.M., Silva, P.A. (2016). Quality of life and associated factors in elderly people at a reference center. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 21(11):3533–3544. Miroğlu, C. (2009). An examination of a nursing home in Ankara. Master’s Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Social Science, Ankara. Oğlak, S. (2011). The communıty-based care models for the need of care of elderly people in Turkey. “İşGüç” Industrial Relations and Human Resources Journal, 13 (4), 117-130. DOI:10.4026/1303-2860.2011.191.x Ortabağ, T., Özdemir, Ö., Kılıç, S. (2011). Determination of the risky behaviors of elderly individuals toward home accidents living in a private care center. Gülhane Medical Journal, 53, 189-194. Öğüt, S., Öğüt Düzen, K., Polat, M. (2017). Feelings and thoughts of elderly people living in nursing homes on aging. Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal, 4(1), 522-526. Önder Erol, P. (2018). Nursing home in Turkey: a remedy for the changing intergenerational relationships or a total institution. Abant İzzet Baysal University Graduate School of Social Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, 18(3), 265-278. Pandelaki, E. E., Wijayanti, Pribadi, S.P. (2014). The elderly friendly high-rise housing: a comparison study between Indonesia & Japan. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 20: 146-153. Samsun Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial Directorate (SFLSSPD) (2010). Annual report. Samsun Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial Directorate, Samsun, Turkey. Sevim, K. (2017). Elderly care in Netherland. Journal of Social Work, 1(1), 55-63. Şenol, D., & Erdem, S. (2008). The perception of old age and the nursing home in the elderly culture. International Symposium on Family Culture Conference, Edirne, Turkey: March 25-27. Tarakçı Eren, E., Var, M., Düzenli, T. (2017). Examination of the official nursing home gardens in Trabzon in comparison with scoring method, Elderly Issues Research Journal, 10(1), 60-72. Taşçı, F. (2010). Social policies for the old: the cases of Sweden, Germany, Uk, And Italy. Labour and Society, 1 (24), 175-202. The State Planning Organization (2007). Status of elderly people in Turkey and national plan of action on aging. General Directorate of Social Sectors and Coordination of State Planning Organization, Ankara, Turkey. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (1983). Social services law (1983). Turkish Republic Official Gazette, 18059, May 27, 1983. Turkish Republic Official Gazette. (2001). Regulation on nursing home and elderly rehabilitation centers. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (TROG), 24325, 21 February 2001. Turkish Republic Official Gazette. (2008). Regulation on private nursing homes and elderly care centers. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (TROG), 26960, 07 August 2008. TURKSTAT (2015). Turkey in statistics 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. TURKSTAT (2017). Address based population registration system (ABPRS), 2007-2017. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, Turkey. UN. (2002). International Plan of Action on Ageing, New York, USA. (Url-1). http://www.samsun.gov.tr/cografi-yapi. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-2). http://samsun.yerelnet.org.tr/il.php?iladi=SAMSUN. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-3). http://www.koylerimiz.info/samsun/sehir-55-samsun-koyleri.html. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-4). https://www.samsun.com.tr/moduller.aspx?modul=samsun-hakkinda-ilceler#.W9YbXGgzbIU. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-5). https://samsun.aile.gov.tr/istatistikler/2013-yili-istatistikleri. [Data received 29.10.2018].

From Nursing Home to the Living Center: Elderly Care in Samsun and a Foresight for the Future Architecture

Year 2019, Issue: 5, 50 - 57, 21.06.2019


Nursing homes in Turkey are one of the places where
the seniors try to live their life peacefully as getting older. A healthy life
is not only the elimination of physical needs at the maximum level but also the
ability to maintain spiritual, social and other beings at the highest level.
Many factors such as social and cultural habits, economic conditions, nutrition
are influential in keeping a healthy life. The study aims to evaluate nursing
homes in Samsun Province and to propose an “Elderly Living Center” as a new
alternative to the institutional care models like nursing homes by analyzing
the perspective of elderly care in Turkey. Accordingly, an analysis was carried
out on the places to be in an “Elderly Living Center” and how the relations
should be realized in between. Researches on the subject and current situation
of nursing homes in Turkey and especially in Samsun province were examined. The
results of 19 Mayıs University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Interior
Architecture, 2017-2018 Spring Semester Graduation Project were also analyzed.
In doing so, an assessment was made on the recommendation of the “Elderly
Living Center.” One of the significant outcomes of the study showed that the
design understanding in areas where seniors will be able to live healthier
seems to change from nursing home to the life center.


  • Aktaş Polat, S., & Hira, İ. (2017). Perception of nursing homes as accomodation units. International Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 3250-3267. Altay, B., Çavuşoğlu, F., Çal, A. (2016). The factors affecting the perception of elderly patients towards health, quality of life and health-related quality of life. TAF PrevMedBull, 15(3), 181. Altuntaş, O., Uyanık, M., Kayıhan, H. (2013). Investigation of the activities and participation of nursing home residents: a pilot study. Journal of Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation, 1(2), 21-30. Ardahan, M. 2010. Aging and nursing home. Journal of Family and Community, 11(5), 25-32. Arpacı, F., Tokyürek, Ş., Bilgili, N. (2015). Life quality of elderly living in the nursing home. Elderly Issues Research Journal, 8(1), 1-11. Balki, S., & Özyonar, A. (2017). Effects of isometrıc strength of the trunk and leg muscles on the quality of life and balance in nursing home residents. Adnan Menderes University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 1(3), 92-100. Çağlar, T. (2014). Elderliness and social work: the example of life support centre. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences, 25 (2), 145-162. Çohaz, A. (2010). Offered care services of age and elderly in Turkey. The 3rd Academic Geriatrics Congress, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus: May 26-30. Ercan Şahin, N., & Emiroğlu, O.N. (2013). Quality of life and related factors of older people in nursing home. Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Nursing, 1(1), 57-66. General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity (GDSAS) (2006). Evaluation of social services for the elderly abstract report, (summary of qualitative and quantitative research findings) No: 4638. Social Services Child Protection Institution Social Risk Mitigation Project Coordination Unit, Ankara, Turkey. İlhan, N., Arpacı, S., Havaoğlu, D., Kalyoncuoğlu, H., Sarı, P. (2016). Quality of life and factors affecting the quality of life of elderly nursing home residents. Clin. Exp. Health Sci., 6(2), 56-65. JDP (2018). Social policies for our elderly. Justice and Development Party Social Policy Presidency, Ankara, Turkey. Kurt, G., Beyaztaş Y.F., Erkol, Z. (2010). The problems of aged people and the life satisfaction. Turkish Journal of Forensic Medicine, 24(2): 32-39. Kutsal, Y.G. (2009). Aging people of the aging world. Turkish Pharmacists Association, Ankara. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MEU) (2015). Samsun city identity workshop final report. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Samsun, Turkey. Miranda L.C., Soares, S.M., Silva, P.A. (2016). Quality of life and associated factors in elderly people at a reference center. Ciencia & Saude Coletiva, 21(11):3533–3544. Miroğlu, C. (2009). An examination of a nursing home in Ankara. Master’s Thesis, Ankara University, Institute of Social Science, Ankara. Oğlak, S. (2011). The communıty-based care models for the need of care of elderly people in Turkey. “İşGüç” Industrial Relations and Human Resources Journal, 13 (4), 117-130. DOI:10.4026/1303-2860.2011.191.x Ortabağ, T., Özdemir, Ö., Kılıç, S. (2011). Determination of the risky behaviors of elderly individuals toward home accidents living in a private care center. Gülhane Medical Journal, 53, 189-194. Öğüt, S., Öğüt Düzen, K., Polat, M. (2017). Feelings and thoughts of elderly people living in nursing homes on aging. Celal Bayar University-Health Sciences Institute Journal, 4(1), 522-526. Önder Erol, P. (2018). Nursing home in Turkey: a remedy for the changing intergenerational relationships or a total institution. Abant İzzet Baysal University Graduate School of Social Sciences Journal of Social Sciences, 18(3), 265-278. Pandelaki, E. E., Wijayanti, Pribadi, S.P. (2014). The elderly friendly high-rise housing: a comparison study between Indonesia & Japan. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 20: 146-153. Samsun Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial Directorate (SFLSSPD) (2010). Annual report. Samsun Family, Labor and Social Services Provincial Directorate, Samsun, Turkey. Sevim, K. (2017). Elderly care in Netherland. Journal of Social Work, 1(1), 55-63. Şenol, D., & Erdem, S. (2008). The perception of old age and the nursing home in the elderly culture. International Symposium on Family Culture Conference, Edirne, Turkey: March 25-27. Tarakçı Eren, E., Var, M., Düzenli, T. (2017). Examination of the official nursing home gardens in Trabzon in comparison with scoring method, Elderly Issues Research Journal, 10(1), 60-72. Taşçı, F. (2010). Social policies for the old: the cases of Sweden, Germany, Uk, And Italy. Labour and Society, 1 (24), 175-202. The State Planning Organization (2007). Status of elderly people in Turkey and national plan of action on aging. General Directorate of Social Sectors and Coordination of State Planning Organization, Ankara, Turkey. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (1983). Social services law (1983). Turkish Republic Official Gazette, 18059, May 27, 1983. Turkish Republic Official Gazette. (2001). Regulation on nursing home and elderly rehabilitation centers. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (TROG), 24325, 21 February 2001. Turkish Republic Official Gazette. (2008). Regulation on private nursing homes and elderly care centers. Turkish Republic Official Gazette (TROG), 26960, 07 August 2008. TURKSTAT (2015). Turkey in statistics 2015, Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara. TURKSTAT (2017). Address based population registration system (ABPRS), 2007-2017. Turkish Statistical Institute, Ankara, Turkey. UN. (2002). International Plan of Action on Ageing, New York, USA. (Url-1). http://www.samsun.gov.tr/cografi-yapi. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-2). http://samsun.yerelnet.org.tr/il.php?iladi=SAMSUN. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-3). http://www.koylerimiz.info/samsun/sehir-55-samsun-koyleri.html. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-4). https://www.samsun.com.tr/moduller.aspx?modul=samsun-hakkinda-ilceler#.W9YbXGgzbIU. [Data received 28.10.2018]. (Url-5). https://samsun.aile.gov.tr/istatistikler/2013-yili-istatistikleri. [Data received 29.10.2018].
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Alper Bodur

Publication Date June 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Issue: 5


APA Bodur, A. (2019). From Nursing Home to the Living Center: Elderly Care in Samsun and a Foresight for the Future Architecture. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics(5), 50-57.