Vulvar leiyomyom, oldukça nadir görülen leiyomyom çeşididir. Tüm jinekolojik tümörlerin %0.03’nü oluşturmaktadır. Genellikle ağrısız, soliter, düzgün sınırlı tümörlerdir.
Bizim olgumuzda, 38 yaşında kadın hasta sol vulvar bölgesinde şişlik şikayetiyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Hasta 2 seneye yakındır bu şikayetle bartholin apsesi düşünülerek takip edilmiş ve çeşitli antibiyoterapiler kullanmış. Şikayetlerinin geçmemesi üzerine hasta kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın idrar çıkışı olağandı. Fizik muayenede sol vulvar bölgede, bartholin bezi hizasında 4 cm’lik şişlik palpe edildi. Hastanın şikayetlerinin uzun zamandır olması üzerine ve medikal tedavilere yanıt alamadığından operasyona karar verildi. Hasta genel anestezi altında opere edildi ve patoloji sonucu vulvar leiyomyom olarak değerlendirildi.
Sonuç olarak, vulvar leiyomyomlar, nadir görülen myom çeşitleri olmasına rağmen bartholin kisti, bartholin apsesi, fibromlar veya diğer solid vulvar lezyonlar ile karışabilmesi nedeniyle ayırıcı tanıda mutlaka akılda tutulması gereken lezyonlardır.
1. Sultana R, Humayun S. Labial leiomyoma. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2015;25(4):294-5.
2. Fontinele D, Silva LHC, Vieira SC, Pinheiro F, Nunes GA. Leiomyoma of the Vulva: Case Report. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2022;35(3):391-2.
3. Youssef A, Neji K, M'barki M, Malek M, Reziga H. Leiomyoma of the vulva. La Tunisie Medicale. 2013;91(1):78-80.
4. Jang S-H, Cho HD, Lee J-H, Lee HJ, Hong SA, Ahn H, et al. Vulvar epithelioid leiomyoma with myxoid change: A case report and literature review. Medicine. 2019;98(42).
5. Kurdi S, Arafat AS, Almegbel M, Aladham M. Leiomyoma of the Vulva: A Diagnostic Challenge Case Report. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2016;2016:8780764.
6. Parker WH. Etiology, symptomatology, and diagnosis of uterine myomas. Fertility and sterility. 2007;87(4):725-36.
7. Nielsen GP, Rosenberg AE, Koerner FC, Young RH, Scully RE. Smooth-muscle tumors of the vulva: a clinicopathological study of 25 cases and review of the literature. The American journal of surgical pathology. 1996;20(7):779-93.
8. Zimmermann A, Bernuit D, Gerlinger C, Schaefers M, Geppert K. Prevalence, symptoms and management of uterine fibroids: an international internet-based survey of 21,746 women. BMC women's health. 2012;12(1):1-11.
9. Fasih N, Prasad Shanbhogue AK, Macdonald DB, Fraser-Hill MA, Papadatos D, Kielar AZ, et al. Leiomyomas beyond the uterus: unusual locations, rare manifestations. Radiographics. 2008;28(7):1931-48.
10. Sun C, Zou J, Wang Q, Wang Q, Han L, Batchu N, et al. Review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy of vulvar leiomyoma, a rare gynecological tumor. Journal of International Medical Research. 2018;46(2):663-74.
11. Zhou J, Ha BK, Schubeck D, Chung-Park M. Myxoid epithelioid leiomyoma of the vulva: a case report. Gynecologic oncology. 2006;103(1):342-5.
12. Pandey D, Shetty J, Saxena A, Srilatha P. Leiomyoma in vulva: a diagnostic dilemma. Case reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2014;2014.
Recurrent Vulvar Leiomyoma: Case Report
Year 2023,
Volume: 62 Issue: 4, 572 - 575, 18.12.2023
Vulvar leiomyoma is a scarce type of leiomyoma. It constitutes 0.03% of all gynecological tumors. They are usually painless, solitary, well-circumscribed tumors.
İn our case, a 38-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with a complaint of swelling in the left vulvar region. The patient was followed up with this complaint for almost two years, considering Bartholin's abscess, and used various antibiotherapies. The patient applied to our clinic after her complaints did not resolve. The patient's urine output was average. On physical examination, a 4 cm swelling was palpated in the left vulvar region at the level of the Bartholin gland. It was decided to operate because the patient's complaints had been for a long time, and they could not respond to medical treatments. The patient was operated on under general anesthesia, and the pathology result was vulvar diagnosed as leiomyoma.
In conclusion, although vulvar leiomyomas are rare types of fibroids, they must be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis because they can be confused with Bartholin’s cyst, Bartholin’s abscess, fibromas, or other solid vulvar lesions.
1. Sultana R, Humayun S. Labial leiomyoma. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. 2015;25(4):294-5.
2. Fontinele D, Silva LHC, Vieira SC, Pinheiro F, Nunes GA. Leiomyoma of the Vulva: Case Report. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2022;35(3):391-2.
3. Youssef A, Neji K, M'barki M, Malek M, Reziga H. Leiomyoma of the vulva. La Tunisie Medicale. 2013;91(1):78-80.
4. Jang S-H, Cho HD, Lee J-H, Lee HJ, Hong SA, Ahn H, et al. Vulvar epithelioid leiomyoma with myxoid change: A case report and literature review. Medicine. 2019;98(42).
5. Kurdi S, Arafat AS, Almegbel M, Aladham M. Leiomyoma of the Vulva: A Diagnostic Challenge Case Report. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2016;2016:8780764.
6. Parker WH. Etiology, symptomatology, and diagnosis of uterine myomas. Fertility and sterility. 2007;87(4):725-36.
7. Nielsen GP, Rosenberg AE, Koerner FC, Young RH, Scully RE. Smooth-muscle tumors of the vulva: a clinicopathological study of 25 cases and review of the literature. The American journal of surgical pathology. 1996;20(7):779-93.
8. Zimmermann A, Bernuit D, Gerlinger C, Schaefers M, Geppert K. Prevalence, symptoms and management of uterine fibroids: an international internet-based survey of 21,746 women. BMC women's health. 2012;12(1):1-11.
9. Fasih N, Prasad Shanbhogue AK, Macdonald DB, Fraser-Hill MA, Papadatos D, Kielar AZ, et al. Leiomyomas beyond the uterus: unusual locations, rare manifestations. Radiographics. 2008;28(7):1931-48.
10. Sun C, Zou J, Wang Q, Wang Q, Han L, Batchu N, et al. Review of the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapy of vulvar leiomyoma, a rare gynecological tumor. Journal of International Medical Research. 2018;46(2):663-74.
11. Zhou J, Ha BK, Schubeck D, Chung-Park M. Myxoid epithelioid leiomyoma of the vulva: a case report. Gynecologic oncology. 2006;103(1):342-5.
12. Pandey D, Shetty J, Saxena A, Srilatha P. Leiomyoma in vulva: a diagnostic dilemma. Case reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2014;2014.