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Duygulanım Ekoeleştirisi: Çevre Krizinden Çevrecilik Krizine

Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 119, 829 - 856, 01.08.2024


Bu makale çevreciliğin şu anda karşı karşıya olduğu krizi ve aynı zamanda çevreciliğin
insanları, yetkilileri, kurumları ve kuruluşları bir değişim gerçekleştirmeye
teşvik etme konusunda karşılaştığı çıkmazı tartışmaktadır. Çevrecilik, çevre sorunlarına
ilişkin farkındalığı artırmadaki başarısına rağmen istenilen eylemlerin
gerçekleştirilmesi hususunda aynı başarıyı gösterememiştir. Bu sorunların çözümü
noktasında “duygulanım ekoeleştiri”si olarak bilinen bir yaklaşımın ne kadar ve
nasıl faydalı olabileceği göz önünde bulundurulabilir. Bu yaklaşım, bireyin çevresel
kaygılara tepkisini etkileyen duygulanımsal unsurların tanımlanmasını ve
çözümlenmesini gerektirir. Geniş veri hacmi ve ekolojik yıkımın büyüklüğü nedeniyle
bireylerin duyarsızlaşma veya bunalmışlık hissi geliştirme potansiyeli olduğu
kabul edilir. Bununla beraber, çevresel kaygıların soyut olarak algılanma potansiyelinin
olduğu ve bireylerin bunları göz ardı etmesine veya bunlardan kaçınmasına
yol açabileceği de kabul edilir. Bu duygusal ve duygulanımsal engellerin kapsamlı
bir şekilde anlaşılması ve bu farkındalık ile ele alınması sayesinde ekolojik hareket,
dünyanın ve sakinlerinin refahına büyük önem veren etkili çözümlere doğru
ilerleyebilir. Çevreciliği canlandırmak ve sınırlamalarının üstesinden gelmek için
duygulanımsal ekoeleştiri ve ekokurgusal anlatılar geçerli alternatifler olarak öne
sürülür. Ekolojik kurgu anlatılar izleyiciyle kişisel bir bağ kurabilir, ilham duygusu
ve kalıp metinleri ateşleyebilir ve olumlu değişim için model görevi gören bireyleri
ön plana çıkarabilir. Bu bağlamda söz konusu çalışma, bireyleri çevre sorunlarına
dâhil etmek için hikâye anlatımı yoluyla olumlu duygular ve duygulanımlar kullanmanın
ve topluluk duygusunu geliştirmenin önemini vurgular.

Ethical Statement

Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Beyanı: Bu makale, orijinal veriler temelinde hazırlanmış özgün bir araştırma makalesidir. Daha önce hiçbir yerde yayımlanmamış olup başka bir yere yayımlanmak üzere gönderilmemiştir. Yazar, araştırma sürecinde etik ilkelere ve kurallara uymuştur. Yazarların Katkı Düzeyleri: Makale tek yazarlıdır. Etik Komite Onayı: Bu çalışma için etik kurul onayı gerekmemektedir. Finansal Destek: Bu araştırma için herhangi bir finansal destek alınmamıştır. Çıkar Çatışması: Bu çalışma ile ilgili herhangi bir çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.


  • Arithmetic of Compassion. (2023). In the arithmetic of compassion. web/20230919183546/
  • Atwood, M., & McKibben, B. Eds., (2011). I’m with the bears: Short stories from a damaged planet. Verso.
  • Barbash, T. (2002). The last good chance (1st Ed, p. 440). Picador USA.
  • Beck, U. (1992). Risk society: towards a new modernity. Sage Publications.
  • Bernhardt, W. (2000). Silent justice (1st Ed, p. 391). Ballantine Books.
  • Bladow, K. A., & Ladino, J. K. (2018). Affective ecocriticism: Imotion, embodiment, environment. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Braidotti, R. (2013). The posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Delinsky, B. (2006). Looking for Peyton Place. Pocket Books.
  • Emmett, R. S., & Nye, D. E. (2017). The environmental humanities: A critical introduction. MIT Press.
  • Garrard, G. (2004). Ecocriticism. Routledge.
  • Gregg, M., & Seigworth, G. J. (2010). The affect theory reader. Duke university press.
  • Haltinner, K., & Sarathchandra, D. (2018). Climate change skepticism as a psychological coping strategy. Sociology Compass, 12 (6).
  • Heise, U. K., Christensen, J., & Niemann, M. Eds., (2017). The Routledge companion to the environmental humanities. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Hockenberry, J. (2002). A River out of Eden. Anchor Books.
  • Houser, H. (2014). Ecosickness in contemporary U.S. fiction: Environment and affect. Columbia University Press.
  • Houser, H. (2020). Infowhelm: Environmental art and literature in an age of data. Columbia University Press.
  • Karaca, H., & Hristidis, Ş. K. (2008). Erozyon Dede: Hayrettin Karaca kitabı (Ist Ed.) Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür.
  • Kellstedt, P. M. & others. (2008). Personal efficacy, the information environment, and attitudes toward global warming and climate change in the United States. Risk Analysis, 28(1), 113–126. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1539-6924.2008.01010.x
  • Kingsley, M. T. (2004). With malicious intent. Authorhouse.
  • Lertzman, R. (2015). Environmental melancholia: Psychoanalytic dimensions of engagement. Routledge.
  • Lindgren, T. (2007). Composition and the rhetoric of eco-effective design. The University of Georgia Press.
  • Lines, W. J. (2001). Open air: essays. New Holland.
  • Llamas-LoPinto, L., & LoPinto, C. (2000). Countdown in Alaska. EnviroCrime Publishers.
  • Morton, T. (2013). Hyperobjects: Philosophy and ecology after the end of the world. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Norgaard, K. M. (2011). Living in denial: Climate change, emotions, and everyday life. MIT Press.
  • Obama, B. (2015). Remarks by the president in announcing the clean power plan. https://www.
  • Slovic, S., & Slovic, P. (2015). Introduction: the psychophysics of brightness and the value of a life. In numbers and nerves: İnformation, emotion, and meaning in a world of data. Oregon State University Press.
  • Tong, R. (2009). Feminist thought: A more comprehensive introduction. Westview.
  • Västfjäll, D., Slovic, P., & Mayorga, M. (2015). Pseudoinefficacy and the arithmetic of compassion. In Numbers and nerves: information, emotion, and meaning in a world of data. Oregon State University Press.
  • Warren, K. J. (2000). Ecofeminist philosophy: A western perspective on what it is and why it matters. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Weik von Mossner, A. (2017). Affective ecologies: Empathy, emotion, and environmental narrative. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Weyler, R. (2013). Nature’s Apprentice: A meta-narrative for aging empires. Manoa, 25(1), 187–196.
  • Wishnia, K. J. A. (2001). The Glass Factory: A Filomena Buscarsela mystery. Signet.

Affective Ecocriticism: From Environmental Crisis to the Crisis of Environmentalism

Year 2024, Volume: 30 Issue: 119, 829 - 856, 01.08.2024


This article discusses the crisis that environmentalism is currently facing and delves
into the challenges it confronts in galvanizing people, authorities, institutions,
and organizations to effectuate change. Despite environmentalism’s success in
raising awareness about environmental issues, it has fallen short of achieving the
desired level of action. A proposed approach known as “affective ecocriticism”
has been suggested in response to this issue. This approach involves identifying
and addressing the affective elements influencing an individual’s reaction to
environmental concerns. The article recognizes the potential for individuals to
develop desensitization or feelings of being overwhelmed due to the extensive
volume of data and the magnitude of ecological destruction. Additionally, it
acknowledges that environmental concerns can be perceived as abstract, leading
individuals to disregard or evade them. By comprehensively understanding and
deliberately addressing these emotional obstacles, the ecological movement can
progress towards effective solutions that prioritize the welfare of the Earth and
its inhabitants. To invigorate environmentalism and overcome its limitations,
affective ecocriticism and ecofictive narratives are posited as viable alternatives.
Ecofictive narratives can establish a personal connection with the audience, kindle
a sense of inspiration, and highlight individuals who serve as models for positive
change. The article emphasizes the significance of employing affirmative emotions
and fostering a sense of community through storytelling to engage individuals in
environmental issues.

Ethical Statement

Research and Publication Ethics Statement: This article constitutes an original research paper based on original data. It has neither been published previously nor submitted for publication elsewhere. The author has adhered to ethical principles and guidelines throughout the research process. Authors’ Contributions: The article is authored solely by one individual. Ethics Committee Approval: Ethical committee approval is not required for this study. Financial Support: No financial support was obtained for this research. Conflict of Interest: There are no potential conflicts of interest related to this study.


  • Arithmetic of Compassion. (2023). In the arithmetic of compassion. web/20230919183546/
  • Atwood, M., & McKibben, B. Eds., (2011). I’m with the bears: Short stories from a damaged planet. Verso.
  • Barbash, T. (2002). The last good chance (1st Ed, p. 440). Picador USA.
  • Beck, U. (1992). Risk society: towards a new modernity. Sage Publications.
  • Bernhardt, W. (2000). Silent justice (1st Ed, p. 391). Ballantine Books.
  • Bladow, K. A., & Ladino, J. K. (2018). Affective ecocriticism: Imotion, embodiment, environment. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Braidotti, R. (2013). The posthuman. Polity Press.
  • Delinsky, B. (2006). Looking for Peyton Place. Pocket Books.
  • Emmett, R. S., & Nye, D. E. (2017). The environmental humanities: A critical introduction. MIT Press.
  • Garrard, G. (2004). Ecocriticism. Routledge.
  • Gregg, M., & Seigworth, G. J. (2010). The affect theory reader. Duke university press.
  • Haltinner, K., & Sarathchandra, D. (2018). Climate change skepticism as a psychological coping strategy. Sociology Compass, 12 (6).
  • Heise, U. K., Christensen, J., & Niemann, M. Eds., (2017). The Routledge companion to the environmental humanities. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Hockenberry, J. (2002). A River out of Eden. Anchor Books.
  • Houser, H. (2014). Ecosickness in contemporary U.S. fiction: Environment and affect. Columbia University Press.
  • Houser, H. (2020). Infowhelm: Environmental art and literature in an age of data. Columbia University Press.
  • Karaca, H., & Hristidis, Ş. K. (2008). Erozyon Dede: Hayrettin Karaca kitabı (Ist Ed.) Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür.
  • Kellstedt, P. M. & others. (2008). Personal efficacy, the information environment, and attitudes toward global warming and climate change in the United States. Risk Analysis, 28(1), 113–126. https://doi. org/10.1111/j.1539-6924.2008.01010.x
  • Kingsley, M. T. (2004). With malicious intent. Authorhouse.
  • Lertzman, R. (2015). Environmental melancholia: Psychoanalytic dimensions of engagement. Routledge.
  • Lindgren, T. (2007). Composition and the rhetoric of eco-effective design. The University of Georgia Press.
  • Lines, W. J. (2001). Open air: essays. New Holland.
  • Llamas-LoPinto, L., & LoPinto, C. (2000). Countdown in Alaska. EnviroCrime Publishers.
  • Morton, T. (2013). Hyperobjects: Philosophy and ecology after the end of the world. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Norgaard, K. M. (2011). Living in denial: Climate change, emotions, and everyday life. MIT Press.
  • Obama, B. (2015). Remarks by the president in announcing the clean power plan. https://www.
  • Slovic, S., & Slovic, P. (2015). Introduction: the psychophysics of brightness and the value of a life. In numbers and nerves: İnformation, emotion, and meaning in a world of data. Oregon State University Press.
  • Tong, R. (2009). Feminist thought: A more comprehensive introduction. Westview.
  • Västfjäll, D., Slovic, P., & Mayorga, M. (2015). Pseudoinefficacy and the arithmetic of compassion. In Numbers and nerves: information, emotion, and meaning in a world of data. Oregon State University Press.
  • Warren, K. J. (2000). Ecofeminist philosophy: A western perspective on what it is and why it matters. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Weik von Mossner, A. (2017). Affective ecologies: Empathy, emotion, and environmental narrative. The Ohio State University Press.
  • Weyler, R. (2013). Nature’s Apprentice: A meta-narrative for aging empires. Manoa, 25(1), 187–196.
  • Wishnia, K. J. A. (2001). The Glass Factory: A Filomena Buscarsela mystery. Signet.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Turkish Folklore (Other)
Journal Section Article

Sezgin Toska 0000-0002-6539-1220

Publication Date August 1, 2024
Submission Date November 18, 2023
Acceptance Date May 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 30 Issue: 119


APA Toska, S. (2024). Affective Ecocriticism: From Environmental Crisis to the Crisis of Environmentalism. Folklor/Edebiyat, 30(119), 829-856.

Journal website:
The journal’s publication languages are both English and Turkish. Also despite articles in Turkish, the title, abstract, and keywords are also in English. Turkish articles approved by the reviewers are required to submit an extended summary (750-1000 words) in English.
The journal is indexed by TR-Dizin, Web of Science (ESCI), DOAJ, and many other indexes and datebases.
Within the scope of TR DIZIN 2020 Ethical Criteria and as of the year 2020, studies requiring ethics committee approval must indicate Ethics Committee Approval details (committe-date-issue) in the article’s methods section. With this in mind, we request from our author candidates to edit their article accordingly before sending it to the journal.

Field EdItors

Prof.Dr. Hande Birkalan-Gedik
(Frankfurt University-
Prof. Dr. Arzu Öztürkmen
(Bosphorus University-
Prof. Dr. G. Gonca Gökalp Alpaslan (Hacettepe University - ggonca@
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Korkmaz
(President, Caucasus University Association-
Prof. Dr. Akile Gürsoy
(Beykent University -
Prof.Dr. Serpil Aygün Cengiz
(Ankara University -
Prof.Dr. Aysu Erden
(Maltepe University -
Prof. Dr. V. Doğan Günay
(Dokuz Eylul University-