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Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 77, 21 - 34, 01.04.2014


Tanrıça İnanna, Sümerlilerin en önemli tanrıçasıdır. O ve eşi Dumuzi ile ilgili mitler
yüzyıllar boyunca tabletler üzerine yazılmış ve nesilden nesile aktarılmıştır. İnanna’nın
ünü Mezopotamya sınırlarını da aşmıştır. Eşi Çoban Tanrısı hakkındaki yakarılar özellikle
İbranileri etkilemiştir. Sami kültürlerde İştar olarak adlandırılan İnanna, Hurriler aracılığı
ile Hitit panteonunda kendisine fazlasıyla yer edinmiştir.
Hitit mitolojisinde, Eski Mezopotamya kültüründen çok iyi bildiğimiz tanrıların yer
altına inişi motifinin iki örneği bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan biri, İştar/Şa(w)uşka’nın, diğeri
ise Fırtına Tanrısı Teşup’un yer altına inişidir. İştar/Şa(w)uşka örneği, Mezopotamya’nın
en önemli tanrıçası İnanna ile ilgili öyküden kaynaklanmaktadır ve Mukişli MUNUS
Allaiturahhi’nin büyü ritüellerinin içerisinde yer almaktadır. Teşup’un yer altına inişi adlı öykü ise Suriye kökenli Serbest Bırakma Şarkısı’na dâhildir. Her iki anlatı, Hitit
kültürüne Hurriler sayesinde kazandırılmıştır.
İştar/Şa(w)uşka’nın yer altına inişini anlatan öykü Hititçede ne yazık ki çok az
korunmuştur. Bu nedenle, Nippur kökenli aynı öykü ile karşılaştırma imkânı fazla
değildir. Teşup’un yer altına inişini anlatan mit ise daha ayrıntılıdır ve iki dillidir. Hurrice
ve Hititçe yazılmıştır. Bir büyü ritüelinden anlaşıldığına göre yer altı tanrıları, Hava
Tanrısı tarafından yer altına hapsedilmiştir. Bu nedenle Teşup’un yer altına inişi ve yer
altı tanrıları ile aynı sofrada yemek yemesi dikkat çekicidir. Metnin devamı kırık olduğu
için bunun sebebini anlamak mümkün değildir. Ancak, Teşup’u ortadan kaldırmak
amacıyla hazırlanmış bir tuzaktan söz etmek mümkündür.


  • arMstrOng, Karen (2006), Mitlerin Kısa Tarihi, Çevr.: Dilek Şendil, istanbul.
  • BlaCK, Jeremy – CUnnıngHaM, graham – rOBsOn, eleanor – zÓlyOMı, gábor, (2004), The Literature of Ancient Sümer, new york.
  • COllıns, Billie Jean, (2003), “Purifying a Hause: a ritual for the ınfernal Deities”, The Context of Scripture. Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World, (COS 1) editor, William W. Hallo, associate editor, K. lawson younger, Jr.,Volume One, leiden-Boston, 168-171.
  • ÇıĞ, Muazzez i., (1998), inanna’nın aşkı. sümer’de inanç ve Kutsal evlenme, istanbul.
  • Dalley, stephanie, (2000), Myths from Mesopotamia. Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others, new york.
  • De MartınO, stefano, (1999), “Das hurritische epos der Freilassung, ı: Unterschungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen textensemble aus Hattuša by erich neu”, Jaos 119/2, 339-341.
  • De MartınO, stefano, (2006), hititler, ankara.
  • elıaDe, Mircea, (2003), Dinsel İnançlar ve Düşünceler Tarihi. Taş Devrinden Eleusis Mysteria’larına, Çevr.: ali Berktay, istanbul.
  • erHat, azra, (1993), Mitoloji Sözlüğü, istanbul.
  • gÜterBOCK, Hans gustav, (1945), Kumarbi Efsanesi, Çevr.: sedat alp, ankara.
  • Haas, Volkert, (2003), Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica. Ein Beitrag zur Heilkunde im Alten Orient, Volumen ı, Berlin-new york.
  • Haas, Volkert , (2006), Die hethitische Literatur. Texte, Stilistik, Motive, Berlin.
  • Haas, Volkert - tHıel, Hans-Jochen, (1978), Die Beschwörungsrituale der Allaitura(h)hi und verwandte Texte, (Hurritologische studien ıı, aOat 31), Kevelaer/neukirchen- Vluyn.
  • Haas, Volkert – Wegner, ılse, (1988), Die Rituale der Bescwörerinnen SALŠU.gı, teil I: Dietexte, (Chs ı/5), roma.
  • Hart, george, (2010), Mısır Mitleri, Çevr.: Mehmet sait türk, ankara.
  • HOFFner, Harry a., (1998a), Hittite Myths. 2nd edition, atlanta.
  • HOFFner, Harry a., (1998b), “Hurrian Civilization from a Hittite Perspective”, Urkesh and the Hurrians, Studies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen, edited by g. Buccellatti-M. K. Buccellatti, Malibu, 167-200.
  • HOllanD, glenn s., (2010), Gods in the Desert. Religions of the Ancient Near East, lanham.
  • JaCOBsen, thorkild, (1976), The Treasures of Darkness – A History of Mesopotamian Religion, new Haven.
  • KaraUĞUz, güngör, (2001), hitit Mitolojisi, Konya.
  • Kınal, Füruzan, (1965), inanna’nın Cehenneme inişi efsanesi”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi ııı/4-5, 1-21.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1966), “Dumuzi’s annual resurrection: an ımportant Corection to ınanna’s Descent”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 183, 31.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1970) “the Dumuzi-ınanna sacred Marriage rite: Origin, Development, Character”, Actes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Université Libre de Bruxelles, 30 juin – 4 juillet 1969, Études recueillies par andré Fınet, leiden, 135-141.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1998), Tarih Sümer’de Başlar, Çevr.: M. i. Çığ, ankara.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (2002), Sümerler. Tarihleri, Kültürleri ve Karakterleri, Çevr.: Özcan Buze, istanbul.
  • leeMıng, David, (2004), Jealous Gods and Chosen People. The Mythology of the Middle East, new york.
  • leıCK, gwendolyn, (2003), A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, london- new york.
  • MCCall, Henrietta, (2011), Mezopotamya Mitleri, Çevr.: Bircan Baykara, ankara.
  • Mıller, Jared, l., (2005), “Von syrien durch Kizzuwatna nach Hatti: Die rituale der allaiturahhi und gizija”, Motivation und Mechanismen des Kulturkontaktes in der Späten Bronzezeit (eothen 13), herausgegeben von Doris Prechel, 129-144. narDO, Don, (2007), The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Mesopotamia, Detroit. neU, erich, (1996), Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung I. Unterschungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus Hattuša, (stBot 32), Wiesbaden.
  • Otten, Heinrich, (1961), “eine Beschwörung der Unterirdischen aus Boğazköy”, za Neue Folge, Band 20 (Band 54), 114-157.
  • Penglase, Charles, (2005), Greek Myths and Mesopotamia. Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, london-new york.
  • PettınatO, giovanni, (2005), “ınanna”, translated from ıtalian by Paul ellis, Encyclopedia of Religion, second edition, Volume 7, editor in Chief: lindsay Jones, Detroit, 4402- 4406.
  • sPeıser, e. a., (1969), Descent of ıshtar to the nether World”, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, edited by James B. Pritchard, Princeton-new Jersey, 106-109.
  • sznyCer, Maurice, (2000), “Ugarit. tanrılar ve Mitler”, Antik Dünya ve Geleneksel Toplumlarda Dinler ve Mitolojiler Sözlüğü, ıı. Cilt, editör: yves Bonnefoy, ankara, 1106-1116.
  • Ünal, ahmet, (2002), Hititler Devrinde Anadolu I, istanbul.
  • WılHelM, gernot, (1996), “the Hurrians in the Western Prts of the ancient near east”, Mutual Influences of Peoples and Cultures in the Ancient Near East (A special issue of the journal Michmanim 9), ed. by M. Malul, 17-30.
  • WılHelM, gernot, (2001), “Das hurritisch-hethitische lied der Freilassung”, in: O. Kaiser (ed.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments Erganzungslieferung, ed.: O. Kaiser, gütersloh, 82-91.
  • WOlKsteın, Diane – KraMer, samuel n., (1983), Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sümer, new york.


Year 2014, Volume: 20 Issue: 77, 21 - 34, 01.04.2014


Goddess Inanna is the most important goddess of the Sümerians. The myths related
to her and her husband Dumuzi were written on the tablets for centuries and passed
down from generation to generation. Inanna’s reputation also exceeded the borders of
Mesopotamia. The prayers about her Shepherd God husband especially affected the
Hebrews. Inanna, called Ishtar in Semitic cultures, appeared in the Hittite pantheon
through the Hurrians.
In Hittite mythology, there are two examples of the motifs in which the descent of
the gods–known very well in the Ancient Mesopotamian culture–to the underworld is
depicted. One of them is Ishtar/Sha(w)ushka’s, and the other one is Storm God Teshup’s
descent to the underworld. The example of Ishtar/Sha(w)ushka originates from the story
related to Inanna, the most important goddess of Mesopotamia, and is involved in the
magic rituals of MUNUS
ŠU.GI Allaiturahhi from Mukish. The story of Teshup’s descent
to the underworld is included in the Song of Release originating in Syria. Both of the
narratives were added to the Hittite culture thanks to the Hurrians.
The story about Ishtar/Sha(w)shka’s descent to the underworld was unfortunately
preserved very little in Hittite language. Thus, there is not too much possibility of comparing
it with the same story of Nippur origin. The myth of Teshup’s descent to the underworld is
more detailed and bilingual. It was written in Hittite and Hurrian language. Understood by
a magic ritual, the underworld gods were imprisoned to underworld by the weather god.
For this reason, Teshup’s descent to the underworld and dining with the underworld gods
at the same table is noteworthy. It is not possible to understand the reason as the rest of
the text is broken. However, it is possible to speak of a trap designed to eliminate Teshup.


  • arMstrOng, Karen (2006), Mitlerin Kısa Tarihi, Çevr.: Dilek Şendil, istanbul.
  • BlaCK, Jeremy – CUnnıngHaM, graham – rOBsOn, eleanor – zÓlyOMı, gábor, (2004), The Literature of Ancient Sümer, new york.
  • COllıns, Billie Jean, (2003), “Purifying a Hause: a ritual for the ınfernal Deities”, The Context of Scripture. Canonical Compositions from the Biblical World, (COS 1) editor, William W. Hallo, associate editor, K. lawson younger, Jr.,Volume One, leiden-Boston, 168-171.
  • ÇıĞ, Muazzez i., (1998), inanna’nın aşkı. sümer’de inanç ve Kutsal evlenme, istanbul.
  • Dalley, stephanie, (2000), Myths from Mesopotamia. Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others, new york.
  • De MartınO, stefano, (1999), “Das hurritische epos der Freilassung, ı: Unterschungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen textensemble aus Hattuša by erich neu”, Jaos 119/2, 339-341.
  • De MartınO, stefano, (2006), hititler, ankara.
  • elıaDe, Mircea, (2003), Dinsel İnançlar ve Düşünceler Tarihi. Taş Devrinden Eleusis Mysteria’larına, Çevr.: ali Berktay, istanbul.
  • erHat, azra, (1993), Mitoloji Sözlüğü, istanbul.
  • gÜterBOCK, Hans gustav, (1945), Kumarbi Efsanesi, Çevr.: sedat alp, ankara.
  • Haas, Volkert, (2003), Materia Magica et Medica Hethitica. Ein Beitrag zur Heilkunde im Alten Orient, Volumen ı, Berlin-new york.
  • Haas, Volkert , (2006), Die hethitische Literatur. Texte, Stilistik, Motive, Berlin.
  • Haas, Volkert - tHıel, Hans-Jochen, (1978), Die Beschwörungsrituale der Allaitura(h)hi und verwandte Texte, (Hurritologische studien ıı, aOat 31), Kevelaer/neukirchen- Vluyn.
  • Haas, Volkert – Wegner, ılse, (1988), Die Rituale der Bescwörerinnen SALŠU.gı, teil I: Dietexte, (Chs ı/5), roma.
  • Hart, george, (2010), Mısır Mitleri, Çevr.: Mehmet sait türk, ankara.
  • HOFFner, Harry a., (1998a), Hittite Myths. 2nd edition, atlanta.
  • HOFFner, Harry a., (1998b), “Hurrian Civilization from a Hittite Perspective”, Urkesh and the Hurrians, Studies in Honor of Lloyd Cotsen, edited by g. Buccellatti-M. K. Buccellatti, Malibu, 167-200.
  • HOllanD, glenn s., (2010), Gods in the Desert. Religions of the Ancient Near East, lanham.
  • JaCOBsen, thorkild, (1976), The Treasures of Darkness – A History of Mesopotamian Religion, new Haven.
  • KaraUĞUz, güngör, (2001), hitit Mitolojisi, Konya.
  • Kınal, Füruzan, (1965), inanna’nın Cehenneme inişi efsanesi”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi ııı/4-5, 1-21.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1966), “Dumuzi’s annual resurrection: an ımportant Corection to ınanna’s Descent”, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 183, 31.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1970) “the Dumuzi-ınanna sacred Marriage rite: Origin, Development, Character”, Actes de la XVIIe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Université Libre de Bruxelles, 30 juin – 4 juillet 1969, Études recueillies par andré Fınet, leiden, 135-141.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (1998), Tarih Sümer’de Başlar, Çevr.: M. i. Çığ, ankara.
  • KraMer, samuel n., (2002), Sümerler. Tarihleri, Kültürleri ve Karakterleri, Çevr.: Özcan Buze, istanbul.
  • leeMıng, David, (2004), Jealous Gods and Chosen People. The Mythology of the Middle East, new york.
  • leıCK, gwendolyn, (2003), A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology, london- new york.
  • MCCall, Henrietta, (2011), Mezopotamya Mitleri, Çevr.: Bircan Baykara, ankara.
  • Mıller, Jared, l., (2005), “Von syrien durch Kizzuwatna nach Hatti: Die rituale der allaiturahhi und gizija”, Motivation und Mechanismen des Kulturkontaktes in der Späten Bronzezeit (eothen 13), herausgegeben von Doris Prechel, 129-144. narDO, Don, (2007), The Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Mesopotamia, Detroit. neU, erich, (1996), Das hurritische Epos der Freilassung I. Unterschungen zu einem hurritisch-hethitischen Textensemble aus Hattuša, (stBot 32), Wiesbaden.
  • Otten, Heinrich, (1961), “eine Beschwörung der Unterirdischen aus Boğazköy”, za Neue Folge, Band 20 (Band 54), 114-157.
  • Penglase, Charles, (2005), Greek Myths and Mesopotamia. Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod, london-new york.
  • PettınatO, giovanni, (2005), “ınanna”, translated from ıtalian by Paul ellis, Encyclopedia of Religion, second edition, Volume 7, editor in Chief: lindsay Jones, Detroit, 4402- 4406.
  • sPeıser, e. a., (1969), Descent of ıshtar to the nether World”, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, edited by James B. Pritchard, Princeton-new Jersey, 106-109.
  • sznyCer, Maurice, (2000), “Ugarit. tanrılar ve Mitler”, Antik Dünya ve Geleneksel Toplumlarda Dinler ve Mitolojiler Sözlüğü, ıı. Cilt, editör: yves Bonnefoy, ankara, 1106-1116.
  • Ünal, ahmet, (2002), Hititler Devrinde Anadolu I, istanbul.
  • WılHelM, gernot, (1996), “the Hurrians in the Western Prts of the ancient near east”, Mutual Influences of Peoples and Cultures in the Ancient Near East (A special issue of the journal Michmanim 9), ed. by M. Malul, 17-30.
  • WılHelM, gernot, (2001), “Das hurritisch-hethitische lied der Freilassung”, in: O. Kaiser (ed.), Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments Erganzungslieferung, ed.: O. Kaiser, gütersloh, 82-91.
  • WOlKsteın, Diane – KraMer, samuel n., (1983), Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sümer, new york.
There are 38 citations in total.


Other ID JA67HU66PA
Journal Section Article

Kurtuluş Kıymet This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 20 Issue: 77


APA Kıymet, K. (2014). HİTİT MİTOLOJİSİNDE TANRILARIN YER ALTINA İNİŞİ. Folklor/Edebiyat, 20(77), 21-34.

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